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Discuss and critically evaluate the view that, in a globalised economy, an organisation must
ensure that it recruits and retains the most skilled, qualified and talented staff possible.

In order to evaluate and discuss this statement, it is necessary for us to know exactly what
Globalisation is. Globalisation is defined by many legends in different ways, but in general
Globalisation is process of communication among different people from parts of the world in
order to combine them through a means in form of governments, companies, people business
related trade, investments and also in terms of information Technology. Globalisation is a
concept that has its influence on factors such as culture, economic development, and
prosperity, environment, political and human issues.

Globalisation is not a new term that was implemented now, it is coming from ages, it started
among people and then slowly emerged in business sectors amongthe corporations that are
buying and selling their commodities. This started with buying and selling of lands between
the well known Silk Road that is laid throughout Central Asia that connected Europe and
China in the middle years. It is said that the globalisation that is prevailing today is most
similar to the one that is existed during First World War in 1914. Globalisation is defined in a
greater scene by Collins as the process of allowing financial and investment markets to run
internationally, which was mainly on the better communications. Webster has described or
defined Globalisation as to make worldwide in scope or application.



In general gl ali ati n i underst d and defined as a means of doing a business, or

managing and maintain a financial markets. Many years before t ere is a similar concept
related to industrialisation. Here in t is unlike now t e people from different countries has
migrated to different parts of the world in search of better industrial places where they can
find better technology to run the new machines. In the modern era globalisation markets work
better on the concept of communications. For example it is very well known that British
Service Sector has chosen India as their means in dealing with their customer¶s with the help
of BPO¶s or call centres that are available in India. Not only that it also made sportswear
manufacturer to design its products in Europe and advised them to be made in South east
Asia as the labour cost is cheap and to sell them in North America where the markets are high
and the companies can get their high profits.

If the globalisation becomes more in a particular company it is difficult for the domestic
markets to survive and there arises problems with low wages and workers. There existed anti-
globalisation task, if existed too much of globalisation that is going to replace the local
domestic economic life that is if the domestic markets are the local economy is going on
depending too much or being controlled heavily by the overseas, then globalisation is seen in
a different prospective. If this heavy dependency is occurred then it is assumed as a surrender
of power to the corporations which makes the poorer countries always poorer without giving
them a chance to develop. These days the anti globalisation movement has been most
popularised as many kinds of people are accepting this fact. This anti globalisation movement
is having or attracting encompassing environmentalists, anarchists, unionists and some soft
lefts who are looking for the development in the poorer countries and also the others who are
always anti to the term globalism.

It is a fact that globalisation was never liked by everyone. Also it has a name that it is a
necessary evil that is making the countries to slowly emerge it into them and thus having an
impact of it on a large scale. Some people consider that the concept of globalisation bring the
concept of free trade and free markets in to the nation making it to develop and to get help in
eradicating poverty, but in reality there is no free trade or free markets existed.


As Globalisation is spreading throughout, It is necessary to communicate and to interact with

people from different or diverse backgrounds, race, culture, countries and beliefs. As the


multinational companies MNC¶s are growing in a vast scale these days it is obvious that
people are not going to stay at one place, they will be adapting to different cultures and has to
communicate throughout the world. Workers or employees these days have to compete with
employees among all the continents. For this to let everyone understand the concept of
globalisation and the tastes and knowledge of the other countries, backgrounds, origins etc.. It
is necessary for diversification in the workforce. Managements have to accept the diversity in
workforce as they have to capitalize and maximise their profits.

Diversity can be referred or termed as the combination and existence of employees from
different cultural backgrounds within the organisation. Diversity is termed and related to
factors like culture, race, sex, creed, age, colour, ethnicity etc...In a different approach it
include disability, age, Economic status, beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnic,
values, religion, language and education (Wentling and Palma-Rivas, 2000). Managing the
diversity is related to manage the team of diverse workforce in order to make them perform to
their best in fair grounds without giving or showing advantage or disadvantage to a particular
group (Torres and Bruxelles, 1992).

