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The machine may only be operated with an undamaged screen lining, which is

mounted according to the instructions. The manufacturer is not liable for damages in
the event of non-observance!

The machine has been equipped with a screen lining designed for the agreed case
of use. The manufacturer is not liable for inadequate screen lining efficiency or
damages occurring as a result of alterations to the mailed product!

- 1 = inspection port / inspection ports in the rear wall of the screen box
- 2 = tension nuts
- 3 = tensioning device
- 4 = cloth tensioning fold
- 5 = hook-in bracket
- 6 = screen lining
- 7 = traverse-protection profile
- 8 = Spring washer

With a longitudinally taut screen lining, stretching takes place in the conveying
direction of the machine.

- Re move cove rs (1) from the ins pe ction port(s ),

- loos e n te ns ion nuts (2) a nd twis t up to the be ginning of the thre a ding,
- ins e rt te ns ioning de vice (3) into the ma chine until the nuts a re in the s top
pos ition,
- re a ch through the ins pe ction hole (s ) a nd unhook the cloth te ns ioning fold (4)
from the te ns ioning de vice (3),
- unhook the front fabric tensioning fold from the hook-in bracket (5) and remove
the screen lining (6) from the machine.
The tension nuts (2) of the tensioning device (3) are loosened and twisted up to the
beginning of the threading.

The lateral deflectors – if available –are loosened and pushed upwards.

The tensioning device (3) is pushed in the conveying direction up to the stop position
of the tension nuts (2).

The lateral screen lining supports – if available – must be cleaned.

The screen lining (6) and the cloth tensioning fold (fold opening facing downwards)
are hooked into the hook-in brackets (5).

Hook the rear cloth tensioning fold (fold opening facing upwards) of the screen lining
(6) into the tensioning device (3) and evenly tighten the tension nuts (2) using a
spanner, until the screen lining (6) is taut and slightly tense. The tension of the
screen lining must be even across the entire width!

The spring washer (8) are further tightened until the screen lining rests firmly on all
screen cross beams and resembles a “drumhead“ effect.

The tension nuts (2) are further tightened, until the spring washer value, indicated on
the telltale sign attached to the machine is reached. This setting applies only to the
screen deck built in at delivery. In case of screen deck changes the necessary
settings are to be inquired of the manufacturer. The tension nuts must not be
tightened and overstrained according to the table for tightening torque!

Secure the tension nuts, reassemble the lateral deflectors – if available – and

If wooden or plastic rails are available for lateral sealing of the screen lining edges,
these are attached and secured with wedges.

The mailed rubber apron – if available – is to be checked for correct fitting.

The tension of a new screen lining must be controlled after the first three operating
The screen lining must be regularly checked for correct tension and fitting (every five
days during single shift operation). The installation length of the spring washer is to
be examined.

The following must be observed when

tightening the screen lining:

- If we dge s ha ve be e n us e d to s e cure the

wooden or plastic strips, these must be

- Check the tension of the screen

lining and tighten if necessary
(see “spring washer value instruction
plate” on machine)

- Wedges are mounted again.

1. Stop bracket 4. Screen mat

2. Wedge 5. Side wall
3. Strip 6. Support bracket

Worn screen linings must be replaced; interlacing an appropriate wire may

temporarily repair individual wire fractures. The manufacturer recommends
stockage of replacement screen linings.

Steel wire mesh must not be repaired by means of welding.

The screen lining is to be kept free of residual matter / plug grain. On use of
products that are difficult to strain and / or damp, the screen must be checked for
residual matter / plug grain several times a day. Possible residual matter / plug grain
must be removed immediately.

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