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Engineering & Material Science EMS Curriculum

Syllabus and Curriculum

Program Structure
Abbreviations: L = Lecture; E = Exercise; P = Practical Course; CP = Credit Point;
SWH = Semester week hours; ECH = Equivalent credit hours

The courses for first and second semesters are common for all engineering students in the
different programs

1st Semester
Code Nr Course Title L E P CP
CSEN 102 Introduction to Computer Science 2 2 2 6
MATH 103 Mathematics I 4 4 0 8
CHEM 101 Chemistry I 2 2 2 6
PHYS 102 Physics I 3 2 0 5
HUMA 101 German Language I 0 4 0 3
English levels
Academic Level Students
HUMA 102 Academic English 0 6 0 2
Study Skills Level Students
HUMA 103 Academic Study Skills 0 4 0 2
Total 11 4 30
SWH=35/33 30

2nd Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
MATH 203 Mathematics II 4 4 0 8
PHYS 202 Physics II 3 2 0 5
CSEN 202 Introduction to Computer Programming 2 2 2 6
ELCT 201 Digital Logic Design 2 2 0 4
EDPT 201 Production Technology 1 0 2 3
HUMA 201 German Language II 0 4 0 3
English levels
Academic Level Students
HUMA 103 Academic Study Skills 0 4 0 2
Study Skills Level Students
Critical Thinking & Scientific
HUMA 202 Methodology 0 2 0 1.5
18/ 31/
Total 12 16 4 30.5
SWH=34/32 30.5

Engineering & Material Science EMS Curriculum

Syllabus and Curriculum

Program Structure
Specific for Mechatronics Engineering Group

3rd Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
MATH 301 Mathematics III 4 4 0 8
ELCT 301 Electric Circuits I 2 2 2 6
CSEN 301 Data Structures and Algorithms 2 2 2 6
ENME 301 Mechanics I 2 2 0 4
EDPT 301 Engineering Drawing and Projection 1 2 0 3
HUMA 301 German Language III 0 4 0 3
English levels
Academic Level Students
Critical Thinking & Scientific
HUMA 202 Methodology 0 2 0 1.5
Study Skills Level Students
HUMA 302 Communication & Presentation Skills 0 2 0 1.5
Total 11 18 4 31.5
SWH=33 31.5

4th Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
ELCT 401 Electric Circuits II 2 2 2 6
Computer Organization and System
CSEN 402 Programming 2 2 0 4
CSEN 401 Computer Programming Lab 2 0 2 4
ENME 401 Strength of Materials 2 2 0 4
ENME 402 Mechanics II 2 2 0 4
MATS 403 Introduction to Materials Engineering 2 1 1 4
HUMA 401 German Language IV 0 4 0 3
English levels
Academic Level Students
HUMA 302 Communication & Presentation Skills 0 2 0 1.5
Study Skills Level Students
HUMA 402 Research Paper Writing 0 2 0 1.5
Total 12 17 5 30.5
SWH = 34 30.5

Engineering & Material Science EMS Curriculum

Syllabus and Curriculum

5th Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
ELCT 501 Digital System Design 2 2 0 4
EDPT 401 CAD Lab 0 0 4 4
ENME 502 Fluid Mechanics 2 2 0 4
EDPT 501 Engineering Design I 3 3 0 6
ENME 702 Control Engineering 2 2 0 4
MCTR 501 Engineering Thermodynamics 2 2 0 4
English levels
Academic Level Students
HUMA 402 Research Paper Writing 0 2 0 1.5
Total 11 13 4
SWH = 34

6th Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
ELCT 604 Electronic Circuits 2 2 0 4
MCTR 601 Mechatronics Engineering 2 2 2 6
ENME 602 Numerical Analysis 2 2 0 4
EDPT 601 Materials Manufacturing Technology 2 0 2 4
EDPT 602 Engineering Design II 3 3 0 6
HUMA 601 Introduction to Management 2 0 0 1.5
Total 13 9 4 25.5
SWH=26 25.5

7th Semester
Code Nr Course L E P CP
EDPT E03 Machine Design 2 1 1 4
ELCT 704 Power Electronics 2 2 0 4
ELCT 708 Electric Machines 2 2 0 4
MCTR 701 Industrial Automation 2 1 1 4
MCTR 702 Modern Control Engineering 2 2 0 4
MCTR 703 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control 2 0 2 4
MCTR 704 Mechatronics Lab 0 0 4 4
Total 12 8 8 28
SWH=28 28

8th Semester
MCTR 801 Internship /training 3 months CP 15
MCTR 802 Bachelor Graduation Project 3 months CP 15
Total CP 6 months 30

9th Semester

Engineering & Material Science EMS Curriculum

Syllabus and Curriculum

Code No. Course L E P CP

MCTR 902 Robotics 2 2 0 4
MCTR 903 Advanced Mechatronics Engineering 2 1 1 4
Legislation, Contracts and Engineering
HUMA 901 2 0 0 2
XXXX Exx Elective 1 2 2 0 5
XXXX Exx Elective 2 2 2 0 5
XXXX Exx Elective 3 2 2 0 5
Total 12 9 1 25

SWH=22 25

Elective Courses

Code No. Course L E P CP

DMET 1001 Image Processing 2 2 0 5
CSEN 602 Operating Systems 2 2 0 5
MCTR E05 Digital Control 2 2 0 5
MCTR E01 Sensor Technology 2 2 0 5
MCTR E02 Modelling MEMS and NEMS 2 2 0 5
MCTR E03 Vehicle Dynamics 2 2 0 5
MCTR E04 Selected Topics in Mechatronics 2 2 0 5

10th Semester
Code No. Course L E P CP
MCTR 1002 Autonomous Systems 2 2 0 5
HUMA 1001 Project Management 2 2 0 4
XXXX Exx Elective 1 2 2 0 5
XXXX Exx Elective 2 2 2 0 5
XXXX Exx Elective 3 2 2 0 5
XXXX Exx Elective 4 2 2 0 5
Total 12 12 0 29

Elective Courses

Code No. Course L E P CP

CSEN 901 Artificial Intelligence 2 2 0 5
CSEN 1002 Real Time Systems 2 2 0 5
ELCT 1002 Systems-on-a-Chip 2 2 0 5
MCTR E07 Medical Robots 2 2 0 5
MCTR E08 Neural/ Fuzzy Systems 2 2 0 5
MCTR E06 Cooling of Electronic Systems 2 2 0 5
MCTR 1004 Selected Topics in Mechatronics 2 2 0 5


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