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Traveller Worlds Remarks and Trade Codes

Remarks and trade classifications indicate obvious or important characteristics for the main world in the system. They serve to show
the potential for a world based on its capacity as a source of trade goods, a market for trade goods, or both.


Code Description
As Asteroid Belt Siz 0
De Desert Atm 2-9, Hyd 0
Fl Fluid Hydrographics (in place of water) Atm A-C, Hyd 1+
Ga Garden World Siz 6-8, Atm 5,6,8, Hyd 5-7
He Hellworld Siz 3-5,9+, Atm 2,4,7,9-C, Hyd 0-2
Ic Ice Capped Atm 0-1, Hyd 1+
Oc Ocean World Siz A+, Hyd A
Va Vacuum World Atm 0
Wa Water World Siz 3-A, Atm 3-9, Hyd A


Code Description
Di Dieback.PGL 0, TL 1+
Ba Barren PGL 0, TL 0
Lo Low Population Pop 1-3
Ni Non-Industrial Pop 4-6
Ph Pre-High Population Pop 8
Hi High Population Pop 9+


Code Description
Pa Pre-Agricultural Atm 4-9, Hyd 4-8, Pop 4,8
Ag Agricultural Atm 4-9, Hyg 4-8, Pop 5-7
Na Non-Agricultural Atm 3-, Hyd 3-, Pop 6+
Pi Pre-Industrial Atm 0,1,2,4,7,9, Pop 7-8
In Industrialized Atm 0,1,2,4,7,9-C, Pop 9+
Po Poor Atm 2-5, Hyd 3-
Pr Pre-Rich Atm 6,8, Pop 5,9
Ri Rich Atm 6,8, Pop 6-8


Code Description
Fr Frozen Siz 2-9, Hyd 1+, HZ +2 or Outer
Ho Hot HZ -1
Co Cold HZ +1
Lk Locked Close Satellite
Tr Tropic Siz 6-9, Atm 4-9, Hyd 3-7, HZ -1
Tu Tundra Siz 6-9, Atm 4-9, Hyd 3-7, HZ +1
Tz Twilight Zone Orbit 0-1

Code Description
Fa Farming Atm 4-9, Hyd 4-8, Pop 2-6, Not MW, HZ
Mi Mining Pop 2-6, Not MW, MW=In
Mr Military Rule By regional Allegiance power.
Px Prison, Exile Camp MW
Pe Penal Colony Not MW
Re Reserve


Code Description
Cp Subsector Capital
Cs Sector Capital
Cx Capital
Cy Colony (see O:XXYY)


Code Description
Sa Satellite
Fo Forbidden (Red Zone) [Possible “Black Ops or Book of Black Knowledge” world]
Pz Puzzle (Amber Zone).Pop 7+
Da Danger (Amber Zone).Pop 6-
Ab Data Repository
An Ancient Site
Rs Research Station Imperial
RsA Research Station with Designator A = Alpha, B = Beta, G= Gamma, etc Imperial.


Code Description
O:XXYY Controlled by world in hex XXYY.
O:XXYY-SSSS Controlled by world in hex XXYY in sector SSSS.
O:AA Controlled by allegiance AA.
Mr:XXYY Military rule by world in hex XXYY.


Code Description
[Sophont] Home world of major race
(Sophont)0 Home world of minor race. 0-9 indicates tenths of population if < 100%.
Non-Standard / Legacy Codes

Code Description
Sophont Population. S is abbreviation for the sophont name. 0-9 indicates tenths of population; w is 100%, e.g. Dw = Droyne
Nh Non-Hiver Population Hiver.
Nk Non-K’kree Population K’kree.
Tp Terra-prime Adventure 5: Leviathan.
Tn Terra-norm Adventure 5: Leviathan.
Lt Low Technology Mongoose Publishing.
Ht High Technology Mongoose Publishing.
Fa Fascinating Hiver.
St Steppeworld K’kree
Ex Exile Camp Imperial.
Pr Prison World Imperial.
Xb Xboat Station Imperial.

Legacy sophont abbreviations include: A = Aslan, C = Chirper, D = Droyne, F = Non-Hiver Federation Member, H = Hiver, I =
Ithklur, M = Human (e.g. in Vargr space), V = Vargr, X = Addaxur, Z = Zhodani.

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