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SPECIAL ANNEX - 23rd Issue, Vol. 3, No.

8-B ISSN 2094-1765 August 2010


Edited by Norberto R. Bautista
Hoya is a genus of 200-300 species of tropical climbing plants in the family Apocynaceae
(Dogbane), native to southern Asia (India east to southern China and southward), Australia, and
Polynesia. Common names for this genus are waxplant, waxvine, waxflower or simply Hoya. This
genus was named by botanist Robert Brown, in honor of his friend, botanist Thomas Hoy.

Here are some varieties of Hoya mindorensis, see their great variety in a single species.

Hoyas are evergreen climbing vines or shrubs growing to 1-10 m (or more with suitable support in
trees). They have simple opposite leaves 5-30 cm long that are typically succulent, and in many
species are flecked with irregular small silvery spots.

The flowers appear in axillary umbellate clusters at the apex of 2-3 cm peduncles, with repeated
clusters of flowers developing sequentially on each peduncle. The flowering peduncles get 2-3
mm longer with each flowering, and can eventually reach 7 cm or more long; the base of the
peduncle is smooth, with growth subsequent to the first flowering of the peduncle is rough with
numerous tiny bracts. Each flower is about 1 cm diameter, with five thick, waxy, triangular petals;
colors range from white to pink or yellow. They are sweetly scented and produce abundant

Cultivation and uses

Many species of Hoya are popular houseplants in temperate areas (especially H. carnosa), grown
for their attractive foliage and strongly scented flowers. Numerous cultivars have been selected
for garden use. Hoyas grow well indoors, preferring bright but not direct sunlight, but will tolerate
fairly low light levels at the expense of rapid growth and blooming. Hoyas commonly sold in
nurseries as houseplants include cultivars of H. carnosa (Krimson Queen, Hindu Rope −
compacta), H. pubicalyx (often mislabeled as carnosa), and H. kerrii. Hoyas are easy to purchase
on the internet, and are commonly sold as cuttings, either rooted or unrooted.


Hoya leaves vary in size, texture, color and venation. In size, leaves range from as small as
centimetre in length and from two to four millimetres in width (Hoya engleriana Hosseus) to as
large as 25 cm. by 25 cm. (Hoya latifolia G. Don). Hoya coriacea Blume, has been reported have
leaves as long as two feet in length. One of the most succulent, Hoya kerrii Craib, has valentine
shaped leaves, with notches at the apexes of the leaves instead of at the bases. H. kerrii has two
forms, one with glabrous leaves and one with suede textured leaves. There are hoyas with almost
perfectly round leaves and others with linear leaves (Hoya linearis Wall. ex. D. Don and Hoya
teretifolia Griff. ex Hook. f.). One popular species, Hoya shepherdii Short ex Hook. has leaves
that resemble string beans hanging in bunches from their stalks. Hoya linearis Wall. ex D. Don is
covered with fine downy hair and greatly resembles masses of Spanish Moss (Tillandsia
useneoides) hanging from trees in its native habitat. Some Hoya leaves are smooth and shiny;
some are covered with hairs. Some Hoya leaves appear to be veinless while others have very
conspicuous veins of a lighter or darker colour than the rest of the leaves. Some have leaves that
are mottled with speckles of silvery white (Hoya carnosa R. Br., Hoya pubicalyx). Some hoyas
have leaves that are thin and translucent (Hoya coriacea Blume); some are so thick and
succulent that they look more like crassulas than hoyas (Hoya australis ssp. rupicola, oramicola
and saniae from Australia and Hoya pachyclada from Thailand).


Hoya flowers are just as varied as the leaves, despite the fact that all are shaped like five pointed
stars. They grow in umbels, usually with many flowers per umbel. Individual flowers range in size
from as small as four to five millimetres in diameter (Hoya bilobata Schltr.) to well over three
inches in diameter (Hoya imperialis Lindl. and H. macgillivrayi F. M. Bailey). The number of
flowers per umbel varies from one (H. pauciflora Wight.) to 55 or even more. Hoya coriacea
Blume has been known to have as many as 70, each measuring nearly 2 centimetres in diameter.
The single flowered Hoya pauciflora Wight makes up for its paucity by its flower size of nearly an
inch and a half in diameter.

Hoya flowers vary in textures as well as size, some being glabrous and shiny and some being
quite hairy. They also vary in color. They come in the purest white, varying shades of pink from
almost white to rubber-doll or bubble-gum pink, yellowish-pink, yellow, green, purple, brownish-

red and brown. There are some that are so dark that they are often referred to as black. Until
recently it was thought that a true red hoya was not ever likely to appear but recent discoveries
make that seem possible. One of the two clones of Hoya mindorensis Schltr., from the
Philippines, which are currently in circulation, comes very close to being a true red. Blue still does
not appear to be represented in the Hoya genus.

