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20 Military Art and Science



Lucian-Marius IVA NOV

Appli cation School for Defense Infantry, Bucharest

The stu dy o f th e most resounding inte lligenc e services’ fa ilure s
ove r the last century stresses that the ma in ca uses that have led to
fa ilure are the analysts’ inca pacity to in terpret correc tly the ava ilab le
data and in telligence , and their inability to fin d the n ecessary
arguments to pe rsua de the end-u ser/de cisio n-maker of the tren d of
so me eve nts and of the major imp lication s of such developmen ts. As
one can e asily notic e, bo th causes are rela ted to the inte lligenc e
ana lysis pro cess, wh ich is in d ica tive of the la tter’s impor tan ce in
carrying ou t intelligence servic e missions a nd, implicitly, of how
critic al it is to improv e th is activity.

Keywords: management, intelligence, analysis, improvem ent, efficiency

1. Remarks on Intel ligence Analysis have led t o failure have been the analysts’
Related Acti viti es in the Current Context incapacit y t o interpret correctly the
The errors made in t he management avai labl e data and i ntelligence, and t heir
of i ntelligence-related act ivi ties, resulti ng i n inability to find the necessary argument s to
t heir fai lure to prevent t he terrorist st rikes persuade the end-user/deci sion-maker of t he
on Sept ember 11, 2001, and in t he trend of some events and of t he m ajor
unj usti fi ed entry of Ameri can troops i n im pli cati ons of such developm ents. As one
Iraq, have cal led t he Washi ngton polit ical can easi ly notice, bot h caus es are relat ed to
decision-makers’ attention to t he necessit y the intelligence analysi s process, whi ch is
of reformi ng the US i ntelli gence agencies; indi cative of the lat ter’s importance i n
al so, t hey have t riggered vigorous acti on carrying out i ntelli gence s ervices’ mis sions
wit hin the NATO st ates’ intelligence and, i mplicitly, of how criti cal i t is to
com muni ty, aim ed at im provi ng the whol e im prove that activity.
activity – of i ntel ligence anal ysis, i n The experi ence acquired over t he
particular, as it has proved to be the mai n recent decades and, above all, the fai lures
cause of the failures recorded [1]. recorded i n the int elligence acti vity have
The st udy of the most resoundi ng outlined the i dea t hat, despite the fact that
i ntel ligence services ’ failures over the last col lecting t he int elligence seem s to be the
century st resses t hat t he mai n causes that most import ant and di fficul t stage in the


