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Learning objectives:

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
1. Apply the engineering principles to the actual problem/case.
2. To analyze the potential causes that cause road accidents
3. To come up with better solution in providing better preventive features in
terms of design and control.

The problem:

Every year, the number of road accidents is increasing despite all the awareness
and efforts introduced and implemented to public. Based on statistics from
MIROS (Malaysian Institute of Road Safety) the percentage of road accidents that
resulted in deaths involving the motorcycles and other vehicles shown a very
significant escalation.

The assignment:

Each student is required to choose a case study of road accident due to the
collisions. Based on the chosen case study, student is required to analyze the
potential causes of the accident, and by applying selected engineering
principles, to calculate the estimation of damage incurred during the
collisions. Based on your findings, suggest corrective measures that can be
applied to reduce the possibility of fatality during road accidents.

Grading Criteria:

The report should be assessed by:
1) Contents and complexity
2) Organization
3) Style
4) Grammatical editing

The length of complete report shall not exceed 10 pages (including cover
page). Microsoft word should be used for typing. The body text size is 12
points with font ‘Times New Roman” should be used throughout the report.

The TOTAL MARKS of this assignment is 20.

Please submit the complete report to I TALEEM, due by Wednesday, 25
Nov 2015, 11.59 pm.

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