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Project: M4/M5 Gantry Foundation Check Job Ref:

Part of structure F5-S36-LS (4A30) Calc sheet no 1/3

Drawing ref. Calc by DVN Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Design methodology based on Brinch Hansen's Method ('Pile Design and Construction Practice' Tomlinson, third edition)
Calculation Method
Soil Parameters: 1 Take moments about A of soil resistance
g' = 19.00 kN/m3 2 This will find the location of point x
f' = 0.10 degrees 3 Calculate applied moment about x = M +Hx
c' = 40.00 kN/m2 H 4 Calculate resisting moment about x = f(F1 + F2)
M G.L. 5 FOS = Mresisting/ Mapplied
Pile Dimensions: Depth below G.L. non
Pile length (L) = 12.00 m effective
Pile diameter (B) = 0.29 m depth

Loading Data:
Hori. Force (H) = 2092.00 kN Layer thickness
Moment (M) = 0.00 kNm

Ground Profile:
Slope angle (b) = 0.00 degrees
Reduction factor = 1.00 1
Water table bgl = 1.00 m tan b +1 Pressure Distribution
non effective depth = 0.00 m tan(45-f/2)
Layer thickness = 0.50 m

Summary of findings:
Point of rotation bgl = 6.20 m
Ult.moment resistance = 2335.45 kNm
Ult.Lateral Load = 376.69 kN
Applied moment = 12970.40 kNm
FoS for Moment =
FoS for Lateral Load =
Lateral deflection for t = mm
This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer
resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

Below non eff.
horizontal load.
Effective stress. This is overburden minus any pore water pressures. Again this
excludes the non-effective length

s' (kN/m2)
Kq factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of frictional

resistance as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio

Determination the point of rotation

Drawing ref.

Required Kq is Kq multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

Part of structure

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope Req. kq

Kc factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of effective

cohesion as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio

Required Kc is Kc multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope
Req. kc

pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: σ.kqreq + C.kcreq
Calc by

pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

Pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: pz . B . Layer

Force per

away from slope


This calculate moment of slice about ground level. This is calculated as: depth
(including non effective). Pz
pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

These three are calculated as previous except slope reduction factor not
included. Ie this is for resistance below the point x that is directed into


Force per

into slope
Job Ref:

15-Jan-18 Check by
Calc sheet no


The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the

This sums the moments from each slice starting at the top to get total moment for

a particular point
åM above
Excludes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc.

This sums the moments from each slice starting at the base to get total moment
for a particular point
reduc. fac.

åM below z

This sums the moments . Where the sum of the moments = 0 is the point wher x


This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer

resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

This is the force Pz acting on each slice. Having determined the location of the
point x and entered this into the spread sheet, this automatically chooses


whether to place Kq or Kq.req

in direction of
Includes change
Detailed Calculations

Shear force in pile is the applied force - slice forces above x + slice forces below.
Shear in

This moment in pile is approximate and assumes the Brinch Hansen force
distribution with depth is triangular. See graph to check. Moment at a point is :
applied loadings

in pile

Applied M + Applied F. leverl arm . (Pzreq at that point * depth/2 * depth/3)

Maximum V & M from

Taking moment about the point of rotation x
Project: M4/M5 Gantry Foundation Check Job Ref: 0
Part of structure F5-S36-LS (4A30) Calc sheet no 2/3
Drawing ref. 0 Calc by Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Determination the point of rotation Detailed Calculations

