Phrasal Verb Prepositional Verb Verb + Adverbial Particle Verb + Prep

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S' of:
relationship between the part of thing and related to
ownership usually related to a another
person Ex: leg of table
Ex:Tom's house


Have the head only or the head Consist of pre-modifier ,head
with the determiner noun and post modifier
Ex:all the four necklaces Ex: the beautiful girl at the

Phrasal verb Prepositional verb

Verb + adverbial particle Verb + Prep

Can be transitive or intransitive Always transitive


Can be inserted /separated by an Can’t be inserted by an object

object Ex : They called on the man
Ex : They called him up
Can’t be inserted by an adverb Allow an inserted adverb after the
Ex : They called early up the man verb and a relative pronoun after
the prep .
Ex : They called early on the man

The Preposition in Phrasal verb The Preposition in Prepositional

can’t be moved with relative verb can be in front of a relative
pronoun pronoun , but not adverbial
Ex: The man up whom they called questions
→ The man whom they called up Ex: The man on whom they called
Phrasal prepositional verb Verb + 2 particles
 always transitive
 Can’t be separated by an object
Ex: We ran gas out of/We ran out gas of→ We ran out of gas.
 Can be separated by an adverb ,but not immediately before
the object.
Ex: He puts up with willingly that secretary of his.
→ He puts up willingly with that secretary of his.
 In relative clauses and questions , the particles are
positioned after the verb or less commonly with the relative
Ex: The party which we were looking forward to is so early.
Or The party to which we were looking forward is so early.

 Obligatory  Optional
 they cannot be omitted.  they cannot be omitted.
 they are all selected by  do not complement the
the verb and we view predicate in the same way
them as being present to  are not necessary to a
‘complement’ the verb to sentence
form a legitimate VP
 are necessary for the Ex:When nine year olds,my
sentence to make sense mother enrolled in medical
Ex:She is beautiful school
Both develop the meaning of the words they are attached to


A direct object is the receiver The indirect object identifies to
of action within a sentence or for whom or what the action
of the verb is performed
Does not depend on the Depend on the direct object
indirect object
Are preceded by the verb Are usually preceded by
prepositions to/for
Ex: Quynh makes a sandwich My mother give me some

subject complement object complement

A subject complement follows An object complement follows
a linking verb; and modifies or refers to
a subject or describe the subect a direct object. It can be a
noun or adjective or any word
acting as a noun or adjective.
Susan is a nurse They will christen her Victoria

Finite VP Non-finite VP
Contain a finite V which has Contain a non-finite V which
past , present or future tense is in the form of the infinitive
,the –ING form and the –ED

Finite verb forms show tense, Non-finite verb forms do not

person and number show tense, person or number

Ex: They play football They want to play football

Intensive verbs Extensive verbs:

We use intensive verbs to We use extensive verbs to say
describe the subject. Intensive what the subject is doing.
verbs are also called copula Extensive verbs are most other
verbs, are usually followed by a
verbs, they do not have a subject
noun or a noun phrase, an
adjective or a prepositional complement.
phrase Ex: John runs very fast.
S + Vinten (Linking Verb) +Cs
Mary paints quite badly
Ex: Rose is a student
Ex: Tomas looks very young for
his age

S + Vinten (Linking Verb)

Ex: Jully is in the zoo.

Intransitive verbs Transitive verbs

S + Vt + O
A transitive verb is one that is
used with an object:
a noun, phrase, or pronoun that
refers to the person or thing that is
affected by the action of the verb.
Ex: Let’s invite Tom
An intransitive verb does not You surprised me.
have an object: S + Vi • MONOTRANSITIVE verbs
Ex: Do sit down! Require ONE object
The children is playing Ex: He has learnt Spanish
• Ditransitive verbs
Require TWO objects
V di + Oi + Od
V di + Od + prep + Oi
• Complex transitive verbs
V complex + O + C
V complex + O + A


Describe states or conditions. Describe the action or the

Ex: I feel really under the change of status.
weather today. Ex: The cat is chasing the
They can not be used in the They can be used in the
progressive form progressive form


Expresses a constant state Expresses atemporary state
Ex:Big,red,small Ex:brave
Cannot be used in an Can be used in an imperative
imperative Ex:Be brave !
Ex: Be heavy
Cannot be used in an Can be used in an progessive
progessive form form
Ex:He is being big Ex:We're being very patient
with you


Precede they modify Follow the noun they modify
A black cap
Can be used with both action Occur immediately after a
and linking verbs linking verb

Cannot act as subject Can act as subject complement

That's an expensive watch Your watch looks expensive

Prove that To infinitive clauses can functionally be

nominal,adjectival and adverbial
An infinite clause can be just an an infinitve on its own
Infinitive with to can be the subject ,object,complement,or
adverbial in the sentence .It can function as a noun ,adjective or
To understand English grammar is quite difficult
I am glad to see you in class today
To keep warm at night ,you should buy an electric blanket
To be honest, I hate the cold weather
Prove that V-ing clauses can functionally be nominal,adjectival
and adverbial
Jogging three miles everyday is good for you
I'm happy being with you
Walking a long the road ,I saw an accident
Having read the paper, I can't see why you care

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