Military Art and Science 21

i ntel ligence-relat ed cycl e, in actual fact it is The analyst’s work has becom e
t he correct interpret ati on of availabl e dat a increasi ngly complicat ed, as it impl ies
and i ntelli gence and formul ati ng opinions processing and unders tanding impressive
for t he deci sion-makers, i.e. t he analysis is am ounts of data and int elligence whi ch ar e
t he one t hat m akes the di fference between more often t han not i ncompl ete and
success and failure i n the intelligence conflicting, t hus l eading to severe
activity [2]. weari ness of personnel and, against t his
The September 11 events back i n background, keeping the m argin of
2001 and the flawed assess ments as to t he int elligence products error up.
Iraqi nucl ear potential have reconfirm ed At the same tim e, easy access t o the
t hat intelligence servi ces failures did not Int ernet, to open sources, generally
arise from t he int elligence col lect ing stage, speaking, enables certain government al or
but from t he analysis of avail able data and non-government al actors to s et loose flawed
i ntel ligence. int elligence on the “ market” to serve certai n
Al though a good m any of t he purpos es. Thi s fact cal ls for t he analys ts’
i ntel ligence experts hold t hat fail ures are bei ng capable of dis tinguishing bet ween
unavoi dable in t hat acti vit y, t he previousl y real and fl awed int elligence aim ed at
des cribed two inst ances come t o propagating cert ain i deas and/or t ri ggering
em phasize, by thei r ensuing consequences, som e t argets’ respons es.
not only that flaws i n int elligence anal ysis- The pre-conditi on t o improve the
relat ed acti vities impact upon t he whol e int elligence analys is activity i s to size up
i ntel ligence service, but als o that t he the structures concerned in processi ng data
i ntel ligence community has a huge and intelli gence in keeping wi th the amount
responsibility in defending t he country’s of prim ary intelligence received and wit h
securit y i nterests. the intelligence products to provide.
Des pite the si gnificant increase in In t he context of exponentially growing
dat a and i ntelligence sources over the last am ount of avail able data and intelligence, on
decade, wit h a subst anti al cont ribution of the one hand, and pers onnel-rel ated
t he technical ones to t he intelligence share constraints derivi ng from financial
t hat shoul d have result ed in an i ncreas ed restrictions, on t he other hand, the analysts
reliability of intel li gence products, t he “suffocate” from monitori ng current events
analyti cal process has actually grown more and proces sing rel evant dat a and intelligence,
com plex than before. since they have too little ti me left for medium
An impressi ve amount of int elligence – and l ong-term anal yses, whi ch are t he m ain
coming from the mass-m edia has added up t o products li able to grant val ue-added
t he new sources. On Jul y 1, 2009, the Internet intelligence and a basi s for pertinent st rat egic
num bered som e 22.89 billion web-pages, thus deci sions t o the customers.
t urning t he open sources int o t he most As a matter of fact, there is a vi cious
important source of data and int elligence. ci rcle created by the marked growth of t he
Under this avalanche of i ntelligence am ount of data and int elligence needed t o
gat hered from m ass-media, it has become a undergo anal ysis per tim e unit, while more
real chal lenge t o produce an amount of often than not the num ber of specialized
i ntel ligence anal ysis l iabl e to provide t he personnel is scant; the l ack of suffi cient
val ue-added intelli gence needed by time t o process available data and
cus tomers wit h unrestri cted acces s to open int elligence ensues i n shallowness of
sources, and thus t o come to j ustify t he int elligence anal ysis and paves the way for
expenditures i ncurred by the respecti ve overlooking relevant aspect s, result ing in
services’ acti vity. faulty judgm ent.