The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the
horizontal load. Taking moment about the point of rotation x
Force per Force per Maximum V & M from
Point stress layer Point stress layer applied loadings
Includes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc. without
Includes change Shear in Moment
in direction of
away from slope into slope fac. reduc. fac. force pile in pile
Below non eff. kq Req. kq kc Req. kc pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) åM above Pz(kN)
s' (kN/m2) M(kNm) M(kNm) åM below z åM z V(kN) M(kNm)
Depth z
0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 2.58 2.58 103.10 14.69 0.00 103.10 14.69146 0 0.00 5328.72 -5328.72 0.00 14.69 2077.31 0.00
0.50 9.50 0.01 0.01 3.15 3.15 126.15 17.98 8.99 126.15 17.98 8.99 8.99 5319.73 -5310.74 0.50 17.98 2059.33 1045.57
1.00 19.00 0.01 0.01 4.01 4.01 160.42 22.86 22.86 160.42 22.86 22.86 31.85 5296.87 -5265.02 1.00 22.86 2036.47 2089.83
1.50 23.50 0.01 0.01 4.61 4.61 184.68 26.32 39.47 184.68 26.32 39.47 71.32 5257.40 -5186.08 1.50 26.32 2010.16 3132.37
2.00 28.00 0.01 0.01 5.06 5.06 202.77 28.90 57.79 202.77 28.90 57.79 129.11 5199.61 -5070.50 2.00 28.90 1981.26 4173.02
2.50 32.50 0.01 0.01 5.41 5.41 216.80 30.89 77.23 216.80 30.89 77.23 206.35 5122.37 -4916.03 2.50 30.89 1950.37 5211.66
3.00 37.00 0.01 0.01 5.69 5.69 227.98 32.49 97.46 227.98 32.49 97.46 303.81 5024.91 -4721.10 3.00 32.49 1917.88 6248.22
3.50 41.50 0.01 0.01 5.92 5.92 237.12 33.79 118.26 237.12 33.79 118.26 422.07 4906.65 -4484.58 3.50 33.79 1884.09 7282.68
4.00 46.00 0.01 0.01 6.11 6.11 244.72 34.87 139.49 244.72 34.87 139.49 561.56 4767.16 -4205.61 4.00 34.87 1849.22 8314.99
4.50 50.50 0.01 0.01 6.27 6.27 251.14 35.79 161.04 251.14 35.79 161.04 722.60 4606.12 -3883.52 4.50 35.79 1813.43 9345.15
5.00 55.00 0.01 0.01 6.40 6.40 256.65 36.57 182.86 256.65 36.57 182.86 905.46 4423.26 -3517.80 5.00 36.57 1776.86 10373.14
5.50 59.50 0.01 0.01 6.52 6.52 261.41 37.25 204.88 261.41 37.25 204.88 1110.35 4218.37 -3108.03 5.50 37.25 1739.61 11398.95
6.00 64.00 0.01 0.01 6.63 6.63 265.59 37.85 227.08 265.59 37.85 227.08 1337.42 3991.30 -2653.87 6.00 37.85 1701.76 12422.57
6.50 68.50 0.01 0.01 6.72 6.72 269.27 38.37 249.41 269.27 38.37 249.41 1586.84 3741.89 -2155.05 6.50 38.37 1663.39 0.00
7.00 73.00 0.01 0.01 6.80 6.80 272.55 38.84 271.86 272.55 38.84 271.86 1858.70 3470.02 -1611.32 7.00 38.84 1702.23 0.00
7.50 77.50 0.01 0.01 6.87 6.87 275.48 39.26 294.42 275.48 39.26 294.42 2153.12 3175.60 -1022.49 7.50 39.26 1741.48 0.00
8.00 82.00 0.01 0.01 6.93 6.93 278.12 39.63 317.06 278.12 39.63 317.06 2470.17 2858.55 -388.37 8.00 39.63 1781.12 0.00
8.50 86.50 0.01 0.01 6.99 6.99 280.51 39.97 339.77 280.51 39.97 339.77 2809.94 2518.78 291.17 8.50 39.97 1821.09 0.00
9.00 91.00 0.01 0.01 7.05 7.05 282.69 40.28 362.55 282.69 40.28 362.55 3172.49 2156.23 1016.26 9.00 40.28 1861.37 0.00
9.50 95.50 0.01 0.01 7.10 7.10 284.68 40.57 385.38 284.68 40.57 385.38 3557.88 1770.84 1787.03 9.50 40.57 1901.94 0.00
10.00 100.00 0.01 0.01 7.14 7.14 286.51 40.83 408.27 286.51 40.83 408.27 3966.15 1362.57 2603.58 10.00 40.83 1942.77 0.00
10.50 104.50 0.01 0.01 7.18 7.18 288.19 41.07 431.20 288.19 41.07 431.20 4397.35 931.37 3465.99 10.50 41.07 1983.83 0.00
tion x
This calculates the reistance moment about x fr each slice and then sums these.
The sum is the total resisting moment capacity and is used in calculating the

in pile
factor of safety.