In order to implement successful diversification it is necessary to have well organised

supervisors and managers in the workplace as they have to recognise and understand the
ways in which the work place is evolving, changing and diversifying. As this is a challenging
task managers and supervisors has to learn the key skills and multicultural work environment.
And hence supervisors and managers has to be well prepared so that they should be in a
position to control or manage their organisations to support and to show importance to the
multicultural differences as they should not mistreat their customers as well as their

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Diversity is needed in organisations for the following

1.c Companies or organisations having different diversities in their workforce can better
understand the needs of their customers and can provide better service (Wentling and
Palma-Rivas, 2000). Having disables, women etc will help the organisations in niche
markets (Mueller, 1998) and the diversified market segment where the variations are
well utilised (Fleury, 1999).


2.c As all the organisations are trying to develop their markets and organisations
throughout the world, managing this diversity in workforce will be seen as a social
and prestigious factor (Mueller, 1998).
3.c In this modern era all the economies are shifting to services sectors from the
manufacturing sectors and hence communications and interaction between the
customers became a priority service (Wentling and Palma-Rivas, 2000) and this can
be achieved by having diversity in workforce.
4.c As globalisation is spreading all over, it is better to have diversity as it helps
organisations to make a step towards the international markets (Cascio, 1998).
5.c Having diversity in the organisations help in developing the creativity and innovation
(Adler, 1997; Jackson, 1992).
6.c Diversification allows a good response to the adaptation of changes as it makes
system flexible (Fleury, 1999).


Diversity is said to be important because of the following:

2c Adapting this will make the system flexible and help sin managing demographic
changes, values of changing workforce, labour shortage and to manage and control
2c Adapting this may help the organisation to prove that it is having quality employees,
customers, stake holders and also to prove that it is strategically driven.
2c It will be helpful in training and developing their workforce to manage the
multicultural aspects and to adjust accordingly.
2c It helps managers to maintain and manage the highly qualified and skilled employees
among the diversified.

Demographic changes are termed as Women in work place, Restructurings, legislation etc...
These changes have to be monitored carefully by the management so that it results in
excellent performance and customer service. Also these help in managing people.


It is necessary to give importance to the women in the work place a priority to diversity. Now
a day¶s women are having the highest levels of employment participation in the world. They
are being taken in various aspects of marketing as they are efficient in attracting and


communication. If we notice the assessment it is evident that number of working mothers and
the duel income families has increased a lot. Therefore there is changes in the family
structures as women are stepping out changing the traditional family roles (Domhoff and
Zweigenhaft, 1998).


Because of globalisation there is vast changes in the technology sector, this resulted in high
machinery, reduced labour and high profits. This affected Human resource management a lot
as there has to be cut-off¶s in the organisation. Also this resulted in more working hours as
24hr working has been introduced because of which the employees timings that has to be
taken care by human resource management (Losyk, 1996). Restructuring is making more out
of fewer people.


Discrimination at workplace is made illegal by federal and state equal opportunity legislation.
Making these laws specified the responsibilities and rights of both the employees and the
associates of the workplace and made both these groups responsible for any action they

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Having diversity in workforce itself does not help organisation for its success, but it depends
on the organisations ability to adopt and recognise its benefits. By implementing these
assessments successfully in the workforce they result in other benefits, they are:


Having employees from different diversities helps the organisation to have different
innovative ideas as people will be having different talents and experiences which makes them
to serve their customers better. Also having diverse workforce allows organisations to
provide wide range of services, sourcing and allocation of resources. This helps organisations
to be flexible and adapt new technologies as per the changing customer demands.


Having diverse workforce helps organisations to have employees with different skills and
knowledge which makes them help their customers better by providing different variety of
services on a global basis.



Having diverse workforce that is comfortable with different languages and backgrounds
make the employees develop various ideas and experiences from which the management can
draw beautiful strategies that are needed for the customers as well as the organisation.


Having diversity in the work place help the organisations develop new strategies that are
systematically implemented by the organisations that results in greater productivity, increased
profits and returns on investments.


Having adapting to the diversity in Workforce is not that easy, It is having many challenges
that has to be faced first, They are:


As the organisation possesses diversity in its employees the first challenge it has to face is
communication. Having employees from different ethnicity, religions and cultures have to be
made united as they have language, cultural and perceptual differences that has to be
overcome for the success. Lack of proper communication leads to lack of teamwork,
confusion and less morale.

