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1.5 Practical Work Assessment Guide

Component Rubric Mark Max
Skill Description Range Mark

A: Practical The student is able to:

(a) choose the correct and suitable Based on Subject Teacher’s judgement All students must carry out the
apparatus; experiment. If a student is absent
during the experiment, the teacher
(b) use the apparatus skillfully and must fix another time for the
correctly; student to carry out the experiment.
(c) set up the apparatus correctly Student who does not carry out an
without assistance; experiment will be given zero for
the whole report.
(d) follow instructions correctly and
accurately; award one mark if the student
chooses the suitable apparatus and
(e) plan the experiment so that it will carry out the measurements.
run smoothly and effectively;
award two marks if the student can
(f) make relevant observations without set up the apparatus correctly,
assistance; 03 3
follow instructions correctly and
(g) show manipulative skills during use the apparatus skillfully.
practical work; award three marks if the student
(h) take steps to ensure accurate shows high manipulative skills,
results; carry out experiment smoothly
andmake relevant observations and
(i) take necessary precautions to effectively and take necessary
ensure the safety of users. precautions.
Note: Explanation about the
experiment by the teacher is not
considered as assistance.
(Must be evidence based)


Criterions Marks Max

Component Rubrics
Skills Descriptions Range Mark

B: Observations The student is able to:

(a) record readings with reasonable all uncertaintiesmust be shown when award zero if no data is recorded
precision and uncertainties;(except recording data (uncertainty to the smallest or by the student.
standard value like slotted weight, half of the smallest scale for analogue deduction method is used. A
variable uncertainty like frequency instrument) student is awarded full mark (4
of signal generator) e.g.x = 10.0 ± 0.1 cm marks) if no deduction is made.
x = 10.00 ± 0.05 cm more than one mistakes of the
(b) determine a good and reasonable to plot graphsat least 6 sets of readings should same type (e.g. few quantities given
range of readings including be taken. wrong units) are considered as one
sufficient number of readings; mistake.
(c) obtain a suitable and good suitable range of data is taken student who has shown data in the
distribution of readings; report should be awarded at least 1
mark for observation and
(d) show good practice to verify at least two measurements taken and find the
measurement (Maximum deduction
observations, e.g. taking readings average value for responding variables.
of 3 marks).
repeatedly; forExp 4 and Exp5, no need to repeat but 0 4
markis deducted based on the 4
must take more readings (more than 10)
table below: (Max 3 marks)
because the conditions will be different every
time. No. of
Mark deducted
(e) identify abnormal or unexpected repeat measurement for abnormal datas mistakes
observations; 1 No deduction
(f) perform correct calculations; secondary data is calculated correctly
2–3 1 mark
(g) present derived data to
sames.f.or one s.f.extra with primary data
appropriate number of significant 4–5 2 marks
figures; average value can be written to same decimal
place or one extra decimal place. 6 or more 3 marks
e.g. 10.0cm ,10.1 cm, and
average = 10.1 cm or 10.05 cm
Wrong 1 mark
(h) state the correct units; correct units for all primary and secondary calculation
(i) use the correct symbols or labels


Marks Max
Component Rubrics
Skills Descriptions Range Mark

C: Processing The student is able to:

analysis of
(a) choose appropriate procedures, e.g. correct graph is plotted award zero if no processing and
using a suitable graph for data analysis of data is shown in the
analysis; report.
(b) choose suitable scales for a graph; the scale is suitable if the size of the graph deduction method is used. A
(from the first point to the last point) is ≥ ½ student is awarded full mark (4
of the width and height of the graph paper marks) if no deduction is made.
one or more than one mistakes of
no odd scales are used e.g. 1:3, 1:7, 3:1, 1:9 the same type (e.g. few quantities
etc given wrong units) are considered
as one mistake.
(c) labela graph correctly; axes and units are labeled correctly
student who has shown processing
all points are plotted accurately; within ½ of smallest square. If more than and analysis of data should be
half of the data are plotted wrongly, the awarded at least 1 mark in this
graph is considered wrong section. (Maximum deduction of 3
0 4 4
(d) obtain the expected pattern of data marks).
or shape of a graph; mark is deducted based on the
table below: (max 3 marks)
(e) make correct deductions or allow error carried forward in the following No. of
interpretations from the data or Mark deducted
calculation. mistake
graph obtained;
a triangle of size ≥ ½ of the axes is shown 1 No deduction
(f) use appropriate methods to obtain
information, e.g. using the gradient when calculating the gradient of the graph. 2-3 1 mark
of graph; 4-5 2 marks
(g) interpret or analyses data or graphs 6 or more 3 marks
to obtain physical relations, etc; and
Deduct 1 mark if half of
(h) perform calculations correctly and
secondary data are plotted wrongly
or wrong axes


Criterions Marks Max

Component Rubrics
Skills Descriptions Range Mark
(i) perform appropriate error analysis; apply for Exp 1, 7 and 13 only No deduction of mark for
use the correct formula in error accuracy. If the results are not
forExp 1, 7 and 13, skills (e) to (k) are
analysis accurate, the student can explain
calculate the error or percentage of the reliability of the results under
error for the final results correctly Discussion and Conclusion.
write the final answers correctly
with the estimated error
e.g.ρ = (1020 ± 20) kg m3
(j) state the value obtained with correct correct units is applied for the final answers
(k) state the values obtained to read data until ½ of the smallest division of
appropriate number of significant the axes when calculating the gradient or
figures intercept from the graph. Final answer can be
same the data with the least s.f.or one

Component Criterions Rubrics Marks Max


Skills Descriptions Range Mark

D: Discussion and The student is able to:

(a) recognise the sources of error or zero error and parallax error are not No mark is given if the student
the limitations of the experiment; accepted as sources of experimental error. writes on only one item from (a) to
(b) state any precautionary steps; (f).

