Ordinance No. 1748-2002

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Repubitea Ng 2uipinas ‘Langsod Na Dagtan TANGGAPAN NG SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD 200 EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTSS OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD, [DAGUPAN CITY, HELD AT THE SESSION HALL ON JUNE 17, 2002, PRESENT: ‘Hon. Farah Marie G, Define Acting City Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer Hoon. VisdimieT. Mata Presiding Officer Pro Tempore, Member Hla, Cesar C, Reyna ‘Ass. Floor Leader, Member Hon, Michael B, Fernandez City Counslor, Member Hon, Jose Netu M. Tamayo iy Counslon Member € lon, Fausto C. Cuison, MLD. ity Councilor, Member Hl. Danilo ©: Texio Hoon Jusnto B. Almonte City Councilor, Member Hin. Conrado lose G. Matias ity Councilor, Member Hoon, Alfredo U. Quinto * ‘Liga ng ona Barangey President, Ex-Officio Member Hon, Charles yen V. Roniero Pederasyon Ng Mga Sangaunieng Kabataan ‘President, Ex- Officio Member ABSENT. Hon, Teoflo E Gusdiz Tt City Cusncitor, Member ORDINANCE NO. 1748-2002 ADOPTING A REVISED COMPREHENSIVE AND MANDATORY TRAFKIC CODE IN THE CITY OF DAGUPAN AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. WHEREAS, one of the key factors to the economic growth and development of an urbaa center such as the City 6f Dagupan is a balanced, adequate, and disciplined transportation system; WHEREAS, vehicular traffic in the City of Dagupan, particularly along its major ‘thoroughfares, has greatly.worsened in recent years as a result of the increasing population, the economic and business boom, and the concomitant increase in the umber of motor vehicles, WHEREAS, motorists and the general riding public have vehemently complained of severe inconveniences and discomfort because ofthe recurrent trafic congestions, WHEREAS, in response to the clamor, the Dagupan City Police Station, together with the Committee on Peace and Order of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, conducted a survey on the ongoing proposed traffic rerouting seheme among Various transport groups, the business sector, students, and people trom neighboring towns; WHEREAS, the results of the survey are found to be favorable; NOW, THEREFORE, on joint motion of Councilors. Jose Netu M. Tamayo and Fausto C, Cuison, duly’and jointly seconded by Councilors Michael B, Femandez, Carles Ryan V. Romero, Danilo 'C-Torio, Conrado Jose G. Matias, and Alfredo U. Quinto, be it ofdained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Dagupan in regular session assembled that! ) % eee A Boe : ety ma * Page2 ARTICLE 1 ‘TRAFFIC REGULATION Section]. _ PURPOSE OR ORDINANCE ~ ‘The main purpose’of this Ordinance is to regulate traffic on public streets, highways, or thoroughfares and improve the traffic system in general inthe City of Dagupan, « * ARTICLE DEFINITIONS Section 1. DERINITION OF TERMS - The following terms used in this Code shal, for purposes hereof, have the BS respectively ascribed to them in this Article, unless it shall be apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended, thus: #) AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE - Any vehicle of the police or fre department of the City of Dagupan, or of aa agency having similar functions of law ‘enforcement and fire protection as the police and fire departments of the City of Dagupan, the official car of the City Mayos, any vehicle privately owned by police officers designated and approved by the Ctief of Police to be used by them in the perforinance of their duties, and any city, provincial, and national ambulance. It shall also mean any other vehicle under private ownership, as may designated by ‘ordinance enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod after inspection by and approval of the Dagupan City Police Station. b) Horn - adevice installed in a motor vehicle and used for signaling by sound. ©) PARKING ~ The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, othérwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engeged in loading or unloading either freight or passengers. 6) DRIVER— a pesson who drives or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle, ©) OWNER A person who holds the lege ttle of a vehicle. In case a vehiele isthe subject of conditional sale, agreement, or lease, he is one granted the right to pparchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an ‘immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendes or lessee. 1) INTERSECTION ~ The area embraced within the prolongation, or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of ‘two highways joining at any other angle may come in conflict, 8) TRAEFIC — Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars and olber conveyances, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes of travel, h) TERMINAL ~ A terminal shall mean a privately-owned compound managed and ‘operated by a PUV operator which shall be saacious enough to accommodate a least one or more PUVs at a single time. The terminal shall be used primarily for the purpose of loaiding and unloading passengers or freight; service or repair of its PUVs; transacting business; and providing comfort and security to its clients. Seid ‘terminal shall be allowed to operate only upon compliance with city laws, rules and regulations regarding but not limited to zeaing, structural design of its building, sanitation and other laws and regulations that may be enacted in the future, S ga ce . et diye cre crn et _ of) :BARKER — One whose oéoupation isto attractor cil a exowd or patrons by the use Bee woluble glib. speech, sometimes aided by @ public address sysiem oF mogaphoue. j) LOADING OR UNLOADING ~ A spevifiee place ulilized purposely to collect, fill vote off, deliver or remove freight or passengers by an often specified means of conveyance with limited time of thirty (30) seconds. 