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Publication DOU
SIT Ordinance No 34 of 04 December 2002 09/12/02

Changes / Updates DOU

SIT Ordinance No. 12 of May 31, 2007 04/06/07 (Ret. 08/06/07)
SIT Ordinance No 36 of January 29, 2008 30/01/08
SIT Ordinance No. 58 of June 19, 2008 24/06/08
SIT Ordinance No. 183, of May 11, 2010 14/05/10
MTE Ordinance No. 100, of January 17, 2013 01/18/13
MTE Ordinance No. 2062, of December 30, 2014 01/02/15
30.1 Purpose

30.1.1 This regulatory provision aims at the protection and regulation of the safety and health of workers
waterway. For other categories of workers carrying out work on board vessels regulation of the safety and health of workers
will be in the form specified in the Annexes to this rule.
(Approved by the SIT Ordinance No. 58 of 19 June 2008)
30.2 Applicability

30.2.1 This standard applies to workers in commercial vessels, national flag, as well as to foreign flags, the provisions of
the limit on the ILO Convention No. 147 - Minimum Standards for Merchant Marine, used in the transport of goods or
passengers, including those boats used in the provision of services. (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 58 of June 19,
2008) The provisions of this NR applies, as appropriate, to vessels below 500 AB, considering the
physical characteristics of the vessel, its purpose and area of operation. This standard applies in the form established in its Annexes, workers of artisanal vessels, commercial and
industrial fishing, vessels and platforms for oil exploration and production, the specific vessels to carry out the work and
submerged vessels and platforms for other activities. (Approved by the SIT Ordinance No. 58 of 19 June 2008)

30.2.2 Compliance with this Norm does not relieve companies to compliance with other laws regarding
the matter and even those coming from conventions, agreements and collective labor contracts.
30.2.3 At vessels classified according to Solas, whose safety standards are audited by the classification
societies do not apply the NR-10, 13:23. At platforms and ships platform does not apply the preceding sub-item. For vessels described in subsection 30.2.3, are required to present the class certificates.

30.3 Skills

30.3.1 Of the shipowners and their agents It is for the owners and their agents:

a) comply with and enforce the provisions of this NR and observance contained in section 1.7 of NR 01 -
General Provisions and other legal provisions of safety and health at work;
b) provide workers with safety and health standards in the work force, publications and instructional material
on safety and health, wellness and life on board;
c) be responsible for all costs related to implementation of PCMSO;
d) provide, when requested by employers' representatives or workers, the statistics of accidents and work-
related diseases.
30.3.2 Of the workers It is up to the workers:

a) comply with the provisions of this NR and observance contained in section 1.8 of NR 01 - General
Provisions and other legal provisions of safety and health at work;
b) inform the duty officer or any GSTB member as set forth in 30.4, malfunctions or deficiencies observed which may constitute
a risk to the worker or to the vessel;
c) correctly use the devices and safety equipment and be familiar with the facilities, security systems and
aircraft compartments.

30.4 Health and Safety Group at Work on Board of Vessels - GSSTB (Amended by Ordinance SIT No.
58 of June 19, 2008)

30.4.1 the establishment of GSSTB on board national flag vessels is mandatory with at least 100 gross
tonnage (AB). (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 100, January 17, 2013)

30.4.1-A The foreign flag vessels that are operating for more than 90 days in Brazilian waters and
Brazilian workers on board applies the provisions of section 30.4.1. (Inserted by Order SIT No. 100,
January 17, 2013) The Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA) of sea / inland waterway shipping
companies must be made by employees involved in the activities of each establishment of the company
and seafarers employed effectively working on ships of the company, elected as established by
Regulatory Standard No. 5 (NR 5), obeying the rules set out below: (Amended by Ordinance SIT No.
12 of May 31, 2007)
a) the total number of existing employees in each establishment of the enterprise should determine the
number of its representatives in accordance with Table I of NR 5;
b) seafarers shall be represented in the CIPA establishing corporate headquarters, for one member to ten vessels of the
company, or fraction thereof, and an alternate for each twenty vessels of the company, or fraction thereof.(Amended by
SIT Ordinance No. No. 12, of May 31, 2007) (Rectification in the Official Gazette of 08/06/07) Maritime and alternates must be elected in a separate vote to compose the CIPA, having all the rights guaranteed
by NR 5. (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 12 of May 31, 2007) The share of maritime elected at meetings of the CIPA is conditional upon the presence of the vessel where it is
sold in the county where the company has business operations, the meeting day since operational reasons do not impede
its board output. (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 12 of May 31, 2007) Expenses arising from the participation of elected shipping on CIPA meetings are the
responsibility of the company. (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 12 of May 31, 2007) Subject to item, the company must adjust the dates of the CIPA meetings to allow the
presence of seafarers at least twice during each year of their mandate. (Amended by Decree MTE No.
2062, of December 30, 2014) In the case of the representative of maritime be in transit through the establishment of the
company due to start or end a vacation or legal separation, date of meeting CIPA should be amended
to allow their participation. (Amended by SIT Ordinance No. 12 of May 31, 2007) In the case provided in subsection, one should change the date of counting the start
of the holiday or legal separation, or the seafarer's return on board due to the end of the holiday or legal
separation, corresponding to the number of days required to participate in meeting of CIPA.(Amended
by Ordinance SIT No. 12 of May 31, 2007) The board of directors should tailor the service on board regime for the maritime representative
to attend meetings of the CIPA Regardless of their hours of rest. (Amended by Ordinance SIT No. 12
of 31 May 2007) Elected maritime accident prevention commission and alternates, should attend the monthly
meeting of GSSTB when they are embedded. (Inserted by Order SIT No. 100, of January 17, 2013)
30.4.2 force themselves to comply with this standard private or public undertakings and bodies of the
direct or indirect administration.
30.4.3 The GSSTB, will work under the guidance and technical support from specialized services in
safety engineering and occupational medicine, observing the provisions of NR 04.

30.4.4 The constitution of GSSTB does not generate stability to its members, because of the peculiarities
inherent to the activity on board merchant vessels.

30.4.5 The composition The Security Group and Health at Work on Board - GSSTB is the responsibility of the captain
of the vessel and must be composed of the following crew members: (Every item altered by Ordinance
MTE No. 2062, of December 30, 2014 )
- Security Charge;
- Chief engineer officer;
- Deck section representative;
- Responsible for the health section, if any;
- Trim Representative machines. If the vessel does not have the above mentioned crew members may be replaced by other
crew members who resembled functions. (Inserted by Presidential Decree MTE No. 2062, of December
30, 2014) The master of the vessel may call any other crew member. When the capacity of the vessel is made of record in the port list, the GSSTB shall consist of
one representative from each waterway category stocking of the list, with at least one (01) GSSTB for
every five (05) ships or fraction existing in the company. (Inserted by Presidential Decree MTE No.
2062, of December 30, 2014)
30.4.6 Of GSSTB purposes:
a) maintain procedures aimed at preserving the safety and health at work and the environment, trying to act
b) aggregate efforts of the entire crew so that the vessel can be considered safe workplace;
c) contribute to the improvement of working conditions and well-being on board;
d) recommend modifications and receive technical suggestions aimed at ensuring safety of work carried
out on board;
e) investigate, analyze and discuss the causes of occupational accidents on board, disseminating its
f) adopt measures for companies to keep at the disposal of GSSTB information, rules and updated
recommendations on the prevention of accidents, work-related diseases, diseases infectious and other
character medico-social;
g) ensure that everyone on board to receive and use personal protective equipment and collective to control
hazardous conditions.

30.4.7 Attributions It is up to GSSTB:
a) ensure compliance with the edge of the current safety standards, occupational health and environmental
b) assess whether existing measures onboard to prevent accidents and work-related diseases are
c) suggest procedures that provide job security measures, especially in the case of activities involving risk;

d) verify the correct functioning of the systems and safety equipment and salvage;
e) investigate, analyze and disseminate accidents occurring on board, with or without leave, making the
necessary recommendations to prevent the possible repetition of the same;
f) fill the statistical framework in accordance with the model in Table I attached draft report andforwarding
them to the employer;
g) participate in the planning for the implementation of safety regulatory exercises such as abandonment,
fire fighting, rescue in confined environments, preventing pollution and emergencies in general,
evaluating the results and proposing remedial measures;
h) promote, on board lectures and educational debates, as well as distributing publications and / or
audiovisual resources related to the group's purposes;
i) identify the training needs of safety, occupational health and environmental protection;
j) upon the occurrence of accidents at work the GSSTB should ensure the issuance of the CAT and the
occurrence of term bookkeeping in the logbook.

30.4.8 the meetings The GSSTB will meet, in ordinary session of obligatory at least once every thirty days. In special session:

a) the initiative of the commander of the vessel;
b) upon the written request of most GSSTB components to the captain of the vessel;
c) upon the occurrence of accidents at work, and as a result death or serious injury of the injured;
d) the occurrence of incident, practices or procedures that may generate risks to work on board. will be considered effective working hours to ensure compliance of GSSTB assignments that
must be performed during working hours. The commander shall arrange to provide members of GSSTB, the means necessary for the
performance of their functions and compliance with the group's deliberations. At the end of each meeting will be an elaborate the minutes of the issues discussed. The minutes of the meeting will be filed on board, being extracted copies to send to company
management or when, directly to the Specialized Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine -
SESMT. Each year, whenever compatible with the movement of the vessel, the GSSTB will meet on
board with representatives of the company SESMT in national port chosen by this, to follow-up,
monitoring and evaluation of activities of the group. When the employer is not required to maintain SESMT, you should use the professional services of expert advice
on safety and occupational medicine for annual assessment of GSSTB activities.

30.4.9 any communication and actions It is up to the commander of the vessel:

a) communicate and disseminate standards that the crew should know and comply with safety and health
at work on board and preserve the environment;
b) to inform the crew of the legal sanctions that could arise from non-compliance with regulatory standards
with regard to work on board;
c) send to the company the minutes of the meetings GSSTB requesting the service for items that could not
be resolved with the onboard resources. It is up to the owner and their agents:

a) analyze the group's proposals, implementing them whenever prove appropriate and enforceable and, in
any case inform the GSSTB its reasoned decision;
b) when the transport of dangerous goods, ensure that the master of the vessel is aware of the security
measures to be taken;
c) promote the necessary means to fulfill GSSTB assignments provided for in items 30.7 and 30.8.
30.5 The Medical Control Program of Occupational Health - PCMSO

30.5.1 Companies are required to prepare Control Occupational Health Program - PCMSO, aiming to
promote and preserve the health of their employees, as provided for in NR 07 and as set forth in Table
II - Minimum Standards of Medical Exams .
30.5.2 For each medical examination, the doctor will issue the Occupational Health Certificate - ASO in
triplicate. The first part of the ASO must be kept on board the vessel in which the employee is paying
service. The duplicate the ASO must necessarily be given to the employee, upon receipt in the other two
routes. The third way the ASO should be kept in the company on land.

30.5.3 If the expiry date of the medical examination expires during a voyage, is extended until the date
of the vessel call at where there are the necessary conditions for carrying out such tests, subject to the
maximum period of forty-five days.
30.5.4 For the waterway workers in the maritime group operating vessels classified for offshore navigation and
maritime support, should be adopted medical standards and the medical certificate model (Health Certificate -
International Convention on Education Standards, Certification and Service Room for Seafarers - STCW) set forth
in Table III of NR, without prejudice to the preparation of the Occupational Health Certificate (ASO), according to
Regulatory Standard No. 07 and NR 30 provisions on the subject. (Inserted by MTE Ordinance No. No. 2,062, of
December 30, 2014)

30.6 Feeding

30.6.1 All commercial vessel must have on board the supply of food and drinking water must be observed: the
number of crew, the duration, the nature of travel and emergency situations. should be guaranteed a balanced menu, whose nutritional content meets the caloric
requirements necessary to health conditions and comfort of workers, appropriate to the type of activity
and to ensure the well-being on board.
30.7 Hygiene and Comfort on Board

30.7.1 The corridors and layout of cabins, mess and recreation rooms, must provide adequate security and
protection from the weather and navigation conditions as well as insulation from heat, cold, excessive noise and
fumes from other parts of the vessel. Over the deck of the vessel must have a safety path for passage of the crew.

30.7.2 The steam pipes, exhaust gases and the like, shall not lead through accommodation of the crew
or the corridors leading to them. When those for technical reasons, go through these corridors should
be isolated and protected.
30.7.3 Every vessel shall be provided with an adequate ventilation system which should be set to maintain the air in a
satisfactory condition, sufficient to meet all weather conditions.

30.7.4 Every vessel, except for those intended solely for navigation in the tropics, must be provided with
a suitable heating system for the accommodation of the crew. Radiators and other heating equipment
must be installed in order to avoid danger or discomfort to the occupants of the accommodation.
30.7.5 All locations for the crew should be well-lit. When you can not get enough natural light, artificial lighting system must be installed. In the cabins, each bunk bed is fitted with an electric lamp, individual.
30.7.6 Each cabin is fitted with a table or a desk, a mirror, small cabinets for items used in personal
hygiene, a bookcase and hangers for hanging clothes, as well as an individual locker and a wastebasket
. All furniture should be smooth, sturdy material which will not be deformed by corrosion.
30.7.7 In the case of prior use of any accommodation for carrier crew disease infectious, the site should
be subjected to a thorough disinfection.

30.7.8 Crew members must have individual beds.

30.7.9 The beds should be placed at a distance from one another so as to be allowed access to one
without going above the other. The upper bed should be provided with fixed stairs to access it.

7/30/10 overlapping more than two beds is prohibited.

07.30.11 it may not overlap beds along the side of the vessel when this overlap prevent ventilation and
natural light provided by a watchman.

07/30/12 The beds should not be placed less than 30 cm from the floor.

07/30/13 The mattresses used must have at least 26 density and thickness of 10 cm, kept in perfect
hygiene and conservation.

07/30/14 The provision, maintenance and cleaning of linen will be for the employer's account.

07/30/15 The internal dimensions of a bed should not be less than 1.90 meters by 0.80 meters.

30.7.16 In craft where the application of subparagraphs 30.7.1 and 30.8.4, generate technically incompatible structural
modifications to the area available, or reforms can influence the safety of the vessel, shall be submitted by alternative
technical project owner for approval of authority competent.

30.8 From the Dining Halls and Recreational Places.

30.8.1 The floors and bulkheads shall have no irregularities and should be kept in perfect condition. Floors should be non-slip material.

30.8.2 The tables and chairs should be moisture resistant material, easy to clean and be in perfect
working order. The chairs must have devices for attachment to the floor.

30.8.3 dining halls and recreational The sites should have lighting, proper ventilation and temperature.

30.8.4 In larger vessels 3000 AB, leisure rooms must be installed with its own furniture. In the smaller vessels than those provided in subsection 30.8.4, the dining room can be used
as a recreation room.

30.9 Kitchen

30.9.1 The capture fumes, vapors and odors to be made through the use of an exhaust system.

30.9.2 The bottles of LPG and its connections must be certified and stored outside the kitchen
compound, in marked, protected and ventilated place.
30.10 Of Sanitary Facilities

30.10.1 Sanitary facilities must meet the following requirements:

a) floors should be non-slip, waterproof material, easy to clean and must be equipped with a drainage
b) the accommodation shall be adequately lit, ventilated and, where necessary, heated;
c) the sinks must have the necessary supply of fresh, hot and cold water;
d) toilets should have sufficient discharge pressure, allowing its operation at any time and their individual control mode and,
when necessary, have hygienic shower next;
e) when there are multiple toilets installed in the same place they should be separated by partitions to
ensure the privacy of users;
f) sanitary facilities should be kept in a permanent state of repair and cleanliness.

30.11 Of Places to Washing and drying clothes and work clothes Guard.

30.11.1 All craft of a minimum of 500 AB should have facilities for washing and drying work clothes.

30.11.2 The facilities for washing clothes should have freshwater supply.

30.11.3 There must be properly ventilated place and easily accessible to save your work clothes.

30.12 The Health Protection

30.12.1 The infirmary, where provided, must meet conditions as its capacity, area, hot and cold water
systems, drainage and liquid waste.

