Extra Genital &#39 Body&#39 Ls Photo Therapy

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Progressive Extragenital Lichen Sclerosus

Successfully Treated With Narrowband
UV-B Phototherapy
Rand L. Colbert, MD; Melissa P. Chiang, MD; Christopher S. Carlin, MD; Matthew Fleming, MD;
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

The Cutting Edge: Challenges in Medical and Surgical Therapeutics


A 76-year-old woman with hypertension and hepatitis In 2002, Kreuter et al5 described 10 patients who were suc-
C presented with a 10-year history of sclerotic, atro- cessfully treated for extragenital LS with UV-A1 photo-
phic, ivory-white plaques with violaceous borders on the therapy. Since a UV-A1 source was not available to us, we
upper part of her trunk and on her arms, waistline, and initiated thrice-weekly therapy with narrowband UV-B
anogenital areas (Figure 1). The plaques were gradu- (NBUV-B). This regimen resulted in almost complete reso-
ally extending and becoming more pruritic. A biopsy re- lution of pruritus after only 3 phototherapy sessions. There-
vealed findings diagnostic of lichen sclerosus (LS), in- fore, the patient discontinued all topical therapy. The
cluding an atrophic epidermis, homogenized upper plaques stopped expanding, and after 1 month they were
dermis, and sparse chronic inflammation in the middle less discolored and significantly less indurated. Within 3
dermis, below the homogenized collagen. months, the abdominal plaques had nearly cleared
The patient experienced a modest response to topi- (Figure 2), and the other affected areas continued to im-
cal tacrolimus therapy, followed by more substantial im- prove, with loss of active violaceous changes at their pe-
provement with topical clobetasol propionate therapy. riphery. The frequency of phototherapy was decreased to
However, several months later, she returned with wors- twice weekly and then discontinued at the request of the
ening pruritus and enlargement of the plaques on her patient. Three months after discontinuation of photo-
neck, waist, and arms. The anogenital lesions were stable. therapy, the patient had no relapse of pruritus or enlarge-
A trial of calcipotriene ointment applied to the midchest ment of existing sclerotic areas. She reported that she was
region did not produce any appreciable benefit. very pleased with the therapy and had not reinitiated any
other treatments for this condition.
Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory disease that
presents as white, atrophic plaques characteristically in- We describe a patient with progressive, severely symp-
volving the anogenital area of prepubertal and postmeno- tomatic, extragenital LS that did not respond to mul-
pausal women. The cause of LS is unknown, but most
studies suggest that it is multifactorial. Recently, immu-
noreactivity to extracellular matrix protein 1 has been
demonstrated in up to 74% of cases.1 Extragenital le-
sions occur in 15% to 20% of patients.2 They may be lo-
calized or widespread and typically affect the neck, in-
framammary area, shoulders, wrists, and inner part of the
thighs. In contrast to genital LS, which is accompanied
by itching, burning, and dysuria, extragenital LS is typi-
cally asymptomatic.3 However, progressive disease may
cause discomfort and pruritus.
There is no known cure for LS, but therapy is often
initiated with the hope of relieving symptoms and pre-
venting disease progression. Therapeutic success is vari-
able. Standard treatments include topical corticoste- Figure 1. Before narrowband UV-B therapy. White, slightly indurated,
roids and calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus.4 atrophic plaque with thin scale and erythema at the periphery.


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©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellec-
tual content: Colbert, Carlin, and Fleming. Statistical analy-
sis: Colbert and Chiang. Administrative, technical, and ma-
terial support: Colbert and Carlin. Study supervision:
Fleming. Photographs: Carlin.
Financial Disclosure: None reported.