tion x

in pile

Project: Rugby Resignalling Job Ref: BL1414
Part of structure Pile design for signal post Calc sheet no 1/3
Drawing ref. - Calc by J.Lee Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Design methodology based on Brinch Hansen's Method ('Pile Design and Construction Practice' Tomlinson, third edition)
Calculation Method
Soil Parameters: 1 Take moments about A of soil resistance
g' = 19.00 kN/m3 2 This will find the location of point x
f' = 25.00 degrees 3 Calculate applied moment about x = M +Hx
c' = 15.00 kN/m2 H 4 Calculate resisting moment about x = f(F1 + F2)
M G.L. 5 FOS = Mresisting/ Mapplied
Pile Dimensions: Depth below G.L. non
Pile length (L) = 5.00 m effective
Pile diameter (B) = 0.75 m depth

Loading Data:
Hori. Force (H) = 234.00 kN Layer thickness
Moment (M) = 737.00 kNm

Ground Profile:
Slope angle (b) = 0.00 degrees
Reduction factor = 1.00 1
Water table bgl = 25.00 m tan b +1 Pressure Distribution
non effective depth = m tan(45-f/2)
Layer thickness = 0.05 m

Summary of findings:
Point of rotation bgl = 3.00 m
Ult.moment resistance = 1251.00 kNm
Ult.Lateral Load = 203.43 kN
Applied moment = 1439.00 kNm
FoS for Moment =
FoS for Lateral Load =
Results from ALP:
Max. Deflection = mm
Max. Shear Force = kN
Max. B.M. = kNm

'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/376644517.xls'#$trial pit 1
This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer
resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

Below non eff.
horizontal load.
Effective stress. This is overburden minus any pore water pressures. Again this
excludes the non-effective length

s' (kN/m2)
Kq factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of frictional

resistance as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio

Determination the point of rotation

Drawing ref.

Required Kq is Kq multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

Part of structure

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope Req. kq

'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/376644517.xls'#$trial pit 1
Kc factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of effective

cohesion as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio


Required Kc is Kc multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope
Req. kc

pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: σ.kqreq + C.kcreq
Calc by

pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

Pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: pz . B . Layer


Force per

away from slope


This calculate moment of slice about ground level. This is calculated as: depth
(including non effective). Pz
pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

These three are calculated as previous except slope reduction factor not
included. Ie this is for resistance below the point x that is directed into


Force per

into slope
21.483738795 Job Ref:

15-Jan-18 Check by
Calc sheet no


The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the

This sums the moments from each slice starting at the top to get total moment for

a particular point
åM above
Excludes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc.

This sums the moments from each slice starting at the base to get total moment

for a particular point

reduc. fac.

åM below z

This sums the moments . Where the sum of the moments = 0 is the point wher x


This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer

resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

This is the force Pz acting on each slice. Having determined the location of the
point x and entered this into the spread sheet, this automatically chooses


whether to place Kq or Kq.req

in direction of
Includes change
Detailed Calculations

Shear force in pile is the applied force - slice forces above x + slice forces below.
Shear in

This moment in pile is approximate and assumes the Brinch Hansen force
distribution with depth is triangular. See graph to check. Moment at a point is :
applied loadings

in pile

Applied M + Applied F. leverl arm . (Pzreq at that point * depth/2 * depth/3)