30.12.1 The ward should have the means and materials for the fulfillment of its purpose.

30.13 Security at Work Cleaning and maintenance of vessels.

30.13.1 In cleaning of cargo tanks, oil, ballast or confined spaces is required:

a) preliminary inspection of the site by crew enabled, with special attention to monitoring the percentage of oxygen,
contaminants and explosive mixture in the environment in accordance with current regulations;
b) fan use, exhaust or both to eliminate gases and vapors before allowing the entry of people in order to
maintain a safe atmosphere during the performance of work;
c) work in pairs, carrying the performer a cable guide that allows its rescue by the observer;
d) use of lighting fixtures and accessories whose specifications are appropriate to the hazardous area;
e) prohibition of smoking or carry objects that produce flames, sparks or sparks;
f) use warrant-air systems or self-contained positive pressure in oxygen-deficient environments or
impregnated with toxic gases and vapors;
g) deposit in appropriate containers, cloths and rags used with oil, grease, solvents or similar to having
proper disposal.

30.13.2 Running services in confined spaces should be performed only after inspection and issuance of
the respective Work Permit by the commander of the vessel or their Supervisor of.

30.13.3 simultaneous jobs are not allowed repair and maintenance with loading and unloading, as
harmful to health and physical integrity of workers.

30.13.4 The crew may not perform work on scaffolding, tall structures and side without observing the
proper safety measures.
30.14 Supplementary Provisions.
30.14.1 The standards for safety and health at work are regulated as to its scope, application and working conditions, in
the form of attachments to this standard, the following activities:
- Oil exploration and production platforms and platform ships seafarers;
- Industrial and commercial fishing;
- Artisanal fishing;
- Underwater work;
- Other activities on board vessels and platforms.
TABLE I of NR-30

(2) NO (3) COM

(1) Total hours available to the employer (number of crew x 24 hours x 30 days).
(2) That the employee returns to his normal activities on the same day of the accident or the next day
early in the next workday.
(3) That the employee does not return to normal activities the same day of the accident or the next day
early in the next workday.
(4) Number of accidents without lost time x 1,000,000 / number of man hours of exposure.
(5) Number of lost-time accidents x 1,000,000 / number of man hours of exposure.


General requirements for all seafarers during the medical examination:
a) show no disturbance in their sense of balance, being able to move around on uneven and unstable
slippery surfaces;
b) not present any limitation or disease which could prevent its normal handling and performance of
physical activities onboard routine, including squatting, kneeling, bend and reach objects located above
shoulder height;
c) be able to go up and down without help, vertical and inclined ladders;
d) be able to hold, lift, rotate and manage various commonly used tools, open and close valve wheels
and levers and common use equipment;
e) being able to maintain a normal conversation;
f) no symptoms of mental disorders or behavior;
g) teeth - minimum of 10 natural teeth or similar prosthesis in each arch, without compromising normal
joint and soft tissues.
Visual acuity
Enough with correction to perform their activities or on-board functions.
For seafarers who become monocular in service with no evidence of progressive degenerative disease,
visual acuity will be required, with correction, consistent with the activities or functions they perform on

Function on board Visual acuity Basic Corrected Visual Acuity

Commander, Boating Officers and Unpatched 6/6 in the better eye = 1 and
Junior section of the deck. 6/60 = 0.66/12 = 0.5 in the other eye
Crew member who became monocular in service with evidence of progressive disease in the
remaining eye

Commander, Boating Officers and Unpatched 6/6 = 1 in the eye

Junior section of the deck. 6/60 = 0.6 remaining
Function on board Visual acuity Basic Corrected Visual Acuity
Engineer officers and Unpatched
The junior section 6/18 = 0.4
6/60 = 0.6
Crew member who became monocular in service with evidence of progressive disease
remaining eye
Engineer officers and
Unpatched 6/9 = 0.6 in the eye
The junior section
6/60 = 0.6 remaining

For all onboard functions will be regarded as specific minimum standards:

- No significant condition evident from double vision (diplopia);

- Sufficient visual fields and no evidence of pathology;
- Mild and moderate dyschromatopsias will be tolerated, according to the criteria used in the tests.


(Inserted by Presidential Decree MTE No. 2062, of December 30, 2014)


General requirements during the medical examination:

a) show no disturbance in their sense of balance, being able to move on uneven and unstable slippery
b) not present any limitation or disease which could prevent its normal handling and performance of the physical routine
activities and emergency on board during the period of validity of your medical certificate, including upcrouch, kneel, bend
and reach objects located above shoulder height;

c) be able to go up and down without help, vertical and inclined ladders;

d) be able to hold, lift, rotate and manage various commonly used tools, open and close valve wheels and
levers and common use equipment;
e) demonstrate to have a hearing and speech appropriate to communicate effectively and detect any
audible alarms;
f) no symptoms of mental disorders or behavior;
g) teeth - minimum of 10 natural teeth or similar prosthesis in each arch, without compromising normal
joint and soft tissues;
h) not be suffering from any medical condition that may be aggravated by service at sea or to render the seafarer unfit for
such service or to endanger the health and safety of other persons on board;

i) not be taking any medication that has side effects that may impair any requirements for effective performance and routine
assignments insurance and emergency on board;
j) to have physical training compatible with personal survival techniques, prevention and fire fighting, first
building aid, personal safety and social responsibilities.
Visual acuity

Enough with correction to perform their activities or on-board functions.

For seafarers who become monocular in service with no evidence of progressive degenerative disease,
visual acuity will be required, with correction, consistent with the activities or functions they perform on

away Vision
Rule Category with close View Campos Blindness Diplopia
Convention correção¹ in 4 4 (sight
STCW Maritime a Other Both eyes Color 3 Visual night double) 4
together, or
eye eye
Required vision
to the
Commander, the vessel (ex .: Required vision
I / 11 officials query for
II / 1 department letters and play
II / 2 deck and publications all none
II / 3 junior nautical, Campos functions issue
II / 4 deck 0,5² 0.5 use visual necessary signifi
II / 5 which is of Note 6 normal in the dark, grandmother
VII / 2 required to tools without clear
play and compromise
Assignments equipments your
surveillance Footbridge performance
and identification
All official Required vision
Required vision
machines, to read
1/11 official tools
III / 1 Electrical, next,
all none
III / 2 junior 0.4 to operate
Campos functions issue
III / 3 Electrical 0.4 5 (See equipments See visual necessary signifi
III / 4 and junior Note and Note 7
enough in the dark, grandmother
III / 5 or others 5) to identify
without clear
III / 6 part systems /
III / 7 a quarter components
VII / 2 service in event
machine required
Required vision
for Required vision
read for
tools play
next, all none
I / 11 Radio operators to operate Campos functions issue
in 0.4 0.4 equipments visual necessary signifi
IV / 2 GMDSS is for
Note 7 enough in the dark, grandmother
identify without clear
systems / compromise
components your
event performance

1. Values given in decimal scale of Snellen.
2. It is recommended that a value of at least 0.7 in an eye, to reduce the risk of an underlying disease not
detected in the eye.
3. As defined in the Recommendations for International Requirements for Color Vision for Transportation by the Commission
Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE-143-2001, including any subsequent versions).
4. Subject to an assessment by a clinical vision specialist where indicated by findings on initial
5. The staff of the department machines must have a shared vision of at least 0.4.
6. color vision Standard 1 or 2 of the CIE.

7. color vision Standard 1, 2 or 3 of the CIE.



3 must be convinced that the
Routine movements on surfaces
It has no sense of disturbance
slippery, uneven and unstable; Maintain balance
risk of injury
It is able to move up and down without
Routine access between levels; Up and down vertical ladders and help,
emergency response procedures sloping vertical and inclined stairs.
Routine movement between spaces and
Go over coamings (eg .: It is able to go over without assistance,
compartments; reaction procedures
up to 60 cm) a high door sill (coaming).
the emergence
Open and close watertight doors; systems
It is capable of handling, lifting and handling
cranks manuals; open and close
several common board tools;
valve wheels; handle cables;
Handle mechanical devices move hands / arms to open and close
using hand tools (i.e. (manual and digital dexterity and
strength) valve wheels in vertical directions
Key mouth, fire axes,
and horizontal; rotate handles to rotate
keys for valves, hammers, keys
screwdriver, pliers)
Gain access through the ship; use
tools and equipment; the
has any impairment or disease
emergency response procedures
Moving with agility which could prevent his movements and
must be followed promptly, including
dress vest lifeguard or laundry their normal physical activities.
Handle the board supplies;
has any impairment or disease
use tools and equipment; Lifting, pulling, pushing and
which could prevent his movements and
handle cables; follow the procedures carry a load
their normal physical activities.
the emergency response
has any impairment or disease
Store in an elevated area; open and Reach places above the height
which could prevent his movements and
close valves shoulder
their normal physical activities.
Crouch (lowering height
bending your knees);
General maintenance of the ship; has any impairment or disease
Kneeling (put
emergency response procedures, which could prevent his movements and
knees on the floor);
including damage control Bending the body (reduce the their normal physical activities.
bending the waist).
Crawl (the ability to move the
body with hands and knees);
Emergency response procedures, has any impairment or disease
Feel (the ability to handle
including exhaust compartments filled which could prevent his movements and
or touch to examine or
smoke their normal physical activities.
temperature differences).
Making Room service Stand and walk for long It is able to stand and walk for long
for at least 4 hours time periods periods of time.
Working in tight spaces and has any impairment or disease
Get access between compartments; follow
moving through openings which could prevent his movements and
The emergency response procedures
restricted (eg .: 60 cm x 60 cm) their normal physical activities.
Respond to alarms, warnings and
Distinguish an object or meet the eyesight standards
visual; response procedures to
so that a distance specified by the competent authority.
Hearing a sound with a level
React to alarms and voice prompts; meets the hearing capacity standards
specified dB, a
emergency response procedures specified by the competent authority.
specified frequency
Give verbal information or call Describe what's around you and
It is capable of holding a conversation
attention to suspicious situations or close and pronounce activities
emergency clearly the words

1. The above table describes (a) the tasks, functions, events, and normal situations on board, (b) a corresponding physical
ability which is considered necessary for the safety of a seafarer who is living and working aboard a ship at sea and (c) a
guideline for measuring the corresponding physical ability. Administrations should take into account these physical
abilities to establish medical fitness standards.
2. This table is not intended to address every possible situation on board, not all situations that may medically
disqualify the individual; and they should therefore be used only as a general guideline.Administrations should
determine the categories of seafarers who are subject to an assessment of the physical capacity for service on
vessels operating in the shipping, taking into account the nature of the work that will be employed at sea. For
example, the full implementation of these guidelines may not be appropriate in the case of artists which are not
assigned tasks in the master table. In addition, it should be given all the attention to special circumstances
surrounding individual cases, as well as any known risks of allowing the individual to be employed on board the
ship, and to what extent a limited capacity can be reconciled in a given situation.

3. The term "emergency response procedures" as used in this table is intended to cover all standard measures of
response to emergencies such as abandon ship and fire fighting, as well as the basic procedures to be followed by each
seafarer to enhance their personal survival to avoid creating situations where it is needed special help from other crew

4. The term "aid" means the use of another person to accomplish the task.

5. When in doubt, the medical examiner should quantify, by means of objective tests, the severity of
any impairment to disqualify the candidate, whenever appropriate tests are available, or send the
candidate for further assessment.
6. The Convention on Medical Examination (Seafarers) ILO, 1946 (No. 73) provides, among others, the
measures to be taken to enable a person who, after examination, has been refused a certificate to apply
for a further examination by a medical referee or referees who shall be independent of any shipowner
or of any organization of shipowners or seafarers.
Health Certificate
Name / Name:
Date of Birth / Date of Birth:
Sex / Gender:
Nationality / Nationality:
Registration / Identification:
Position / Function:

Type of examination / Type of Medical Exam:

() Admission / Admission () Journal / Periodic

() Other / Other: ________________

Medical Coordinator / Medical Coordinator:


Occupational Risks Activity / Occupational Risks:

Physical / Physical:
() Missing / Absent () Heat / Heat () Noise / Noise
() Cold / Cold / () Vibration / Vibration
() Others
/ Others: ____________________________________________________________________
Chemicals / Chemical:

() Missing / A bsent () Oil / Hydrocarbons

( ) Toxic gases / Toxic Gases ( ) Chemicals / Chemical Products
() Others / Others: ____________________________________________________________________

Biological / Biological:
( ) Missing / Absent ( ) Microbiological agents / Microbiological pathogens
() Others / Others: ____________________________________________________________________

LABORATORY TESTS / Additional Exams:

Examination / Exam: Date / Date:

( ) Fit / Fit for duty () Unfit / Unfit for duty

I was informed of the contents of the exam and the right to appeal if you disagree with it.
I hereby certify que I was informed about the content of this document, and que I have the right to ask for
recourse (appeal) if I do not agree with it.

____________________, ______ Of _________

Place and date / Place and

__________________________ _________________________
Doctor / Doctor Crew / Crew member

The Health Certificate is valid for one year; but only if clearly recorded. / This Health
Certificate is valid for one year, except if otherwise Clearly stated.
According to Reg 1/9 of SCTW, MLC-2006 / In Accordance with SCTW Reg 1/9, MLC-2006.

Additional Information / Additional Information:

Question / Question Yes / Yes No / No

The identification was verified?
Was the identity verified?
Hearing meets the minimum requirements for boarding?
Hearing is adequate for boarding?
Hearing aids without adequate?
Unaided hearing is adequate?
Color vision meets the standards?
Color vision is adequate?
Date of the last check for color blindness (maximum 6 years)
Last color vision evaluation (max. 6 years)
Any limitations or medical restrictions?
Any medical limitation or restriction?
If so, what?
If (Yes), specify:
The sea is free from conditions that might make it unfit?
Is the seafarer free of health conditions That Could impair him?

____________________, ______ Of _________ ______________de. Place and date / Place and


Doctor / Doctor Crew / Cr Crew member


1. Purpose and scope

2. Definitions
3. General obligations
4. Provisions health and safety on ships
5. Medical examinations and first aid
6. Training and information
Appendix I - minimum safety and health provisions applicable to new fishing boats Appendix II -
minimum safety and health provisions applicable to existing fishing boats Appendix III - rescue and
survival Media
1. Purpose and scope

1.1. This Annex lays down minimum health and safety provisions for work on board of commercial and
industrial fishing vessels registered in organ of the Maritime Authority and licensed by the competent
fisheries body.
1.1.1. The commercial and industrial fishing vessels are still subject to periodic controls provided for in
the other rules that they apply.

1.2. This Annex applies to all professional fishermen and total length of fishing vessels less than 12.0
m or Gross Tonnage less than 10 who engage in commercial and industrial fishing operations, unless
otherwise .
1.2.1. For smaller vessels 12.0 m or Gross Tonnage less than 10, this Standard applies what fits.

2. Definitions

2.1. Boat is every fishing boat, new or existing.

2.1.1 Fishing boat, for the purposes of this Annex, is all Brazilian flag vessel used for commercial or
industrial activity engaged capture, conservation, processing, transformation or industrialization of
organisms that have water in its natural surroundings.
2.1.2. It is considered new fishing boat vessel whose building plans have been approved by the maritime
authority after the date of entry into force of this Annex or whose entry has occurred six months after
that date.
2.1.3. Existing fishing boat is every fishing vessel which is not a new fishing boat.

2.2. Worker is any person who carries out an occupation on board a vessel, including those in period of training and
apprentices but excluding shore personnel performing work on board and the practical.

2.3. Professional Fisherman is the person who exercises his activity on board in all functions duly authorized by
the Brazilian Maritime Authority, even in times of training or improvement, excluding practical and ground staff to
conduct not related jobs to the activity -end.

2.4. Owner is the person or entity that exploits own boats, chartered, leased or loaned, in any form
provided for in the national or international law, although this is not their main activity.
2.5. Fishing Boss is all fisherman duly qualified to command a ship and manage fishing activities and is
responsible for its operation.

3. General Obligations

. 3.1 It is up to the owner:

a) take the necessary measures to ensure that the boats are used in order not to compromise the
safety and
Health workers in under normal weather conditions; and
b) provide the fishing master the necessary means to fulfill the obligations assigned to it by this Annex.

3.2. It is responsibility of the owner, in case of an accident on board where there is death or
disappearance, serious injury or material damage of major consequence, see to it that the fishing
master, in addition to meeting the legal standards, draw up a detailed report occurred.
3.2.1. The report shall be made, if required, to the competent labor authority.

3.2.2. The occurrence will be recorded in detail in the fourth book or, failing that, in a specific document
for this purpose.

4. Safety and health provisions in boats

4.1. New fishing boats, or having undergone major renovations or modifications must meet minimum
safety and health provisions of Appendix I to this Annex.

4.2. In the case of existing fishing boats, must be fulfilled the provisions of Appendix II.

4.3. Compliance with the provisions of this Annex does not exempt the boats of periodic controls
provided for in the other rules that apply to them.