(c) make a reasonable estimate of the Combination of correct comments

reliability of the results; of any two items from (a) to (f) is
awarded1 mark.
(d) give useful comments on the 0 2
experiment; Combination of correct comments
of any four items from (a) to (f) is 3
(e) suggest steps or modifications to awarded2 marks.
overcome the weaknesses of the
(f) suggest steps or modifications to
improve the accuracy of the
(g) draw conclusions consistent with make correct conclusion about the
the processed observations. experiment (depend on the objective of the 1

Component Criterions Rubrics


Skills Marks Max

Descriptions Mark
E: General The student is able to:
(a) complete the experiment within Based on Subject Teacher’s judgement 1 mark is given if the student
the stipulated time; fulfills all the items (a) to (e).
(b) cover all the major features of
practical work in the practical
work report;
(c) use precise language and correct
terminology in the practical work 0 1 1
(d) produce a good practical work
report e.g. following a logical
(e) exhibit good attitudes or
behaviors, e.g. independent,
cooperative, honest, curious, etc.


1.6 Project Assessment Guide

1.6.9 The project reports should be assessed based on the assessment criteria below.

Component of Criterion Description Mark Max

assessment Range Mark

F: Project Title Clearly stated in the report and related to the

report theme/field.
1 1
(Group specific and relevant
Abstract Clearly state the summary of the project.
(at least 100 words and summary includes introduction, methodology, 1 1
not more than 200 words results and conclusion.
in past tenses)

Introduction includes: Presents some background information that is

 Theory mostly relevant.
(If any)
Presents all relevant background information and
 Literature review refers to previous relevant research. 4
 Problem 34
 Objective(s)

Methodology Most of the data collection procedures and

(Methodology should be
techniques are understandable but some lacked 12
details or are confusing.
written in paragraph form.
Easier to write in past 4
Data collection procedures and techniques planned
and outlined clearly. Presents easy-to-follow steps
which are logical, adequately detailed, and 34


Component of Criterion Description Mark Max

assessment Range Mark

Observation, Observation:
result and
Data is not organised in a data table or paragraph not written
in complete sentences.
Tables, figures Result:
and graphs 12
should be Incomplete calculations and graph(s).
labelled and cited Discussion:
in the text
Presents an illogical explanation for the findings.
Discussion has
to be written in
present tense
Data is organised in a data table or paragraph written in
complete sentences.
Not all calculations were performed correctly and 6
inappropriate graph was drawn.
Presents a logical explanation for the findings.

Data is well organised in a data table or paragraph well-
written in complete sentences.
All calculations were performed correctly and appropriate 56
graph(s)was drawn.
Presents a logical and well-structured explanation for the

Component of Criterion Description Mark Max

assessment Range Mark
Conclusion Draws a conclusionthat is consistent with the objective(s) of
the project
Suggests specific changes that would improve the
investigation. (optional) 1 1
Recommends relevant action or research in the future
findings. (optional)

References Write correct references and cites appropriately

1 1

Presentation of Presents the project adequately. 1

the project report
Presents the project excellently (well-structured, clear,
concise and precise). 2

The project file should be assessed based on the assessment criteria below.

Component of Mark Max

Criterion Description
assessment Range Mark
G: Project File
Submit evidence that may not be related to the project 1
Submit all evidence that related to the project and 3
includes a log book 2

Submit all evidence that related to the project and

includes a well-documented log book 3


The oral presentation should be assessed based on the assessment criteria below.

Component of Criterion Description Mark Max

assessment Range Mark

H: Oral ICT Experiences a limited range of ICT applications 1

(Group assessment) 2
Have positive and appropriate experiences in a wide
range of ICT applications 2

Presentation  Read entire report from notes and makes some eye
(Group assessment) contact
 Use minimal or ineffective technique to engage 1
 Exhibitlimited creativity
 Holds attention of entire audience with the use of
direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes.
 Use techniques such as visual aids and props,
anecdote, humour, surprisingfacts, direct audience
 Exhibit creativity and delivers effectively


Component of Criterion Description Mark Max

assessment Range Mark

Communications  Occasionally speaks clearly and at a good pace.

assessment)  Answersquestions with difficulty, and has little
knowledge of the project.
 Presents content using correct grammar,
pronunciation occasionally, but often hesitant and

 Speaks clearly to ensure audience comprehension.

Delivers fluently.
 Answers most questions and shows good 2
knowledge and understanding of the project. 3
 Presents content using correct grammar,
pronunciation and intonation.

 Speaks clearly and at a good pace to ensure

audience comprehension. Delivers fluently with
excellent intonation.
 Answers questions with little difficulty and shows 3
very good knowledge of the project.
 Presents content confidently, using correct
grammar, pronunciation and intonation.


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