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A sizes of, 36–7 photosynthesis, 245–6 precipitation in, 202–4,

accuracy, 216, 310–11 average rate of reaction, carbon, 7 206, 208–10
acids, reactions with 290 allotropes of, 249–51 volumes of gases in,
metals, 116–17 Avogadro, Amadeo, atomic masses relative 151–2
activation, energy, 283–4 149–51 to, 131–2 chlorine molecules, 52–4
catalysts and, 297–8 Avogadro, constant, 134, carbon–carbon bonds, coal, 268–9, 286
ignition, temperatures 151 253–5 coefficients (of an
and, 285 Avogadro’s hypothesis, 151 functional groups, equation), 113
reaction rates and, 266–8 coke (from coal), 269,
295–6 B in living matter, 11 274–5
activity series, 119–20 backward reactions, 210 naming compounds of, colour, 20
adsorb, 298 balanced equations, 74, 260–2, 265, 267 combining power, see
alcohols, see alkanols 113 carbon dioxide in valence (valency)
alkali metals, 46–7 balanced formulae (neutral greenhouse effect, 288 combustion, 274–99
alkaline solutions, 199 species) equations, carbon monoxide from pollution from fossil
alkalis, 199 116, 206–7 fossil fuels, 286 fuels, 286–8
alkanes, 259–63, 270–1 ball-and-stick models, catalysts, 291, 296–9 slow, fast and explosive,
alkanols, 267 253–4 catalytic cracking, 258 289
alkenes, 263–5 barium sulfate, 204 cations, 51, 78 complete, ionic, equations,
alkyl groups, 267 bauxite, 2, 6–7 change in enthalpy (heat 117, 206–7
allotropy, 249–51 binary compounds, 77 of reaction), 276–8, compounds, 6–8, 187–8,
alloys, 99–102, 108 biological catalysts, 298–9 281, 298 see also molecules
aluminium, 6–7, 106–7, biosphere, 9–10 changes of state, 20 nature of and Periodic
109, 123–4 boiling, 21, 72 chemical bonds, 52, Table, 165–6
ammonia, 187–8, 190–1 boiling points, 20–2, 282–3, see also specific concentration, 208, 212–13
anhydrous, 196 158–9, 185 types, e.g., covalent condensation
anions, 51, 78 bonds see chemical bonds bonding (liquefaction), 22
apparatus for measuring branched-chain alkanes, chemical energy, 247, condensed structural
solutions, 214–16 259–60 276–7, 282–3 formulae, 263–4
aqueous solutions, 195–7, bromine, 29, 58 chemical properties, 28, conservation of mass
199, 202–28, see also Bronze Age, 108, 123 69, 104 (matter), 69
ions buckminsterfullerene chemical reactions copper, 7, 111–14
atmosphere, 9–10, 25, 183 (buckyball), 250 (changes), 68–9, 72, Copper Age, 107, 123
atomic number, 42–3, 156 burettes, 214–16 see also equations for copper nitrate heating, 70
atomic radius, 157–8 burning see combustion chemical reactions corrosion resistance, 104
atomic theory (Dalton), butane, 259, 270–1 carbon functional covalent binary compounds,
149 groups, 266–8 naming, 81
atomic weight, see relative C decomposition, 70–3 covalent bonding, 52–4,
atomic mass (weight) calcium fluoride, 50–1 direct combination, 73–4 188–9, 251–3
atoms, 35, 40–2 calculations, significant endothermic and covalent compounds
converting moles to, figures and, 311 exothermic, 274–6 (molecules), 53, 55,
136–7 carbohydrates from metals in, 115–17, 121 80–1, 165–6

covalent molecular elements, 6–8, see also filtration, 12, 16 heat changes,
substances, 54, 57–9, Periodic Table; first ionisation energy, 120, decomposition
63, 187–8, 196–9 relative atomic mass 159–61 reactions, 70
covalent network solids (weight) food web, 247 heat of combustion, 280–1
(lattices), 59–61, atomic structure, 41–2 formula weight, 133, heat of reaction, (change
197–8 on Earth as free see also relative in enthalpy), 276–8,
crude oil, 256–8 elements, 25 molecular mass 281, 298
crystallisation, 196 electron configurations, (molecular weight) heteroatomic molecules,
