HW 01 (Muhammed Ahmed Al Khateiri)

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NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Al Khateri DATE:19/7/2017

STUDENT ID: 171039


1. What are the two main lessons learn from the Hadeeth of jibreel?

 Al - Ihsan: to worship and serve Allah as though you could see Him, although you can not see
Him, yet He sees you.”
 The pillar of Islam: that is declaring that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad
is his messenger, Salah, Zakat, Fasting Ramadan, Pilgrimage.

2. What does the word islam means?

The word Islam literary means peace.

3. List and explain the five major acts of worship in islam?

i. Declaring

Declaring that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger

ii. Salah:

Daily five time prayer regularly

iii. Zakat:

Paying a fraction of your wealth as charity

iv. Fasting Ramadan:

For the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, fasting from food, drink and sexual relations
from dawn until sunset

v. Pilgrimage

to Mecca once in a lifetime if someone has the means.

NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Al Khateri DATE:19/7/2017

STUDENT ID: 171039

4. List and explain the six major article of faith?

1. One God (Allah): The central belief in Islam, and arguably the most important theme of Islam, is
that there is one God.
2. The angels of God : Angels in Islam are spiritual creatures that serve the purposes of Allah. They
are messengers who relay communication to people and carry out other responsibilities.
3. The books of God, especially the Qur'an: The Quran is the most important writing in the religion
of Islam and is the highest authority in both religious and legal matters.
4. The prophets of God, especially Muhammad: Muhammad is the most important historical and
theological figure in Islam. His name, which means "highly praised," reflects this.
5. The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife): The afterlife is very important to the Islamic worldview.
Muslims believe in the continued existence of the soul and a transformed physical existence
after death.
6. The supremacy of God's will (or predestination): Islam teaches that God not only foreknows,
but also foreordains all that comes to pass in the world and in the lives of individuals.

5. How many prophets are mentioned in the Quran?

The numbers of the prophets that are mention in the Quran are 25 prophets.

6. Why is it important to believe in Qadar both in its good and in its evil aspects?

Doom (Qadhaa) is the general Decree of Allah that every human shall die, whereas a Divine Decree is a
particular Decree of Allah or the execution of Qadhaa', that a certain person is to die at a particular time
and place. Hence, believing in this article entails believing that Allah has created everything and has
foreordained its proper measure.

7. What does Al –Ihsan mean?

Al-Ihsan is a comprehensive concept. It denotes doing things completely, nicely and in a tasteful

8. What are two points of the prophets advice toward Al-Ihsan?

 To worship with the thought that he is weeing as.

 To worship Allah as if we see him

9. What are the major and minor signs of the day of judgment?

The major signs are the sun rising from the west, The appearance of the false messiah, The return of
jesus Christ to Earth
NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Al Khateri DATE:19/7/2017

STUDENT ID: 171039

The minor signs are desert people will gain wealth and compete in building high rises. Slave women will
give birth to their mistresses , People getting killed in large numbers, The appearance of Al Mahdi

10. When is the day of judgment?

The knowledge of day of judgment only with my Lord; only he shal make its time known (7:187)

The prophet just said about the signs that are in two categories of signs, Major and Minor that are The
sun rising from the west, The appearance of the false messiah, The return of jesus Christ to Earth, Desert
people will gain wealth and compete in building high rises. Slave women will give birth to their
mistresses, People getting killed in large numbers, The appearance of Al Mahdi


Directions: Answer each question by putting a T for true or F for false.

1. __T___ There are more than 2000 questions in the Quran.

2. __T___ If some one does not know the answer to something, Allah has encouraged us to ask the

knowledgeable ones.

3. __F___ One of the etiquettes of learning is to sit as far as possible from the speaker, as jibreel


4. __T___ A Muslim should always try to show ihsan to people and most importantly to Allah.

5. __F___ Al – Qadar is not by free will but by Allah.

6. __F___ Muslims should not believe in the books sent to other prophets before Islam; such as,

the bible.

7. __T___ There are six articles of faith or Iman.

8. __F___ The pillars of Islam are the same as the six articles of faith.

9. __T___ in the hadeeth of Jibreel the signs of the Day of Judgment mentioned are the only sign

of this coming day.

10. __F___ Jibreel appeared to the Prophet and his companions in his true from of light.
NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Al Khateri DATE:19/7/2017

STUDENT ID: 171039


Identify and write the ayah or hadeeth in answer each of the questions in both Arabic and English.

1. Provide the ayah or hadeeth that says that each nation received a messenger or prophet?

Qur’anic Arabic Text: Allah Says in Surah Fatir (Ayat: 24):

ٌ‫َوإِ ْنٌ ِم ْنٌأ ُ َّمةٌٍإِ ََّّلٌخ َََلٌفِي َهاٌنَذِير‬

Translation: “And there were not a people but a messenger has been sent to them.” [35:24”]

2. Provide the ayah or hadeeth about Allah instilling goodness in all things.

Translation: “surely Allah has required goodness in all things.” [Reported by muslim]

3. Identify the ayah or hadeeth that talks about when the Day of Judgment will be.
NAME: Mohammed Ahmed Al Khateri DATE:19/7/2017

STUDENT ID: 171039

They ask you about the Hour, when will it take place? Say: The knowledge of it is only with my Lord;
only He shall make its time known. [7:187]


Direction: Under the column for signs of the Day of judgment. Using your textbook, list each
signs both major and minor. In the column next to it. Indicate if the sign has already happened
or not:

Signs of the Day of Judgment Has the Sign Happened

1. The sun rising from the west 1. Not Happened
2. The appearance of the false messiah 2. Not Happened
3. The return of jesus Christ to Earth 3. Not Happened
4. Desert people will gain wealth and 4. Happened
compete in building high rises. 5. Not Happened
5. Slave women will give birth to their 6. Happened
mistresses 7. Not Happened
6. People getting killed in large numbers
7. The appearance of Al Mahdi

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