22 Military Art and Science

The lack of time or the necessi ty t o top management positions and are involved
work under the strain of t ime bri ngs about in strategi c int elligence anal ysis) compl ete
conditi ons that are likel y to prompt flawed his st udies with a master’s degree and l ater
j udgment and t he impossibility of usi ng a doct orat e in t he fi eld of intelli gence or
i ntelligence analysis techniques that requi re a related to it, li able to support hi s work.
l onger time reserve. Against that background, Consi dering the s pecifics of m ilitary
t he l oss of som e skills of the anal ysts int elligence, it would be i deal for t he
becomes apparent and the lack of accuracy of personnel envisaged for int ell igence
i ntelligence products is rather high. anal ysis structures t o have a mi litary
Further on, t here foll ow several traini ng and, when neces sary,
opi nions on the course of acti on that might speciali zations in his civil li fe.
m ake for an improved i ntelligence analysis Anyway, when sel ecti ng future
process, wi th a posi ti ve im pact upon t he anal ysts, whet her they are graduates o f
effi ciency of m ili tary int elligence services’ mili tary or civi lian educat ional ins tituti ons,
i ntel ligence activity. a m ini mal set of t heir personalit y features
must be considered, ot herwise t heir
2. Training Mili tary Anal ysts education and traini ng, and ultim atel y t heir
The analyst is one of the most evol ution in t he fi eld of int ell igence
i mport ant and, at the same time, sensiti ve anal ysis i s im possi ble. Therefore, am ong
com ponents in any int ell igence analysis the skills required of a future mi litary
process. anal yst are: analytical thinking, good
Upgrading t he traini ng quality of t he net working and communi cati on capabi li ty,
personnel hol ding positions i n structures working in team or i ndividually.
concerned i n working out intelligence The abil ity to learn foreign languages
products stands for a ‘sine qua non’ is an asset.
condi ti on in increasi ng the efficiency of t he As far as skills are concerned, the
whole milit ary i ntel li gence activi ty. following ones are necessary: the abilit y to
Increas ing the anal ysts’ competence i s a dis cern between important and unim portant,
di rect factor in improving the quali ty of t he sound PC operat ion knowl edge, to mas ter at
work he does, based above all on reducing least one for eign l anguage, apart from the
t he judgm ent errors ari sing all along dat a Engli sh, whi ch is compul sory.
and int elligence processing. The characteristi cs of the candidat e t o
The natural cons equence of thi s idea int elligence analysis act ivities should be the
i s t he necessit y to train mil it ary analysts t o following: limitl ess curiosi ty, high sel f-
become profes sional s. motivation, craving for knowl edge, passion
There should be a sound for sol ving problems that require thi nking,
understandi ng of the fact t hat traini ng a high concent ration capacit y and i ntellectual
proficient analyst is not a probl em t o be exertion under time pressure, developed
sol ved by s imply trans ferring a capabl e distri buti ve attention.
m ilitary t o an int elligence analysis Consi dering the analyst’s work
departm ent, or by ‘a course of lect ures or speci fi cs, candi dates to thi s line of work ar e
t wo”, but that it requi res a careful selection, required t o possess a s olid general
followed by hi s training on a soli d basis education, wit h a very well developed
provided by academic educat ion, and by hi s section of milit ary and s ocial sciences.
ongoi ng upgrading all al ong his work i n As soon as the candi date has been
t his fi eld. accepted in the mil it ary intelli gence servi ce,
In fact, the best opti on would be that he em barks on a long process, stretching
t he anal ysts (especi all y thos e who occupy from his degree st udies t hrough training


Military Art and Science 23

courses ai med at fi lling management abi lities int o skills required by t heir li ne of
positi ons, during which his t rai ning as an work, at im provi ng and enhanci ng the
i ntel ligence officer t akes place, to be domain-specific skills, at devel oping t heir
followed, lat er, by his s pecializing i n characterist ics, at consol idat ing, expanding
i ntel ligence analysi s. Actually, educati on and specializing their knowledge.
and t rai ning of the personnel i nvolved i n The s kills an analyst should possess
i ntel ligence anal ysis is aimed at changi ng are given in figure no. 1.


Permanent Mission in
Misiune permanent?
the Target S tate
în statul ?int?

Ɣ Communica tion Ɣ Target s tate • Ɣ Communicative

• Comunicare
Ɣ Rational thinking Ɣ Intelligence cu lture Ɣ Curiou s
• Curios
• Gândire
Ɣ Team rawor?ional?
k Ɣ Sta te’s policy Ɣ Self/motiv ated
• Aut omotivat
• Ɣ P C în echip? Ɣ Customer ’s Ɣ Deve loped sense of
Sim?deobserva ?ie
• Ɣ Critical thinking requ ri ements
• Ɣ Solid general Ɣ Analy tica l resources dezvolt at to
Ɣ Resistance
critic? •pro
•education general? Dornic
longed de
physica l and
Ɣ Eng lish + cou ntry ’s mental?
cunoa exer
language Ɣ Creative
• Rezi
• Limba stentlaefort
Ɣ Fluency +
in speech ?i psihi creader
Ɣ Passionate
and wr??rii+....
limba iting . • Creativ
• Exprimare u?oar? • Cititorpasi onat
( ?i scris)


Fig. 1 The Skill s Anal ysts Shoul d Possess

Apart from the elem ents given i n connoi sseurs of t hat area. Otherwi se,
Illus tration 1, it must be poi nted out that correct underst anding of event s, processes
es pecial ly as far as s tates of parti cular and developments i n the target-state is by
i nterest are concerned, i .e. thos e who pose, al l means im paired by the way they ar e
i n one way or anot her, a pot enti al threat t o perceived by the intelligence gat hering
nat ional securit y, masteri ng t he l anguage of st ructures of the m ilitary int ell igence
t he sai d state is mandatory to analysts, as it service, as well as by the nati onal m ass-
i s the sole tool to hel p them become real media or expert vi sion i n the count ry in