44–5 formulae, 37–8, 76, 188
D electronegativities, 166 129–53, see also heterogeneous catalysts, 297
Dalton, John, 149 molecules and lattices electron-dot heterogeneous matter, 5, 8
decanting (decantation), 12 of, 38–9, 60–1 structures (diagrams) heterogeneous reactions,
decomposition reactions, properties and uses of, covalent binary 292
70–3 27–8 compounds, 81 history
delocalised electrons, 62 symbols for, 37, inside empirical, 51, 140–1 formulae and equations,
‘delta charges’, 188 right front cover ionic compounds, 51, 149–51
density, 21, 23, 185 valencies of, 163 76–7 metals, 107–9, 122–4
diamond, 59–60, 249–51 empirical formulae, 51, molecular, 141 Periodic Table, 154–6
diatomic ions, 79 140–1 structural, 187–8, homogeneous catalysts,
diatomic molecules, 39 endothermic reactions, 252–3, 263–4 296–7
dilution, 215–16 223, 275–6, 282–3 forward reactions, 210 homogeneous matter, 5,
dipole–dipole forces, energy, 240–300 fossil fuels, 244–5, 247–8 8, 16
189–90 flow through the Australian sources, 248 homogeneous reactions,
dipoles, 188–9 environment, 246 composition of, 268–9 291–2
direct combination for metal extraction, crude oil, 256–8 homologous series, 260,
reactions, 73–4 113–14 pollution from, 286–8 263
discrete energy levels, use and sources of, 241, fractional distillation, hydrates, 195–6
43–4 243–5 14–15 hydrides, boiling points of,
dispersion forces, 189–90 energy changes, crude oil, 256–8 192
dissolution 196–7, 208–10 decomposition gases, 17 hydrocarbons, 255, see also
heat changes on, 223–4 reactions and, 73 fractionating columns, 14, fossil fuels
distillates, 13 energy levels (energy 256 in crude oil, 258, 268
distillation, 13–15 shells), 43–4, 47 freezing points, 21 naming, 260–2, 265,
crude oil, 256–8 energy-rich compounds, froth flotation, 111 267
double bonds, 251 246–7 fullerenes, 250–1 physical properties, 262,
dynamic equilibrium, 209 enthalpy, 276–8, 281 functional groups, 265
enzymes, 298–9 266–8 safe storage, 270–1
E equations for chemical uses of, 269–70
Earth, the reactions, 74–5, G hydrogen in Periodic Table,
resources from, 2–3, 11 129–53 gases 48
‘spheres’ of, 9–10 copper extraction, moles of, 136 hydrogen bonds, 190–2
substances on, 10–11, 112–14 separation of, 17–18 hydrogen chloride, 53–4
25, 26, 61, 184 ionic equations, 56, 116 volumes in reactions, hydrogen sulfide, 187–8
economics of metal use, mass and, 143–6 151–2 hydronium ions, 198
124–5 moles and, 142–4 gasoline (petrol), 257–8 hydrosphere, 9–10, 180–1,
electrical conductivity, 103 precipitation reactions, Gay-Lussac, Joseph, 183
electrodes, 71 206 149–51
electrolysis, 71–2 ethane, 259, 270 gemstones, 61 I
electron clouds, 40–1 ethanol, 267 germanium, 155–6 ice expansion on freezing,
electron configurations, distillation, 15 graphite, 249–51 193–4
44–5 ethene (ethylene), 263–4 gravimetric analysis, 23–5 ignition temperatures,
stable, 45–9 evaporation, 12–13, 16, 21 greenhouse effect, 288 284–5
electron-dot structures evaporation to dryness, groups in Periodic Table, immiscible liquids, 15–16
(diagrams), 53–6, 12–13 28, 48 impure substances, 5
187, see also formulae exothermic reactions, 223, insoluble defined, 204
double and triple bonds, 275–6, 282–3 H intermolecular forces, 58,
251–2 expansion on freezing, half reactions (equations), 189–92
electron transfer reactions 193–4 118 ionic bonding, 49–51, 56
(redox reactions), explosions, 299 halogens, 46–7 Periodic Table and, 51,
117–18 hardness, 103 165–6
electronegativity, 166, 189 F heat, quantity of, 222–3 ionic compounds, 57–8
electrons, 40–1 families of elements, 47 heat capacity, 185, 222–4, electron-dot structures,
energy levels, 43–4 filtrates, 12 226 55