8 ARTICLE D1 PARKING AREAS : ection 1. _ Parallel parkingof vebicles along the following sests 6 allowed six (6) meters ‘fom the comer but Himited to six-wheelers and below only. 4) ADB Fernandez East Avenue - any typeof after atone crossing) vehicle-south side $) AB. Fomandez East (Narra Commerciat to ‘railroad crossing) - south side only ¢) AB, Ferandes Avenue proper southside only excePt road infiont of CST Square : { Arellano Street- west gide only ) Burgos Street eastside Tape Extension (up fo boundary of Biamaley both sides) ; 8 Tepuae up to Amado St. junction -south side only ~~ f) Perez Boulevard—north side only ° i) Mi del Pilar Street— west side only i ) MacArthur Highway in Mayombo (upto Bast Central Elementary School ~ westside only) t 1) Fernandez Street ~ both sides i. 1), Rizal Street (up to Perez junction) westside eee tn) Rizal Sueet Extension ~ east side only n) Nable Street - east side only. 0) Herrero Street ~ eastside only. 5) De Venecia Street - west side only. 1) Rivera Street -south side only 3) Galvan Street from comer ABF Avenue to comer Jovellanos Street — parallel parking on both sides. - 4) Galvan Street ftom comer Jovellanas Street to corner Perez Boulevard- westside only Samora Set fom corer ABE Avenve fo comer Sovellanos ‘Sirect ~ NO PARKING on 4) Zamora Steet from corner Jovellanos Steet o Perez ‘Boulevard ~ eastside only 1y) Reges Steet from comer ABF Avenue towrés ‘north ~ NO PARKING on both sides "} Tovellanos Steet ~ fom corner Galvan Steet 10 Zamore ‘Street (back of City Hall) NO ‘PARKING on both sides - 4) Tovellanos Street — from comer Zamore Street to Buses Street— south side only 3} ABE Avenue West~ south side only za) Coreenan Street — eastside only 'bb) Bonifacio Street ~ south side only cx) Gomez Street — south side obby ddd) Amado-Tapuac Road — south side only ‘) Malued-Tapuac Rosd — eastside only ff) Guilig- Malued Street ~ westside only 44) Callejon Street~ west side only he % ARTICLETV . ‘PROBIBITED PARKING AREAS Section 1.’No parking on the following: 8) Within an intersection b) Ona crosswalk 4, ¢) Within 6 meters from th intersection of curb lines 4, Within 4 meter om the deiveway entrance to any fire station or substation ©) Within 4 meters of 4 fe hydrant 4) Infront of a private driveway 8) On the roadway fide of any vehicle stopped or parked atthe eurb or edge of te highway (Double Parking) 1) stany place where official signs have been erected Probing parking es provided for in this Ordinance Section2. No parking on the following: a) Magsaysay Bridge and approaches +b) Quintos Bridge and approaches «) Oiner Bridges (10 meters on bath approaches) 4) Ailloading and unldadig sess ©) All pedestrian lanes 4). In ftont ofall fire hydrants (7 meters) Infront ofall driveways 1) On both equal sides of the road with a distance ‘of 89.00 meters fronting ‘Computronix College i) Onboth equal sides of the road with a distance of 45.00 meters fronting University of Pangasinan “The half front space in the main CSI Supermarket is hereby declared a pay parking area; Provided, further that selling from parked vehicles is prohibited. _Bxoept for the City Mayor, ‘Members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, Department ‘Heads and their Assistants, employees: of the city government, and visiting dignitaries, ‘parking of vehicles inside the city hall compound and infront of the ‘Sangguniang Panlungsod building and the One-stop shop ‘nlding is stdety probibited. F Seotion 3: "Pay Parking. Areas. ~ The following areas are hereby designated parking ares for nator vehicles: 4) Half front portion of the CSI Supermarket site for private and light vehicles only, 4) Whole easter partion of City Hall adjacent to Galvan Street for cars and jeeps only; ©) A.B, Femandes Avenue end other ates that may be hereinafter designated by the ‘Sangguniang Panlungsod. Section 4, LIGHT TRUCKS AND TRICYCLES, - Light trucks and tricycles can also avail ifthe sid parking spaces, provided that the corresponding fees for the space actually occupied by such {ht truck and tricycles shall bo paid for. Section 5, PARKING ATTENDANT AND TOUR OF DUTY, ~ A parking attendant shall aan a designated atea/zone es described in Section 3 hereof and within the market radius of Dagupan Zi, ona 12-hour service from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pat. Section 6. PARKING FEES. — The following fees’ shall be collected from >wnarsoperators/drivers of motor vehicles who avail of the aforementioned parking spaces: 10.00 for the first two hours; 5,00 for every additional hour and/or a fraction thereof atking is FREE outside the operating hours of 8:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m. ‘The amount of ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100,00) shall be charged and-coflected as penalty ‘om the ownerfoperatou/driver of the motor vehicle with lost parking fee ticket. “ARTICLE V LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONES Section 1, The following places shall be designated as loading and unloading zones, to wit: ww CATION LENGTH ‘REEERENCE POINTS SEMARKS ABP Aven Bast SO mates | Ne Commercial to ForPUV's ‘Gia eficeg eas) ‘Pangasinan