24 Military Art and Science

whose l anguage dat a and i ntelligence widespread: as many dat a and int elligence as
underlying the anal ysis have been possible are gathered from sources deemed
com pil ed. That does not mean that anal ysts trust worthy, then they are processed i n the
shoul d not know as many foreign languages time availabl e and j udgments are i ssued on
as pos sibl e, t hat can hel p them shape a the issue under considerat ion, with a view to
“round” picture of the problem under obtaini ng t he intelli gence product i n the m ost
analysis. concise form.
Moreover, t o gain a deep-goi ng The current context characterized by
knowledge of the real ities in a t arget -st ate it unparall eled s ecurity environm ent
i s vit al for the analyst to be granted t he com plexity, and t he huge amount of biased
poss ibilit y of getti ng acquai nted wit h that inform ati on, addi ng up the objective limits of
count ry ei ther by vis iting it repeatedl y, or human thought, im pose the crit ical need for
by carrying out s ome dipl omat ic missions. finding and operating with t echniques m ost
Certai nly, the educati on and traini ng appropriate for the specifics of a mi litary
process, as wel l as the concrete work done intelligence service, aimed at ensuri ng a
by analyst s wit hin t he i ntelligence analysis ri gorous and rational analysis process.
st ruct ures of mi litary intelli gence services By bringing struct ural techniques, also
m akes it possible to rank them by t heir called alt ernatives, int o int elligence analysis,
abi li ty to compi le descript ive-explicati ve implying an ext ended approach, a l arge range
i ntel ligence products m eant for t acti cal- of cogniti ve chall enges impai ring the analysts’
operati ve or interpret ati ve-predictive-level judgment quality can be at least limited, if not
cus tomers, to the benefi t of t he mi litary- avoi ded altogether.
pol itical t op managem ent. The onl y Thus, t he anal yses become more
problem left is that all along t he int ense, objecti ve, and there appears the possi bilit y to
relent less work carri ed on withi n t he confront argum ents wit h conj ecture, point ers
i ntel ligence analysis structures wit h t he on the developm ent trends of a given
m ilitary int elligence servi ces, personal situation or process can be singled out.
per formance of the analyst s should be taken In fact, structural t echniques are
i nto account when distri buti ng t asks. ai med at reducing the intuiti ve charact er o f
anal yses by m onitoring the way anal ysts are
3. Impl ementing Modern Intelligence reasoning in order to reach certai n
Analysis Methods concl usions.
The i ncreased awareness of t he fact Nat urall y, hence it should not ensue
t hat fail ures i n int ell igence acti vities have that the use of s truct ural anal ysis m ethods is
occurred due to cognitive errors makes it a panacea agai nst judgment errors and
i mperative to improve t he analysts’ way of failures of t he int elligence services , as they
t hinking, in order t o ensure t he accuracy are m erel y techniques whereby an i ncreas ed
required with int elligence products. accuracy of j udgment is ens ured and, on
One st ep to be t aken in support of that basis, i ncreasingl y ri gorous int ell igence
improved intelligence analysis work is t o products are provided to cust omers.
impl ement modern methods of int ell igence According to the s pecifics and purpose
analysis and show cauti on i n using traditional to which they are being used in the i ntelligence
t echniques bas ed upon l ogical processing of analysis process, they fall under t hree
available data and int elligence. cat egories, namel y: diagnost ics techniques,
The reference books m enti on that t he competitive techniques, and imaginative
i ntel ligence com munity anal ysts have over techniques [3].
200 i ntelligence analysis met hods available. Given the import ance of impl ementing
Nevertheless, the classi cal m ethod is still struct ural anal ysis techniques aim ed at