. 4.4 It is up to the owner, without prejudice to the responsibility of the fishing boss:
a) ensure the maintenance of the boats, their facilities and equipment, especially with regard to the
provisions of Appendices I and II of this Annex, in order to eliminate as soon as possible defects that
may affect the safety and health of workers;
b) take steps to ensure regular cleaning of boats and the number of facilities and equipment in order to
maintain adequate hygiene and safety;
c) keep on board the rescue boats and livelihoods appropriate, in good working order and in sufficient quantity, in
accordance with the standards of maritime authority;
d) meet the minimum safety and health provisions for rescue and survival means set out in Appendix III of
this Annex and the standards of maritime authority;
e) provide the personal protective equipment needed, when you can not prevent or sufficiently reduce the
risks to the safety and health of workers and collective means of protection techniques, according to
Regulatory Standard No. 6; and
f) ensure the supply of food and drinking water in sufficient quantity, according to the number of commercial
fishermen and other workers on board, the duration, the nature of travel and emergency situations.
5. Medical examinations and first aid

. 5.1 It is owner's responsibility:

a) fund the development and implementation of the Medical Control Program and Occupational Health -
PCMSO fishermen, as provided in Regulatory Norm No. 7;
b) supply the vessel with the necessary means to meet first aid on board and book first aid and medications, according to the
recommendations by sea and health authorities; and
c) see to it that there is at least one professional fisherman trained in first aid care for every ten professional
fishermen or fraction on board.

. 5.2 For each medical examination, the attending physician will issue the Occupational Health
Certificate - ASO in triplicate.

5.2.1. The first part of the ASO must be kept on board the vessel on which the fisherman is providing
professional service.

5.2.2. The duplicate the ASO is required to be delivered to the professional fisherman, a receipt in the
other two routes.
5.2.3. The third way the ASO should be kept to the owner or his Supervisor of the ground.

5.3. The validity of the medical examination is extended if expire in the course of a fishery, until the date
of the vessel stopover in a port where there are the necessary conditions for their achievement, subject
to the maximum forty-five days.
6. Training and information

. 6.1 In relation to professional fishermen, it is up to the owner:

a) require training certificate issued by the maritime authority; and
b) ensure the provision of appropriate and comprehensible information on safety and health on board, as
well as on preventive and protective measures adopted in the boat, without prejudice to the
responsibility of the fishing master;
. 6.2 The training of professional fishermen should include precise instructions comprising, in
a) training for fire fighting;
b) the use of rescue and survival equipment;
c) the proper use of fishing gear and traction equipment; and
d) the different signaling methods, especially the communication signals.

6.2.1. When changes in boat activities, new information must be given where appropriate.

6.3. It is owner's responsibility to ensure that any person hired to command a boat is duly approved by
the maritime authority.

. 6.3.1 The specialized vocational training should include at least the following topics:
a) prevention of occupational diseases and industrial accidents on board and the steps to be taken in case
of accidents;
b) fire fighting and use of rescue and survival equipment;
c) stability of the boat and maintaining stability under all foreseeable conditions of loading and during fishing
operations; and
d) navigation procedures and radio communication.

7. Final Disposition
7.1. It is up to Fundacentro develop and keep updated a Technical Guide, of recommendatory
character for the evaluation and prevention of risks related to the use of fishing boats.

Minimum Safety and Health Provisions Applicable to New Fishing Boats

1. Scope

. 1.1 The obligations in this Appendix apply to new fishing boats, considering:
a) the operational characteristics for which they were designed;
b) the maximum operating distance;
c) the autonomy time boating and fishing;
d) the safety requirements of workplaces or fishing activities; and
e) the circumstances or evidence of risk on board.

2. Airworthiness and stability

2.1. The vessel must be maintained in a seaworthy condition and be provided with appropriate
equipment to
your destination and use.

2.2. Information on boat stability characteristics when required, should be available on board and
accessible to service personnel.

2.3. A boat shall keep his intact stability for the intended working conditions, leaving the fishing boss
take the necessary precautionary measures.

2.4. Instructions for the boat's stability must be strictly observed.

3. Facilities

3.1. Electrical installations

. 3.1.1 The electrical installation must be designed and built safely, ensuring:
a) the protection of the crew and the boat against electrical hazards;
b) the correct functioning of the equipment necessary for maintaining the ship in normal operation and accommodation, without
recourse to an emergency source of electricity; and
c) the operation of electrical equipment essential for safety in emergency situations.

3.1.2. The boat should be equipped with emergency power source. The emergency source of electrical power shall be located outside the engine room and be
designed, in all cases, to ensure, in case of fire or failure of the main electrical installation, simultaneous
operation by at least three hours:
a) the internal communication system, fire detectors and emergency signaling;
b) the navigation lights and emergency lighting;
c) the radio system; and
d) electric pump emergency fire or flooding, if any. The storage battery, when used as a source, must be automatically connected to the
emergency electrical switchboard and ensure uninterrupted power for three hours of systems as
mentioned in paragraphs a, b and c of subsection 3.1 .2.1.
. 3.1.3 The main frame of distribution of electricity and the emergency switchboard must:
a) be installed so as not to be exposed to water or fire;
b) have clear indications; and
c) be reviewed periodically in respect of the boxes and fuse holders in order to ensure that fuses are used whose rated current
is suitable for the loop current intensity.

3.1.4. The compartments where electrical batteries are housed must be adequately ventilated.

3.2. Other facilities

3.2.1. The navigation electronic devices should be tested frequently and kept in perfect working order.

3.2.2. The radio installation must be able to contact at any time, with at least one coastguard station or interior, taking into
account normal propagation conditions of radio waves, observing the established technical requirements the rules of the
maritime authority.

3.2.3. The traction equipment, loading and unloading and similar accessories should be kept in good
working order, periodically examined and certified annually.

3.2.4. The refrigeration plants and compressed air systems must be properly maintained and be subject
to periodic reviews.

3.2.5. The kitchen equipment and appliances using gas should only be used in spaces


3.2.6. Cylinders containing flammable and other dangerous gases should be clear indication of its
contents and stored in open spaces. The pressure regulating valves and pipes connected to the cylinders should be protected
against damage by shock.

4. Emergency routes and exits

. 4.1 routes and exits to be used in case of emergency are:

a) always remain unobstructed;
b) be easily accessible and properly signposted, with clear indication of the direction of the exit; and
c) lead as directly as possible to the higher level or to a safe area and from this point, the rescue boats, so
that workers can evacuate workplaces and accommodation quickly and safely as possible.
4.1.1. The number, distribution and dimensions of the routes shall be in accordance with use, the
equipment and the maximum number of persons that may be in those places.
4.1.2. The signs must be made in the right places and have durability.
4.2. The outputs that can be used as an emergency and should be kept closed to allow easy and quick
opening by any worker or by rescue teams.
. 4.3 The doors and other emergency exits must:
a) maintain tightness to weather or water, according to the site, considering its specific functions in relation
to safety; and
b) offer the same fire resistance as the bulkhead.

4.4. The routes, the abandonment of facilities and emergency exits requiring illumination must be provided with sufficient
intensity of emergency lighting system for cases of failure of the normal system.

5. detection and fire fighting

5.1. The living quarters and enclosed workplaces, including the engine room and fish holds, must have suitable devices
fire fighting and, if necessary, fire detectors and alarm system, according to the dimensions and the use of boat, the
equipment that is provided, the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances on board and the maximum
number of people who may be on board.

. 5.1.1 The fire-fighting devices must be:

a) installed in accessible and clear and signposted; and
b) kept in good working order.
5.1.2. Workers should be informed of the location, the mechanisms of operation and how to use the fire
fighting devices.

5.1.3. It is mandatory to check for fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment on board before
any output from the port boat.

5.1.4. The portable fire-fighting devices must be easy to access and operation and be properly
signposted. The signs must be placed at appropriate locations and permanently maintained.

5.2. The fire alarm and detection systems should be tested regularly and kept in good working order.

5.3. Fire drills should be conducted involving all the crew at least once a year and whenever necessary.

6. Workplaces
6.1. Workplaces

6.1.1. Enclosed workplaces must have sufficient ventilation The, according to the working methods
and the physical demands placed on the workers. Mechanical ventilation should be maintained in good working order.

6.1.2. The temperature in workplaces must be adequate for human beings during working hours, taking into account the
working methods used, the physical demands placed on the workers and the prevailing weather conditions or that may
occur in the region in that the boat operates.

6.1.3. Workplaces, as far as possible, should receive sufficient natural light and be equipped with
adequate artificial lighting to fishing conditions and does not jeopardize the safety and health of workers,
or the navigation of other vessels. The lighting installations of workplaces, stairs, ladders and passageways must be chosen so as not to present
risk of accidents for workers or hinder the navigation of the ship. Workplaces where the workers are especially exposed to risks in the event of artificial lighting
must be provided emergency lighting of adequate intensity, maintained in effective working order and
tested periodically. The spaces containing workstations must be given sufficient acoustic and thermal insulation, takinginto
account the type of tasks and physical activity of professional fishermen.

6.2. Floors, bulkheads and ceilings

6.2.1. All the places to which workers have access must have non-slip floors or device slipping and be
free of obstacles.

6.2.2. The surfaces of floors, of bulkheads and ceilings should be easy to clean.

6.3. Doors

6.3.1. The doors, especially sliding doors, when necessary, should work with maximum safety for the
workers, especially in sea conditions and adverse weather.

6.3.2. All the doors are to be opened from the inside without the need for specific devices such as keys
or the like.

6.3.3. The doors are to be opened by both sides in the working compartments.

6.4. Traffic routes and danger areas

6.4.1. It should be available boarding ladder, gangway or similar device providing appropriate and secure
access to the boat.
6.4.2. The corridors, intersections, outer parts of magazines and all traffic routes in the boat must be
equipped with handrails, handholds or other means to ensure the safety of the crew during their
shipboard activities.
6.4.3. If there is downside risk to workers by deck hatch, or from one deck to another, must be
installed guard rails suitable in all the necessary places. The guard rails should have a minimum height of 1.20 m, intermediate protections and footer
of 0.20 m.

6.4.4. The access openings to the deck areas or covering used to allow maintenance of the facilities
must be made to ensure the safety of workers.

6.4.5. The rails and other means installed to prevent falls overboard must be maintained in good repair
and allow the fast flowing water.

6.4.6. In drag systems provided by the stern ramp at the top must be gate or other device

security of the same height as the bulwarks in order to protect workers from the risk of falling. The device must be easily opened and closed, preferably by remote control, and be open
only to drop or raise the network.

7. Security in operations

7.1. Work areas should be prepared to your order and provide adequate protection for workers
against falling on the vessel or sea.

7.1.1. The fish handling areas must be sufficiently spacious with respect to height and area of work,
considering the number of professional fishermen required in the operation.

7.2. The control of the motors must be installed in a specific location, separately, with acoustic and
thermal insulation.

7.2.1. When located in the engine room, the control of the motors must have independent access.

7.2.2. It is considered the bridge a location that meets all the requirements in item 7.2.

. 7.3 traction equipment commands are:

a) be installed in a sufficiently wide area, designed to facilitate the operation;
b) allow easy viewing of the desktop; and
c) ensure that operators are not exposed to risks of accidents with cables and moving parts.

7.4. Traction equipment must be fitted with emergency stop devices located where they can be driven directly by
the operator or other professional fishermen.

7.5. The operator of traction equipment commands must have adequate view of the movement of
equipment and workers who are in fishing.

7.5.1. When the traction equipment is operated from the bridge, the operator should have clear view of the movement
area of equipment and workers involved in the toil, directly or through other appropriate means.

7.6. The communication system between the bridge and the working deck should be adequate and

7.7. You must maintain strict surveillance, as well as a sound system and visual alert the crew about the imminent danger
of the sea blow during fishing operations or when it carries out work on deck.

7.8. Moving parts short of dumpers, of trawling cables and equipment of the parts must be protected
through appropriate mechanisms.

. 7.9 cargo handling control systems must be installed, especially in hauling systems, including:
a) door locking mechanisms of the trawl; and
b) balancing control mechanisms cup of the trawl.

7.10. The personal protective equipment used as clothing or pieces of them to use over these parts must be in
bright colors to contrast with the marine environment and be clearly visible.

8. Conditions of livability and onboard living areas

8.1. Basic Requirements

8.1.1. The location, structure, acoustic and thermal insulation and layout of onboard living areas, including bedrooms,
feeding sites, toilets, play areas, laundry facilities and means of access thereto, should provide adequate protection
against inclement weather and sea, vibration, noise and fumes from other areas, which might disturb the workers in their
periods of feeding and resting.

8.1.2. The onboard living areas should have adequate headroom. In areas where workers must remain standing for prolonged periods, the height can not be less
than 1.9 m. In boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the
headroom in the living areas can be not less than 2.0 m. The maritime authority may allow reduction in headroom in the areas of living, if reasonable and
not result in discomfort for professional fishermen.

8.1.3. The areas of experience aimed at dormitories can not communicate directly with fish storage
holds and the machine rooms, except through openings to be used only as emergency exits. If it is reasonably practicable, should avoid direct communication between the areas destined to
the dormitories and areas for kitchen, pantries, collective toilets and laundry. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the areas
destined to the dormitories can not communicate directly with fish holds, engine room, kitchens,
pantries, laundry and toilet facilities for collective use, except for openings which are intended solely as
emergency exits.
8.1.4. The spaces intended for living areas should be properly isolated and the materials constituting the
interior bulkheads, partitions and floor coverings must be appropriate so as to ensure a healthy
environment on board.
8.1.5. The areas of experience must have system for water drainage.

8.1.6. All the spaces of the living areas as a whole must have at least two emergency exits on opposite

8.1.7. The temperature in the dorms, in the areas of service in cafeterias and first aid facilities shall be
in accordance with the specific use of each place.
8.1.8. The boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 must be provided with
recreational facilities, games, books and other suitable means of entertainment.

8.1.9. The board workers must have access to communications equipment available at a price not
exceeding the cost.

8.1.10. The fishermen living areas should be kept in adequate conditions of cleanliness and cleaning is
not allowed storing these local materials or goods other than for personal use of its occupants.
8.2. Thermal comfort and sound

8.2.1. Noise levels in the areas of living should be minimized. In the areas destined to the dormitories of the professional fishermen, noise levels should be
limited to a maximum of 65 dB (A).
8.2.2. The areas of experience should be protected as the transmission of vibrations coming from the
engine, the hoisting equipment and the engine room.

8.2.3. The boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 should
be provided with living areas with soundproofing and vibration absorption systems, to ensure a
maximum level of noise of 65 dB (A). In the areas destined to the dormitories of the professional fishermen of the boats referred to
in subsection 8.2.3, the maximum noise levels should be 60 dB (A).

8.2.4. The ventilation of living areas should consider the climatic conditions of the area of operation
provided for in boat design, in order to continuously provide a satisfactory amount of air exchange in
relation to the maximum number of workers on board. The boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100
should be equipped with artificial ventilation system in living areas, able to continuously regulate the air
circulation in all weather conditions and climatological.
8.2.5. The boats living areas designed to operate in areas beyond Tropical zones or subject to
temperatures below 15 ° C must have heating system able to ensure adequate heating level. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, should be
installed air conditioning system in spaces for living areas, the bridge, the radio room and rooms central
control of machines, as well as in workplaces where necessary, except those operating regularly in
areas where climatic conditions become unnecessary measures of thermal control.

8.3. Bedrooms

8.3.1. When the design, size or fishing operation characteristics for which the boat was designed to allow, dormitories
should be located near the boat's center of gravity, where they minimize the effects of motion and acceleration, not being
allowed its installation ahead of the collision bulkhead.

8.3.2. The areas of dorms, excluding the spaces occupied by beds and lockers, should provide
professional fishermen adequate space and convenience, considering the duration of fishing operations
for which the boat was designed. The boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m but less than 50.0 m or gross tonnage of less than
100, but less than 500 must have free area in the bedroom at least 1.0 m² per worker on board, excluding the spaces
occupied by beds and lockers. On the boats with an overall length less than 50.0 m or gross tonnage less than 500, the free
area shall be 1.5 m² per worker.
8.3.3. The maximum number of workers per household may not exceed six. In boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the
maximum number of workers can not exceed four and the number of officers can not exceed two,
dormitory. The maritime authority may allow exception to sub-items 8.3.3 and, in particular cases
where their application is not reasonable or feasible, according to the type of vessel, its size and the
service to which it applies .
8.3.4. The maximum number of people per bedroom must be indicated legibly and indelibly in easily
visible place in the dorm entrance.

8.3.5. The professional fishermen must have individual beds of appropriate dimensions and mattresses
made of such materials. In boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100,
the size of the beds can not be smaller than 1.90 x 0.68 m.

