1 Intro

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▪ Instructor: Dr. Mohamed (Medhat Tawfik) Abdelraheem

▪ Lecture: Monday 8:10 PM mechatronics building
▪ Office hours: TBA
▪ Class website: TBA

▪ Midterm + Quizzes =60%

▪ Final Exam = 40%
▪ Couse Website
▪ Alternatively, they can sign up
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join code: WGYCWW
▪ Introduction to Computer and Internet
▪ Simple overview of computer organization and
▪ Simple overview of the Internet

▪ Data representation
• Different numbering system
• Mathematical operations

Engineering Methods for problem solving using Computer

▪ Flowchart

Introduction to C++
Typical Computer Ad

▪ Is the computer fast enough to run necessary programs?

▪ Is the computer cost-effective?
▪ Will it be obsolete in 6 months?

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-3

Early Computers

Babbage’s Analytical Engine ENIAC

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-4

Pre- 𝜇𝑝 History
▪ Mechanical Age
▪ Ancient people invented
the abacus
▪ first mechanical calculator
▪ strings of beads perform

▪ Pascal calculator 1642

Pre-𝜇𝑝 history
▪ Electrical Age
▪ Electrical driven mechanical calculator !
▪ First Electronic Calculator 1941 (Z3)
▪ Z3 is a logic machine clocked at 5.33
Pre-𝜇𝑝 history

▪ Electrical Age
▪ Bombe an electromechanical computer was invented by Alan
Turing Decode
▪ to break the code of Enigma Machine at Bletchley Park enigma

Did u
?? Capture
▪ Colossus was a set of computers developed by
British codebreakers
▪ in 1943–1945 to help in the cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher
▪ At Bletchley Park

𝜇𝑝 history
▪ Ancient History
▪ 4004:
▪ 4-bit microprocessor.
▪ 4KB main memory.
▪ 45 instructions.
▪ PMOS technology.
▪ 50 KIPS
▪ 8008: (1971)
▪ 8-bit version of 4004.
▪ 16KB main memory.
▪ 48 instructions.
▪ NMOS technology.
▪ 8080: (1973)
▪ 8-bit microprocessor.
▪ 64KB main memory.
▪ 2 microseconds clock cycle time; 500,000 instructions/sec.
▪ 10X faster than 8008.
Very Old History
▪ 8085: (1977)
▪ 8-bit microprocessor - upgraded version of the 8080.
▪ 64KB main memory.
▪ 1.3 microseconds clock cycle time; 769,230
▪ 246 instructions.
▪ Intel sold 100 million copies of this 8-bit microprocessor.
▪ 8086: (1978) 8088 (1979)
▪ 16-bit microprocessor.
▪ 1MB main memory.
▪ 2.5 MIPS (400 ns).
▪ 4- or 6-byte instruction cache.
▪ Other improvements included more registers and additional
▪ 80286: (1983)
▪ 16-bit microprocessor very similar in instruction set to the
▪ 16MB main memory.
▪ 4.0 MIPS (250 ns/8MHz).
Old History
▪ 80386: (1986)
▪ 32-bit microprocessor.
▪ 4GB main memory.
▪ 12-33MHz.
▪ Memory management unit added.
▪ Variations: DX, EX, SL, SLC (cache) and SX.
 80386SX: 16MB through a 16-bit data bus and 24 bit
address bus.
▪ 80486: (1989)
▪ 32-bit microprocessor, 32-bit data bus and 32-bit address
▪ 4GB main memory.
▪ 20-50MHz. Later at 66 and 100MHz
▪ Incorporated an 80386-like microprocessor, 80387-like
floating point coprocessor and an 8K
▪ yte cache on one package.
▪ About half of the instructions executed in 1 clock instead of
2 on the 386.
▪ Variations: SX, DX2, DX4.
 DX2: Double clocked version:
 66MHz clock cycle time with memory transfers at
Recent History

▪ Pentium: (1993)  Pentium Pro: (1995)

▪ 32-bit microprocessor, 64-bit  32-bit microprocessor, 64-bit data bus
data bus and 32-bit address and 36-bit address bus.
bus.  64GB main memory.
▪ 4GB main memory.  Starts at 150MHz.
▪ 60, 66, 90MHz.  16KB L1 cache (split instruction/data:
▪ 1-and-1/2 100MHz version. 8KB each).
▪ Double clocked 120 and  256KB L2 cache.
133MHz versions.  Memory transfers at 66MHz.
▪ 16KB L1 cache (split  3 integer processors.
instruction/data: 8KB each).
▪ Memory transfers at 66MHz
(instead of 33MHz).
▪ Dual integer processors.
Recent History Cont.
Current Situation
Mores’s law
Input-Process-Output Model (IPO)

• Input: keyboard, mouse, scanner, punch cards

• Processing: CPU executes the computer program
• Output: monitor, printer, fax machine
• Storage: hard drive, optical media, diskettes, magnetic tape

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-17

Architecture Components
▪ Hardware
▪ Processes data by executing instructions
▪ Provides input and output
▪ Software
▪ Instructions executed by the system
▪ Data
▪ Fundamental representation of facts and
▪ Communications
▪ Sharing data and processing among different
Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-18
Hardware Component
▪ Input/Output devices
▪ Storage Devices
▪ ALU: arithmetic/logic unit
▪ CU: control unit
▪ Interface unit
▪ Memory
▪ Short-term storage for CPU calculations

