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Computer Crimes and Security

Research Questions ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Objective: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Research Methodologies ............................................................................................................................. 5
Expected result:........................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Gant Chart: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
References:................................................................................................................................................... 8

The who have technical skills in a bad manner usually they attack on the someone else soft property
either to steal information or to destroy his data. These attacks are now a days increasing in a high
ratio. Internet is the main medium use for these attacks. The biggest vector use by these criminals
is the social engineering. some of the acts are applied against these criminals by governments of
almost all countries to overcome the security issue and stop these crimes. Here will discuss who
the criminals are and how can we stop them and next is that how can we provide security to our
Research Questions
Currently the computer security is a big issue in the market. Many cyber criminals are
destroying a large set of data for these own benefits, while most of them use their skills in a
negative sense to steal money, and information from banks and peoples. Here are some questions
that is the main issues in the current technological environment.

Who commit the crimes on computer?

Computer criminals are those who harm some one’s property on computer, who scam peoples, do
credit card frauds, spamming, hack personal data, destroy the organizational data, and also the
hardware systems.

How crimes are committed?

The computer criminals usually commit crime using the cyber media, or either and hardware
devices to upload virus to the target computer. That virus either destroy the data or copy the data
from the host computer. Some viruses are uploaded through spamming or by direct devices
connection. Along with credit card fraud can also be done through that process.

what are the trends, and how many crimes are committed?

The cybercrime trend is currently one of the top issue in technology. Hackers are stealing a lot of
money through cybercrimes from the markets they are destroying a lot of data as well which is
also destroying the market shares. One of the survey shows that more than 20 thousand
cybercrimes commit daily.

Reference* Fraud cyber offences included official crime statistics time 3273493,

how to reduce these crimes?

These crimes can be reduced by enforcing different laws related to the crimes and punish the
criminals by the upper bounds, treat them strictly and bring them to custodies, they should treat
them as per rules introduce by the judiciaries.
How to provide security to computers?

Providing security can be done on installing different firewalls and intrusion detections on the
systems, installing anti viruses to systems, protect the systems with the high authentication user
name and passwords. There are different tricks and software’s which helps from the attacks of
As these crimes are increasing day by day, and it is affecting the individuals, business and
also the government organizations. The aim of this research is that to identify who these criminals
are, what they do they do with a computer and how they destroy the systems along with the
identification of all these issues we have to find the solutions for that to stop them and provide
security to our systems. Also this research will discuss the laws and enforcement that are linked to
these crimes. This research will briefly describe the objectives of the computer systems and their
security issues. Also we will discuss the future aspects of the computer systems. The main issues
related to the cyber which harm the computers or some one’s personal data. Which is the leading
issue in the current market.

Research Methodologies
now there is a need to solve these issues, for that, different methods and methodologies
should be used. These method and methodologies will help in solving or issues, and will also
help in the identification of the root causes of these issues. Discuss below are some methods
which will be used to identify and solve the issue.

 Collecting data from different medias, different environments, and user by interviewing
 Interviewing different ethical hackers, forensic investigator and some tester. To find the
ways and different tricks use by the criminals.
 Identifying all acts against the cyber criminals. Identify the punishments against each act.
 Questioner and surveying from different related peoples.
 Chatting in online underground forums and blogs.
 Arranging seminars and conferences for some professionals of the industries.
 Visiting computer forensic labs one or two related to the cyber security. collecting some
statistical data.
Expected result:

Solving various security related problem for government organization and business
communities this research will have a positive outcome for that. Solving all the issues will help in
using computer a safe place for business, cos is it impacting the economy either directly or

The research will help the cyber security implementation organizations in maintaining the
security of the systems. This research will help in the collection of the statistical data from the
organizations and surveys which will lead to a good understanding of the issues related to
cybercrimes. Collecting different data from different medias and environments will identify issues
that are mostly causing damages to our systems. And will help in identifying the cause roots of the
issues. Questioner and chatting in different forums and in different communities will answer in a
different way, which will briefly describe the related issues.


This research will identify the current security issues and crimes in this modern
technological era. and will also help in the identification of crimes. How criminals do crimes, what
are its advantages to the them, and what are the effect of these crimes in the society. The
information collected will provide a statistical data which will lead to a positive impact on the
implementation of the laws in that area where the crimes are in high ratio.

Business communities, individuals and also government organization can use the
researched data, to identify the issues and problems their organization have or either in future they
can have and using that data they can find also the solution for that issues and protect their system
from any type of crashes or either hackers who can harm their system and data. Which can lead to
the economic loss of the organization.

Gant Chart:

“A Gantt chart, commonly used in project management, is one of the most popular and
useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the chart
is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented by a
bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity.”
Figure 1 Gant chart Sample for the research

 L. E. Cohen And M. Felson. Social Change And Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity

Approach. American Sociological Review, 1979.

 Susan W. Brenner. Cybercrime And The Law. 2012.

 Ralph D. Clifford. Cybercrime: The Investigation, Prosecution And Defense Of A

Computer-Related Crime . 2011

 Ralph D. Clifford; Darlene Demelo Moreau; Miriam Miquelon-Weismann; Dainna W.

Lamb; Ivan Orton. Cybercrime: The Investigation, Prosecution And Defense Of A

Computer-Related Crime, 2005

 Ronald B. Standler. Computer Crime. 2002

Cybercrime: the investigation, prosecution and defense of a computer-related crime byRalph

D. Clifford; Darlene DeMelo Moreau; Miriam Miquelon-Weismann; Dainna W. Lamb; Ivan Orton
ISBN: 159460150X
Publication Date: 2005-12-01

Computer Crime

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Ronald B. Standler

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