8.3.6. The halls must be equipped with furniture that facilitates cleaning and provides convenience to professional
fishermen and shall be included beds, individual lockers and a desk in each dormitory. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the dorms
are separated by sex. In smaller boats, dormitories should be administered so as to provide the men and women
aboard an adequate level of privacy.

8.3.7. There must be hangers or lockers outside the bedroom areas to hang work clothes used or
waterproof covers.
8.3.8. The owner shall provide the appropriate bedding for each bed vessel on board.

8.4. Sanitary Facilities

8.4.1. The boats that have dormitories should be provided with sanitation facilities consist of sinks, private showers
and protected against oxidation and slipping, easy to clean and in adequate numbers to the number of workers,
according to the standards of maritime authorities and health.

. Lavatories are:

a) be ventilated with air independent of any other part of the living areas;
b) be designed and operated so as to eliminate the risk of contamination of other areas of the boat;
c) allow privacy to employees in their use; and
d) have sweet, hot and cold water in sufficient quantity to ensure proper hygiene to workers throughout the
period they remain on board. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the
fishermen who occupy dormitories with private sanitary facilities must have at least a shower, a toilet
and a sink for four people.
8.5. Cafeterias

8.5.1. The dining areas should be close to the kitchen. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, mess
rooms should be separated from dormitories.

8.5.2. The size and cafeteria equipment must be suitable to meet at least 1/3 of the workers on board at
a time.

8.5.3. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 workers must
have access to a refrigerator of adequate volume and the possibility of making hot and cold drinks.
8.6. Kitchen, Local Food Preparation and Storage

8.6.1. All boats must have suitable location with necessary utensils and equipment to prepare food. Whenever possible you should settle a kitchen in a separate room and exclusively for this
purpose. The total length of vessels less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 must be equipped
with separate kitchen.

8.6.2. The kitchen or installation for food preparation must have adequate size, be well lit, ventilated and
properly maintained.

8.6.3. When using liquefied gas to cook, the containers must be properly secured on the outside of the

8.6.4. It must be suitable location, large enough, properly ventilated and dry, for storage of provisions in
order to avoid their deterioration during the trip. The boats that do not have refrigerators must be equipped with other devices that can be used
to keep food stored at low temperature. The total length of vessels less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, and should have
utility cooler or other specific location for the storage of foods at low temperature.
8.6.5. The kitchen, pantry and places for food preparation must be kept in hygienic conditions.

8.6.6. All trash and food waste must be deposited in sealed containers and kept out of the places where food is handled
and be disposed of in accordance with current environmental standards.

8.6.7. Shall be provided adequate supplies of food and drinking water in quantity, quality, variety and nutritional
value, taking into account the number of fishers on board, their religious requirements and cultural practices in
relation to food, and the duration and nature of the trip. The competent authority may establish minimum requirements for the nutritional value of food
and minimal amounts of food and water that should be taken on board.

8.7. Laundry

8.7.1. The boats that have dormitories must have facilities for washing and drying clothes, as
necessary, considering the conditions of use of the boat. The boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 must have
facilities for washing, drying and ironing clothes. On the boats with an overall length less than 50.0 m or gross tonnage less than 500, the facilities for washing,
drying and ironing clothes shall be separated from bedrooms, dining rooms, toilets, and must be in adequately ventilated
and provided with ropes or other means for drying clothes.

8.8. Places to health care:

8.8.1. Where necessary, should be made available dorm isolated for fisherman who are sick or injured. The boats with an overall length less than 50.0 m or gross tonnage less than 500 should be provided with separate
ward, properly equipped and maintained in hygienic conditions.

8.8.2. All boats must be equipped with first aid material in accordance with the standards of maritime
and health authorities.

9. Periodic inspections

9.1. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the fishing boss or other
professional fisherman authorized by him must conduct periodic inspections to ensure that the living sites are able to
housing and adequate security.

9.1.1. Periodic inspections should check if the boat has enough food and drinking water in sufficient
quantity and in good condition.

9.1.2. The results of inspections must be recorded in the logbook, as well as measures taken to address
the deficiencies.

Minimum Health and Safety Provisions Applicable to Existing Fishing Boats

1. Scope

. 1.1 The obligations laid down in this Appendix apply to existing fishing boats, considering:
a) the operational characteristics for which they were designed;
b) the maximum operating distance;

c) the autonomy time boating and fishing;

d) the safety requirements of workplaces or fishing activities; and
e) the circumstances or evidence of risk on board.

2. Airworthiness and stability

2.1. The vessel must be maintained in a seaworthy condition and be provided with appropriate
equipment at their destination and use.

2.2. Information on boat stability characteristics when required, should be available on board and
accessible to service personnel.

2.3. A boat shall keep his intact stability for the intended working conditions, leaving the fishing boss
take the necessary precautionary measures.

2.4. Instructions for the boat's stability must be strictly observed.

3. Facilities

3.1. Electrical installations

. 3.1.1 The electrical installation must be kept safely, ensuring:

a) the protection of the crew and the boat against electrical hazards;
b) the correct functioning of the equipment required for boat maintenance under normal operating conditions and habitability,
without recourse to a source of electric power emergency; and
c) the operation of electrical equipment essential for safety in emergency situations.

. 3.1.2 must be installed an electric power source of emergency in order to ensure, in case of fire or failure of the main
electrical installation, simultaneous functioning for at least three hours:
a) the internal communication system, fire detectors and emergency signaling;
b) the navigation lights and emergency lighting;
c) the radio system; and
d) electric pump emergency fire and electric bilge pump, if any. When the structural characteristics of the boat permit, the power source of emergency must,
except in open boats, to be located outside the engine room. The storage battery, when used as a source, must be connected automatically to the emergency electrical
switchboard and ensure, in the event of failure of the main source, the uninterruptible power for three hours of the devices
did reference in paragraphs a, b and c of subsection 3.1.2.

3.1.3. The main frame of distribution of electricity and the emergency switchboard should be installed
so as not to be exposed to water or fire.

3.2. Other facilities

3.2.1. The radio installation must be able to contact at any time, with at least one coastguard station or interior, taking into
account normal propagation conditions of radio waves, observing the established technical requirements the rules of the
maritime authority.

4. Emergency routes and exits

. 4.1 routes and exits to be used in case of emergency are:

a) always remain unobstructed;
b) be easily accessible; and
c) lead as directly as possible to the higher level or to a safe area and that point, the rescue boats, so that
workers can evacuate workplaces and accommodation quickly and safely as possible.
4.1.1. The number, distribution and dimensions of the routes and exits must comply with the
maximum number of people who might be in those places.

. In the impossibility of compliance with 4.1.1, should be provided the necessary changes
within the following periods, with the approval of the competent authority:
a) immediately, when there are at least two exits on one on each side; or
b) during the first reform, in other cases.

4.2. The outputs that can be used as an emergency and should be kept closed to allow easy and quick
opening by any worker or by rescue teams.

4.3. Emergency routes and exits must be properly signposted, with clear indication of the direction of
the exit.

4.3.1. The signs must be made in the right places and have durability.

4.4. The routes, the abandonment of facilities and emergency exits requiring illumination must be provided with sufficient
intensity of emergency lighting system for cases of failure of the normal system.

5. detection and fire fighting

5.1. The living quarters and enclosed workplaces, including the engine room and fish holds, must have suitable devices
fire fighting and, if necessary, fire detectors and alarm system, according to the dimensions and the use of boat, the
equipment that is provided, the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances on board and the maximum
number of people who may be on board.

5.1.1. The fire-fighting devices should always be on their sites, in perfect working order and ready for
immediate use.

5.1.2. Workers should be informed of the location, the mechanisms of operation and how to use the fire
fighting devices.

5.1.3. Before the boat harbor output should be checked if the fire extinguishers and other fire fighting
equipment are on board.

5.1.4. The hand-operated fire-fighting should be easily accessible and operation, properly marked. The signs must be placed at appropriate points and be permanently maintained.

5.2. Fire detection and alarm systems, if any, should be tested regularly and kept in good working order.

5.3. Fire-fighting exercises should be performed periodically.

5.4. When recharging the extinguishers shall be effectively discharged by the board of workers as a
means of training and capacity building for their use.

6. Workplaces

6.1. Workplaces

6.1.1. Enclosed workplaces must have sufficient ventilation The, according to the working methods
and the physical demands placed on professional fishermen. Mechanical ventilation should be maintained in good working order.

6.1.2. The temperature in workplaces must be adequate for human beings during working hours, taking into account the
working methods used, the physical demands placed on the workers and the prevailing weather conditions or that may
occur in the region in that the boat operates.

6.1.3. The temperature in living quarters, in the area of services, in canteens and first aid rooms must
be in accordance with the specific use of each place.

6.1.4. At the discretion of the competent authority, workplaces must be equipped with acoustic and
thermal insulation sufficient, taking into account the type of tasks and the physical activity of workers.

6.1.5. Workplaces, as far as possible, should receive sufficient natural light and be equipped with adequate artificial
lighting to fishing conditions, which does not endanger the safety and health of

workers or the navigation of other vessels.

6.1.6. The lighting installations of workplaces, stairs, ladders and passageways must be chosen so as not to present risk
of accidents for workers or hinder the navigation of the ship.

6.1.7. Workplaces in which workers are especially exposed to risks in the event of artificial lighting must be provided
emergency lighting of adequate intensity. Emergency lighting must be maintained in effective working order and tested periodically.

6.2. Floors, bulkheads and ceilings

6.2.1. All the places to which workers have access must have non-slip floors or device slipping and be
free of obstacles.

6.2.2. The surfaces of floors, of bulkheads and ceilings should be easy to clean.

6.3. Doors

6.3.1. The doors, especially sliding doors, when necessary, should work with maximum safety for the
workers, especially in sea conditions and adverse weather.

6.3.2. All the doors are to be opened from the inside without the need for specific devices such as keys
or the like.

6.3.3. The doors are to be opened by both sides in the working compartments.

6.4. Traffic routes and danger areas

6.4.1. It should be available boarding ladder, gangway or similar device providing appropriate and secure
access to the boat.

6.4.2. The corridors, intersections, outer parts of magazines and all traffic routes in the boat must be
equipped, where technically feasible, with handrails, handholds or other means to ensure the safety of
the crew during their activities on board .
6.4.3. If there is downside risk to workers by deck hatch, or from one deck to another, must be installedguard
rails suitable in all locations where it is technically possible. The guard rails should have a minimum height of 1.20 m.

6.4.4. The access openings to the deck areas or covering used to allow maintenance of the facilities
must be made to ensure the safety of workers.

6.4.5. The rails and other means installed to prevent falls overboard must be maintained in good repair
and allow the fast flowing water.

6.4.6. In drag systems provided by the stern ramp at the top must be gate or other safety device has the same height as
the bulwarks in order to protect workers from the risk of falling. The device must be easily opened and closed, preferably by remote control, and be open
only to drop or raise the network or the boat.

7. Security in operations

7.1. Work areas should be prepared for their intended purpose and, where possible, provide adequate
protection for workers against falling on the vessel or sea.

7.1.1. The fish handling areas must be sufficiently spacious with respect to height and area of work,
considering the number of professional fishermen required in the operation.

7.2. The control engine must be installed on separate place, with acoustic and thermal insulation.
7.2.1 When located in the engine room, the control of the motors must have independent access to
the structural characteristics of the boat permit.
7.2.2. It is considered the bridge a location that meets all the requirements in item 7.2.

7.3. The traction equipment commands when the structural characteristics allow the boat must be
installed in a sufficiently wide area so as not to allow operators to expose themselves to the risk of
accidents with cables and moving parts.
7.4. The traction equipment must be fitted with appropriate safety devices for emergencies, including
emergency stop them.

7.5. The operator of traction equipment commands must have adequate view of the movement of
equipment and workers who are in fishing.

7.5.1. When the traction equipment is operated from the bridge, the operator should have clear view
of the workers involved in the toil, directly or through other appropriate means.

7.6. The communication system between the bridge and the working deck should be trusted.

7.7. One should constantly keep strict vigil and procedures to alert the crew about the imminent danger of the sea blow
during fishing operations or when it carries out work on deck.

7.8. The movement of the risks of short dumpers, of trawling cables and mobile pieces of equipment must be
minimized by installing protective mechanisms.

7.9. Drive control systems must be installed loads, especially locking mechanism of the trawl door.

7.10. The personal protective equipment used as clothing or pieces of them to use over these parts must be in
bright colors to contrast with the marine environment and be clearly visible.

8. Conditions of livability and onboard living areas

8.1. Accommodation

8.1.1. The workers' accommodation must be protected from the weather, heat and excessive cold and
adapted to minimize noise, vibration, the effects of motion and acceleration and fumes from other
places, where technically possible. One should install proper lighting in the accommodation.

8.1.2. The number of employees per room can not exceed six. In boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the
number of workers bed can not exceed four and officers can not be greater than two per bedroom . The maritime authority may allow exception to sub-items 8.1.2 and, in particular cases
where their application is not reasonable or feasible, according to the type of vessel, its size and the
service to which it applies .
8.1.3. The maximum number of people per bedroom must be indicated legibly and indelibly in easily
visible place in the dorm entrance.

8.1.4. The professional fishermen must have individual beds of appropriate dimensions and mattresses
made of such materials. Considering the regional characteristics, the competent authority may authorize the use of
individual networks in place of beds. In boats with a total length equal to or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage greater than or equal
to 100,
the size of the beds can not be less than 1.90 x 0.68 m.

8.1.5. The halls must be equipped with furniture that facilitates cleaning and provides convenience to
professional fishermen and shall be included beds and individual lockers.
8.1.6. On the boats with an overall length less than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100, the dorms
are separated by sex.

. 8.1.7 The kitchen and the dining room are:

a) have a sufficiently large;
b) be adequately lit and ventilated; and
c) be easy to clean.
8.1.8. Should be available coolers or other storage media of low temperature food, as well as
adequate tools and means to prepare meals.

8.2. Sanitary Facilities

8.2.1. The boats are provided with accommodation must be provided with sanitary facilities containing
sinks, showers and private protected against oxidation.

. Lavatories are:

a) be protected against slips and properly ventilated;
b) be in adequate numbers to the number of workers; and
c) comply with the standards of the maritime authority.

8.3. First aid

8.3.1. All boats should have first aid equipment, according to the standards of maritime and health

Means of Rescue and Survival

1. The obligations laid down in this Appendix apply to all fishing boats, considering: a) the operational
characteristics for which they were designed;
b) the maximum operating distance;
c) the autonomy time boating and fishing;

d) the safety requirements of workplaces or fishing activities; and e) the circumstances or evidence of
risk on board.
2. Fishing boats should have adequate rescue and survival equipment, including allowing the withdrawal of workers
water and determined by the rules of the maritime authority.

3. All rescue and survival equipment must be in proper place and in good condition, ready for immediate

4. The fishing boss or professional fisherman by him must check the rescue media before the boat
leaves the port.

5. The rescue and survival equipment must be monitored regularly, in accordance with the regulations
of the maritime authority.

6. All commercial fishermen must be properly trained and instructed in case of emergencies.

7. Boats with total of more equal length or greater than 26.5 m or gross tonnage less than 100 must
have frame with precise instructions on the procedures that each worker should follow in an emergency.
8. The annual rescue exercise should be performed in port or at sea and involve all professional

8.1. Exercises should ensure that the professional fishermen perfectly aware of the transactions
relating to the management and operation of rescue and survival equipment.
9. The professional fishermen should be familiar with the radio communication equipment facilities
and be trained in its management.

(Approved by the SIT Ordinance No. 183, of May 11, 2010)



1.1 This Annex sets out the minimum requirements for safety and health at work on board platforms and support
facilities used for the purpose of exploration and production of oil and gas from the seabed.

1.1.1 For purposes of this annex the term used platform in the text covers the platforms and their
support facilities as defined in the glossary.

1.2 The rules of this Annex apply to work in national and international platforms, duly authorized to
operate in waters under national jurisdiction.