Maximum V & M from

Taking moment about the point of rotation x
Project: Rugby Resignalling Job Ref: BL1414
Part of structure Pile design for signal post Calc sheet no 2/3
Drawing ref. - Calc by J.Lee Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Determination the point of rotation Detailed Calculations

The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the
horizontal load. Taking moment about the point of rotation x
Force per Force per Maximum V & M from
Point stress layer Point stress layer applied loadings
Includes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc. without
Includes change Shear in Moment
in direction of
away from slope into slope fac. reduc. fac. force pile in pile
Below non eff. kq Req. kq kc Req. kc pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) åM above Pz(kN)
s' (kN/m2) M(kNm) M(kNm) åM below z åM z V(kN) M(kNm)
Depth z
0.00 0.00 3.29 3.29 5.63 5.63 84.51 3.17 0.00 84.51 3.169054 0 0.00 2067.26 -2067.26 0.00 3.17 230.83 737.00
0.05 0.95 3.35 3.35 6.25 6.25 97.00 3.64 0.18 97.00 3.64 0.18 0.18 2067.08 -2066.89 0.05 3.64 227.19 748.68
0.10 1.90 3.47 3.47 7.43 7.43 117.97 4.42 0.44 117.97 4.42 0.44 0.62 2066.63 -2066.01 0.10 4.42 222.77 760.29
0.15 2.85 3.59 3.59 8.51 8.51 137.86 5.17 0.78 137.86 5.17 0.78 1.40 2065.86 -2064.46 0.15 5.17 217.60 771.81
0.20 3.80 3.70 3.70 9.52 9.52 156.80 5.88 1.18 156.80 5.88 1.18 2.58 2064.68 -2062.11 0.20 5.88 211.72 783.21
0.25 4.75 3.81 3.81 10.45 10.45 174.90 6.56 1.64 174.90 6.56 1.64 4.22 2063.04 -2058.83 0.25 6.56 205.16 794.48
0.30 5.70 3.92 3.92 11.33 11.33 192.24 7.21 2.16 192.24 7.21 2.16 6.38 2060.88 -2054.50 0.30 7.21 197.95 805.58
0.35 6.65 4.02 4.02 12.15 12.15 208.92 7.83 2.74 208.92 7.83 2.74 9.12 2058.14 -2049.02 0.35 7.83 190.12 816.50
0.40 7.60 4.12 4.12 12.91 12.91 225.00 8.44 3.38 225.00 8.44 3.38 12.50 2054.76 -2042.27 0.40 8.44 181.68 827.22
0.45 8.55 4.21 4.21 13.63 13.63 240.54 9.02 4.06 240.54 9.02 4.06 16.55 2050.70 -2034.15 0.45 9.02 172.66 837.73
0.50 9.50 4.31 4.31 14.31 14.31 255.60 9.59 4.79 255.60 9.59 4.79 21.35 2045.91 -2024.56 0.50 9.59 163.07 848.01
0.55 10.45 4.39 4.39 14.95 14.95 270.22 10.13 5.57 270.22 10.13 5.57 26.92 2040.34 -2013.42 0.55 10.13 152.94 858.04
0.60 11.40 4.48 4.48 15.56 15.56 284.45 10.67 6.40 284.45 10.67 6.40 33.32 2033.94 -2000.62 0.60 10.67 142.27 867.80
0.65 12.35 4.57 4.57 16.13 16.13 298.32 11.19 7.27 298.32 11.19 7.27 40.59 2026.67 -1986.07 0.65 11.19 131.09 877.28
0.70 13.30 4.65 4.65 16.67 16.67 311.86 11.69 8.19 311.86 11.69 8.19 48.78 2018.48 -1969.70 0.70 11.69 119.39 886.47
0.75 14.25 4.73 4.73 17.19 17.19 325.11 12.19 9.14 325.11 12.19 9.14 57.92 2009.34 -1951.41 0.75 12.19 107.20 895.36
0.80 15.20 4.80 4.80 17.67 17.67 338.09 12.68 10.14 338.09 12.68 10.14 68.06 1999.19 -1931.13 0.80 12.68 94.52 903.91