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-19

Typical Personal Computer

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-20

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-21
The Motherboard
Audio/ Parallel/
MIDI serial
Four Four
card card SIMM
slots slots slots Processor

Chapter 1 Computer Systems
CPU: Central Processing Unit
▪ ALU: arithmetic/logic unit
▪ Performs arithmetic and Boolean logical
▪ CU: control unit
▪ Controls processing of instructions
▪ Controls movement of data within the CPU
▪ Interface unit
▪ Moves instructions and data between the CPU
and other hardware components
▪ Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and power
between different components

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-23

▪ Also known as primary storage, working
storage, and RAM (random access memory)
▪ Consists of bits, each of which hold a value of
either 0 or 1 (8 bits = 1 byte)
▪ Holds both instructions and data of a
computer program (stored program concept)

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-24

Memory Types

▪ RAM (Random access memory):

▪ SRAM (Static RAM) (flip-flop gates)
▪ DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
▪ ROM (Read only memory)
▪ PROM (programmable)
▪ EPROM (erasable programmable)
▪ EEPROM (electronically erasable
Figure 5-4
Memory hierarchy
Figure 5-5
Figure 5-14

Connecting CPU and memory using three bus

Figure 5-15

Connecting I/O devices to the buses

Figure 5-18
USB controller
(Universal Serial Bus)
Software Component
▪ Applications
▪ Operating System
▪ API: application program
▪ File management
▪ I/O
▪ Kernel
 Memory management
 Resource scheduling
 Program communication
 Security
▪ Network Module

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-31

Communications Component
▪ Hardware
▪ Communication channels
 Physical connections between computer systems
 Examples: wire cable, phone lines, fiber optic cable,
infrared light, radio waves
▪ Interface hardware
 Handles communication between the computer and the
communication channel
 Modem or network interface card (NIC)
▪ Software
▪ Network protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, ATAPI

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-32

Computer Systems
All computer systems, no matter how complex,
consists of the following:
▪ At least one CPU
▪ Memory to hold programs and data
▪ I/O devices
▪ Long-term storage

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-33

An Overview

End User

Application Programs
Operating System
Computer Hardware
O/S Designer
Chapter 1 Computer Systems
Classes of Computers

Main Frames
Super computers
Desktop (personal computer)

All work in the same way!!

Chapter 1 Computer Systems

Classes of Computers
▪ Minicomputers
▪ Designed for specific tasks
▪ Distributed DP
▪ Workstations
▪ High speed performance
▪ Engineering tasks

Chapter 1 Computer Systems

Introduction to computer
1- Computer classification
▪ 1- Analog  vs. Digital ☺ computers

▪ Analog Computers: is a form of computer that uses the

continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such
as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the
problem being solved.

▪ Digital Computers: any of a class of devices capable of solving

problems by processing information in discrete form. It operates
on data, including magnitudes, letters, and symbols, that are
expressed in binary code—i.e., using only the two digits 0 and
Types of Computers
▪ Supercomputers
▪ A supercomputer is a computer with a high-level
computational capacity compared to aa general
purpose computer. Performance of a supercomputer
is measured in floating-point operations per second
(FLOPS) instead of million instructions per
second (MIPS).
▪ Supercomputer are used to process very large
amounts of information including processing
information to predict hurricanes, satellite images
and navigation, and process military war scenarios.

Types of Computers

▪ MainFrame
▪ Main frame designed around more than one CPU
and can serve hindered of users simultaneously.

▪ Mainftame computers has massive storage

▪ Typical used to serve large companies and

Designed to be very fault tolerant

Types of Computers

▪ MainFrame
▪ Main frame designed around more than one CPU
and can serve hindered of users simultaneously.

▪ Mainftame computers has massive storage

▪ Typical used to serve large companies and

Designed to be very fault tolerant

Types of Computers
▪ Workstation
▪ A workstation is a special
computer designed for
technical or scientific
applications. Intended
primarily to be used by one
person at a time
Types of compurters
▪ Desktop
▪ Small affordable computer for personal or
individual user

▪ Laptop
▪ A laptop is a small lightweight portable
computer that operate on a battery for

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-42

Computer Manufacturers

Super Computers Cray, SG, Tera

Main Frames Unisys, IBM
MiniComputer AS/400, VAX
Workstations HP, SG, Sun, Compaq,

Chapter 1 Computer Systems

Electronic Digital Generations

Year Technology Relative performance/

unit cost
1951 Vacuum tube 1
1965 Transistor 35
1975 Integrated circuits 900
1995 VLSI 2,400,000
1999 7,000,000

Chapter 1 Computer Systems

Where does the Chip fit in a Computer?

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-45


Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-46

▪ An On/Off switch controlled by
▪ The IC combines up to hundreds or
thousands of transistors in a single chip
▪ VLSI is used for chips with millions of

Chapter 1 Computer Systems

▪ Common ground rules of
communication between computers, I/O
devices, and many software programs
▪ Examples
▪ HTTP: between Web servers and Web
▪ TCP/IP: between computers on the
Internet and local area networks
▪ ATAPI: between a CPU and CD-ROMs

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-48

▪ Created to ensure universal compatibility of
data formats and protocols
▪ May be created by committee or may become
a de facto standard through popular use
▪ Examples:
▪ Computer languages: Java, SQL, C, JavaScript
▪ Display standards: Postscript, MPEG-2, JPEG, GIF
▪ Character set standards: ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC
▪ Video standards: VGA, XGA, RGB

Chapter 1 Computer Systems 1-49

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