1.3 Annex Application of the Existing Platforms

1.3.1 In existing platforms or chartered or under construction, of all flags, where the application of the items of this Annex
generates the need for structural changes technically incompatible with the areas available or that can influence the
platform security, shall be submitted by the Operator Installation, technical project or workaround, with justification, to
analysis and demonstration of the competent authority. The analysis of the project or alternative solution referred to in item 1.3.1 can be done in three

1.3.2 Platforms temporary operation forecasting up to six months in waters under national jurisdiction
and that do not have their appropriate facilities to the requirements of this Annex, must meet the rules
set out in international conventions, certified by classification society. To implement the provisions of item 1.3.2 the consecutive operation of a platform, the interval
between them can not be less than three months. In case of renewal or new hire within the three-month period mentioned in item, applies
the rule contained in section 1.3.1


2.1 It is up to the operator Installation:

I. comply with and enforce this Annex;
. II stop any kind of activity that exposes workers to serious and imminent risk of conditions for their health
and safety at work;
. III provide information to contractors about potential risks in the platform area in which develop their
IV. Ensure the safety and health of workers and others who are on board.
V. providing information requested by the inspectors;
. VI inform workers about the risks in the workplace;
. VII to be in the service agreement entered into with other companies the obligation of compliance with
safety and health measures at work under this Annex; and
VIII. Ensure, by the usual means of transport and no charge to the MTE, the access of labor inspectors in
service to the platform, where there is no utility companies.
2.1.1 In the case of a contracted transfer their services to third parties should do so only with the
express consent of the installation operator.
2.2 It is up to the Concession Operator:
It does appear in the contract concluded with the installation of the operator, the obligation of compliance
with safety and health measures at work specified in this Annex;
. II audit, as provided in the management system, the Setup Operator as to their duties in compliance with
this Annex; and
III. Provide information requested by the inspectors.

2.3 It is up to the dealer:

Nominate the concession operator; and
II. Ensure compliance of this annex next to the concession operator.

2.4 It is up to the workers:

Collaborate with the installation operator for the fulfillment of legal and regulatory provisions, including the
procedures on safety and health at work;
. II immediately report to his superior situations they consider pose a risk to their safety and health or that of
third parties; and
III. Carry on board medicines with prescription indispensable or continuous use.


3.1 The rights of workers:

I. suspend their task and immediately report to his superior that all appropriate corrective action is taken when you have
conviction, based on their training and experience, that there is a serious and imminent risk to their safety and health or
third; and
II. Be informed of the risks in the workplace that may affect their safety and health.


4.1 Applies to the platforms available to the Regulatory Standard No. 2 (NR-2), with the changes listed
in this item.

4.2 The Concession operator or the installation operator must apply to the Ministry of Labor, according to NR-2, the
preview platform that will operate in waters under national jurisdiction.

4.3 Further to clause I of item 2.1 and III of item 2.2 of this Annex, the Setup Operator or Concession
Operator can forward to the Competent Regional Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Employment a
Declaration of Maritime Installation, according to the model of Table I, to demonstrate that their facilities
meet the requirements of this Annex.
4.3.1 This declaration will be accepted for monitoring purposes, when you can not perform the preview
before the platform or support installation begins its activities.

4.3.2 In the case of drilling installation, this statement must be delivered to the regional office of the Ministry of Labor and
Employment up to ninety days prior to the commencement of drilling activities in waters under national jurisdiction.

4.3.3 In the case of production facility, this statement must be delivered to the regional office of the
Ministry of Labor and Employment to one hundred eighty days:
I. before the end of the anchor at the workplace, for floating facilities; and

II. Before the end of the assembly at the workplace, for fixed installations.

4.3. 4 For it is not possible to meet the above deadlines, the operator may submit justification

the regional office of the Ministry of Labor, which will consider accepting documentation in less time,by conditioning
yourself, in this case, the start of operations to carry out the preview of the installation.

4.4 Delivery of the documentation referred to in item 4.3 must be made in the general protocol
headquarters of the Regional Labour and Employment - SRTE corresponding to the Brazilian state
where the property concerned is installed.
4.5 In the case of offshore drilling installations, the installation operator shall report the occurrence of
changing the Concession Operator, maker of its services, the regional office of the Ministry of Labor
and Employment.
4.5.1 The situation indicated in item 4.5 does not motivate the need for further inspection or new
shipment Installation Declaration.


5.1 The Installation Operator and companies providing services on board platforms should scale its Specialized Safety
and Occupational Medicine - SESMT in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 Regulatory Standard (NR-4), and
should meet, in addition, the following requirements:
I. on each platform that has many embedded workers over twenty-five, the installation operator must ensure that there aboard,
Work Safety Technician at the rate of one per group of fifty workers or fraction, considering if the total number of workers
on board; and
II. Companies that provide services on platforms keeping onboard a number of over fifty employees must have in place
Occupational Safety Technician at the rate of one per group of fifty shipped employees or fraction thereof, for the
provision of the service period.

5.1.1 The Occupational Safety Technicians who provide services on board each platform will be considered for the
purpose of SESMT makeup operator installation company or service provider. The Occupational Safety Technical mentioned in item II of item 5.1 will be considered for the
purposes of compliance with Part I of item 5.1.

5.1.2 In the case of platforms joined by interconnecting bridges, permanent or temporary, all of these
platforms is considered for sizing effect of the number of Occupational Safety Technicians on board, as
a single platform.
5.1.3 Where there are risk operations, regardless of the number of workers embarked aboard the presence is required of
at least Occupational Safety Technician, notwithstanding the presence of other occupational safety professionals who
can be assigned to the service.

5.1.4 The design of the amount of Work Safety Technicians on board is based on the average number
of workers shipped in the quarter preceding the calculation.


6.1 The companies responsible for the installation operation and service companies providing onboard
platforms should scale your (s) CIPA (s) complying with the specific rules set out in this Appendix and
in addition, what applicable, the provisions of Regulatory Norm n. # 5 (NR-5) and the conventions or
collective bargaining agreements.
6.2 Each facility operator should be a CIPA on board which the platform is responsible, whenever the
number of employees crowded in them is equal to or greater than twenty.

6.3 CIPA mentioned in item 6.2 will be made according to the following rules:

I. representing employers must include incumbents or functions specified below:

a) platform manager or commander of the vessel, or equivalent denomination;
b) employee who is carried higher hierarchical level of activity end of the installation (drilling, production,
support); and

c) work safety technical or professional area of security and health on board.

II. The representation of employees on board should consist of elected members of the facility operator.

6.4 The Electoral Commission of the platform CIPA shall consist of the President and Vice-
PresidentCIPA present at the meeting at which starts the election process;

6.4.1 may constitute a single electoral commission, the installation of operating companies that have
more than one platform in the same oilfield. The President and the Vice-President of CIPA mentioned in item 6.4.1 constitute the Electoral Commission to
conduct the election procedures of all the platforms that are in its operational base.

6.5 The election of the representatives of the employees of the facility operator on board CIPA should
take place as follows:
I. each group or platform operator boarding class shall elect from among its components a representative;
. II the top three most votes - one from each group or boarding shift - are the holders and the other,
alternate; and
III. The quorum needed to validate the electoral process will be formed by the number of employees present in each
group or boarding class. There holding of less than fifty percent of the employees of a group or boarding class,
there will be no counting of votes and the Electoral Commission to organize another vote in the following shipment
of the same group.

6.6 The president of CIPA platform will be assigned to the Manager of Platform or the vessel captain.

6.7 The vice president of platform CIPA shall be exercised by the representative of the employees with
the highest boarding time in that period.

6.8 The platform CIPA meetings should be held on board.

6.8.1 Regular meetings should:

They have monthly; and
II. Be scheduled so as to ensure the presence of at least two representatives employees. Where possible, special meetings will be scheduled according to this same rule.

6.9 The member, elected or appointed, the CIPA service company who is carried may attend the

6.9.1 The participation of the member referred to in item 6.9 count as CIPA presence in the meeting
of the company to which it belongs.

6:10 If any topic discussed by CIPA platform does not get consensus, and it required a voting process,
it must be done by voting parity between representatives of the employer and present employees.
6:11 should be included in the minutes of the CIPA decisions that can not be implemented only with the resources
available on board, so that subsequently the Installation operator take appropriate action.

6:12 The representation of employees CIPA service provider company on board platform should be
formed from the sum of two parts:
I. The first, called the maritime part of the CIPA, will be formed by all of your employees on board each
platform on which the company acts as a service provider; and
II. The second, called terrestrial part, will be represented by the number of employees crowded in land-based property
company that controls the administrative service on board.
6.13 Representatives of the employer, the CIPA referred to in item 6.12 are to be given at the
discretion of
company, in proportion to guarantee parity between the elected and appointed members.

6:14 All decisions made on the Setup Operator CIPA meeting that relate, in some way, with service
provider company should be included in the company's CIPA of the minutes referred for it to take
appropriate action.

7.1 Each facility operating company and each of the companies providing served aboard platforms should prepare its
Control Program Occupational Health - PCMSO considering separately the risks specified in the Program of
Environmental Risks Prevention - PPRA of every platform.
7.2 A copy of the Occupational Health Certificate - ASO workers staying more than three days aboard
should be kept on board medical service, assuming that this is accessible electronically through medical
consultation system remotely .

8.1 Installation operators and companies providing service aboard the platforms should develop their
PPRA, following the rules laid down by Regulatory Standard No. 9 (NR-9), must additionally meet the
specific rules set out in items below.
8.1.1 It is for the installation operator by PPRA develop a platform, according to what it calls the NR-9.

8.1.2 The installation operator must pass on to the onboard service provider companies, the information coming from the
development of PPRA on each platform, in what concerns the activity carried out by them.

8.1.3 In preparing the PPRA should be considered:

I. the provisions of NR-5 on the participation of workers; and
II. Methodologies for environmental risk assessment recommended in Brazilian law, and, in his absence,
can take other already internationally recognized or established by agreement or collective bargaining
8.1.4 The providers on board service companies are based on the installation operator received the data,
complemented by surveys and specific information of the work process that perform onboard, develop and maintain
a PPRA for each platform on which to act.

8.1.5 A company providing service, to carry out their activity, enter unforeseen risk in the platform of
PPRA should inform the existence of such a risk to the operator of the installation so that it adopt
appropriate control measures.

9.1 In order to comply with safety signs, applies to the platforms the constant Norm No. 26 (NR-
26)with changes in items as described below.

9.1.1 Red The color red should be used to distinguish and indicate the onboard equipment and
protective equipment and fire fighting such as:
I. alarm boxes fire;
II. Hydrants;
. III water pumps for fire fighting;
. IV fire alarm sirens;
V. fire extinguishers and their location;
VI. Extinguishers indications;
. VII location of fire hoses (the color should be used in the reel holder, photo frame box or niche);
. VIII pipes and actuated valves of automatic sprinkler systems;
. IX mains water pipes for fire fighting;
X. emergency exit doors;
. XI tanks of liquid foam generator;
. XII pipes, drums and carbon dioxide diffusers for fire fighting;
. XIII hatches to escape;
XIV. Buttonholes to start alarm or emergency stop or manually operated fire fighting systems;
XV. Acetylene hose, the welding equipment oxy-acetylene.

9.1.2 Yellow The yellow color should be employed on board to indicate "! Alert", stating:
I. handrails, railings, guard rails and baseboards guardrails;
. II walkways and platforms;
. III stairs steps mirrors;
. IV edges of unguarded floor openings that may not have guardrails or have guard rails removed for
passage of cargo;
V. horizontal edges of elevator doors that close vertically;

VI. Tracks at the entrance elevators and loading docks floor;

. VII corridors bottom walls dead;
. VIII metal structures or parts of pipes placed at low altitude;
IX. Equipment cabins, cranes, overhead cranes, winches, hoists, hooks (Cat), cargo handling
accessories, etc .;
X. transportation equipment on rails, trolleys, trailers, etc .;

. XI signage funds and warning notices;

. XII obstacles or protruding structure where you need to draw attention (accident or impact);
XIII. Easels;
. XIV commands and suspended equipment that offer risk;
. XV tracks delimiting zones of protection against electrical arcs in panels and switchboards;
XVI. Flammable gas pipes not liquefied (natural gas, hydrogen, etc.). The yellow color can be combined with black color for greater prominence.

9.1.3 White The white color should be used on board:

I. tracks to delineate walkways and traffic lanes;
. II signaling direction arrows and circulation;
. III location of waste collectors;
IV. Troughs of location;
V. floor areas around emergency aid kits and other emergency equipment;
. VI tracks delimiting areas for the storage of materials;
. VII delimiting tracks security zones;
VIII. Identification of steam pipes water.

9.1.4 Black The black color can be used in place of white or combined with this, when special
circumstances so require.

9.1.5 Blue The blue color should be used on board to indicate "Caution!" Or a mandatory security action,
as in the following situations:
I. barriers to prevent accidental movement of any equipment maintenance;
. II warnings and warning barriers in the control panels or starting equipment generating electricity;
III. Identify compressed air pipes.

9.1.6 Green The color green is the color that characterizes "Security". Should be employed on board to
I. emergency relief equipment boxes;
. II boxes containing respiratory protective equipment;
. III safety showers;
. IV boxes containing stretchers;
V. sources washers eyes;
VI. Frames for display of posters, newsletters, safety precautions, etc .;
. VII boxes containing PPE and signaling their location;
. VIII cards and security badges;
. IX oxygen hose in welding equipment oxy-acetylene;
X. water pipes

9.1.7 Orange The orange color should be used onboard to indicate "hazard" and should be used to identify,
for example:
I. guards and protective covers for hazardous moving parts, rotating parts of equipment and machinery;

. II internal parts of the guards of machines that can be removed or opened;

. III internal cards for assembly and / or internal ports / security barriers in electrical panels and power
distribution boards;
. IV internal faces and protections fixtures boxes that can be opened;

V. outer faces of pulleys and gears, when exposed;

VI. Cutting edge devices, saws or presses;
VII. Acids pipes. The orange color should be used in marine rescue equipment such as circular buoys, life
jackets, rescue boats, rescue boats, among others, and should be used to identify cabinets containing
the used equipment together to anticipated pollution control in the MARPOL Convention.
9.1.8 Purple The purple color should be used to indicate the dangers arising from penetrating
electromagnetic radiation and nuclear particles. Must be employed in purple:
I. doors and openings that provide access to places where they manipulate or store radioactive materials
or materials contaminated by radioactive materials;
II. Radioactive materials or waste containers of radioactive materials and contaminated equipment

radioactive materials;
III. Light signals to indicate producers equipment penetrating electromagnetic radiation or nuclear particles.

9.1.9 Lilac The lilac color must be used to identify pipes that contain alkalis.

9.1.10 Grey The color light gray should be used to identify pipelines operating under vacuum. The color dark gray should be used to identify conduits.

9.1.11 Aluminium The aluminum color should be used on board to identify pipes containing oil, oily mixtures,
flammable liquids, liquefied gases and liquid fuels.

9.1.12 Brown The brown color can be adopted, the Setup Operator's discretion, to identify any unidentifiable
fluid by other colors.

9.2 The environments, the body of machinery and mechanical equipment in general should be painted in light colors, the
Setup Operator's criteria in order to provide greater security, better ergonomic conditions, ease of operation works,
inspection and maintenance, and energy efficient and light.

9.2.1 With the exception of green, white and black, the other standard colors in this Annex should not
be used in the engine body painting.


10.1 General provisions

10.1.1 The toilets, changing rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, cabins, temporary housing and recreational
facilities should be designed, considering:
Care worker safety and health requirements; and
II. The proper living conditions to the comfort of embedded workers.

10.1.2 The entire platform, except for those intended solely for operation in tropical zone, should be
provided with a suitable heating system for the housing of workers. The radiators and other heating equipment must be installed in order to avoid danger or
discomfort to the occupants of the accommodation.

10.2 Toilet facilities.

10.2.1 Sanitary facilities for collective use must have an area of 1,00m² (one square meter) for each
health unit for every two workers in activity, or fraction thereof, not being allowed to the area of the front
space the health is less than 800mm x 600mm.
10.2.2 The health facilities of the cabins must have an area of 1,00m² (one square meter) for each health
unit, for up to four housed workers, not being allowed to the area of the front space of the toilet is less
than 800mm x 600mm.
10.2.3 Sanitary facilities for collective use must be separated by sex.

10.2.4 Toilets should be kept in conditions hygiene and sanitary satisfactory.

10.2.5 The toilets should be siphoned or having another mechanism to prevent the return of odors,

besides having discharge device provided with seat and lid.

10.2.6 The showers must be equipped with sieve and made of durable material.

10.2.7 The urinals must be smooth and impermeable material, provided with provoked or automatic
discharge, draining and cleaning and may have the conformation of the gutter type or tub.

10.2.8 In the urinal trough type of collective use, each segment, a minimum of 0.60 m, correspond to a
urinal trough type.

10.2.9 The washbasins can be formed by metal rails, having taps made of durable material, manual or automatic
operation, spaced 0.60m (sixty centimeters).

