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Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

• Organic Search (Paid Inclusions)
• Paid Search (Google AdWords) – PPC
• Display Marketing (Google Display
Networks) - Search Ads - PPC
Search Engine Marketing
• Understanding Target Customer Search
Behaviour (Search Query)
• Keywords or Phrases
• Indexing
• PageRank (Links & Traffic)
• Bid Management Process
• Metrics
• Quality of Leads (Click Frauds)
Display Marketing (Display Networks)

• Text Ads
• Image Ads
• Video Ads
• Rich Media Ads ( Mixed with Interactivity,
Animation, etc)
Paid Search - Target and Bid
• Specify your Keywords and phrase
• Specify Maximum CPC (Bid Placement)
• Select your Ad Budget Amount
• Google provides assistance through tools
- Approximate Maximum CPC for each
keywords / Keywords suggestions
Search Ads - Target and Bid
(Adwords + AdSense)
• Ad Groups ( Multiple Ads and Keywords List)
• Select specific site pages or automatic site placement on
Google partners publishers (AdSense)
• Specify Maximum CPC (Bid Placement)
• Select your Ad Budget Amount
• Google provides assistance through tools - Display Ad
Builder / Approximate Maximum CPC for each keywords /
Keywords suggestions
• AdSense – Where publishers make advertising space
available for AdWords advertisers
Google AdWords Auction Process (CPC)

• Ad Rank = Maximum CPC Bid x Quality Score

• Quality Score = f(Relevance, User Experience)
– Relevance = f(Keyword, URL, Ad)
– User Experience=f(Click-Through-Rate,
Landing Page)
• Your Price = (Ad Rank of next lower bidder/
Your Quality Score) + Minimum Unit Price
• Bids are set for keyword
Google Search Ads Auction Process (CPC)

• Ad Rank = Maximum CPC Bid x Quality Score

• Quality Score = f(Relevance, User Experience)
– Relevance = f(Placements or Pages)
– User Experience=f(Click-Through-Rate,
Landing Page)
• Your Price = (Ad Rank of next lower bidder/
Your Quality Score) + Minimum Unit Price
• Bids are set for Ad Groups
Google AdWords Auction (CPC)

Advertisers Maximum Quality Ad Position Actual CPC

CPC Scores Rank
Advertiser A $3.00 10 30 1 = (24/10) + 0.01=2.41

Advertiser B $3.00 8 24 2 = (12/8) + 0.01=1.51

Advertiser C $3.00 4 12 3 = (8/4) + 0.01 = 2.01

Advertiser D $4.00 2 8 X X

Google = 5.53
Google AdWords Auction (CPC) –
Scenario 2
Advertisers Maximum Quality Ad Position Actual CPC
CPC Scores Rank
Advertiser B $4.00 8 32 1 = (30/8) + 0.01=3.76
Advertiser A $3.00 10 30 2 = (20/10) + 0.01=2.01
Advertiser C $5.00 4 20 3 = (16/4) + 0.01 = 4.01

Advertiser D $8.00 2 16 X X

Google = 9.78
Key Search Engine Metrics
• Cost per Click-Throughs (CPC)
• Cost per Acquisition (CPA)
• Cost per 1000 Impressions (CPM)
• Advertising Return –On-Investment (ROI)
• Page Rank ( 1, 2, 3,….,Top 10, Top 20, Top
30 and so on) or (Search Page 1, Page 2,
Page 3 and so on)
• Competitive Bids Ranking
Google Alternative Auction Process (CPM Bids)

• If CPM bid is entered in Auction

• Effective CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) for
both CPM bid and CPC bid is determined
Google Alternative Auction Process (CPA Bids)

• If CPA bid is entered in Auction

• Goggle is determining your maximum CPC bids
based on historical conversion data
• Aim for average OR maximum CPC
Getting Started – Projects
• Define your business Domain –Training Services
• Decide a Sub-domain (if required) : IT/ Telecom/ Technology
Sector Training
• Define your Products & Services / Define business model
• Identify existing players in the Domain
• Keyword Research – Based on competitive sites analysis
• Test the assumptions/ findings on the Search Engine and
Analyze the results
• Create Domain name alternatives
• Test the Domain name on Search Engine and analyze results
• Check Availability of Domain Names, Select Domain Name
and Purchase (e.g.,
• Create Wireframe – Site Map ( Generate Options and SEO)
• Check Competitive Site Map / Site Map Best Practices
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