0.85 16.15 4.88 4.88 18.14 18.14 350.82 13.16 11.18 350.82 13.16 11.18 79.25 1988.01 -1908.76 0.85 13.16 81.37 912.14
0.90 17.10 4.95 4.95 18.58 18.58 363.32 13.62 12.26 363.32 13.62 12.26 91.51 1975.75 -1884.24 0.90 13.62 67.74 920.01
0.95 18.05 5.02 5.02 19.00 19.00 375.61 14.09 13.38 375.61 14.09 13.38 104.89 1962.37 -1857.48 0.95 14.09 53.66 927.52
1.00 19.00 5.09 5.09 19.41 19.41 387.71 14.54 14.54 387.71 14.54 14.54 119.43 1947.83 -1828.40 1.00 14.54 39.12 934.65
1.05 19.95 5.15 5.15 19.79 19.79 399.64 14.99 15.74 399.64 14.99 15.74 135.17 1932.09 -1796.93 1.05 14.99 24.13 941.39
1.10 20.90 5.22 5.22 20.16 20.16 411.40 15.43 16.97 411.40 15.43 16.97 152.14 1915.12 -1762.99 1.10 15.43 8.70 947.73
1.15 21.85 5.28 5.28 20.51 20.51 423.02 15.86 18.24 423.02 15.86 18.24 170.38 1896.88 -1726.50 1.15 15.86 -7.16 953.65
1.20 22.80 5.34 5.34 20.85 20.85 434.49 16.29 19.55 434.49 16.29 19.55 189.93 1877.33 -1687.40 1.20 16.29 -23.45 959.14
1.25 23.75 5.40 5.40 21.17 21.17 445.84 16.72 20.90 445.84 16.72 20.90 210.83 1856.43 -1645.60 1.25 16.72 -40.17 964.19
1.30 24.70 5.46 5.46 21.48 21.48 457.06 17.14 22.28 457.06 17.14 22.28 233.11 1834.15 -1601.04 1.30 17.14 -57.31 968.78
1.35 25.65 5.51 5.51 21.78 21.78 468.18 17.56 23.70 468.18 17.56 23.70 256.81 1810.45 -1553.63 1.35 17.56 -74.87 972.91
1.40 26.60 5.57 5.57 22.07 22.07 479.19 17.97 25.16 479.19 17.97 25.16 281.97 1785.29 -1503.32 1.40 17.97 -92.84 976.55
1.45 27.55 5.62 5.62 22.35 22.35 490.11 18.38 26.65 490.11 18.38 26.65 308.62 1758.64 -1450.02 1.45 18.38 -111.22 979.69
1.50 28.50 5.68 5.68 22.61 22.61 500.94 18.79 28.18 500.94 18.79 28.18 336.80 1730.46 -1393.66 1.50 18.79 -130.00 982.33
1.55 29.45 5.73 5.73 22.87 22.87 511.69 19.19 29.74 511.69 19.19 29.74 366.54 1700.72 -1334.18 1.55 19.19 -149.19 984.45
1.60 30.40 5.78 5.78 23.12 23.12 522.35 19.59 31.34 522.35 19.59 31.34 397.88 1669.38 -1271.50 1.60 19.59 -168.78 986.03
1.65 31.35 5.82 5.82 23.36 23.36 532.95 19.99 32.98 532.95 19.99 32.98 430.86 1636.40 -1205.54 1.65 19.99 -188.76 987.07
1.70 32.30 5.87 5.87 23.59 23.59 543.48 20.38 34.65 543.48 20.38 34.65 465.50 1601.75 -1136.25 1.70 20.38 -209.15 987.55
1.75 33.25 5.92 5.92 23.81 23.81 553.94 20.77 36.35 553.94 20.77 36.35 501.86 1565.40 -1063.55 1.75 20.77 -229.92 987.46
1.80 34.20 5.96 5.96 24.03 24.03 564.35 21.16 38.09 564.35 21.16 38.09 539.95 1527.31 -987.36 1.80 21.16 -251.08 986.78
1.85 35.15 6.01 6.01 24.23 24.23 574.70 21.55 39.87 574.70 21.55 39.87 579.82 1487.44 -907.62 1.85 21.55 -272.63 985.50
tion x
This calculates the reistance moment about x fr each slice and then sums these.
The sum is the total resisting moment capacity and is used in calculating the

in pile
factor of safety.