Builders Supply ABR Avenue East SO mates * DECORP Pos/Dagupen ocPUV's (Ghd facing west) to CKK Construction Supply ABP Avere ‘225 meters “ Malicdem Optical to First Bank PorPUV's (aise ing wes ABE Avert 2S meters _‘utable Bank to BHP For Business (ets fcng wea) BankfDagupan Auto Supply ff Baabishments K oN | FF 5 ABE Avene (hse facing west) 5, ABE Avene (ihe side facing west) 1. ABE Averne (Cat sie fining wes) 2 ABP Avenue (Gat side facing west) 9, ABE Aven (Got sie acing west) LOABE Avenve (ght sie facing wes!) ABE Avenue (ight sie facing west) 12, ABP Avenue (ight side facing west) 13, ABR Avene (Gig side facing west) WADE Averwe ‘ished acing west) ABE Averue ‘éght ede fxing west? 16. Burgos Sweet (igh sie acing sous) 19 argos Stee (gh sie icing sou) 1. Tapune (iat side cing st) 19. Topuse (igh side facing cast? 20, Peee Boulevard (Gat side) 21 Perea Bl, (ht sie acing east) 1. Pere BI, (ih side facing cas) ‘2 Pater Ble. {ght sido acing em) 2A Pee Be (Gabe fang es) as:Pecea Be 26, Pere Blvd. (iat side acing eos) 2 meters 25 meters someters 25 meters 30 meters 25 meters 30 meters 25 avcers 30 meters 30 meters 30 meters 23 meters 25 meters 30 meters 25 meters s0metes 25 meters ‘Dagupan Consiuei ‘Supply to Toay's Commercial Antonio Chu Hardware to.On Sieng ‘Kim Pian Dry Goods to Catholie Trede ‘Maya Emporium to ‘Anson Shoe Plaza Taft of CSI Main Central Luzon Paweshop to Bodega Sales Korong Tay Bakery 10 General Sales ‘Vacant Commercial Loto ‘Baraar Mariano Lim Dominos 88's {9 Gainco Center ‘New Makong Rest to PNB, olibee toMereury Drug ‘West Cental Elementary School Guteto Le Floreat Bank of Commerce to ‘Rang-Ay Bank Front Astrodome ‘Front DONHS PLDT PosRDG Ent. to ABMs Sportwear PLDT Postto Digitet Post comet Callejoa St 0 ‘Export Bank ‘Dapper Tailoring soins Bank ‘Northern College ‘Foundation to Addese Trading ‘Ralph Ville to Go's Boutique “Fugos Mw Suapaeita ‘Auto Supply For PUY's For Business ‘Botablishments For Business Esablishments ForPUV's or Business Establishments For Businss Entabllshments For Business ‘Estblishments ForDUV's For Business ‘Establishments For PUV's For Businss Bstblishmens ForPUV's For Business Establishments For PUV's ForPUV's For PUV's ForPUV's Foc Business ‘Egablihaents ForPUV's For Business ‘Esablishments ” FerPuv's For Business Establishments 2) PeeBid -* (ight sideacing wes) Pere Blvd. (ese fang cs) Perez (dat side facing eas) Perez, ‘tse facing east) Parez Bid, (ht sie facing east) HL del Par Stet (et ele facing rt) 5, Aigo Steet (Galt sie facing orth) 4. Alan Steet ‘Gt dio facing sont) A Sweet sie defacing Sout) % B.moters 23 meters 30 acters ‘25 meterd 30meters 30 meters 30 meters 30 meters 30 meters 3) Jashilite Gas to Digitl Post root China Banking Corp. Front New Comercial Building Hong Kong Dry Goods ton Hong Enterprises SSAJ Calibration Center ‘soPM. Baylon Bekery Equipment (Calimen Lodge to Kendy Masg. ‘Moores to EZ: Communication Welington Insurance toMN Hufhna Bldg. Incont Durestar For PUV's or Business Entablsbments ForPUV's ForPUY's For PUV's ForPUV's ForPUV's Sectiot 2. The following areas shall be designated with pedestrian lanes, to wit: J MAJOR ROADS 1. AB. Femandez Avenue, fronting Jollibee Junction (Trafite Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 2 AB. Femandez Avenue, fronting Bank of the Philippine Isiand (Traffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 3, MEHL del Pilar Street, fronting YKL Building (Lraffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 4. Aréllano-Bani Street, fronting Dunkin Donuts (Traffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 5, Arellano-Bani Street, fronting University of Pangasinan, 6, Arellano-Bani Strect, fronting Region I Medical Center 7. Arellano-Bani Street, fronting Computronix College Main Gate Building 8. Atellano-Bani, infront of Computronix College Annex Building 9, AB. Fémandez Avenue, fronting Chow King Restaurant 10, AB. Femandex Avenue, fronting Allied Bank 11. ABB. Femandez Avenue, fronting On Sieng (Iraffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 12. A.B, Femandez Avenue, fronting Rumpp Shoe Emporium 13, AB, Fernandez Avenue, fronting CSIMc Donalds 14, AB, Femandez Avenue, fronting Perez Boulevard, fronting City Hall One-stop shop building 15. AB, Femandez Avenue, fronting City Plaza ti \ 1 t @ 16. AB. Femandez Avenue; fronting Espino building 17. Burgos Street, fronting West Central Gate T, 18, Burgos Street, fronting West Central Gate I. 19, Burgos St,, fronting Knights of Columbus 20, Mo Arthur Highway, fronting Planters Bank 21, Mo Arthur Highway, fronting Baas School 22, Me Arthur Highway, fronting Dagupan City National High School 23, Me Arthur Highwaysfronting Dagupan City People’s Astrodome 24, Me Arthur Highway, fronting Lyceum Northwestern University 25, Me Arthur Highway, fronting De Vera’s Clinic Burgos 26. Me Arthur Highway, fronting Tapuac outpost near Dominican School 27. Mc Artbur Highway, fronting Petron gasoline station 28. Me Arthur Highway, fronting Hilkan Montessori 29, Perez: Boulevard, fronting Bangko Central Ng Pilipinas 30, Perez Boulevard, fronting Cerezo’s residence (Traffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 31. Perez Boulevard, fronting Luzon Colleges ea 32, Perez Boulevard, fronting Export Bani 33. Perez Boulevard, froiiting ADESSA Trading 34, Perez Boulevard, fronting Guanzon Building 35, Perez Boulevard, fronting Sian Mart Building 36, Perez Boulevard, fronting Soy Auto Supply ‘37, Perez Boulevard, ‘fronting Basilio Food 38. Perez Boulevard, fronting ‘Mercury Drugstore (Traffic Light Pedestrian crosswalk) 38, Mayombo Road, fronting Pangzsinan Drugstore 40, M.H. det Pilar, fronting Development Bank of the Philippines 41, AB, Femandez Bast, fronting Veterans Bank and GSIS Building 42, Mayombo Road, fronting Villaflor Hospital . 