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1 Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd.

2 Finite Element Analysis  ASME Code Calculations

3 Canadian Vessel Registration  Vessel Modeling and Drafting

4 Cone Design Tool ver E4.02 Page 1 of 1

5 Conical Section Description
6 Dimensions:
36.000 ODL [in] - outside diameter of large end ODS

8 8.000 ODS [in] - outside diameter of small end

9 0.250 t [in] - thickness
10 24.000 L [in] -length Ln
11 0.000 Corr [in] - corrosion allowance Length
12 Material and Conditions: t
13 API 5L Material
14 20,000 S [psi] - allowable stress
15 1.00 E - long seam efficiency
16 50.0 P [psi] - interior pressure ODL

17 Calculated Properties:
18 Approx. cone weight based on steel, lbs = 134.6
19 Approx. cone volume , cuft = 5.76
20 a [rad] = ATAN((ODL-ODS)/(2*L)) ~~ alpha angle in radians ATAN((36-8)/(2*24)) = 0.528
21 angle [deg] = Degrees(a) ~~ alpha angle in degrees DEGREES(0.528) = 30.256
22 nt [in] = t-Corr ~~ thickness with corrosion allowance removed 0.25-0 = 0.250
23 Required Thickness: VIII-1 App 1-4 e)
24 Treq [in] = P*ODL/(2*COS(a)*(S*E+0.4*P)) + Corr ~~required minimum thickness
25 50*36/(2*COS(0.528)*(20000*1+0.4*50)) + 0 = 0.052
26 CheckTreq = Treq <= t 0.052 <= 0.25 = Acceptable
27 Maximum Pressure: VIII-1 App 1-4(e)
28 Pmax [psi] = 2*S*E*nt*cos(a)/(ODL-0.8*nt*cos(a)) ~~maximum allowed design pressure
29 2*20000*1*0.25*COS(0.528)/(36-0.8*0.25*COS(0.528)) = 241.1
30 CheckPMax = Pmax >= P 241.1 >= 50 = Acceptable
31 T provides a worst case required thickness for nozzle analysis for a nozzle located on the large end of the cone and located
32 on the long seam weld.
33 The UG-16(b) minimum thickness requirement has not been taken into consideration here.
34 Discontinuity checks which are required for each end of the cone when it is welded to a straight shell are not included
35 in this sheet.
36 This sheet cannot be used to check for allowable exterior pressure loads.
37 This sheet is for educational use only - use at your own risk.

38 Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd.

39 120 Randall Drive, Suite B
40 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1C6
41 (519) 880-9808

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