tion x

in pile

Project: Rugby Resignalling Job Ref: BL1414
Part of structure Pile design for signal post Calc sheet no 1/3
Drawing ref. - Calc by J.Lee Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Design methodology based on Brinch Hansen's Method ('Pile Design and Construction Practice' Tomlinson, third edition)
Calculation Method
Soil Parameters: 1 Take moments about A of soil resistance
g' = 18.00 kN/m3 2 This will find the location of point x
f' = 15.00 degrees 3 Calculate applied moment about x = M +Hx
c' = 0.00 kN/m2 H 4 Calculate resisting moment about x = f(F1 + F2)
M G.L. 5 FOS = Mresisting/ Mapplied
Pile Dimensions: Depth below G.L. non
Pile length (L) = 2.80 m effective
Pile diameter (B) = 0.15 m depth

Loading Data:
Hori. Force (H) = 2.35 kN Layer thickness
Moment (M) = 1.16 kNm

Ground Profile:
Slope angle (b) = 28.00 degrees
Reduction factor = 0.59 1
Water table bgl = 10.00 m tan b +1 Pressure Distribution
non effective depth = 0.00 m tan(45-f/2)
Layer thickness = 0.10 m

Summary of findings:
Point of rotation bgl = 2.35 m
Ult.moment resistance = 11.27 kNm
Applied moment = 6.68 kNm
FoS =
Results from ALP:
Max. Deflection = mm
Max. Shear Force = kN
Max. B.M. = kNm

This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer
resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

Below non eff.
horizontal load.
Effective stress. This is overburden minus any pore water pressures. Again this
excludes the non-effective length

s' (kN/m2)
Kq factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of frictional

resistance as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio

Determination the point of rotation

Drawing ref.

Required Kq is Kq multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

Part of structure

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope Req. kq

Kc factor is calculated using Brinch Hansen method. It is a measure of effective

cohesion as a function of friction angle and L/B ratio


Required Kc is Kc multiplied by the slope reduction factor. The slope reduction

factor takes account of reduced passive resistance due to slope
Req. kc

pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: σ.kqreq + C.kcreq
Calc by

pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

Pz is the point stress witin the layer. This is calculated as: pz . B . Layer


Force per

away from slope


This calculate moment of slice about ground level. This is calculated as: depth
(including non effective). Pz
pz (kN/m2)
Point stress

These three are calculated as previous except slope reduction factor not
included. Ie this is for resistance below the point x that is directed into


Force per

into slope
16.0265953092 Job Ref:

15-Jan-18 Check by
Calc sheet no


The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the

This sums the moments from each slice starting at the top to get total moment for

a particular point
åM above
Excludes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc.


This sums the moments from each slice starting at the base to get total moment
for a particular point
reduc. fac.

åM below z

This sums the moments . Where the sum of the moments = 0 is the point wher x


This is depth below ground level minus that amount not considered to offer

resistance. Typically 500mm is assumed to be non-effective

This is the force Pz acting on each slice. Having determined the location of the
point x and entered this into the spread sheet, this automatically chooses


whether to place Kq or Kq.req

in direction of
Includes change
Detailed Calculations

Shear force in pile is the applied force - slice forces above x + slice forces below.
Shear in

This moment in pile is approximate and assumes the Brinch Hansen force
distribution with depth is triangular. See graph to check. Moment at a point is :
applied loadings

in pile

Applied M + Applied F. leverl arm . (Pzreq at that point * depth/2 * depth/3)