1. Oyama N, Chan I, Neill SM, et al. Autoantibodies to extracellular matrix protein 1

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2. Powell JJ, Wojnarowska F. Lichen sclerosus. Lancet. 1999;353:1777-1783.
3. Funaro D. Lichen sclerosus: a review and practical approach. Dermatol Ther. 2004;
Figure 2. After 3 months of narrowband UV-B therapy. Near-resolution of 4. Böhm M, Frieling U, Luger T, Bonsmann G. Successful treatment of anogenital
the lichen sclerosus on the abdomen. lichen sclerosus with topical tacrolimus. Arch Dermatol. 2003;139:922-924.
5. Kreuter A, Gambichler T, Avermaete A, et al. Low-dose ultraviolet A1 photo-
tiple topical therapies but responded dramatically to therapy for extragenital lichen sclerosus: results of a preliminary study. J Am
Acad Dermatol. 2002;46:251-255.
NBUV-B treatment. Therapy with NBUV-B has been used 6. Samson Yashar S, Gielczyk R, Scherschun L, Lim H. Narrowband ultraviolet B
successfully to treat several chronic inflammatory skin for vitiligo, pruritus, and inflammatory dermatoses. Photodermatol Photoimmu-
disorders, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. It has nol Photomed. 2003;19:164-168.
also been reported to reduce the pruritus associated with 7. Sigmundsdottir H, Johnston A, Gudjonsson E, Valdimarsson H. Narrowband-
UVB decreases the production of proinflammatory cytokines by stimulated T cells.
various cutaneous and systemic conditions.6 Although
Arch Dermatol Res. 2005;297:39-42.
its mechanism of action is not completely understood, 8. Brenner M, Herzinger T, Berking C, Plewig G, Degitz K. Phototherapy and pho-
it appears that NVUV-B has both anti-inflammatory and tochemotherapy of sclerosing skin diseases. Photodermatol Photoimmunol
immunosuppressive effects.7 Photomed. 2005;21:157-165.
While several reports and small case series have dem- 9. Gruss C, Reed JA, Atlmeyer P, McNutt NS, Kerscher M. Induction of interstitial
collagenase (MMP-1) by UVA-1 phototherapy in morphea fibroblasts. Lancet.
onstrated the effectiveness of UV-A1 therapy (340-400 1997;350:1295-1296.
nm) for extragenital LS,5,8,9 we could find no published 10. Chung JH, Seo JY, Lee MK, et al. Ultraviolet modulation of human macrophage
studies in which NBUV-B (311-313 nm) was success- metalloelastase in human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2002;119:507-512.
fully or unsuccessfully used to treat this condition. Sev- 11. Fisher GJ, Choi HC, Bata-Csorgo Z, et al. Ultraviolet irradiation increases matrix
metalloproteinase-8 protein in human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2001;
eral studies have demonstrated that both UV-A1 and
NBUV-B increase matrix-metalloproteinase levels in hu- 12. Brenneisen P, Oh J, Wlaschek M. Ultraviolet B wavelength dependence for the
man skin and cultured dermal fibroblasts,9-14 which may regulation of two major matrix-metalloproteinases and their inhibitor TIMP-1 in
explain the effectiveness of UV-A1 in sclerosing skin dis- human dermal fibroblasts. Photochem Photobiol. 1996;64:877-885.
eases. The action of NBUV-B against many of these dis- 13. Wlaschek M, Heinen G, Poswig A, et al. UVA-induced autocrine stimulation of
fibroblast-derived collagenase/MMP-1 by interrelated loops of interleukin-1 and
eases may be limited by its reduced depth of penetra- interleukin-6. Photochem Photobiol. 1994;59:550-556.
tion, relative to UV-A1. This limitation may not apply 14. Petersen MJ, Hansen C, Craig S. Ultraviolet A irradiation stimulates collagenase pro-
to LS, which affects only the epidermis and the superfi- duction in cultured human fibroblasts. J Invest Dermatol. 1992;99:440-444.
cial dermis. Indeed, in a recent comparative study by 15. Kreuter A, Hyun J, Stucker M, et al. A randomized controlled study of low-dose
UVA-1, medium-dose UVA-1, and narrowband UVB in the treatment of localized
Kreuter et al,15 medium-dose UV-A1 therapy was shown
scleroderma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006;54:440-447.
to be statistically more effective than NBUV-B therapy
for morphea. Our patient’s response suggests that NBUV-B
therapy can be beneficial in treating LS, producing not Submissions
just symptomatic relief but modification of the disease
course as well. The increased availability and favorable Clinicians, residents, and fellows are invited to submit
cost of NBUV-B in the United States compared with UV- cases of challenges in management and therapeutics to
A1, as well as the low adverse effect profile of this mo- this section. Cases should follow the established pat-
dality, make it an attractive alternative to other more con- tern. Manuscripts should be prepared double-spaced with
ventional treatments of extragenital LS. right margins nonjustified. Pages should be numbered
consecutively with the title page separated from the text
(see Instructions for Authors for information about prepa-
Accepted for Publication: May 4, 2006.
ration of the title page). Clinical photographs, photo-
Correspondence: Christopher S. Carlin, MD, Depart- micrographs, and illustrations must be sharply focused
ment of Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 and submitted as separate JPG files with each file num-
W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226 (ccarlin@mcw bered with the figure number. Material must be accom-
.edu). panied by the required copyright transfer statement (see
Author Contributions: All authors contributed substan- authorship form [http://archderm.ama-assn.org/misc
tially to the production of the manuscript for this article /auinst_crit.pdf]). Preliminary inquiries regarding sub-
and take responsibility for the accuracy of the data. Study missions for this feature may be submitted to George J.
concept and design: Colbert, Chiang, and Carlin. Acqui- Hruza, MD (ghruza@aol.com). Manuscripts should be
sition of data: Colbert, Chiang, Carlin, and Fleming. Analy- submitted via our online manuscript submission and re-
view system (http://manuscripts.archdermatol.com).
sis and interpretation of data: Colbert, Chiang, and Car-
lin. Drafting of the manuscript: Colbert, Chiang, and Carlin.


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©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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