?  ° 

Other factor that has to be taken care off is change. Many employees refuse to accept change
as they feel their way of approach is changing. The word ³We have always done it this way´
always makes failure in progress.


The most difficult to implement factor in the diversity of workforce is new policies. It deals
with the results and assessments of the research data that has to be customized and strategies
have to be planned for attaining maximum benefits.


Having plans alone is not sufficient for an organisation to implement diversity. Effective
management is necessary which has to be neutral to all the diverse employees. Having or


showing interest in particular section of employees result in poor teamwork and cause
damage to the organisation.

 c c   c! 
c   c

Successful companies always assess and evaluate their diversity process as an important
aspect of the organisation. They always conduct an employee satisfaction assessment through
survey which is very affective. These assessments help the organisations to know what is
required for the employees and can try to solve the issues. Again reassessing the employees
after the implementation of policies makes them clear whether those policies had any effect
on the employee diversification.


Having made a survey provider that provides complete report on every issue is required for
making important decisions. Attaining those reports are the first step in preparing a successful
strategy for diversity in the workforce plan. If a plan is made it has to be complete,
approachable and has to be measurable. After making the strategies and plans the
organisation or management has to decide what changes that is to be made and a time line has
to be prepared which has to be attained.


Executive and managerial teams of the organisation have to make personal commitment in
order to attain this. Managers and the leader within the organisations must incorporate
diversity policies into every aspect of the organisations function and purpose. All the
managers has to be straight forward and should not show interest on particular groups as it
may result in lack of teamwork.

For effective management in workforce diversity managers has to possess certain skills. First
and the most important is mangers have to know the consequences of discrimination. Second,
managers must recognize their own cultural biases and prejudices (Koonce, 2001). It is to be
noted that diversity is not related to the differences between the groups, but it is said to be the
differences between every individual. Every individual employee is unique in mind set and it


is important for the mangers to act accordingly and finally mangers has to accept the change
if necessary.

It is very important that managers has to be aware of all the managements strategies and plans
and has to decide and implement the correct strategies which is best suitable for the
teamwork and dynamics in the workplace. Another vital requirement when dealing with
diversity is promoting a ³safe´ place for associates to communicate (Koonce, 2001). Social
gatherings and business meetings, where every member must listen and have the chance to
speak, are good ways to create dialogues. Managers should implement policies such as
mentoring programs to provide associates access to information and opportunities.


jc Mike Brooks, (2001), *c c   01c  c &2c 
[Online] (Updated 15 October 2001) Available at:
jc Simon Jeffery, (2002). *cc   0c345c67

c c 4  c 889c
Available at:
jc Kelli A. Green, Mayra Lopez, Allen Wysocki, Karl Kepner, (2009).ccc*c
  +c #1c )*1c 
c *c : 
c &c c
jc Wentling. R.M., Palma-Rivas, N. (2000), "Current status of diversity initiatives in
selected multinational corporations", º c   c  c < , Vol.
11 No.1, pp.35-60
jc Torres, C., Bruxelles, M. (1992), "Capitalizing on global diversity", º c &=,
jc Fleury, M.T.L. (1999), "The management of culture diversity: lessons from Brazilian
c&c>cc%, Vol. 99 No.3, pp.109-14.
jc Adler, N.J. (1997),  c  c c 4= c #* , South-
Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, .
jc Cascio, W.F. (1998), &c º c   c ?c ,
1c < c c  c
"1c, , McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA, .
jc Jackson, B.W., LaFasto, F., Schultz, H.G., Kelly, D. (1992), "Diversity", º c
  c&, Vol. 31 No.1 and 2, pp.21-34.
jc Mueller, K.P. (1998), "Diversity and the bottom line", -2 c-2  , pp.7.
jc Zweigenhaft, Richard L., and G. William Domhoff. (1998). c c *c  c
c+c*c c
c c *
c*c 0c New Haven, CT: Yale University
jc Loysk, Bob. (1996). &cc *c   +c$ *c 
c c
c . Davie, FL: Workplace Trends Publishing.
jc Koonce, Richard. (2001). Redefining diversity: It's not just the right thing to do; it
also makes good business sense. Training and Development, December.


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