43, A.B, Femandez, Avenue, fronting People’s Bank a 2 : coccenanisanngpranmememnnnnennin Section 4, ° Traffie Routes 2 agri tale 5. A. . One-Way Streets 12 ABB, Femandez. Avenue (comer M.H. del Pilar St, to comer Burgos Strest to -" west bound) 2. - MHL Del Pilar Street (comer Perez: Blvd. to comer A.B. Femandez Avenue) to nagh bound 3. Herrero Street (comer ABF Avenue to comer Perez Boulevard) 4, Three (3) lanes of Perez Boulevard from comer Guilig Street up to comer MB del Pilar /Mayombo Streets will be used by motorists travelling from ‘west to east direction, while one (1) lane from comer MH del PilaBieero Streets up Yo comer Burgos Street will be used by motorists travelling from east to west ditection. 5, Galvasi Street from comer Perez Blvd. to comer Nueva Street (from south to north direction) and from comer A.B, Fernandez Avenue to corner Nueva ‘Sureet (from north to south direction ) 6. Zamora Street from comer AB. Femandez Avenue to comer Perez Blvd. (Grom north to south direction) B, PUVROUTES Seopneyst For Downtown Jeepneys: Usturn initont of the former Alinango Restaurant, proceed towards ABF Avenue, Burgos Street, Burgos Street Extension, Amado-Tapuao Road, right tum towards Lueao, U-tum at Lucao-Binmaley Boundary, back to Tapuac, Perez Boulevard, Mi. del Pilar Street, towards Arellano Ban For Downtown-Lucao Jeepnéys: Proceed towards Lucao ~ Binmaley boundary,U-um thereat, then back to Lucao, Tapuac, Perez, Boulevard, turn left at Rizal Street, ABF ‘Avenue, Burgos Street, Burgos Street Extension, Amado-Tapuac Road, right tum tovards Luceo enter CSi Lucao. For Boiosan, Salisay, Mangin, Tebeng, Tambae passenger jeepneys will pass through ‘Tambac, ABF Avenue East, ABF Avenue, Zamora Street, left on Perez Boulevard, MH del Pilar, ABF Avenue Bast to point of origin. For Bonuan Tondaligan, Bonuan Boquig, Bonuan Binloe passenger jeepneys, will pass ‘through Arellano-Bani , ABF Avenue, Zamora Stet, Perez Boulevard, MH{ del Pilar Street, Arellano-Bani* to point of origin. : For passenger jeepneys plying Calasiao-Dagupan, will pass through Caranglaan- Mayambo Road, MH del Pilar Street, let on ABF Avenue, Burgos Street, Burgos Street Extension, take the service road beside the Caltex gasoline station, tum left on Perez Boulevard, left 6 Mayombo-Caranglaan Road, to point of origin: Provided, however, that if the situation demands, said PUP's will be rerouted to Tolero Strect. For passenger jeepneys plying San Carlos-Dagupan, will pass through Caranglaan- Mayombo Road, MH del Pilar Street, AB Femandec Avenue, Burgos Stret, exit to Guilig-Malued Road, DeVenecia Diversion Road, to point $f origin, I pass Street to their Grooling station, left on Perez Boule towards their destination. 8, For passenger jeepneys plying San Fabian-Dagupan, will pass ‘through Bolosan, 10, EES ABE Avenue East, ABI Avenue, lef oo ‘Rizal Street, Perez Boulevard, MH Tams treet ight to PNR Road, right to ABF Avenue ‘Bast, towards their destination. 9, For passenger jecpneys plying ‘Pozorubio-Dasupan_and__Manaons:Dasori respectively, will pass through Bolosan, “Hanbac, ABE Avenue East, ABE Avenus, Teft to Rizal Street, left to Perez, ‘Boulevard, MH del ‘Piler Street, right to ‘PNR Road, ABF ‘Avenue Bast, towards ‘their destination: 10,For passenger jeepneyss plying: Mapandan-Dagupen, will pass through Bolosan, For sstte Avenue East, ABE vette eR 0 Ris) Street, Perez-Boulevard, MH del Fr Stet, ight to PNR Rood, ABE Averie Bast, towards their destination. sropor passenger jonineys ping Linas Agua, WS Fey through Lucao, Tapuse, Perez Boulevard, ‘Galvan Street, Gomez ‘Street, Burgos Street, ‘Amado Street, Careenan ‘Street, Bonifacio Street, ‘Poolside Area; Careenan Street, ABF Avenve. ‘West, Burgos, Rivera, Zamora, Perez Boulevard, MH: del Pilar Street, AB. Fernandez Avenue West, Beretta Street, Amado-Tapuae Road, Luceo fo point of destination. — ‘PURS/MINI-BUSES 1.puB’s pattculary, Ferminas/Minas Trans Sanans, and other big buses, with Pepe son the westem partof Perez Boulet 19 entering the city shall passthrough faye de Venecia Avenue, Taputc, tomas their respective terminals, In going to ude ny wll passthrough Perce Boulevard, ToC Fgtreet, Mayomibo, Caranglat, Maori, dete destination: Provided, however, tat picking-up of passengers along Perez Boulevard is strictly prohibited. 15, For, PUB's, particularly Five Star and Victory Liner, sball pass through Carano, rexyombo, enter trough Vila Cosot Road oards their respective terminals. tn BoI8 Mayes termials, shall pass through Izmart ‘Compound, Mayombo, Caranglaat fowards their respective destinations 14, Mini-buses with LTFRB franchise of Lingayen-Degupan route only will pass ‘through seen) Perez Boulevard, Rizal Street, ABE Aven aad in going to Lingayen, will pss ‘AourhhBurgos, Stet, Burges Steat Extension “Tapuao, ‘Lucao, towerds their destination. : ‘Ait other west bound minibuses, (oxcert ‘Casmiling Mangatarem-Agullat- Dagupan routes) will pass through Perez Spostevard, Tapnac, Lueno, towards their destination. 