Military Art and Science 25

i ncreas ed effici ency of i ntel ligence analysis, a som e analys es concl usions concerni ng
few of them are furt her bri efly descri bed: is sues of parti cular im portance t o deci sion-
Di agnosti cs Techniques: makers. In pract ice, t his technique i s m eant
Key Assumpti ons Check i s a for singl ing out weakness es in the
t echnique t hat impli es drawing up a l ist judgm ents yi eldi ng certai n estim ates of
i ncludi ng all t he hypotheses the anal ysts anal yst teams.
hol ds true, and on whi ch basi s they are The Team A – Team B Techni que
subs tant iat ing their es timates. This proves useful whenever at l east two
t echnique is mainly used at the beginni ng of concurrent vi ews come forth. Given t he
t he intelligence analysi s, and checking i s high costs of thi s technique, i t i s necessary
resumed along the int elligence analysis to revi se t he availabl e int elligence, as well
process, which ensues in a l esser poss ibilit y as to draw up new docum ents, to highlight
t hat judgm ents be m ade based on fal se the vari ance between t he t wo versi ons; t his
as sumpt ions. technique is us ed onl y in such cases, when
Quali ty of Information Check i s the deci sions at stake are of criti cal
ai med at est abli shing the degree of accuracy im port ance.
and veraci ty of the intelligence the analyst H igh Impact – Low Pr obability is a
bui lds up his j udgment on. To this effect, technique that can be employed to highlight
t he trustwort hines s of the sources t hat have the m ajor impact that events vi ewed as
fed the intelli gence shoul d undergo im probabl e can have upon the costumer. In
analysis. In the case of HUM INT sources, practice, this t echnique i s aimed at
accent is l aid on anal yzing i n what context preventing the cust omer’s being caught
t he i ntel ligence was deli vered, t he unawares in case of l ess probable event s,
m otivations underl ying t he delivery of t he which, should they occur, however, the
said i ntelli gence, and as for t echnical im pact on the custom er’s i nterests would be
sources, checking i s done for possibl e a maj or one.
errors arisen during their proces sing [4]. Imagi native Techni ques:
The I ndicators of change t echnique Brai nstorming is a wi despread
implies drawi ng up a list including the technique ai med at boost ing thinking and
observabl e events and their trends, thus finding new i deas t o serve the purpose. It
m aking it possibl e t o confirm some processes can be em ployed as a creati vit y cat alyst in
under way, in keepi ng wi th the analyst’s al l other analysis techniques.
es timat e. That techni que is used to foll ow up Brainstormi ng provi des the
an event over tim e and is very useful , as it condi tions necessary to foster new i deas,
can provide a tim ely highlight of unaffect ed by the analys ts’ organized way
developments different from those foreseen. of t hinking, thus ensuring a quasi-
Analys is of Competing Hypotheses com prehensi ve approach of the iss ue under
i s one of the m ost used techni ques, that has consi derat ion.
proved hi ghly effi cient i n anal yzing a Outsi de-In Thinki ng is a t echnique
si gnificant am ount of dat a and intelli gence. recommended for use at the inceptive stage
It im pli es building up a mat rix of of some intel li gence products, in order t o
hypot heses and confronting them wi th t he highlight the outer forces li able to im pact
availabl e information, thus m aking for a upon t he development of a parti cular
col lective anal ysis. Thi s i s the reason why it situation. Thi s technique impli es drawi ng
i s recomm ended for team work. up two list s covering the fact ors t hat can
Concur rent Techniques : have an i mpact on the t rend of the situation
The Devil’s Advocate i s an anal ysis under considerati on. The fi rst one lists the
t echnique recomm ended for use t o check factors im pacti ng on the sit uati on but those


