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1) Accident calculations. You should know the concept the basic formulas which have been
discussed. The concept of the constant 200,000 and how it is achieved. What is the effect
when employee number changes. When and how to find the total time and concepts of
simple arithmetic (matric level). Concept of safety how to determine the safety of an area
and come up with suitable analysis.
2) Simple definitions of terms like risk, hazard, accidents, types of hazards, ergonomics,
safety terms, safety manager, safety engineers, loss of control, loss of prevention, fire,
accident, incident, maintenance, control measures, personal protective equipment,
ergonomics and other terms. With definitions you should know examples in order to tell
the difference.
3) Types of testing and difference between standard and ergonomic equipment. You should
know which is better and why. Which you should chose. Some examples of different types
of equipment. Different occupations having different PPES. Whole concept of ergonomics.
4) Hazards. All four types of hazards should be known as any can be asked. Should know how
that hazard can be introduced its effects differences between them. For example should
know how a chemical, physical, ergonomic or a biohazard enters. Examples should be
known of each hazard. Main hazard details should be known example noise. Assessment
of Chemical Hazards. Biological hazards differences between their levels.
5) Should know about accidents and accident reports,. When and how should they be
reported. How to make your own investigation report the basic criteria. Steps involved in
making an investigation. Furthermore concept of fault tree. How to define it and draw and
and also to explain a fault tree if a given situation is given in front. Incident how it differs
from accident
6) Fire should be known what a fire how is it caused is. Different types of fire and the various
classes. Roles and importance of a fire extinguisher. How and why it is important. Fire
safety. Fire fighting equipment and what to do in case of an emergency.
7) Maintenance why it’s needed what it is. Should know the types and differentiate between
them. Importance. Tasks of maintenance manager roles activities. Main focus. Disabilities
the types that we face in industry and the performance.
8) Engineering and Administration controls how we can manage what are the differences and
the control measures. Examples of both the methods in controlling.


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