15. Mini-buses plying the Cane eth S in-Tavus routes will Nis trough Judge De Venecia Avenue, APT vvards their respective terminal, In Beng out of the city, shall pest trough Perez ‘Boulevard, Tolero Street, Mayombo, Caranglaan, ‘towards their destination. Wy 16. Mini-buses plying, Pozorrubis, "Masiaoag:-Binilonar: Dagupaits ‘Bolosan, Tambac, ABP AvenuelZast ABE. Avante, le turmo old PANTRANCO termizialuaload.and load passengets thereat, ext. MH cel Pilar Street, cight-tum on PNR ‘Road, right turn om; ABE: Ayenue Bast towards their respective destinations, , 17. Mini-buses plying'San Fernando City: (La Union) ~ Dagupan routes will pass through Bolosen, Tambac, ABF Avenue East, ABF Avenue, left tum on Herrero Street, proceed to old PANTRANCO terminal, unload and load passengers thereat, then exit on Herrero Street, MH del Pilar Street, right tum on PNR Road, ABF Avenue East to point of origiz. 18, Mini-buses plying Bolinao-Alaminos etc-Dagupan routes shall pass through Tapuac, Perez Boulevard, left turn on MH del Pilar Street, ABF Avenue, Herrero Strtet, enter the old PANTRANCO terminal, unload and load passengers thereat, exit on Herrero Street, right tum on Perez Boulevard, Tupuac, Luczo, towards their destination. 19, PUB's, particularly Dagupai Bus, coming from Manila shall pass through Caranglaen, Mayombo, MH del Pilar Street, towards their terminal on Arellano Bani and thereat, shail unloed and load their passengers. In going to Manila, shall pass through Arellano- Bani, ABP Avenue, tum left on Herrero Street, exiting thereon towards Mayombo, Caranglaan, to their destination. 20. All other PUV’s (Pine Garage) in going to and from their destination (Baguio City) shall pass through Bolosan, Tambac, ABF Avenue East, ABF Avenuo, Herrero Stret, proceed to the old PANTRANCO terminal, unload and load passongers thereat, exit on Herero Street, MH del Pilar Street, Arellano-Bani, Bonuan towards-their destination, 21, Passenger jeepneys plying Asingan-Urdaneta-Dagupan routes shall pass throug Judge ‘De Venecia Avenue, Malued-Guilig Road, right turn on Perez Boulevard, Tolero Road, ‘Mayombo, Caranglean to point of origin. 20, Passenger jeepneys plying $i& Barbare-Dagupan route, shall pass through Judge De Venecia Avenue, Malued, Guilig, right rum on Perez Boulevard, Rizal Stret, ABF - Avenue, Burgos Street, Guilig, Malued, Judge De Venecia Avenue to point of origin. 23, Mini-buses plying Bayambang-Dagupan route shall pass through Caranglaan-Mayombo Road, load or unload passengers inside their terminal 3, Mayombo, and will take the ‘same route in going back to their point of origin. af buses plying Camiling Luceo, Tapuse, Perez Boulevard, Rizal Strc 4. fly eet ps eng AE er Be = ‘Street, Burgos Strect Extension, Tapuac, Lucao, towards their destination. ‘TRICYCLES 25.For hite trioycles are banued-to traverse from 6:00 AM. to 8:00 PM. slong ABF ‘Aveaue, from comer. Rizal Street (from east to west direotion) and along Perez Boulevard from comer Galvan Street up to comer Rizal Strect (vice-verss). 126, Waiting area for tricycles shall be designated in the following areas: 1. Both sides of Jovellanos Street (6 meters away from comer Zamora Street faciig east); ay 2. Left side of Galvah Street facing north beside Mo Adore Building; A X 4, Six (6) meters away fiom school gates ‘School Nand 5 Six (6) meters away from strat comersfiniesentions 4, Section. _"Toploads Not Allowed on PUV's: Loading 8 of any kind of PUV shall not te atlowed except when said PUV is provided with © op ‘erriot muade/manufactured of any kind of afdy and song matetial, such 8, but Hot limite ‘ron, steel, altmninum, etc, such that said telonds shall not pose a bazardto persons, other vehicles, propertyGes) and thoroughfares. Sextion6, Towing aad impoundment of all Unaitend ‘Megally Barked Vehicles. All enatonde, legally parked vehioles along nacow ttl of DAR ‘those parked in such a manner tat the fee flow of trac on srets of the Gly ‘accordance with Article TV, Sections 1 and wo towed and impounded et the ity Engineer's Office or 0:52 fwailable government property designated by the City Mayor. a. Towing end Impouniment Foes, A towing end impoundment fee shall frst be oollected Towing Mehiole ower before the vehicle is released ia ‘accordance with the following rotes: ‘TOWING FEE ForMotoroyctes/Tricycles P 300.00 ForCars/Light Vehicles «1,000.00 ‘For Trucks/Hieavy Vehicles 1,500.00 b, Impoundment Fé The impoundment fee for af PEE of impounded vehicles shall te One Hundred Psos (P100.00) for every day of impoundment ‘be computed from the time the veces deposited atthe impounding aces, provided that ary ‘aation thereof shall be considered as one (1 fll day. oe Place of Payment, Towing and impoundment fees shall be paid at the City ‘Treasurer's Office. ‘ 4 Use of Wheel Clamp and other Similas Equipments 1 Ne absence of a high-tech towing vehicle and where towing isnot feasible without ee substantial damages on the vehicle to PDE tho use ofa wee! clamp or othe star equine ‘quthorized: Provided, however, that ve tes of clamped vehicles will be made only after payment of the same amount as that of towing and TTapoundment fe withthe City Treasurer's Offca, . i Fora clear enforcement, towing areas shall be adequasly mara D8 signage and propery painted such, ‘The Clty Ensineer¢ ai PakincZoes, PUV Loading and Unloading Aves sexion 7. The blowing of homs by public willy whites es well as private vehioles shall be prohibited inthe following places: Section9. For purposes of order and to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic, the first three @)innes of ABF Avenue-from comer Arellano-Bani up to Burgos Street westward, wil be used by BUV's while the 4 lane on the same direction of ABF Avenue, from cornet MH del Pilar Sueet upto Burgos Street will be used by private vehicles. Sestion 10, TRUCK'BAN. Ten (10) wheeler trucks to tractor-trailer (articulated vehicles) and those weighing over 4,000 kilograms in weight and designed specifically for camying cargo and freight are banned to enter the city from 6:00 A.M, 10 9:00 P.M. “ARTICLE VI ENFORCEMENT OF AND OBEDIENCE TO TRAEFIC REGULATIONS Sestion 1. