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MYP unit planner

Teacher(s) Subject group and SCIENCE


Unit title FORCE AND MOTION MYP year YEAR 3 Unit duration 4 week

Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context


Statement of inquiry

Relationship between force and nature drive human to develop technologies that have consequences

Inquiry questions
What is meant by force, power, work ?
What is meant by frictional force?
What is the effect of force in our daily life?
How to calculate the force, power, work?
Does support system in animals and plants relate to us?
Debatable How we we relate support system and dynamics with technologies
Objectives Summative assessment
CRITERION A Relationship between summative assessment
task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Knowledge and Understanding
Criterion A : Test
Student should be able to:
Students have to sit for a test that been set by a teacher
i. Outline scientific knowledge
ii. Apply scientific knowledge
and understanding to solve problems set in unfamiliar situations
iii. Interpret information to make scientifically supported
judgements supported judgements

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Thinking  Critical thinking Identify obstacles and challenges
Thinking  Critical thinking  Evaluate evidence and arguments
Thinking  Transfer  Compare conceptual understanding across multiple subject groups and disciplines

Self-management  Organization  Understand and use sensory learning preferences (learning styles)

Thinking Skills  Transfer  Utilising skills and knowledge in multiple contexts.

Research Skills  Information Literacy  Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information from a various sources .
Planning for teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Objective teaching and learning:
Understanding force.
A student will be able to
 state that a force is a push or a pull,
 explain the effects of forces,
 explain the various types of forces.

Activities suggested
 Carry out activities to show pushing and pulling are forces.
 Carry out activities to show the effects of force (changes in shape,position, speed and direction).
 Carry out activities to show different types of forces (frictional, gravitational, electrostatic and
magnetic force).

Objective teaching and learning:
Understanding the measurement of force.
A student will be able to
 state the unit of force,
 explain how a spring balance works,
 measure the magnitude of force.
Activities suggested;
 Discuss the unit of force and the principle of a spring balance.
 Carry out activity to measure the magnitude of force.

Objective teaching and learning:
Application of frictional force.
A student will be able to
 explain with example the existence of frictional force,
 state the direction and the magnitude of frictional force,
 carry out an experiment to show how different types of surfaces affect frictional force,
 explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction,
 explain ways to increase friction,
 explain ways to reduce friction,
 explain with examples the application of friction in daily life.
Activities suggested:
 Discuss with examples to show the existence of frictional force.
 Carry out activities to identify the direction of frictional force and measure the magnitude of the
 Carry out an experiment to show how different types of surfaces affect the magnitude of frictional
 Gather information and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of friction.
 Carry out activities on ways to
(i) increase friction,
(ii) reduce friction.
 Discuss the application of increasing and decreasing friction in our daily life.
1.4 Application of work.
Objective teaching and learning:
A student will be able to:
 explain with examples how work is done,
 state the unit of work,
 calculate the work done.
Activities suggested:
 Discuss with examples to show work is done when an object is moved by a force.
 Carry out activities to determine the work done by using:Work (J)= Force (N) X Distance (m)
Objective teaching and learning:
Application of power.
A student will be able to:
 state the meaning of power,
 state the unit of power,
Activities suggested
 Carry out activities to determine power by using:
Power (W) = Work (J)/Time (s)
Objective teaching and learning:
Analysing the importance of force in life.
A student will be able to:
 describe how life will be if force does not exist.
Activities suggested;
 Create an activity e.g. drawing a poster, sketching or acting to show how life would be without
Objective teaching and learning:
Understanding the support systems in animals.
A student will be able to:
 explain the support system invertebrates and the various support systems in invertebrates,
 compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic vertebrates,
 compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic invertebrates.

Activities suggested :
 Gather information and discuss the various support systems in
(i) land and aquatic vertebrates,
(ii) land and aquatic invertebrates.
 Carry out discussions on the following:
(i) similarities and differences between support systems in land and aquatic vertebrates,
(ii) similarities and differences between support systems in land and aquatic invertebrates.

Strategies suggested:

I see, I think , I wonder: Using objects or picture given, students will be asked to discuss what they see
and think the relation between what they see in daily life, They will making question on the topics related.

Objective teaching and learning:

Understanding the support systems in plants. A student will be able to
 explain the various support systems in woody and non woody plants,
 classify plants based on their support systems.

Activities suggested :
 Carry out field work to study various support systems of plants.
 Carry out activities to classify plants based on their support systems.

Strategies suggested:
Brainstorming: Students will bring out their ideas on topic discussed.
Making predictions : Student will be asked to making prediction before doing experiment. After the doing
experiment, students will discuss among friend whether their prediction is correct or wrong
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Appreciating the support system in living things.
Objective teaching and learning:
A student will be able to
 justify the importance of the support system to living things.

Activities suggested:
 Discuss issues e.g.
a) inability of whales to move back to sea after being washed ashore,
b) a crippled person using crutches for support.

Strategies suggested:
Collaboration: Students in group of four will ask complete the task given

Formative assessment
 Feed back – peer assessment

1. Students will be grouped into mixed level of achievement evaluated from pre-assessment so that
the low achievers may benefit from the peer support/help.


 Students will adhere to the safety requirements as stated in MYP science guide.
 The class will be arranged in groups to facilitate peer learning via discussion and group work.
Reflecting and evaluating

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

A student knows that force and Learning experiences and teaching strategies Student were able to
friction are relate with motion
Student will be able:  state what is force
A student knows that every  define types of force
 state that a force is a push or a pull,
animal has its own support  measure force and work, power
 explain the effects of forces,
systems  find the ways to increase and reduce
 explain the various types of forces
A student knows the animal  state the unit of force,
can be classified into  give application friction, work and
 explain how a spring balance works,
invertebrate and vertebrate power in daily life
 measure the magnitude of force.
 define the support system in plant and
A student knows the plant can  explain with example the existence of frictional force, animal
be classified into flowering and  state the direction and the magnitude of frictional force,  state the importance define the
non-flowering plant.  carry out an experiment to show how different types of surfaces affect support system in plant and animal in
frictional force, living things
 explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction,
 explain ways to increase friction,
 explain ways to reduce friction,
 explain with examples the application of friction in daily life.
 explain with examples how work is done,
 state the unit of work,
 calculate the work done.
 state the meaning of power,
 state the unit of power,
 describe how life will be if force does not exist.
 explain the support system invertebrates and the various support
systems in invertebrates,
 compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic
 compare and contrast the support system between land and aquatic
 explain the various support systems in woody and non woody plants,
 classify plants based on their support systems.
 justify the importance of the support system to living things.
Criterion A

Achievement level Level descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptions below.
The student is able to :
i. Select scientific knowledge
1-2 ii. Select scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest solutions to problem set in familiar situation
iii. Apply information to make judgement with limited succes

The student is able to :

i. Recall scientific knowledge
3-4 ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest solutions to problem set in familiar situation
iii. Apply information to make judgements

The student is able to :

i. state scientific knowledge
5-6 ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problem solutions to problem set in familiar situation
iii. Apply information to make scientifically support judgements

The student is able to :

i. Outline scientific knowledge
7-8 ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve solutions to problem set in familiar situation and suggest
solution to problems sets in unfamiliar situations
iii. Interpret information to make scientifically supported judgements.

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