Kinder Nov 29

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Kindergarten– Ms.

Date: Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
Notes: The first bell rings at 8:05am. Students may not enter the school prior to this time. At 8:05am,
they may choose to go to breakfast program, KIA (in the gym), or outside recess.

The second bell for class rings at 8:25am. Students go to their class and take their outside shoes off in the
hallway. They bring in their outside clothes, book bags, and lunch bags and hang them on their assigned

Students put their agendas in the designated bins. These must be checked for notes/lunch money by an
adult in the room. Put lunch money in the zipped bag labelled "lunch money" and someone from the
cafeteria will pick it up this morning.

Students work in their "morning bins" (labelled on the shelf) at their tables. Each table receives a different
bin each day.

Take attendance when everyone is in and submit it to the office.


In case of an emergency- take the black bag hanging behind the door (fire drill etc). Inside is a class list
and emergency contact information for each student
Materials Lesson Details

Jolly phonics cue cards Jolly Phonics (letters/letter sounds): While students are making their way to the
carpet, teacher will review the letter cue cards and ask the students at the carpet
to identify the letter names/sounds. When all students are at the carpet sing the

Phonics cards Phonemic Awareness: Beginning sounds. I’m going to show you a picture of
something (it could be an animal or a thing) and you will tell me what the
beginning sound of the word is. Ex: Dog. [d]

Daily 5: 2 Rounds (Students are to do either: Read to self, Read to someone and
Work on writing) Independent reading, Independent writing
Bags of books
Modelled writing: Teacher will model the writing topic for the day (drawing,
labelling, sounding/stretching out words). Writing topic for today is pets. If
students have pets they write about their own, if they do not they write about
what kind of animal they want as a pet.

**Remind students of expectations by showing them the I chart. Teacher picks

four people (two pairs) for read to someone. One pair goes to the reading
shelves, one pair goes out into the hall. The remainder of the students are
working on work on writing and reading to self. Teacher will use the checklist to
mark everyone’s choice for the 1st round. Timer is put on for 7-10 minutes.

Intervention Group: Teacher works with selected student(s) on letters and/or

Intervention box name writing.
Attention getter/Transition: Ring chimes and students clean their tables and
come back to carpet with their journals and books. Once students are at carpet
groups (star, heart, diamond, flower) are selected to place their books back in the

Daily 5; 2nd round: Select new students for read to someone, work on writing and
read to self. Same student works with teacher on their letters/name writing.

Reader's Workshop
Book: The three Billy Read Aloud: Reread parts of the text that lends itself to the text-dependent
Goat’s Gruff questions.

Ask these questions before: Who are the characters? Where did it take place?
(setting) Students turn and talk to discuss these questions. Model turn and talk

1. Why did the Bill Goats want to cross the bridge?

2. Reread page 11. Why are the words larger? How does this change the way
we read the words?
3. In what ways is the troll like the big, bad wolf?
Vocab words Word Work: Go over vocabulary words. Valley, Fine, Rushing, Roared. Trampled.
Teacher shows student the vocabulary word card with picture and students are
chosen to give the definition in their own words. If they can explain it, they get
the vocabulary words to hold.

Shared Reading: Teacher leads the students in a reading of “Grumpy Troll”.

Poem on chart paper
Teacher reads one line first, using pointer, then students echo read. If time: Ask
individual students to come up and read the poem using the pointer.

RECESS: 10:05-10:20
10:05-10:20: Outside recess
10:21-10:45: Snack (can have snack before)
Math: 11:25-11:55

**No Amanda today**

8:35-9:35- Natasha

9:35-10:05- David

10:55-11:55- Tonya

Calendar- Review days of the week, months of the year, and today's date. Ask
the daily helper to add today's date on. Ask the following questions: “yesterday
was?” “tomorrow will be? “today is?”. (optional)

Find It game: Students are to work in partners to fill the game board. Students
Game boards
take turns rolling a dice. Whatever number they roll, they find the unfamiliar
arrangement on the board and place a counter/chip on that number. Object of
the game is to fill the board.

Brain Break: Mingle Mingle

Counting Collections: Collections are set up on the table in bins. Students are to
Counting collections count what is in the bag they have selected, then place them back in the bag and
Bins select new bag. Teachers are seated at tables to monitor counting and take
anecdotal notes.

Math Mat Mittens: Students are to roll a dice, whatever number they get they
Mittens add that amount of snowflakes onto their mitten. Clear and roll again.
Snowflakes in bags
Dice If time: Counting Actions and/or Counting circle

LUNCH: 11:55-12:35
Start getting ready for lunch at around 11:50.
Students wash their hands and eat their lunch.
Inside Lunch: 11:55-12:15
Outside Lunch: 12:15-12:35
Meet students at the door at 12:35 when the bell rings to come back in.
Gym: 12:40-1:10

Prep Period

Language Arts: 1:15-1:30

Free Play-Oral Language

Begin getting ready for home at 1:30

Get ready for home. Hand out mail bags to pack up.
Dismissal (1:40)

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