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. It shall be the duty of the Police Departmeat to enforce the provisions of this traffic ordinancesand the provisions of the National Traffic (Code applicable to street traffic in the city Likewise, the Traffic Enforcement Group which consist of the Pablic Order and Safety Office and all other qualified personnel authorized by the City Mayor are ‘deputized to enforce this traffic ordinance. Alltraffic enforcers shall be issued identification cards to be worn while on duly. DRIVING IN SLIPPERS OR IN SLEEVELESS SHIRT. It shall be unlayful for 1 public utility vebiole to wear slippers or sleeveless shirt while driving. Section 3, PROFESSIONAL DRIVER'S LICENSE. All drivers of public utility vehioles shall possess a current and valid professiqnal driver’ license issued by the Land Transportation Office. ‘Section 4, IDENTIFICATION CARD. PUY drivers shall wear a current identification (D) ‘ard to be issued by the Publie Order and Safety Office upon payment of Thirty Pesos (P30,00) forthe purpose of such ID card payable to the City Treasute’s Office. The ID card is renewable every year. A barangay clearance from the-place of residence and another clearance’ from the cognizant transport organization concerning the character and integrity of the PUV driver and/or PUY shall be requited prior othe issuance of ID card, . Section 5, VEHICLE CONDITION. 4,PUV-whic isin dilapidated condition, o isin such condition as to render it hazardons to the riding public sball not be allowed to be operated. Section 6. ‘TRAINING ON HOW TO BE A BBITER DRIVER AND DEFENSIVE “DRIVING COURSE. All drivers and operators of “For-Hire” Public Utility Vehicles (mini-buses,tiyeles and jeepreys) are required to undergo training on how to be a better driver and defensive driving couise. Failure fo comply with: this provision will exclude the vehicle from the required annual inspection Section 7. Each Public Utility Vehicle shall affix a "NO SMOKING” and “20% DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZEN” signs inside the vehicle conspcuously for the passengers to see with a size of Ginches x I f for every sign. ‘bFannual regulatory fee. in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Pesos (P150.0 snewed every yeat, It shall be displayed on the right hand side of the vehicle's windshield at ‘shall bee For the first year, no fee shall be collected from the public utility vehicle operator forthe purpose of the issuance of the temporary sticket/decal 4 Section 9. Tt shall Be jinlawfal for any person driving 2 public uflity vehicle equipped with « sterpo set operated at excessive sound volume. Seotion 10, Any person driving a public utility vehicle shali, for purposes of cleanliness and sanitation. provide the folowing numaber of trash cans with eoesponding sizes to be placed inside the publi tity vebile: Jeepneys “= "| 1 fourditer can Minibuses - 4 fourliter cans Tricyoles = ‘1, ome-titer ean Seecion 11, PROHIBITED ACTS, Coniistent with the national law, the following acts are likewise prohibited and punishable under this Ordinance: 4 Operation of trioyclés,” jeepney, buses or mini-buses as coloram | ehicles-for-hir in trafisporting passengers and cargoes inthis city; | Operation of motor vehicle outside of its assigned or designated zone of operation, ‘e. Trip-eutting; &. Over-charging of passenger fare; fe. Refusal to convey passengers; aud £. Crossing eny part of the street otfer than the pedestrian lane intended ‘therefor. Section 12, RECORD BOOK. The Public Order and Safety Office shall keep and maintain u record book of all authorized public utility. vehicle'in Dagupan City. This record book shall ‘Contain for each PUY. such eurrent information as: name and address of operator, vehicle body ‘number, plate nusiber, chassis number, registration number, BOT franchise number, and decal port humber, type and frequency of trafic violations) and accident (involving the vetiee: Prine(s) andor violatich(s) of law and other pertinent inféimation that would assist the City Mayor in determining the suitability of the PUV for continued operation in the city. ARTICLE VL ‘REGULATED ASSOCIATION Section 1.” Every transport group has a right to form its ovin oxginization, which may be registered with the Securities aid Exchange Commission. Such transport group tnust furnish the Office of the Sangguniang Pankungsod a:copy of the list of its officers for record Purposes. 