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To discover your PERSONAL values, look at the list below of more than
100 personal and work values. Tick your top 25.
NB: This list is by no means exhaustive and can add to it accordingly

o Accomplishment o Fun o Prosperity

o Achievement o Global view o Punctuality
o Accountability o Good health o Purpose
o Accuracy o Gratitude o Recognition
o Adventure o Greatness o Regularity
o Attitude - positive o Growth o Relationships
o Beauty o Happiness o Reliability
o Calm o Hard work o Resourcefulness
o Challenge o Harmony o Respect for others
o Change o Honesty o Responsibility
o Collaboration o Improvement o Results-oriented
o Commitment o Independence o Safety
o Communication o Individuality o Satisfaction
o Community o Inner peace o Security
o Comfort o Innovation o Self-giving
o Compassion o Integrity o Self-reliance
o Competence o Intuitiveness o Self-thinking
o Competition o Justice Service
o Connection o Knowledge (to others, society)
o Cooperation o Leadership o Simplicity
o Coordination o Learning o Skill
o Creativity o Love o Solving Problems
o Decisiveness o Loyalty o Speed
o Delight of being, joy o Management o Spontaneity
o Democracy Maximum o Standardisation
o Discipline utilization (of time, o Status
o Discovery resources) o Structure
o Diversity o Meaning o Succeed; A will to
o Effectiveness o Modelling o Success; Achievement
o Efficiency o Money o Teamwork
o Empowerment o Openness o Techniques
o Excellence o Orderliness o Timeliness
o Fairness o Passion o Tolerance
o Faith o Peace - inner o Tradition
o Faithfulness o Perfection o Transformation
o Family o Personal Choice o Tranquility
o Flair o Pleasure o Trust
o Flexibility o Power o Truth
o Focus o Practicality o Unity
o Freedom o Preservation o Variety
o Friendship o Privacy o Wealth
o Progress o Wisdom

Once you have a list of 25 values, look at them again and then highlight 10 core
PERSONAL values that are most important to you. Write them below:

My 10 Core Personal Values

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

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