26 Military Art and Science

can be subj ect to a mi nimal action exert ed Along this li ne, on the one hand, t he
on t hem by external forces (global izat ion, int elligence offer has been forced int o
gl obal econom y, Internet a.o.), while t he adapt ing to t he new clients, and, on the
second one includes t he factors t hat may be other hand, the need for a bett er nuanced
subj ect t o t he im pact of various act ors. dialogue between provider and cust omer
Subsequently, the way those fact ors might has appeared as a driving engine for s uch
have an impact on the s aid si tuat ion are adapt ing to their demands.
analyzed and then, based on t he avai labl e There are two m ain st ages in the
i ntel ligence, t he probabilit y and scale of int elligence cycle, where the parti es –
t heir action’s i mpact on the lat ter are Military Intelli gence and the Custom ers –
checked. must col laborate cl osely: it is during the
The Red Team is an analysis formul ation of call s for intelli gence, and
t echnique aimed at findi ng out t he way a after the di ssemination of int ell igence
forei gn leader or a decis ion-m aking group products. In the first case, the provider m ust
m ight respond t o a certain sit uati on. This em bark on a di alogue wi th the custom er, in
t echnique requires t he anal ysts to “s tep i n order t o come to an exact understandi ng of
t he shoes” of t he respect ive leader or group, the int elligence needs of the latt er, whil e in
m eaning by that their local environment the second case, a feed-back as accurate as
and personal it y. For a higher effi ciency of possi ble on t he intelligence product offer ed
t his techni que, anal ysts that had operated in is needed – whether it s receipt was t imely,
t he respect ive count ry are brought in – to what extent it has mat ched the
peopl e t hat know the populat ion’s cust omer’s needs, whether it has proved
l anguage, culture and mentalities and, if operational i n action – t hus m aking for an
poss ible, that bel ong t o the same ethnics. increased qualit y of t he product s. Should
Al ternative Futures Analysis i s an the cust omer express his dis satisfacti on
analysis t echnique aimed at findi ng with the quality of an i ntelligence product,
sol uti ons for hi ghly com plex s ituations, as the provider is to determine the causes of
t heir possibl e devel opments are very the said dissatis faction as accuratel y as
uncertai n. In pract ice, this t echnique is possi ble and bas ed on his dial ogue wit h the
m eant for sit uati ons where avai labl e cust omer, and take urgent steps to remedy
i ntel ligence leaves no room to formul ati on them.
of argument-subst anti ated hypotheses and it It i s true that in many cases,
i s necessary to find out t heir possibl e especial ly in the relat ionshi ps with high
development s. ranking cus tomers, it i s i mpossible to get a
timel y feed-back, but even i n such cases
4. The Importance of Analyst-to- act ion is to be t aken i n order to have a clear
Customer Relationship picture of t he extent to whi ch int ell igence
St rengt hening the relationshi p products m eet the decisi on-makers’
bet ween anal ysts and the end-users of dem ands.
i ntel ligence product s is anot her st ep It goes without sayi ng that the
conducive t o improved anal ysis. provi der-to-customer rel ati onship may get
The current conditi ons of t he securit y ent angled and im pair the communication
situation, charact erized by an bet ween t he parti es, causing a negative
unprecedent ed com plexit y have determi ned im pact upon the whole intelli gence cycle,
an ongoi ng growth of the number of t he when t he mi litary int elligence est imates do
end-users of t he int elligence product s not match the custom er’ s.
yi elded by mil itary i ntelli gence servi ces. Alt hough one might think t hat the
provi der’s missi on is over as soon as the