10.2.10 The sink should be provided with materials for cleaning and drying hands, forbidding collective
use towels.
10.2.11 Sanitary facilities except vessels and urinals must be supplied with treated water for personal

10.2.12 The boxes showers should:

It has hot and cold water;
. II have access ports that prevent devassamento, or being constructed to maintain the appropriate guard;
. III have non-slip floors and walls coated material resistant, smooth, waterproof and washable;
. IV have rounded corners to prevent accidents; and
V. has handles for support.

10.2.13 sanitary appliances that are defective or that pose a risk to the user or that can cause infiltrations
are not allowed.

10.2.14 The systems that handle organic waste and water served must be arranged and maintained in
order to ensure the quality of treated or drinking water, avoiding contamination by cross-linking between
these systems.
02/10/15 The organic waste and wastewater coming from the sanitary appliances must be disposed of
in accordance with the rules of the competent authorities.

02/10/16 The floors of sanitary facilities must be free of protrusions and depressions and must be waterproof, washable,
non-slip finish, leaning towards drains fitted flow of hydraulic siphons.

02/10/17 The sanitary installations shall be provided with a lighting network, whose wiring must be
protected by conduits and fitted with fixtures in order to maintain a general and diffuse illuminance of at
least 150 lux.
02.10.18 must be provided sixty liters of water per employee for consumption in toilets.

2/10/19 Toilets should have piped water and sewers connected to the waste disposal system or platform
of wastewater, with interposition of hydraulic siphons and:
They can not communicate directly with workplaces, nor the designated places to meals; and
II. Should be kept in a good state of cleanliness and hygiene.

02.10.20 Communication of households with toilets located outside the houses should be made by
covered walkways. temporary sanitary facilities located in the operational areas are exempt from this

02/10/21 The health offices should:

II. Be installed in individual compartments, separated except when located in toilets
the cabins;
. III be
served by an exhaust system whose output is located so as not to allow the return of the gases into
the houses;
. IV when located in sanitary facilities for collective use:
a) having partition walls with a minimum height of 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters), and lower
edge to a maximum of 0.15 m (fifteen centimeters) above the floor; and
b) have separate doors and provided with closure to prevent the devassamento.
V. be kept in a good state of cleanliness and hygiene; and
VI. Have trash with lid and pedal.
2/10/22 collective sanitary facilities must ensure the privacy of its members in relation to the external

10.3 Canteen.

10.3.1 In the inhabited platforms is mandatory to provide cafeteria is prohibited workers take their main
meals elsewhere in the platform.

10.3.2 The cafeteria must meet the following requirements:

I have area 1,50m² (one and a half square meter) per user, housing, at a time, one third (1/3) of the total number of employees
per shift, and this shift has the greatest number of employees .
. II have main circulation with a minimum width of 0.75 m (seventy-five centimeters), and the circulation between seats and
between the seat and the wall must have a minimum width of 0,55m (fifty-five centimeters);
. III is provided with a lighting network, which wiring should be protected by conduit to maintain a general
and diffuse illuminance of at least 150 lux;
have waterproof and coated flooring material that ensures their cleaning and disinfection;
have bulkheads lined with smooth material, resistant, waterproof, allowing the cleaning and
be provided with ventilation, exhaust or air conditioning, to ensure thermal comfort, kept in
conditions hygiene and sanitary satisfactory;
provide drinking water, in conditions hygiene and sanitary satisfactory within the potability
. VIII have water fountains located in areas which do not permit contamination; and
IX. Have fixable tables fitted with flat top and waterproof material easy to clean and kept permanently
clean. There shall be lavatories located near the entrance to the cafeteria provided material for cleaning
and drying hands, being forbidden towels for collective use; In floating platforms tables should have provided shoulder top edges and benches or chairs with

10.3.3 The cafeteria must be installed in an appropriate place, not communicating directly with the
workplace, health and unhealthy or hazardous location installations.

10.3.4 is prohibited, even provisionally, to use the cafeteria deposit.

10.3.5 In uninhabited platforms should be provided to workers sufficient conditions of comfort for the
occasion meals, and shall meet the following minimum requirements:
I. suitable place, isolated from the desktop;

. II floor and bulkheads suitable for cleaning and disinfection;

. III ventilation and good lighting;
. IV tables and seats in adequate numbers;
V. sinks nearby;

VI. Provision of drinking water in accordance with existing potability standards; and
VII. Own equipment to heat meals.

10.4 Kitchen

10.4.1 The kitchen should be adjacent to the dining areas and link to it through two independent tickets,
one for ramp installation for meals and another for returning items.
10.4.2 The areas planned for Kitchen, storage of dried foodstuffs and food cooling devices must be compatible with the
daily number of meals served and the amount of provisions that must be stored, considering even an emergency reserve.
10.4.3 Kitchen bulkheads shall be of material suitable for cleaning and disinfection.

10.4.4 The kitchen floor must be of material suitable for cleaning and disinfecting, with trim and drains
for water flow.

10.4.5 The kitchen doors should be covered with smooth material for easy cleaning and disinfection.

10.4.6 The lighting network must have its wiring protected by conduits with general and diffuse
illumination of at least 200 lux.
10.4.7 The kitchen should have:

I. sink for use by food service workers, equipped with running water with automatic activation, liquid soap
appliances, appliance for drying hands and, where appropriate, suitable place to dispose of the material
used in drying;
. II work surfaces, utensils cleaning sinks and ramp to the food service, stainless steel;

. III exhaust system for capturing fumes, vapors and odors, equipped with hood in stainless steel;
. IV site for installation of auxiliary equipment for washing utensils and food preparation;
V. place for installation of devices for cooling food;
VI. Place for utensils guard;
. VII separate areas for preparation of meat, fish, poultry and salads;
. VIII cooking area;
. IX mass handling area; and
X. food hygiene area.

10.4.8 There should be system for grinding organic waste and garbage disposal in accordance with
the norms of sanitary and competent maritime authorities.

10.5 Cabins, Cabins Provisional and temporary accommodation modules

10.5.1 General Conditions The cabins, cabins provisional and temporary accommodation modules are:
They have separate occupation by sex;
. II have a sufficiently large and be properly equipped so as to provide comfort and facilitate its cleanliness
and order;
. III have
a bed for each worker on board, at all times, with The same interior dimensions at least 1,98m by
IV. Have made furniture flat material, no sharp corners, tough and kept in good condition.

V. has artificial lighting system in order to maintain a minimum level of general and diffuse illuminance of
100 lux; and
VI. Be equipped with ventilation, exhaust or air conditioning, to ensure thermal comfort conditions and
kept in hygienic and sanitary satisfactory. The cabin can not accommodate more than four people and the available area can not be
less than 3,6m² per person. In single or double cabins, an available area should be observed for the occupying workers
of at least 7,5m². The Cabins Provisional and temporary accommodation modules can not accommodate more
than four people; In this case, the available area can not be less than 3,00m² person. should be taken technical measures to obtain noise levels not exceeding 60 dB (A) and that
from 55 dB (A) Preventive measures should be adopted. The materials used to construct internal bulkheads, flooring and ceiling, floors and joints should
be appropriate to your purpose and conducive to a healthy environment. Each bed must be provided with an individual luminaire. In the case of the use of any accommodation by porter worker disease infectious, the site should
be subjected to disinfection. The beds should be placed at a horizontal distance from one another, so that it allows access
to them without going above the other. The upper bed should be provided with fixed side and ladder protection. On floating platforms,
the lower bed should be provided with lateral protection. overlapping more than two beds is prohibited. The beds should not be willing to less than 0.30m (thirty centimeters) from the floor. The mattresses used must have at least thirty density and three or correspondent, kept in
conditions sanitary conditions satisfactory. The supply, conservation and linen cleaning is the responsibility of the employer. Steam Pipes, exhaust gases and the like should not pass through the inside of the
accommodation nor the corridors leading to them. When, for technical reasons, these pipes go through
these corridors should be isolated and protected.
10.5.2 Special Conditions of Boxes With regard to the specific requirements for cabins on platforms and support facilities should
be subject to the following minimum requirements:
I. for each occupant, the furniture shall include a wardrobe fitted drawer, shelf and hangers, with minimal
volume of 0,5m³, being able to be locked by the occupant.
II. Each cabin shall have a table or desk, which may be of the fixed, folding or sliding top, and fitted seat.

. III toilet for exclusive use of its occupants, containing wardrobe, mirror, towel dryer and support strap;
. IV a mirror, which can be installed inside the cabinet;
V. a small closet for items used in personal cleanliness, which may be located at the health facility;
VI. A shelf for books; and
VII. A container for waste. The circulation area for access to the boxes must have a minimum width of 1.20 m (one
meter and twenty centimeters). The headroom of the cabins may not be less than 2.40 m (two meters and forty centimeters) when beds are used
overlapping (bunk beds). For cases which are not used bunk beds (bunk beds) the headroom of the cabins may not be
less than 2.20 m (two meters and twenty centimeters). The box must be properly isolated and may not be any direct openings to the engine room, the luggage
compartment, the kitchen, the barn, the laundry or toilet facilities for collective use. should be bulkhead separating the cabin from external areas of oil and gas processing. These external bulkheads
shall be watertight and gas and constructed of steel or other approved material.

10.5.3 Cabins Interim Provisional cabins shall meet the requirements of item 10.5.1 (General Conditions) and have
your project approved by the regional office of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, after hearing
the parties in tripartite negotiation procedure when necessary.
10.5.4 Temporary accommodation modules The installation operator must observe the technical specification set out in Table II of this
Annex, where required the installation of temporary accommodation modules on board. must be negotiated with the regional office of the Ministry of Labor in a tripartite way, when required, any changes
to supply conditions equivalent to the provisions of this specification.

10.5.5 Laundry All platforms and support facilities should have facilities for washing and drying work clothes. The clothes washing facilities should be supplied with fresh water. Work clothes, personal effects and bedding should be washed separately.

10.5.6 Services well-being on board On platforms means shall be provided and facilities to provide conditions of welfare to workers on board, and
may, where compatible with the technical and operational characteristics, they include-:
I. fitness facility equipped with appliances for physical exercise;
screening room movies and videos with appropriate assortment, varied and renewed at regular
. II
music room and television for reception of TV and radio programs, including apparatus for table
. IV reading room containing a library of professional character works and otherwise, in sufficient quantity
and whose content must be renewed at reasonable intervals;
V. multipurpose court for the practice of sports;

VI. Pool for swimming and relaxing;

. VII sauna for relaxation; and
VIII. Recreational internet room with private access to e-mail. On platforms must exist phone booth for communication between the platform and land,
unless technically impossible, and with reasonable and feasible prices for the workers on board.


11.1 Applies to the platforms to Norm No. 10 (NR-10) in what applicable, and specifically because of
peculiarities, which have items of this chapter.

11.2 apply to all training platforms of workers provided for in NR-10, except the provisions of section 10.7.2
Complementary Course - "Security in Electric Power System and its Surroundings".

11.3 The documentation provided for in NR-10 can exist on platforms both in the physical environment, as in the
electronic media, since in this case you can access through remote consultation system.

11.4 On platforms where the operation of electrical systems is carried out only by foreign operators, the technical
documentation provided for in NR-10 must have a written version in English.

11.5 In foreign flag platforms for the purposes of items 10.8.1 and 10.8.2 of the NR-10, workers and foreign professionals
must be duly qualified and skilled to perform their functions.

11.6 The installation operator must keep documents proving the qualification, training and training of
skilled workers.

11.7 The platforms with metal continuity are exempt from proof of inspections and measurements of
protection systems against lightning.

11.8 For the purposes of item 10.3.8 of the NR-10, in the case of construction abroad platforms to operate temporarily in
waters under national jurisdiction, the related national electrical regulations may be replaced by international maritime
conventions audited by Classification Society.
11.9 The refusal of law provided for in NR-10 shall be exercised pursuant to item "The Rights of Workers'
of this Annex.
11:10 The responsibilities regarding compliance with NR-10 by installation of the operator are set out in
chapter General Obligations - Responsibilities and Skills of this Annex.


12.1 All platforms should be kept in conditions hygiene and sanitary satisfactory.

12.2 Steps must be permanently adopted for the promotion, protection and recovery of health, and the prevention of harm
to health of all workers on board. Such measures shall ensure:
I. that all workers on board have undergone medical examinations prior to planned shipment in PCMSO;
. II workers a health care as close as possible to that which they would if they were on land;
III. That the health care provided to workers be shipped free; and
IV. Workers to be included in health promotion programs and health education, so that they can also actively contribute to
the reduction of diseases and disorders to which they are subject.

12.3 All platforms should have medicine chest and International Medical Guide Board.

12.3.1 The contents of the medicine chest and the procedures for its use must meet current health

12.3.2 In an emergency, when an employee does not have an essential drug by prescription and that is
not available on the platform of drug cash, responsible for plant operation shall take all necessary
measures to obtain or provide worker of the landing.
12.4 The installation operator must ensure by a prearranged system that at any time of day or night the platforms can
perform remote medical consultations, including expert advice.

12.4.1 All platforms should be provided with an organized communication system capable of allowing
remote medical consultations.

12.4.2 Workers on board responsible for triggering the medical consultation system remotely must be properly trained to
operate the equipment and to understand the information received from the consulted health professional in order to
implement the measures that are prescribed.
12.5 All platforms with more than fifty employees should have on board one or more duly authorized healthcare
professionals and trained to provide health care and provide care first


12.5.1 The platforms that do not have onboard health professionals must have among its employees one or more persons
specifically trained in providing first aid care.

12.5.2 All workers staying more than three days in the platform must receive training on the measures
to be taken in the event of an accident or other medical emergency on board, according to the rules of
the Maritime Authority.
12.6 All platforms with more than thirty workers on board must have an infirmary.

12.7 measures may be adopted to establish an international cooperation in promoting health and health care of workers
embedded with companies developing similar activities.


13.1 apply to the platforms the provisions of Regulatory Norm No. 34 (NR-34), in what applicable, and
specifically in terms of design characteristics, installation and operation as provided by items of this
chapter. (Amended by SIT Ordinance No. 200, of January 20, 2011)
13.1.1 prior notice of construction activities is mandatory, maintenance or repair on board involving
increase in population above the stocking card platform approved by the Maritime Authority or sharp
increase in the assessed risk through a Risk Preliminary Analysis - APR or similar methods of risk
13.1.2 The installation operator must submit the communication referred to in item 13.1.1 the Regional
Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

13.1.3 The notice referred to in items 13.1.1 must contain the following information:
I. platform identifying where there will be construction activity, maintenance or repair;
. II addresses and qualifications of the contractors with the Ministry of Social Security - MPS (CIS) and to
the Ministry of Finance - MF (CNPJ);
. III description of activities;

. IV due dates of the beginning and completion of the activity;

V. maximum number of workers provided in the activity; and
VI. APR or similar methods of risk analysis when prompted.

13.1.4 Along with the advance notification provided for in section 13.1.1 should be forwarded one Conditions Program
and Work Environment in the Construction Industry - PCMAT, with the following minimum content:
I. specification of activities;
. II risk identification and definition of control measures; and
III. Educational program covering the theme of accidents and occupational diseases.

13.1.5 The areas of living for workers of construction activities, maintenance or repairs must meet the
requirements of this Annex.
13.1.6 construction activities, maintenance or repairs carried out with floating contest must be approved by the Platform
Manager or Commander of the vessel, or guardian appointed by him, must meet the requirements of the Maritime Traffic
Safety Law and follow the rules of the Authority maritime.

13.1.7 The construction activities, maintenance or repair the board should:

They have their provisional electrical facilities installed to support subject to approval by Platform Manager
or Commander of the vessel or person in charge designated by him;
. II be performed by Permission procedures for Work (PT) with the adoption of protective measures for the
site and the actions taken;
. III be flagged and, as appropriate, isolated according to the technical guidelines and Platform Manager's
recommendations or vessel commander or officer designated by him;

. IV only be performed by workers with the required safety training and salvage required for the type of
activity that will perform; and
V. having their waste treated in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.


14.1 apply to the platforms the provisions of Regulatory Norm No. 13 (NR-13), in what applicable, and
specifically in terms of design characteristics, installation and operation, as provided by items of this
14.1.1 After pressure vessels belonging to the naval systems and platforms converted Marine
propulsion is not applied to NR-13, provided that:
I. these vessels have upgraded class certificate issued by classification societies recognized by the Brazilian
government; and
. II the pressure vessels of the caput are not integrated into the platform's processing plant;

14.1.2 The provisions of item 14.1.1 does not apply to boilers of the vessel, even if certified by
Classification Societies.
14.2 On platforms whose boilers and pressure vessels operators are foreigners, the Security Records
drafted in another language can be maintained, provided that archived copies of equal content, in
14.3 The engine room can be understood as Boiler House.