equations, 116–17 see also reactivity of net ionic equations, 116, physical properties, 69
formulae, 51, 76–7 metals 206 elements and their uses,
naming, 77–9 extraction from ores, neutral species (balanced 27–8
solutions of, 195, 205 110–14, 122, 147–8 formulae) equations, hydrocarbons, 262,
ionic lattices, 59 history of 107–9, 122–4 116, 206–7 264–5
ionisation energy, 120, lattices, 62 neutrons, 41 ionic and covalent
159–61 in Periodic Table, 29, nitrogen oxides, 287 compounds, 57–9
ionisation reactions, 199 164–5 noble gas configurations, mechanical, 105
ions, 49–51 reactions with acids, 46, 49 metals, 62, 103–4
in aqueous solution, oxygen and water, noble gases, 25, 47 periodic variation in,
202–28 115–17 nomenclature, IUPAC, 157–9
electron-dot structures, reactivity of, 115–17, 261–2 water, 184–6, 192–4,
54 121 non-metals, 26–7, 165 221, 226–7
polyatomic, 79 recycling, 126 in Periodic Table, 29 physical states, 20, 29, 207
iron, 105–6, 108, 123–4 uses of, 100–1, 105–7, non-polar solvents, 197 picometres, atomic radii
Iron Age, 108, 123 121, 124–5 non-renewable resources, measured in, 158
isomers of alkenes, 264–5 methane, 187–8, 259, 270 126 pipettes, 214–16
isotopes, 131 combustion, 274–5 normal boiling points, 21–2 planet Earth, see Earth, the
IUPAC nomenclature, Meyer, Lothar, 155 nucleus of atoms, 40–1 polar covalent bonds,
261–2 mineral ores, extraction of 188–9
metals from, 110–14, O polar molecules, 188–9
K 122, 147–8 octane, 260, 274–5 polar solvents, 195
kinetic energy, 295 minerals, 110 oil, see crude oil pollution from fossil fuels,
miscible liquids, 15 ores, extraction of metals 286–8
L mixtures, 5–6, 8, 36 from, 110–14, 122, polyatomic ions, 79
lattices, 59–63, 197–8 gravimetric analysis, 147–8 polymers, solubility of,
law of combining volumes, 23–5 oxidation, 115, 117–19 198
150–1 modified periodic law, 156 oxides of nitrogen, 287 positive particles, see
law of conservation of mass molar heat of combustion, cations; protons
(matter), 69 280–1 P precipitates, 202
law of octaves, 154–5 molar heat of solution, particle nature of matter, precipitation reactions,
lead bromide, 71 223–4 33–4, 36 202–4, 206, 208–10
lead iodide, 204 molar mass, 135 particulates from burning products (of chemical,
‘lead’ pencils, 251 molarity, 217–19 fossil fuels, 287–8 reactions), 69
Lewis electron-dot molecular formulae, 38, parts per million (ppm), propane, 259, 270–1
structures, 252 141 213 propene, 263
light decomposition molecular models, 253–4 per cent by weight, 213 protons, 41
reactions, 72–3 molecular substances, per cent composition, pure substances, 5–6, 8,
liquefaction, 22 covalent, 54, 57–9, 138–9 see also compounds;
liquids, separation of, 63, 187–8, 196–9 percentage yield, 148 elements
12–16 molecular weight, 132 Periodic Table, 28–9, 47–9, boiling points, 22
lithosphere, 9–10, 61, 183 molecules, 35–6 154–68, inside left properties used to
living matter, 11 converting moles to, front cover identify, 20
water and, 183–4, 195, 136–7 covalent bonding and, purification, see
198, 226–7 elements, 38–9 54 separation
sizes of, 36–7 electron configurations
M moles (quantity), 134–7 and, 48 Q
magnesium, 109 chemical equations and, history, 154–6 quantitative aspects
main-group elements, 28 142–4 ionic bonding and, 51 of formulae and
mass calculations and monatomic molecules, 39 metals and non-metals equations, 129–53
equations, 143–6 motion, 34 in, 29, 120 quantity of heat, 222–3
mass number, 42–3, see periodic law, 155, 159
also relative atomic N periods in, 28, 48 R
mass (weight) naming, see also formulae valence and, 48, 163 rates of reactions, 290–6
