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Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. Put the verbs in the 3rd person singular:

a) I cry – He ______________ f) I try – He _________________
b) I say – He ______________ g) I do – He _________________
c) I play – He ______________ h) I go – He _________________
d) I finish – He _____________ i) I watch – He _______________
e) I study – He _____________ j) I kiss – He _________________

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous:

a) It (rain) ___________________!
b) I (watch) ____________________ TV now.
c) _______ you (listen)______________ to the radio?
d) Victor (play) ___________________ computer games at the moment.
e) We (sing) ______________________ now.
f) Tim and Julia (dance) _______________________ now.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous:
a) In summer I (wear) _______________ my sunglasses, but now it’s cold and I (wear)
______________ a pair of gloves.
b) It’s sunny. Sarah (wear) _______________ a sunhat now, but in winter she (wear)
____________ a cap.
c) Mum and dad are at a party. They (wear) _________________ a pretty dress and a
smart suit now. At home they (wear) ______________ tracksuit or jeans and T-shirt.
d) What __________ you (wear) _____________ now? It’s cloudy and windy.

4. Underline the correct verb form:

a) Sandra writes / is writing a letter at the moment.
b) I usually drink / am drinking a lot of water.
c) Look! He comes / is coming back right now!
d) She always sleeps / is sleeping a lot.
e) What do you do / are you doing now?
f) You study / are studying every day.
g) It rains / is raining every autumn in Romania.
h) It rains / is raining! Take your umbrella!
i) They play / are playing chess now.
j) I don’t play / am not playing on the computer every day.

5. Fill in the sentences with the correct words from the box below:

sunny windy rainy snow frosty foggy

a) Where there is ____________ you can build a snowman.

b) I wear sunglasses when it’s _________________.
c) The grass turns white when it’s _______________.
d) When it’s _______________ you can fly a kite.
e) You cannot see very far when it’s ______________.
f) You need an umbrella when it’s ______________.
6. a) Read and answer the questions:

Hello! I’m Kitty! I’m a very happy little

cat! This is my daily programme!

I get up early every day and go to the front door to wait

for the milkman. He comes at about 6 o’clock every morning.
I love milk! This is my favourite thing for breakfast.
At about 10 o’clock, I go into the garden. I climb high
up on the cherry tree and I watch the birds and the
butterflies. They are very nice. Sometimes I sit on the fence
and I watch my neighbour’s tomcat: he’s very interesting...
Well, I’m in love with him?!...
At half past three it’s my lunch time. I usually have cat
food from a tin, but sometimes I get fish. In the afternoon, I
sleep on the sofa.
In the evening, I watch TV: Mickey Mouse is my favourite
cartoon. When it is hot, I usually go for a walk on my
neighbour’s roof!

a) What does Kitty do when she wakes up?

b) What does Kitty like to drink?
c) What does Kitty do in the garden?
d) What time does Kitty have lunch?
e) What does Kitty eat for lunch?
f) What does Kitty do in the afternoon?
g) What does Kitty do in the evening?
h) What is Kitty’s favourite cartoon?

b) Translate the underlined paragraph from the text:

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