14.4 For boiler installations are not subject to the following requirements:
I. separate building to house boilers or engine room;
. II permanent ventilation which can not be blocked; and
III. Ban on the use of boiler house (engine room) for other purposes.

14.5 For platforms where there are boiler operators and professionals with "Safety Training in Process
Unit Operation" foreigners, operating manuals of boilers and process units referred to items 13.3.1 and
13.8.1 of the NR 13 can be written in foreign languages and there should be copies of the same content
in Portuguese.
14.6 It may be considered alternatively as boiler or professional operator with "Safety Training in Process Unit Operation"
on platforms, foreign professionals, with a training and education program abroad whose content is similar to that provided
by the NR-13 , since recognized by business or professional responsible for Safety Training in Boiler Operation and Safety
Training in Process Unit Operation respectively.

14.7 The installation operator shall carry on board documents proving the qualification and training of boiler operators and
professionals with Safety Training in Process Plant Operation.

14.8 Operators professionals boilers with "Safety Training in Process Plant Operation" of foreign flag
facilities, with training abroad, evidencing experience greater than two years are exempt from the
practical stage, since recognized by business or professional responsibility By Safety Training in Boiler
Operation and Safety Training in Process Unit Operation respectively.

14.9 To the boilers and pressure vessels installed on platforms and indoors the following requirements
do not apply:
I. permanent ventilation provided with air inlets which can not be blocked; and
II. Constitute separate building, built of fire-resistant material.

14.10 pressure vessels must be submitted to inspection of manufacturing the manufacturer in order to ensure that all
construction features planned for the project and relevant legislation and standards are followed.

14:11 The testing and manufacturing inspections carried out in the pressure vessel manufacturer are
not considered
initial inspection in situ installation, with exception of the hydrostatic test when it is accompanied and
accepted by Qualified Professional Employee Self Equipment Inspection Service - SPIE Setup
Operator's establishment.
14:12 For initial inspection purposes, the platforms, is meant as a definitive installation site one where the pressure vessel
is connected definitively to file as required in the project.

14.12.1 In the case of platforms where the process unit is constructed of modules interconnectable, the
initial inspection of pressure vessels may be made with equipment fitted and connected to the module,
this module before being hoisted and interconnected to other modules so final on the deck, provided
that these inspections must be conducted and signed by Qualified Professional, SPIE employee, the
installation operator of the establishment. In this situation, the deadline for final interconnection of the modules that contain the pressure
vessels to the deck of the vessel or the jacket is one year. If the deadline stipulated in Section is exceeded, the initial inspection should be

14.12.2 Lifting and interconnection of the modules in question must follow specific procedures to ensure
the maintenance of the physical integrity of pressure vessels and other facilities mounted on these,
should this operation must be accompanied by Qualified Professional, SPIE employee, the
establishment of operator of the installation.
14.12.3 The Qualified Professional, SPIE employee, should lead an extraordinary external inspection of
the pressure vessel and its linkages after the end of lifting operations and module wiring, necessarily
accompanied by a tightness test.
14:13 The safety inspections of boilers and pressure vessels must be carried out as provided for in NR-

14.14 The deadline for dismantling and calibration bench of pressure vessels safety valves should be
equivalent to the maximum period for internal vessel examination by it protected.
14.14.1 When the safety valve protect more than one pressure vessel is to be considered the
deadline for internal examination of the most critical vessel.

14:15 Pressure Vessels manufactured in accordance with transportable vessel design codes and are
permanently solidarity to the premises and not suffer any movement during operation process, must
meet the requirements of NR-13.
14.16 The pressure control valve (PCV) that have relief pressure regulating mechanism, installed in
vessels that are part of rotating machines packages, such as filters, pulsation dampeners, oil coolers,
can be considered as overpressure protection device.
14:17 All piping systems for interconnection of boilers and pressure vessels installed on board platforms
must be identified and subjected periodically to external safety inspections or hydrostatic test, at periods
defined by Qualified Professional, SPIE employee, establishment Installation of the operator, taking into
account the technical criteria set out in applicable regulations or relevant international standards.


15.1 General

15.1.1 apply to platforms the provisions of Regulatory Norm No. 23 (NR-23), in what applicable, and
specifically in terms of design characteristics, installation and operation as provided by items of this
15.1.2 The fire protection on the platforms should be developed through a structured approach,
considering the risks for workers and in order to:
I. reduce the possibility of fire;
. II limit the possibility of spread of fire;
. III protect the activities of workers engaged in emergency response activities;
. IV protect the platform abandonment operations; and
V. monitor and where it is safe, extinguish fires.

15.1.3 All platforms must have:

I. enough equipment, as provided in this chapter for fighting fires in their early; and
II. Workers trained in the proper use of this equipment.

15.1.4 The Mobile Platforms for Offshore Drilling, from its entry into Brazil, during the first year of
operation, are exempted from the application of the specific items in Chapter 15 of this Annex, provided
that they meet the requirements of Chapter 9 of the Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Code (MODU Code)
of the International Maritime Organization - IMO.
15.2 Project Requirements for Platforms and Support Facilities

15.2.1 The requirements set forth in this chapter should be considered from the start of platform design
15.2.2 The physical arrangement of the platforms must be prepared in accordance with the following
I. minimize the possibility of dangerous accumulations of oil and gas and enable the rapid removal of any
accumulation that may occur;
. II facilitate the escape of dangerous areas of workers and their evacuation;

. III separate areas of lower fire hazard, such as housing, offices, workshops, those most at risk, such as operational
and liquid hydrocarbons storage facilities;
. IV minimize the likelihood of ignition of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons; and
V. limit the spread of fire. On platforms semi-submersible, the stabilized column type, should not be installed within columns or submarines
(pontoons) tanks or vessels linked to oil or gas processing unit.

15.2.3 In the platforms should be automatic systems that paralyze the process, isolate the systems and
equipment and, when required, despressurizem equipment, in order to limit the escalation of abnormal
situations such as leaking oil or fire. Where applicable, the emergency stop system should provide for actions to minimize the possibility of ignition of
liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the event of a process of containment of loss such as:
I. the operation of removal of furnaces and boilers;
. II the shutdown of non-essential internal combustion engines; and
III. Shutdown in case of large gas leaks, electrical equipment that is not suitable for installation in areas with
explosive atmosphere. In addition to the automatic emergency stop system must be provided buttonholes enabling command
remotely stop the equipment and systems that can contribute to the spread of a fire or continuity in providing the
fuel that feeds the fire.

15.2.4 In order to prevent fires or reduce their consequences, should be provided for appropriate measures to contain or
disposition, even partially, for oil leaks.

15.2.5 On platforms with permanent presence of workers must be installed automated systems that enable a continuous
and automatic monitoring gas leaks or occurrence of fire, to alert workers about the presence of these abnormal situations
and, where the case, start control actions in order to minimize the possibility of an escalation of such occurrences.

15.2.6 The platforms must be equipped with passive fire protection features by bulkheads and fire-resistant floors,
according to the criteria laid down in the SOLAS Convention, in order to:
I. prevent the spread of fire to areas of greatest risk of fire to areas of lower risk, such as
housing, offices, workshops;
. II protect meeting areas for abandonment as well as escape routes leading to them, the fire effects that
may prevent the safe use; and
III. Protect critical systems safety and health of workers.

15.2.7 The platform should be provided with automatic safety systems for closing the wells to which is
interconnected to act:
I. due to a platform Emergency Stop, if applicable; and
II. Where leakage or lack of a well.

15.3 Escape routes and Emergency Exits

15.3.1 Workplaces or platform experience must have escape routes and exits for outdoor, in sufficient
number and arranged so that those who are in these locations may abandon them quickly and safely
in case of fire.
15.3.2 escape routes shall:
We have road signs through phosphorescent plates or light signals;
. II have signage on the floor, indicating the direction of exit; and
III. Be provided with emergency lighting resources.
. IV be kept permanently clear;
V. having a minimum width of one meter and twenty centimeters, when major; and
VI. In the internal areas, be continuous and safe access to the outdoors.

15.3.3 The outputs for external areas should be clearly marked with phosphorescent signs or traffic

15.3.4 All doors, both the output and the internal communication should:
I. open towards the exit, except for the doors of cabins or up to 4 people occupying rooms in order to avoid
personal injury in the aisles when the door is opened; and
II. Lie such that, when opened, do not hinder passageways or cause personal injuries.

15.3.5 The doors leading to stairs should be arranged so as not to decrease the effective width of these

15.3.6 The exit doors must:

We meet the same fire resistance requirements of SOLAS bulkhead where they are located; and
II. Be arranged so as to be visible, being forbidden any obstacle, even occasional, which hinders their access
or hinder your viewing.

15.3.7 No door escape route must be closed with key, bolted or imprisoned, both internally and externally
and can only be closed with safety device enabling any worker open it easily from inside the workplace
or experience.
15.3.8 All doors with opening inwards must be provided with emergency passage which can be opened
out in the event of panic or fault in regular opening system.

15.3.9 vertical accesses in the areas of experience which connect more than two decks must be
enclosed by bulkheads Class A as SOLAS Convention and protected on all floors, for ports in the same
class, with automatic closing. The doors referred to in item 15.3.9 should not contain devices designed to lock them in the
open position.

15.4 Emergency Stop

15.4.1 Machinery and electrical appliances that need to remain connected in the event of fire, it must
bear warning sign, installed next to the interruption key.

15.5 Exercises Fire Fighting

15.5.1 Fire drills should be performed at intervals determined by the Maritime Authority in order to
I. if workers recognize the alarm signal;

. II is the evacuation of the site is done in good order, avoiding any panic;
. III are gone understood the duties and responsibilities conferred on workers in emergency management
plan; and
IV. If the alarm is audible in all platform areas.

15.5.2 Those who exercise in item 15.5.1 should be conducted under the direction of Platform Manager
or Commander of the vessel or person designated by him, with training and experience to prepare and
lead the exercise.
15.5.3 The fire drills should be as far as possible, carried out unannounced and conducted as if it were
a real fire.

15.6 Fire Brigades

15.6.1 Employees who are members of fire brigades should be trained in training facility according to
the criteria established by the Maritime Authority.

15.7 Systems Fire Fighting with Water

15.7.1 The platforms must be equipped with fire-fighting systems with water under pressure.

15.7.2 The fire fighting with pressurized water systems must be properly inspected.

15.8 Fire Extinguishers

15.8.1 All platforms should be provided with fire extinguishers in order to allow initial firefighting.

15.8.2 The number and distribution of fire extinguishers as well as its installation and signage must
comply with the provisions of NR-23 considering risk large fire.

15.8.3 The technical inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers must be conducted in accordance with the
requirements established in the Brazilian technical standard, complemented by the requirements in this regard established
by the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - INMETRO.

15.9 Fire Alarm System

15.9.1 There must be an alarm system capable of issuing audible or visual signal observable in all the
local platform.

15.9.2 The audible fire alarms should a sound which can not be mistaken for anything else that exists,
ie, the platform used.

15.9.3 Pushbutton manual actuation of the fire alarm, such as "Break Glass and Push the Button", must
be installed and marked in red on all platform areas.

15:10 Safety in Operation

15.10.1 With a view to protecting workers, the following aspects should be considered on the platforms during the
operation phase, including with regard to the inspection and maintenance activities:
I. existence of operational procedures to consider fire prevention, updated and available

for all workers involved, regarding the transactions that are carried out on the platform, with clear and
specific instructions for carrying out the activities safely, in accordance with the operational
. II training workers in work processes in acting as well as their awareness of the need for compliance with
the procedures;
. III appropriate forms of supervision and management of workers; and
IV. The existence of plans and procedures for inspection, testing and maintenance of equipment in order to
maintain the integrity of fire protection systems and the systems and equipment containing oil and gas.


16.1.1 The Installation Operator shall prepare and document the risk analysis of the operations or
activities on the platforms.

16.1.2 The platform of risk analysis should be structured on the basis of appropriate methodologies, selected on the basis
of test purposes, the characteristics and complexity of the installation.

16.1.3 Risk analysis should be developed by a multidisciplinary team with the participation of at least one worker with
knowledge of the risks and experienced in the installation that is the object of analysis.

16.1.4 The installation operator is responsible for evaluating the recommendations resulting risk analysis and must set
deadlines and those responsible for implementing the recommendations to be implemented.

16.2.1 The construction and installation of platforms must meet the regulatory standards, technical
standards and manuals of manufacturing equipment and the machines:
I. the specifications in the project;

. II the documentation the performed inspections and tests; and

III. The appropriate identification and signaling of equipment and facilities of the platforms.


16.3.1 The operator of the facility should develop and implement the operational safety programs and
work in accordance with design specifications of facilities and with the recommendations of the risk
analysis of the activities and operations.
16.3.2 The security procedures at work, existing in these programs should be reviewed at least every
two years, or one of the following situations:
I. recommendations of risk analysis;
. II modifications, extensions and installation reforms;
. III accidents and incidents at the facility, or even beyond that may have affected the normal operating
. IV recommendations of SESMT and CIPA; and
V. notify the competent authorities.


16.4.1 The facilities and equipment platforms must have inspection plan and properly documented

16.4.2 The inspection and maintenance plan must include at least:

I. equipment, machinery and installations subject to inspection and maintenance;
. II types of interventions;
. III inspection and maintenance procedures;
. IV schedule;
V. identify those responsible;
VI. Number, specialty and qualification of workers;
. VII safety procedures; and
VIII. Systems and collective and personal protective equipment.

16.4.3 Setting the frequency of inspections and maintenance work should consider:
I. as provided in the Regulatory Standards and technical standards;
. II the manufacturer's recommendations, in particular the critical items to worker safety;
III. The recommendations of inspection reports, accident investigation and work incidents, prepared by
. IV recommendations of risk analysis;

V. the presence of aggressive environmental conditions;

VI. Good engineering practices; and
VII. Notifications from the competent authorities.

16.4.4 The recommendations arising from inspections and maintenance should be properly recorded
and implemented with the determination of terms and those responsible for implementation.
16.4.5 To carry out the inspections and maintenance should be developed risk analysis and issued permissions for work
containing specific health and safety procedures for work:
I. that can generate flames, heat, sparks or involving their use;
. II in confined spaces, as Norm No. 33 (NR-33);
. III involving isolation equipment and lock / tag;
IV. In high places with risk of falling;
V. with electrical equipment, according to NR-10;
VI. Submerged; and
VII. Others whose risk analysis so recommend.


16.5.1 Platforms should be regularly inspected with a focus on safety and health at work.

16.5.2 The annual schedule of health and safety at work inspections shall be prepared and implemented by SESMT,
consulted the CIPA, according to the risks of the activities / operations developed.

16.5.3 The inspections shall be documented and their recommendations implemented, with the
establishment of deadlines and those responsible for its implementation.


16.6.1 The Installation Operator shall prepare and implement actions to prevent and control leaks, spills,
fires and explosions.

16.6.2 These actions should understand both those necessary to minimize the risks of leaks, spills, fires
and explosions and to reduce the consequences in case of failure in prevention and control systems.
16.7.1 All electrical installations and electrical equipment fixed or mobile, communications equipment,
tools and the like used in hazardous areas, and the protection devices against lightning, must comply
with the NR-10;
16.7.2 The installation operator is responsible for the implementation of specific measures to control the
generation and accumulation of static electricity in areas subject to the existence and / or the formation
of explosive atmospheres or flammable mixtures.
16.7.3 The work involving the use of equipment that can produce flames, sparks or heat in the areas
subject to the existence and / or explosive atmospheres or flammable mixtures, must be preceded by
Work Permit.
16.7.4 The platform must have safety signs indicating the ban on the use of ignition sources in areas subject to the
existence and / or explosive atmospheres or flammable mixtures.

16.8 Emergency Plan

16.8.1 The Installation Operator shall prepare and implement an emergency response plan that includes
specific actions to be taken in the event of leaks or flammable spills, fire or explosion or event that set
public health emergency.
16.8.2 The emergency plan shall be developed considering the characteristics and complexity of the
platform and contain at least:
I. platform
identification and legal guardian;
. II description of the access to the platform;
III. Accident scenarios;
. IV warning systems;
V. accident communication;
VI. Organizational structure response;
. VII procedures for response;
. VIII equipment and material response; and
IX. Procedures to drive additional features and response structures where applicable.

16.8.3 The emergency plan should be evaluated after conducting drills or in the event of real situations, in order to test
their effectiveness, detect possible failures and make the necessary adjustments.