5 = Seotion2. "’ The ‘Land Tratsporiation Franchising Regulatory Board is hereby admonished to freeze the issuance of additional franchises to public wtiity jeepaeys plying the ‘major thoroughfares of Dagupan City. . hesoute of ffm. the’ tansport. group fcbtaining ‘esas Banchise ‘from the ARTICLE VO TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COUNCIL & Section 1, ‘There shal! be created a policy-inaking body to be known asthe Traffic Management Council, = i Section2, ‘The Traffic Management Council shall formulate plans and programs for the city's traffic system which, sabject to the approval of the Sangguniang Penlungsod by way ofan Ordinance, shall be ignplemented by the Traffic Enforcement Group; . The Traffic Management Council shall also act ‘as Grievance Committee with jutisdiction over any-and.all coraplaints against the traffic enforcers, not otherwise under the i jurisdiction of the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB); I Section3. ‘The Traffic Managemeut Council shall be composed of the following: ‘The City Mayoi as Chairman ‘The City Vice Mayor as Co-Chairman ‘The City Couneil Chairman on Police Matters ‘The City Council Chairman on Public Utilities ‘The City Chief of Potice Chief of POSO ‘The City Engineér Business Sector Representative. ‘The President of the Association of Barangay Councils, ‘The President of Transport Groups . “Jeepney ~ “AThigyele Bus (Inter:Provincial) re er 2 Avedemio Representative Section 4. _ SIGNAGES. The City Engineer's Office, in coordination with the traffic enforosment group, shall be responsible in putting up and in maintaining safe and appropriate trafic sigiages and infrastructures in accordance with this Ordinance. ARTICLE IX ‘SPEED RESTRICTIONS Section 1. _ No person shall drive a vehicle on a public. highway ‘or street at a speed in excess of the following speed limit as established hereunder, fete bordered by habitations, 2, On"through ueets” oF bouleverds, clear oftrafic, 40 km. pert, 30 kam, per be, with "no bling comers”, ‘whan so designated, 3, Oncity and municipal sivets with ight. 30 an, per hi. 30 em. per hr trai when not desgnated ‘abrough strets” 4. Through crowded stiets approsching intersections ‘blind corners” passing 20k, per he 20am. per ther vehicles which are Sllonary, or for similar dangerous ‘oaretanees. Section 2. No person shall use any street of the city as race track. ARTICLE X PENAL AND OTHER PROVISIONS ‘Section 1. In case of a traffic violation, the driver's ligense may be confiscated by the avprchending policeman of the Dagupan City Police Station or Traffic Aide employe by the oly preach andthe erring driver shallbe immediately isued's Trafic Citation Ticket prseibed bp ae Dagupan City Police Staton which sall state the violation or violations committed, the amount of fae imposed for the violation/s and an advice that he can make payment to the City Tressuer of Dazupaa within three (3) days or seventy-two (72) hours from the date of issuance of the *rafto Chution Ticket Upon payment ofthe voluntary fine, the driver's license shall be released immediately. However, iafter tree (3) days, no penalty payment was tendered, the corresponding case for violation apie city ondinance shall be filed in a Municipal Tial Court of Dagupan City fo the appropriate tial. Section 2. Voluntary Fines. Within seventy-two (72) hours from his receipt of duplicate copy of the Traffe Citation Ticket, the violator may elect, in lieu of prosecution, to voluntarily pay the fine corresponding tothe violation or, violations committed herein follows: VIOLATION FINE sortense 100.00 offense 7300000 and day emiaar ‘or community servie, offense 500.00 and 1 dey seminar ‘or community service. #ofiense __Revocstion of License. We # Fy 2, Loading/Usloading of Passengers ¢ Cegoes in Prohibited Zone/Area 2. Over speoding and Dyas Racin peoding and Dyas Racing 4, Route Violation OQ 5. Daving Against ealic ‘on one-way stent 6, Obstruction of Tattle 7, Discegarding Traffte Siga/Ligh Monesse 2 omense 3 offense # offense offense 2 Offense 3 offence 4° Offense Hontense 2 Offense soffense * onense Y Offense offense sonense ah ottense s* omtense 2 Oftene 3" onfease 4 Offense Wonenie 2 offense 3" Offense AS Offense ‘P10ol00" . 'P300,00 and 4 ay sominar ‘or community service, .7500.00 ang ¥ day seminar ‘or community service Revocation of Liceass 100.00 1P300,00 and ¥ day seminar oF community service 'P500,00 and 1 day seminar ‘or community service. Revocation of License, 100,00 1P300.00 and day seminar ‘or community service. 1500.00 an 1 day seine ‘or community service. Revocation of License. 100.00 300,00 and day seminar ‘or community service 1500.00 and 1 day seminar for community service, ‘Revocation of License, 100.00 300,00 sn 4 day serine. ‘or community service 'P500,00 and 1 day somioar ‘or community service. ‘Revocation of License P100.00 300.00 and % dey sominr ‘oF community sevice. 'P500.00 and 3 day sominar ‘or coramunity service. Revocation of Licenss, s*orense 9, Blowing of Hig in Prohibited wontense Zones 2 Offs s* ofease ‘ softens, | 10, Fale obey ewes ottass poles orders eH onengs 3 omense a oftense 11. Diving a PUV in sipets or Montes in slvraess shit (Cando) 2 we oneme si oftese : “ #oftese y 12, Diving a PUY wi Siero Set 1 ontse Opersied Excessive: Sound/Volume | “ offen 4 Homme 13. Driving a PUV without Trash Can! totense ‘Receptacles 4 oftense 2 offase offense 500,00 and 1 day seminar ‘or community service, Revocation of License, 100,00 'F300,00 and #4 dey seminar ‘of comimunity service, 'P500,00 and | day seminar ‘or commaty service: Revocation License, 100.00 7300.00 and day seminas ‘or community sevice. 9500.00 and 1 day seminar ‘ot comamunity service. * Revocation of License 100,00 1300.00 and day sem ‘of community serves, 1P500;00 and 1 day seminar cor eammunity sevice. Revocation of Licens, P100.00 1P300,00 and 4 day searinar ‘or community service. 1P500,00 and day seminar ‘or community sevice. Revocation of License Pt00.00 "2300 and ¥4 day seminar Cr community series. 