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The Story of Jonah and The Three Darkness

The Story of Prophet Jonah and The Three Darkness

Once upon a time, the prophet Jonah was known as dhan-nun. Dhan-nun would mean
the big fish. So, he is the companion of the fish or the whale, the huge fish. He was
sent by Allah to a big town in Iraq. And it also named as ninawa. There was one
hundred thousand and over people there. Yunus called them to the worship of Allah
and only Allah and keep away from any worship beside Allah.
“Yaa Ayyuhannasu! You should worship him alone and do good, otherwise a severe
punishment will come upon you!”
The people rejected as many of the nations before rejected many of the prophets and
messengers. And yunus he warned and warned the people from a punishment that
Allah will send on them. The way he sent on many generations. They were not
listening to him and his patience was running out. Then, he decided
“I’m not winning with these people, let me go away!”
“ I might find othere people somewhere, very far away and I might call them and they
might come in to the fold, they might listen”
Allah. Now, Allah had not instructed him to go away. But he wanted to go. Because
he really wanted people to accept. Nobody was accepting.
“I’m upset, I’m angry”
and im going so far that I want to jump into a ship and I want to go somewhere, far
“Over, across the ocean, across the sea”
And adhaab was coming, dark clouds and people ask
“What’s happening?, maybe it’s the warning that Yunus had warned you”
“And it’s look like if you’re really not going to make make a difference in your life
and turn to Allah. Allah will punish you”
After that they realized there’s no way to obey Yunus. So when Jonah was going far
away, his nation will turn to Allah and believe in Allah.
When he arrived at the coast, there was a laden boat. And suddenly, they went into the
sea and then the wind started blowing and the storn started gathering. The ship was
started rocking and the ship started sinking. The people decided we need to get rid of
our goods to make it light. So they started throwing one by one and everything wnt
out. But, the boat still sinking. Now, they lookde at the people. They said
“there’s only one way of beiing fair, we need draw lsots. And whoevers name comes,
we are throwing him out. One by one.
First time, they take the name out, whose name was “yunus”. Everyone looked at
Yunus. Young, righteous, good believing person, honest. And they drew again, until
three times. It cames out the name of ‘ Yunus’
“ I think it’s from Allah”.
So in the middle of the sea, “Bismillahirahmanirahim” and he jumped out. Allah
insturcetd a whale to eat him. The whale opened its mouth and one big gulp.
In the belly of the whale, it’s dark. And the Yunus, heard something.
“ O Allah, what is it that I hear?”
“ These are the tasbih of the pebbles, on the depth of the seas and the tasbih of the
fish, inside the sea” He realized that Allah is the Almighty. He Sujud in the belly of
the whale. And there’s three darkness that he found. First, the darkness of the belly of
the whale.Secondly, the darkness of the depth of the ocean and third the darkness of
the night.
After 40 days, the whale spoiled the Jonah near the beach. When he got the beach, he
found some trees and he ate that fruits. When he was feeling better, Allah sent Yunus
back to the Ninawa. The people there was accepting Jonah The prophet Jonah realized
that Allah sent him because he can guidethe people there, For he know, Allah will not
take you for something you can’t do.
So the end of the story, be patient in facing some problems and remember Allah in
good or the bad. And distree can be relieved only by turning to Allah with sincerity.

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