16.8.4 The drills should be performed during working hours, at intervals, at least annually and may be reduced depending
on faults detected or if they recommend a risk analysis.

16.9 Occurrences of Communications

16.9.1 The operator of the facility should notify the Regional Agency of the Ministry of Labour and
Employment the occurrence of leakage, fire or explosion involving in serious danger to the safety and
health of workers. Communication should be referred to the second business day following the occurrence and
should contain:
I. platform name and location, date and time of occurrence;
. II description of the event;
. III name and function of the injured, if any;
. IV probable causes;
V. consequences; and
VI. Emergency measures adopted.

16.9.2 The installation operator must submit, within thirty days of the accident, the Regional Agency of the Ministry of
Labour and Employment, report of investigation and accident analysis describing the

root causes and preventive measures taken. The period prescribed in section 16.9.2 may be extended for another 30 days by agreement
with the Regional Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The period prescribed in section may be extended by tripartite agreement.

16.9.3 The installation operator shall inform the competent health authority the events on board that constitute
public health emergency as specific regulations on the issue.

16:10 Security Report

16.10.1 The installation operator shall maintain available to workers, their representatives and the competent
authorities for a safety report containing a brief description of the platform, the possible accident scenarios, the
platform contingency plan and in addition, location-specific information for the access their information
management systems for:
I. project;

. II risk analysis;
. III maintenance plan and inspection;
. IV safety procedures and health at work;
V. plan for prevention and control of fires and explosions; and
VI. Emergency plan.


17.1 To the platforms with ongoing project in the entry into force of this Annex, where the application of
the items generate the need for incompatible structural change technically to the area available or that
can influence the platform security, shall be submitted by the Operator Installation, before the start of
construction, technical design or workaround, with justification, for consideration and demonstration of
the competent authority.

Potable water - water with characteristics physico-chemical and biological in accordance with current
Treated Water: Water which were eliminated contaminants that might cause a danger to health,making
it very human use.
Waters under national jurisdiction: These include inland waters and the maritime areas stretching to the
limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone - EEZ. In cases where the continental shelf extends beyond the
boundary of the EEZ, the overlying waters are considered constitutional with regard to the exploitation
of the continental shelf.
Sanitary apparatus: equipment or parts for the use of water for hygienic purposes or for receiving
Concession Area: Area established by the regulatory agency and retained by the operator for
exploration and production of oil and natural gas, in terms of the concession contract between the
regulator of the oil industry and the dealer.
Interim box: temporary accommodation, necessary to increase the population on board of an exceptional
character, using the existing structure or compartment in houses for another purpose.
Dealer: Holder the exclusive right to carry out all operations and activities in the concession area during the term of the
concession agreement signed with the regulator of the oil industry.
SOLAS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, adopted by the International Maritime
Organization - IMO (considered to be the version ratified by Brazil).
Riddle: Diffuser of water used in the shower.
Disinfection: procedure used to remove or inactivate microorganisms on inanimate objects and surfaces, with the
exception of bacterial spores, by direct exposure to chemical or physical agents.
Event that set public health emergency: extraordinary event constituted a health risk

public due to the spread of disease or injury and potentially require a coordinated response.
Health office: Location for the installation of toilet stools to physiological and sanitary purposes.
Toiletries: Set cleaning habits and cleanliness in order to prevent diseases and contribute to the
maintenance of good health.
Supporting facilities: any inhabited offshore facilities to support the implementation of the activities of
platforms. Not included in this concept, among others, vessels offshore support, the seismic survey
vessels and diving operation of vessels.
Toilets: Unity intended for body hygiene consisting of a set of sanitary appliances.
Washbasin: Sanitary Ask intended exclusively for washing hands.
MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
Concession operator: Company legally designated by the dealer to conduct and execute all operations
and activities in the concession area, in accordance with the provisions of the concession agreement
between the regulator of the oil industry and the dealer.
Operator of the installation: Responsible for the management and execution of all operations and
activities of a platform, being the concession operator company or designee.
Wash sink: sanitary fitting preferably designed to wash cooking utensils, can also be used for hand
Platform: drilling installation, production, stockpiling or transfer, fixed or mobile, for the activity directly related to the
exploration, production or storage of oil and / or gas in waters under national jurisdiction. For purposes of this Annex, this
concept also covers support facilities.
Platform construction: That which the building contract or existing vessel conversion has been signed
before the entry into force of this Annex.
Existing platform: one whose start-up is earlier than the date of entry into force of this annex.
Classification Society - companies, entities or bodies recognized to act on behalf of the Brazilian Maritime Authority
in regulation, control and vessel certification matters concerning the safety of navigation, safety of life and
prevention of environmental pollution.
Field: Area intended for the storage and exchange of clothing.



Platform name:
Social reason (the Concession Operator Establishment or installation operator):
CNPJ: (idem)__.___.___ / ____-__
Address: (management which has management on the platform)
ZIP Code: (idem) ___________ - ____ Telephone:
(idem) _____________________________
Platform Main activity:
Platform Location:
Number of workers on board (planned):

Male: Female:
Own employees: _______ Own employees: _________
Employees Providers Service: ________ Employees Providers Service: ________
Description of Facilities and Equipment (must be made in accordance with the provisions of Annex
Platforms of the NR-30; use the back and attach additional sheets if necessary).
General plant
Plant Areas of Experience
Location plan of Fire fighting equipment and Salvage ratio of Boilers and Pressure Vessels
_____________________________________________________ (Readable name, registration
number in the CREA and signature of Work Safety Engineer Responsible for Information)
_____________________________________________________ (The Concession Operator Name or installation
operator) comes, as provided in Section Preliminary inspection of the platforms of Annex NR-30,request the Ministry of
Labour and Employment to preview the
___________________________________________ (Platform name), above, stating that it should
become operational in ___ / ___ / ___ (date).
Accordingly, calls for approval.
(Legible name and signature of the employer or agent)

Date: ____ / ____ / 20___.



Establish minimum standards of safety, health and comfort for temporary accommodation modules to be installed on the
platforms in order to increase its accommodation capacity while performing maintenance campaigns, construction projects
and installation and commissioning of new units or systems.

I. each Temporary Accommodation Module must consist of bedroom for up to four users conjugated to a
toilet for exclusive use.
II. The free floor-to-ceiling height must be 2.40 m (two meters and sixty centimeters) at the earliest.

III. Bulkheads, the floor and the furniture must be made of materials which ensure perfect hygiene.
IV. All bulkheads coating materials, ceilings, floors, upholstery, windows, doors, curtains, as well as the sanitary
installations shall be specified according to the corresponding rules and regulations. All materials should preferably
be of the type non-combustible or fire-retardant, not being allowed the use of materials that produce toxic gases or
particles when exposed to fire, such as acrylic, polycarbonate or PVC.
V. bulkheads should be of type A-0, externally, and B-15, internally, as defined in the SOLAS Convention. As
an alternative solution might be to accept a barrier to retard the spread of fire constituted by rock wool
or similar material. It is the operator's discretion Installation agree or not with this alternative.
VI. Facilities are not accepted adaptations that have already been used for other purposes, particularly the storage or
handling of health-hazardous products (physical, chemical and biological hazards).


3.1 General
It must be a minimum horizontal distance between the beds of at least 1.00 m (one meter).
II. The minimum area of the dorm for four people should be 12,00m² (twelve square meters).
III. The toilets should have piped water and sewers connected to the public network platform, with interposition of hydraulic
siphons. In the case of impossibility of the platform interconnection network, you accept the installation of a separate
treatment system, since it is not a chemical toilet system.
IV. Sanitary Installation (shower stall, washbasin and cabinet) must be isolated from the bedroom, with the
minimum requirements as specified below.
3.2 Box Shower
I. shower stall must have a minimum area of 1,10m² (one and one tenth square meter) and spans of at least
0.80m (eight centimeters).
II. The shower should be stocked with hot and cold tap water.

The shower should be 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters) above the floor and be led by metal
records halfway up the wall.
IV. The floor should be fit to ensure the flow of water into the sewage system and be non-slip material.You
must have an undercut at least 0.05m (5 feet) from the floor of the toilet.
V. in the case of use of showers or electric heaters, these should possess resistance armored type.

3.3 Sanitary Bureau

I. sanitary enclosure must have a minimum area of 1,00m² (one square meter), and the area of the front space of the toilet
should be at least 0.80m (eight centimeters) by 0.60m (sixty centimeters) .
II. The health office should allow installation sideways to the toilet, a basket with lid for collection of used
toilet paper.
III. Must have device for the toilet paper roll (port role) installed on the opposite side to the basket, and a
local cabinet for the storage of at least four additional rollers.
IV. Should be provided with hygienic shower.
V. the toilet should be siphoned type of discharge coupled with box, manual or automatic discharge control
and dispose of seat cover.

3.4 Sink
I. the sink must consist of a set tub / bench and be at 1.00m tall (one meter) from the floor.
II. Must be filled with treated water.
III. Should be provided with mirror, additional lighting and making electricity.
IV. Must have wardrobe with drawers for individual users, soap dish and towel racks.
V. must be next to the shower stall and veterinary office.

3.5 Corridor and anteroom

It should be made for the installation of a chamber in order to isolate the Temporary Accommodation Module
outside noise and the elements and the devassamento.
II. Runner interlinking modules more than two can be considered as the antechamber, it ensures the
protection required above.
III. Runners must be provided with emergency lighting, indication of escape routes, and output indicator
IV. the adoption of the hall, you must be at least 1.20 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) wide.

3.6 Beds (bunk)

I. headroom between beds (bunk beds) should be 1.00 m (one meter).
The minimum overall height of the lower bed (upper face of the mattress) should be 0.40 m (forty
The beds (bunk beds) should have two drawers under the bottom bed with at least 0.15m (fifteen
centimeters) tall.
IV. The beds must have minimum dimensions of 1.90 m (one meter and ninety centimeters) by 0.80m
(eight centimeters).
V. beds (bunk beds) should be provided with rigid ladder attached to the bunk bed with stairs that allow the
correct penetration foot plant.
VI. The upper bed must have two handles for grabs, one next to the ladder, another internal to the
body's projection.
VII. The beds should be provided with fall protection (bed rail).
VIII. The beds must have curtain type 'blackout' or other element, made of hypoallergenic material that
prevents the entry of light and promoting privacy without, however, adversely affect the airflow.
IX. Each bed must have shelf, additional lighting and making electricity.
X pallets of bedding (mattress support) should be impermeable in order to prevent dripping of liquid between

3.7 Cabinets
I. cabinets must be single with lock and key, and have the following minimum dimensions: 0.60m (sixty
centimeters) wide and 0.45m (forty-five centimeters) deep and 0.90m (ninety centimeters) height.
. II cabinets should be divided into three compartments with the following allocations:
a) guard EPI and travel bag;
b) personal clothing; and
c) belongings and personal hygiene objects.
III. In addition, out of the closet must be provided for individual device storage and drying of bath towels and
face to ensure hygiene and four open compartments for vests guard lifeguard.
3.8 Ports
All ports must have a device that allows to keep them open.

3.8.1 External Doors

I. is defined as one external port (s) connecting (m) the antechamber of the Temporary Accommodation
Module or the common corridor to the outside.
II. Doors should be fitted with glass display.
III. The doors must be at least 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters) high by 0.80m (eight centimeters)
in width, with hydraulic air springs on each door and trim to suit the level of internal noise that set this
IV. The module door must open outward.

V. If the module is connected to other modules through common hallway, the door should open
VI. The door connecting the common corridor to the outside area must open outwards.
VII. External doors should be made of the same material of the adjacent bulkheads, with locks and hinges fabricated with
material suitable for marine use, and equipped with anti-panic device.

3.8.2 Internal Doors

I. is defined as inner door that connects the bedroom to that chamber.
II. The door must be at least 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters) high by 0.80m (eight centimeters)
wide with air springs and hydraulic trim to suit the level of internal noise that set this specification.
III. The door should open outward. If the dormitory has antechamber the door should be run.

3.8.3 Ports of Sanitary Installation and Health Office

I. doors should be one-piece, with a minimum width of 0.60m (sixty centimeters) and equipped with shutters
in the lower third, to allow ventilation these compartments.
. II the material to be used must have the following characteristics:
a) be resistant to continuous use;
b) be resistant to moisture; and
c) have lightness in the drive mechanism.
III. The doors must have internal closure without, however, prevent its emergency opening.

3.9 Windows
It recommended the installation of a window to allow natural lighting of the bedroom.
II. The window should be located halfway up and preferably the bedroom floor.
III. The modules installation project must validate the above location, given the platform's features and the
location of dangerous areas.
IV. The windows to be installed in walls, windows and door viewers, should be laminated so as not to produce shrapnel when
subjected to mechanical impact or overpressure explosions. Alternative materials may be used provided that they have
characteristics of low emission of toxic fumes.
See all windows must be of the fixed type, welded to the bulkhead and the same material this.
VI. All windows should be of marine grade and has thermal and acoustic insulation.
VII. Windows should be provided with curtains, manufactured with antiallergenic material, to provide the
blocking of light.
3:10 floors and coatings
I. the materials used on the floors and in wall must be resistant, smooth, waterproof and washable.
II. All materials used must be hypo-allergenic characteristics and low emission of toxic fumes.

III. The floor and the baseboard must have non-slip coating and must be free of bumps or protrusions.
IV. The floor and other coatings must prevent ingress of moisture and fumes in the housing.
V. the choice of floor coverings, walls and ceiling should include materials with fire resistance characteristics
and insulation thermo-acoustic, and consider themselves architectural aspects for the use for which it
is intended.
3:11 Furniture
I. the materials used in the furniture should be easy to clean, and easily found in the market.
II. All the material used in the manufacture of furniture must have characteristics not sustain flame
III. The whole fabric must have feature fire-retardant and be easy to clean.
IV. All the padding material must have feature fire-retardant, in accordance with requirements laid down
by classification societies.

4.1 General
I. shall be provided facilities for TV installation, antenna and telephone.
II. Should have a desk (table and chair) and assist with making electricity lighting.

4.2 Conservation and cleanliness

They should be employed in the furniture and finishing of walls, floors and ceiling materials that allow
easy maintenance, cleaning and conservation.
4.3 Air conditioning
I. capturing outdoor air must be monitored by means of gas detectors and insulated by means of dampers.
II. Ventilation design magazines of the toilet and sanitary cabinet should consider that exhaustion should be made to the
outside of the module so that does not contaminate the surrounding environment.
III. The supply air grilles must have adjustable directional fins.
4.4 Lighting
I. the lighting design should provide for a minimum level of illuminance of 100 lux, measured as established
in Brazilian technical standard.
II. Should be made for emergency lighting in the room.

4.5 Smoke Detection

the voltage of the shots must be 127 volts.
Smoke detectors should be installed to enable their interconnection to the fire detection system and
gas platform. Alternatives to interconnection may be proposed provided that they maintain the
philosophy of providing recognition of the alarm control room.
4.6 Alarms
I. must be installed manual fire alarms that allow their interconnection to the fire detection system and gas
II. The Temporary Accommodation Module must have audio system that allows the dissemination of alarms and the
transmission of audible messages of the Communication System with the platform audience.

4.7 Electrical Installation

I. the design of the electrical system of the Temporary Accommodation Module should consider lighting circuits and
grounded and protected force against overload and short circuit, as well as protective devices the
current differential-residual (DR device) provided in Brazilian technical standard.
II. The power outlets must be of the standard three-pin, according to the Brazilian technical standard,
properly identified. The main switch, the electrical panel for starter motors and control cabinet lighting
should be identified.
III. For the installation of electrical circuits should be used conduit even if the wiring is not apparent.

IV. The project must comply with the requirements of NR-10.

V. the electrical panels must have internal bus with circuit breakers, doors with rubber seal and latch and
electrostatic painted. The electric panels must be installed in an easily accessible location, inside the
Temporary Accommodation Module.

VII. There must be identification of circuits in the electrical distribution board.

VIII. The wiring should be designed and implemented to prevent the risk of electric shock, fire and other
IX. The installation project should provide means for switching off the power supply of temporary
accommodation module for the platform Emergency Stop System.
4.8 mobile fire protection systems
Portable fire extinguishers installed pursuant to the Brazilian technical standard must be provided.

4.9 Levels of noise and vibration

I. Noise
They are acceptable sound pressure levels up to 60 dB (A) should always be sought the lowest possible
level of sound pressure. Whenever the sound pressure levels found exceed 55 dB (A) should be taken
for its effective reduction.
II. Vibration
Support structures of the temporary accommodation modules should have resilient support for noise and vibration
absorption, except conducting a technical study that proves they are not needed such support.

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