Maximum V & M from

Taking moment about the point of rotation x

This calculates the reistance moment about x fr each slice and then sums these.
The sum is the total resisting moment capacity and is used in calculating the
in pile

factor of safety.
Project: Rugby Resignalling Job Ref: BL1414
Part of structure Pile design for signal post Calc sheet no 2/3
Drawing ref. - Calc by J.Lee Date 15-Jan-18 Check by Date

Determination the point of rotation Detailed Calculations

The point of rotation x is determined by balancing the moment above x and below it, by taking moment about the point of application of the
horizontal load. Taking moment about the point of rotation x
Force per Force per Maximum V & M from
Point stress layer Point stress layer applied loadings
Includes reduction factor - ie force Excludes reduction factor - ie force with reduc. without
Includes change Shear in Moment Moment
in direction of
away from slope into slope fac. reduc. fac. force pile in pile in pile
Below non eff. kq Req. kq kc Req. kc pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) pz (kN/m2) Pz(kN) åM above Pz(kN)
s' (kN/m2) M(kNm) M(kNm) åM below z åM z V(kN) M(kNm) M(kNm)
Depth z
0.00 0.00 1.54 0.91 3.94 2.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 57.87 -57.87 0.00 0.00 2.35 1.16 0.00
0.05 0.90 1.65 0.98 5.75 3.40 0.88 0.01 0.00 1.49 0.02 0.00 0.00 57.87 -57.87 0.05 0.01 2.34 1.28 0.03
0.15 2.70 1.85 1.09 8.23 4.86 2.95 0.04 0.01 4.99 0.07 0.01 0.01 57.86 -57.85 0.15 0.04 2.29 1.51 0.10
0.25 4.50 2.00 1.18 9.85 5.82 5.33 0.08 0.02 9.02 0.14 0.03 0.03 57.82 -57.80 0.25 0.08 2.21 1.75 0.17
0.35 6.30 2.14 1.26 10.99 6.49 7.95 0.12 0.04 13.45 0.20 0.07 0.07 57.75 -57.68 0.35 0.12 2.09 1.98 0.24
0.45 8.10 2.24 1.33 11.84 6.99 10.74 0.16 0.07 18.18 0.27 0.12 0.14 57.63 -57.49 0.45 0.16 1.93 2.21 0.31
0.55 9.90 2.34 1.38 12.50 7.38 13.67 0.21 0.11 23.14 0.35 0.19 0.25 57.44 -57.19 0.55 0.21 1.73 2.44 0.37
0.65 11.70 2.42 1.43 13.02 7.69 16.71 0.25 0.16 28.28 0.42 0.28 0.42 57.16 -56.75 0.65 0.25 1.48 2.66 0.43
0.75 13.50 2.49 1.47 13.44 7.94 19.83 0.30 0.22 33.58 0.50 0.38 0.64 56.79 -56.15 0.75 0.30 1.18 2.88 0.48
0.85 15.30 2.55 1.51 13.79 8.15 23.03 0.35 0.29 38.99 0.58 0.50 0.93 56.29 -55.36 0.85 0.35 0.83 3.10 0.52
0.95 17.10 2.60 1.54 14.09 8.32 26.29 0.39 0.37 44.50 0.67 0.63 1.31 55.66 -54.35 0.95 0.39 0.44 3.30 0.55
1.05 18.90 2.65 1.57 14.34 8.47 29.59 0.44 0.47 50.10 0.75 0.79 1.77 54.87 -53.09 1.05 0.44 0.00 3.51 0.58
1.15 20.70 2.69 1.59 14.56 8.60 32.94 0.49 0.57 55.76 0.84 0.96 2.34 53.90 -51.56 1.15 0.49 -0.50 3.70 0.59
1.25 22.50 2.73 1.61 14.75 8.71 36.32 0.54 0.68 61.49 0.92 1.15 3.02 52.75 -49.73 1.25 0.54 -1.04 3.88 0.60
1.35 24.30 2.77 1.64 14.92 8.81 39.74 0.60 0.80 67.27 1.01 1.36 3.83 51.39 -47.56 1.35 0.60 -1.64 4.06 0.60
1.45 26.10 2.80 1.65 15.07 8.90 43.18 0.65 0.94 73.10 1.10 1.59 4.77 49.80 -45.03 1.45 0.65 -2.29 4.23 0.58