Selected Philippine species

Hoya bella - Beautiful Hoya Hoya benguetensis

Hoya bilobata Hoya buotii

Hoya burtoniae Hoya cagayanensis

Hoya camphorifolia Hoya carnosa
Porcelain Flower

Hoya cumingiana Hoya crassicaulis

Hoya darwinii Hoya densifolia

Hoya deykeae Hoya erythrostemma

Hoya fischeriana Hoya heuschkeliana

Hoya imbricata (syn. Hoya pseudomaxima) Hoya kerrii - Valentine Hoya

Hoya lacunose Hoya landgrantensis

Hoya lazaroi Hoya leytensis

Hoya loheri Hoya mcgregorii

Hoya megalaster Hoya meliflua

Hoya merrillii Hoya mindorensis

Hoya multiflora - Shooting Star Hoya Hoya myrmecopa

Hoya obscura Hoya pimenteliana

Hoya platycaulis Hoya potsii

Hoya pubicalyx Hoya quinquenervia

Hoya rigida Hoya siariae

Hoya sigilliatis Hoya subquintuplinervis

Hoya tsangii Hoya vitellina

Hoya wayetii


Hoya, or locally known as Shooting Star, is also known as Wax flower, Wax Vine or Wax Plant. It
is a climbing or trailing plant with thick, shiny, fleshy leaves and clusters of waxy star-shaped
flowers. They are the most colorful group of plants under the Asclepiadaceae plant family, in
which other plants like the common milkweed, the succulent Stapeliad and the Dischidia vine
also belong. They have pollen in gelatinous masses called pollinia, similar to orchids.

Robert Brown, famous for his discovery of the 'Brownian Movement' in Physics, named the plant
in honor of his friend and fellow botanist Thomas Hoy, who worked as head gardener for the
Duke of Northumberland at Scion House, England.

It are about 200 to 300 species of Hoya that are native to Eastern Asia, Polynesia and Australia.
It is popularly grown as a garden plant or house plant, due to its attractive foliage and highly
scented flowers. Hoyas are found throughout the Philippines at all altitudes, usually growing on
coconut trunks and tree branches. As of present, there are about 51 identified species of Hoya in
the country.

Cultural Requirements for Hoya Plants:
Light - Hoya plants grows in diffused bright light (about 50% light). Protect it from direct sun. For
indoor cultivation, three to four hours of bright light a day are essential for healthy growth and

Watering & Humidity - Water plants regularly and do not allow them to dry out completely. They
can benefit from moist media and occasional flooding to was away excess salts. Use soft water
like rain water, or water low in salts. Provide a humid environment by grouping Hoya plants along
with other shade-loving plants and watering them regularly. Allow ventilation and air-movement
between plants at all times to prevent rotting of leaves.

Temperature. Hoya plants grows well in normal room temperature or in the lowland temperature.

Potting Technique – Plant Hoya plants in plastic or clay pots with any porous and low-fertility
mixes like mixture of coconut husk cubes or coconut dust, charcoal, sphagnum moss, tree fern
fiber and paslak (chopped roots of Birds nest fern). The media should be well drained and open
enough so that air reaches the roots. Repot if the media breaks down, or when the plants needs a
bigger pot. They are usually potted as a hanging plant. For non-hanging pots, place wooden,
wire or plastic coated stakes as vines tend to crawl up supports. Roll long vines around the

Fertilization. Hoya plants are light feeders. Spray a dilute solution of balanced fertilizer high in
potassium, in order to continuously produce flowers. Apply about ¼ or less of control release
fertilizers in the sides of pots.

Pruning. Prune back very long vines to induce branching. However, long vines are usually not
cut, but rather trained and rolled together around stakes or wire hangers attached to the pot, as
the long vines are the ones which produces flowers.

Pest & Diseases. Hoyas are usually susceptible to sucking insects like mites, aphids and white
flies. If insect infestation occurs, spray with a dilute solution of insecticide like Malathion, Sevin or
Lannate. To prevent leaf spots or rot, allow ventilation among plants, allow proper spacing and
keep plants dry between watering. Spray a weak solution of Captan or Dithane fungicide during
the rainy season as a prophylactic to prevent fungal diseases.

Propagation. Hoyas are usually propagated by stem cuttings with 2 to 3 nodes. Leaves from the
lower nodes are usually removed before the stem cuttings are inserted into the potting media.
Stem cuttings are relatively easy to root especially when rooting is done under mist condition or
when the pot is wrapped in clear plastic bag. Cuttings root best in a growing media that retain a
lot of moisture like coconut coir dust, coconut husk, charcoal and crushed fern chips.

Hoyas can also be propagated by seeds. Some species readily produce seed capsules
containing tufted seeds which burst when mature and are wind dispersed. Care must be
observed by covering seed capsules with a gauze or nylon stocking when nearing maturity. Once
mature, the seed capsule slips and the seeds can be removed. Seeds can be sown and
germinated in a pot with a mixture of coir dust and sand. Transplant seedlings when they have
developed true leaves.

Hoya are interesting plants to collect, and some garden clubs, local and abroad, are formed just
to cater for the growing of this plant. Conservation is also needed for this group of plants.

All photographs from Mr. Wally Suarez & Wendy Regalado. Parts published in the Urban Gardener, Manila
Bulletin and Philippine Star. Written and Edited by Norberto R. Bautista – c/o The Plant Biotechnology Project,
Research & Development Center, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
August 2010


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