measuring cylinders, covalent compounds, periodic variation, 157–9 combustion, 289
214–15 80–1 petrochemical industry, reactants, 69
mechanical properties of hydrocarbons, 260–2, 270 reactivity, 165
solids, 105 265, 267 petrochemical smog, 287 reactivity of metals,
melting points, 20–1, 158, ionic compounds, 77–9 petrol (gasoline), 257–8 115–17, 120, 165
185 natural gas, 268, 270 phase descriptors, 207 activity series, 119–20
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 155 separation, 17–18 photosynthesis, 245–6 choice of metal based
metallic bonding, 62 negative particles, see physical changes, 67, 69, upon 121
metals, 26–7, 96–128, 165, anions; electrons 72 corrosion resistance, 104

ease of extraction and, living organisms and, 226 V
122 spectator ions, 117, 203 valence (valency), 47–8,
recycling metals, 126 ‘spheres’ of planet Earth, 77, 80, inside left back
redox reactions, 117–20 9–10, 183 cover
reduction, 117–18, 120 spontaneous reactions, 289 Periodic Table and, 163
relative atomic mass stable electron valence shells, 47
(weight), 130–2, configurations, 45–7 vaporisation, 12–13
inside right back cover state symbols (phase viscosity, 184–5, 193
mass number, 42–3 descriptors), 207 volatility, 14, 262
relative to carbon, 131–2 states of matter, 20, 29, 207 volumes of gases in
relative formula mass steels (iron or ferrous reactions, 151–2
(formula weight), 133 alloys), 100, 102 volumetric flasks, 214–16
relative molecular mass history and uses, 105–6,
(molecular weight), 108 W
132 stoichiometry, 129 water, 180–200
respiration (cellular), 245–6 straight-chain aqueous solutions,
reverse reactions, 210 hydrocarbons, 259, 195–7, 199, 202–28
reversible reactions, 210–11 265, 268 boiling, 72
structural formulae, 187–8, covalent bonding, 53–4
S 252–4, 263–4 electrolysis, 71–2
saturated solutions, 208 sulfur, 3, 7 expansion on freezing,
‘sea’ of electrons, see sulfur dioxide from burning 193–4
delocalised electrons fossil fuels, 286–7 in hydrosphere, 10
sea water, 10 surface tension, 184–5, living organisms and,
salt from, 3, 13 192–3 226–7
sedimentation, 12 suspensions, 16 properties of, 184–6,
semi-metals, 29, 164–5 symbolic equations, 192–4
separating funnels, 15–16 see equations for reactions of, 115–16,
separation, 18 chemical reactions 198–9
gases, 17–18 symbols for elements, 37, ‘role’ in the earth, 184
liquids, 13–16 inside right front cover, specific heat capacity,
solids, 12, 16–17 see also electron- 223
solids and liquids, 12–13 dot structures structure of, 187–8
sieving, 12 (diagrams); formulae thermal pollution, 227–8
significant figures, 216, systematic names, see thermal properties of,
310–11 naming 221
silica, 60 water of crystallisation, 196
single bonds, 251 T word equations, 74
sizes of atoms and temperature, 222–3
molecules, 36–7, 40 activation energy and, Y
smelting, 111 295–6 yield of metal from ores,
sodium chloride, 50 tensile strength, 103 147–8
soils, 11 thermal conductivity, 103,
solar energy, photosynthesis 185
and, 245–6 living organisms, and,
solids, 59, 63 226
separation from liquids, thermal equilibrium, 222
12–13 thermal pollution, 227–8
solubility, 199, 208, see also thermal properties of water,
aqueous solutions 221, 226–7
data tables, 204–5 titanium, 109, 124
separation, based on, transition elements,
16–17 (metals), 28, 48
soluble defined, 204 triple bonds, 251
solutes, 16–17 trivial names, 262
solutions, 12 tungsten, 109
apparatus for measuring,
214–16 U
solvents, 12, 17, 195 U tubes, 17
space-filling models, 253–4 ultraviolet light, 293
specific heat capacity, 185, unsaturated solutions, 208


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