1500.00 and 1 day seminar ‘or community service Revocation of License, 1 REA ppsermcnenn nr 7 [gat Failure to submit ‘vehicle Pinspection within 30 days from its oo Ds ue ction 1. payment of 500,00 for lateinspéction 2. payment of P150.00 as annual regulatory fee. 3. payment of any unpaid and/or overdue accounts with the city governnient in connection with the operation ofthe jecpney in question. Failure to submit vehicle for inspection thirty (30) day’ after the scheduled date of inspection. : aoe) 1. cancellation of assigned vehicle body number, 2. recommendation to the LTFRB for the cancellation of vehicle franchise to ‘operate in the City of Dagupan, 3: impounding of the motor vehicle when céught being illegally operated in the City of Dagupan. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the City Mayor's Office shall notify each motor vehicle, ‘operator about the annual motor vehicle inspection three months before the scheduled month of inspection: ‘The notice shall also wam the operator that if he fails to submit his vehicle for inspection, he ‘shall be pehalized in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. t PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the penalties in paragraph (b) for failure to submit vehicle for inspection after 30 days shall not be imposed if the operator can satisfactorily show proofs and/or reasons before the end of the scheduled date of inspection that his failure to comply was A rot due to his negligence or indifference, i 22. Crossing the street on a part other than the pedestrian lane intends thitefor. 100.20 j "Offense: . P50.00 and 2houré seminar : 00 : -Q 2 Offense PAO and Yedayseminar ? yew? 20 7 3" Offense — P500.00 and 4-dayrsominar 23, Other violations of the Ordinance 1" Offense” P100.00 ho) fein ‘ ‘ 2 offense F800 and ‘4day-seminar i Pate ‘or community service, 3 Offense P8000 and J daysominag. ve i oxsommunity service. at BN i esoe aac i s*ontease “Revocation ofzdesine: ~~ ‘A, In the event that the traffic violator opts not to pay the voluntary fines, any violation of any. portion ofthis Ordinance for the Lst and subsequent offenises shall be punished by a fine of ‘not less than Three Thousand Pesos (P3,009.00) but not more than Five Thousand Pesos : (P5,000.00) at ‘the discretion -of the Court. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance which requires. the impounding of a public utility vehicle shall be dove at the local PNP station or any available government property and shail. be released only when the provision-or provisions of this Ordinance so violated shall have been complied with “+ andlor a Court Order releasing the vehicle’ from impoundage .shall have been issued; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that an impoundage fee of One Hundred ‘Pesos (£300.00) per day or a fraction thereof shall be:paid by the owner or operator to the City\ Treasurer before the impounded vehicle is finally teleased. PROVIDED, FINALLY, that fonvietion for violation of the colorum provision shall justify non-issuance of permivdecal/ficker, S g9.02 ye 14, Colorum Operation: ok ! 1, Operating Outside of Zone of Operon 16. "ip Cating or making U-turas_on ether AB Femandez Avenue or Pettz Boulevard 17. Overctarging of pastenger fare 18, Refi to Convey Passenger 16. Insolem, Discourteous oF Arrogait Drivers br Conductors Iinpublio tility vehite along areas ‘ot designated ns loading end ustoading | | 20, Any passenger alighting o ing offense moftense soetease owense 2 Offense 3 onene # Oftense somtense 2 offense 3# Offense #Ponense ottense +P Ottense 3#onense # Offense Offense 2 Offense 3 offence osteo, I Offense, 2" Offease, 3 osente 4 Offense Honense 4 onease 3 omense ‘P10, oo Boe 'P1,000.00 (OwnenOferator) ~ 17300,00 (Dsiver) 'P3,000,00 (OwneriOperat) ‘Revocation of License/Decal Sticker ‘and Impoundment of PUV, 100,00 F300 and 4 day seminar ‘orcotumunity service, 1P500.00 and 1 day seminar or eominunity sevice. "Revocation of License, 100.00 F900 and ¥ day sominar ‘or community sevice, 500.00 and T day serinar ‘of community service. Revocation of License, 100.09, 300 and ¥ day seminar ‘or community service, -P500:00 and I dey semi or community sevice. Reyosttion of conse. Piooco* 300 and M4 day seminar ‘or community service. 1P500.00 and 1 day seminar ‘or comiunty service, Rovoéstlon of License 10900 300 and 4 day seminar (Or community service. "7500.00 and 1 dy seminar ‘or community service. Revosation of License” 'P50,00 and 2 hours semizar 300 and 4 day seminar ‘or community service. 'P500,00 and 1 day seminar or community service, u repr ‘ (ry ; vee : “ "B, Republic Act No. 4136, as amended (Land Transportation and Traffic Code), shall apply for other violations not specifically mentioned inthis Ordinance, ‘ Section3. Re ‘AUl-ordinianees or‘any- pert or parts thereof which are | Jnsonsstent with any ofthe provisions orbs Ordinance are heteby repealed or modified acorn, Section 4. Seoacability Clause. 16 for any ° reason or reasons, any port ot paris or Povitons ofthis Ordinance shall be held io be unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or plvisios ‘hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to bein full force and effect i Section 5, ity Cl ‘This Ordinance shall take effect after ten (10) days Pilowing its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Dagupan sd in te Province of Pangasinan, ENACTED UNANIMOUSLY, . : Author and Princip Sponsors: Councilor Jose Netu M, Tamayo Councilor Juanito B, Afmonte FAWAH MARIE G, DECANO Acting Cy Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer aresro0 Sf f ‘Asst City Secretary Zieoiilenamcbwmmcner heen tyre

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