1.55 27.90 2.83 1.67 15.20 8.98 46.64 0.70 1.08 78.96 1.18 1.84 5.85 47.96 -42.11 1.55 0.70 -2.99 4.38 0.56
1.65 29.70 2.86 1.69 15.32 9.05 50.12 0.75 1.24 84.86 1.27 2.10 7.09 45.86 -38.77 1.65 0.75 -3.74 4.53 0.53
1.75 31.50 2.88 1.70 15.43 9.11 53.63 0.80 1.41 90.78 1.36 2.38 8.50 43.48 -34.98 1.75 0.80 -4.54 4.66 0.48
1.85 33.30 2.91 1.72 15.53 9.17 57.14 0.86 1.59 96.74 1.45 2.68 10.09 40.80 -30.71 1.85 0.86 -5.40 4.77 0.43
1.95 35.10 2.93 1.73 15.62 9.23 60.67 0.91 1.77 102.72 1.54 3.00 11.86 37.79 -25.93 1.95 0.91 -6.31 4.88 0.36
2.05 36.90 2.95 1.74 15.70 9.27 64.22 0.96 1.97 108.72 1.63 3.34 13.84 34.45 -20.61 2.05 0.96 -7.27 4.97 0.29
2.15 38.70 2.96 1.75 15.78 9.32 67.77 1.02 2.19 114.74 1.72 3.70 16.02 30.75 -14.73 2.15 1.02 -8.29 5.04 0.20
2.25 40.50 2.98 1.76 15.85 9.36 71.34 1.07 2.41 120.77 1.81 4.08 18.43 26.67 -8.24 2.25 1.07 -9.36 5.09 0.11
2.35 42.30 3.00 1.77 15.91 9.40 74.91 1.12 2.64 126.83 1.90 4.47 21.07 22.20 -1.13 2.35 1.90 -10.48 0.00 0.00
2.45 44.10 3.01 1.78 15.97 9.43 78.50 1.18 2.88 132.89 1.99 4.88 23.95 17.32 6.64 2.45 1.99 -8.49 0.00 0.20
2.55 45.90 3.03 1.79 16.03 9.47 82.09 1.23 3.14 138.97 2.08 5.32 27.09 12.00 15.09 2.55 2.08 -6.41 0.00 0.42
2.65 47.70 3.04 1.80 16.08 9.50 85.69 1.29 3.41 145.06 2.18 5.77 30.50 6.24 24.26 2.65 2.18 -4.23 0.00 0.65
2.75 49.50 3.05 1.80 16.13 9.53 89.29 1.34 3.68 151.16 2.27 6.24 34.18 0.00 34.18 2.75 2.27 -1.96 0.00 0.91
2.85 51.30 3.07 1.81 16.17 9.55 92.90 0.00 0.00 157.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.85 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
2.95 53.10 3.08 1.82 16.22 9.58 96.52 0.00 0.00 163.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.95 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.05 54.90 3.09 1.82 16.26 9.60 100.14 0.00 0.00 169.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.05 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.15 56.70 3.10 1.83 16.29 9.62 103.76 0.00 0.00 175.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.15 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.25 58.50 3.11 1.84 16.33 9.65 107.39 0.00 0.00 181.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.25 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.35 60.30 3.12 1.84 16.36 9.67 111.03 0.00 0.00 187.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.35 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.45 62.10 3.13 1.85 16.40 9.68 114.66 0.00 0.00 194.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.45 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.55 63.90 3.13 1.85 16.43 9.70 118.30 0.00 0.00 200.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.55 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00
3.65 65.70 3.14 1.86 16.45 9.72 121.95 0.00 0.00 206.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.65 0.00 -1.96 0.00 0.00

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