Military Art and Science 27

i ntel ligence product has been disseminated, of experi enced offi cers wis hing t o work i n
i t i s m ost important that, whenever special this fi eld.
situations are li kely to occur, military To conclude, it i s worth emphas izi ng
i ntel ligence represent ati ves shoul d invol ve that t his paper on – “ Improvi ng the
t hemselves directl y in presenting to t he Int ell igence Analys is Process as a
pol itical decis ion-m akers the parti cular Prerequisite t o Increasi ng the Efficiency of
situations that are li kely to result i n Mi litary Intelli gence Ser vices ” is i ntended
development s impacting on national as a m odest signal as to t he m ajor
i nterests. The direct purpose of such acti on im port ance of i mprovi ng the int ell igence
i s to make the cus tomers understand t he anal ysis process withi n the general efforts
es sence of the problem s and t he necessit y ai med at reshaping milit ary int ell igence
t hat some act ion be t aken. services in order t o enabl e them to
Al ong with the ideas above, t he success fully face the traditi onal threats, but
dem arche aim ed at i mprovi ng t he above al l – the t ransnational ones,
i ntel ligence analysis withi n military multi pli ed by gl obali zation. Improved
i ntel ligence services i s als o support ed by int elligence anal ysis and, consequent ly,
bui lding up a system devised t o check higher qual it y of intelli gence products
i ntel ligence products for qual ity, bas ed addressing t he political and mi litary
upon point ers objectively indicati ng t he leadershi p stands , by all means for a
degree of certai nty of t he conclusions desi derat um of all mili tary int ell igence
formul ated. services . The st eps t o be taken to this effect,
At t he sam e time, t he ti mel y as present ed i n this present article is but a
i mplement ati on of the “ less ons learned” sm all part of the action call ed for i n order
whil e runni ng t heir own current acti vity, or that officers operating i n int ell igence
during the acti vities run by ot her services anal ysis structures become competent,
bel onging t o the National or foreign efficient and moti vated in thei r highly
i ntel ligence comm unit y is likel y to make responsibl e work.
for quickly adapti ng i ntelligence analysi s t o
t he dem ands of the new securit y REFE RENCES
envi ronment, as well as to provi de
i ntel ligence product s for the pol itical and [1] Broadly speaking, int elligence
m ilitary decision-makers, enabli ng them t o anal ysis i s the process whereby pri mary
subs tant iat e t heir decisions. (unprocessed) dat a and int ell igence
Last, but not least, given t he obtained from di fferent sources are bei ng
particular im portance of i ntelligence est im ated and turned int o int ell igence
analysis all al ong the int elligence cycle, products (Notes, i nformat ive document s,
apart from the previousl y mentioned effort s bull eti ns a.o.) of a descript ive, expli cative,
action is needed t o change the current view int erpretat ive or predictive nat ure,
wit h the int ell igence comm unit y, accordi ng addressing t he political and mi litary
t o whi ch int ell igence collecting structures leadershi p.
are most i mportant, comi ng as an [2] The int elligence act ivity i s a
acknowl edgement of the decisive part of cycl ic process made up of several recurrent
i ntel ligence analysis in prevent ing strategi c and strongly interlinked st ages, whereby
surpris es. Such an approach is likely t o pri mary data and i ntelli gence are gaini ng
boost both the i ntel li gence st ruct ures’ added value and a new t rans form ed
activity by upgrading the presti ge of t he subst anti al int elligence product is obtained.
analyst li ne of work, and the incom ing flow The main st ages of the i ntelligence cycle
are as foll ows: the demands and needs for


28 Military Art and Science

i ntel ligence, planni ng and m anagem ent, BIBLI OGRAPHY

gat heri ng processi ng, anal ysis and
production, dissemination. [1] Cl ark, Robert. M. Int elligence
[3] US Government . A tradecraft Analys is. A Target -Centric Approach,
Primer: Struct ured Analytic Techniques for Washi ngton DC, CQ Press, 2007.
Improving Intelligence Anal ysis, 2007. [2] US Government. A t radecraft
[4] HUMINT (Hum an Intel ligence Primer: Structur ed Analytic Techniques for
st ands for int elligence obtained from hum an Improvi ng Intelligence Analysis, 2007.
sources. Human s ources are the most [3] Lisa Kri zan. Int elligence
effi cient in gat heri ng data and intelligence Essent ial s f or Ever yone: Joint Mi litary
t hat fai led to be obt ained by ot her means . College Occasi onal Paper Number Six
Washi ngton DC, J oint Military Coll ege,

[ \


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