Lecture #6: Color TV: (Even) (Odd)

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Lecture #6: Color TV

(Download Handout from Web Page)

Interlacing Fields:

Interlace Raster Scan

Illustration of scanning beam on CRT face during Interlace scan.

(Odd) (Even)

Interlaced Scan
Illustration of how Interlacing is accompolished.

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Raster Scan Deflection Waveforms

Figure shows Horizontal & Vertical Sweep Voltage Waveforms, and their relative timing

• Odd Fields start in the upper left corner and end in the bottom middle.
• Even Fields start in the upper middle and end in the bottom right.
• What is wrong with this picture?
o Only 10 lines/Field.
o Vertical Retrace time should be 0.95ms (p.192 of Handout). That is the
time it takes to do 15 horizontal retraces.

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Horizontal Sync Complex
Illustrating "Front Porch," "Sync Tip," "Back Porch" with Color Burst riding on it.
The interval between the end of the sync tip & the start of the burst is sometimes refered
to as the "Breeze -way." Note also, the "Burst Flag" (D.C. Restore clamp).

• 1 line = 63.5 us → Horizontal Refresh Rate 15750 Hz.

• Horizontal Retrace Time = 1.5us + 4.7us + 4.7us = 10.9 us.

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Raster Scan Synchronization Waveforms
NTSC/RS-170A, complete set of waveforms, including Composite Blanking.
Note Color Subcarrier phasing (in red).

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Waveforms from File: 8Bars.20MHz.bin

Field 1 Start of Field 2 – Vertical Blanking Interval (15 lines)

• Field 1
o Ends on a ½ line in the bottom middle of the screen
• Field 2
o Identify Odd or Even Field by finding the starting point for 6 high pulses
of ½ line duration followed by 6 low pulses of ½ line duration.
o Vertical Retrace for 15 lines.
o Starts on a ½ line
o 247 ½ lines
o Ends in the lower right corner
o 15 + 247.5 = 262.5 lines * 63.5 us / line → 60 Hz Refresh for even fields.

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Field 2 Start of Field 1 – Vertical Blanking Interval

• Field 2
o Ends on a full line in the lower right corner of the screen.
• Field 1
o Vertical Retrace for 15 lines.
o Starts on a full line
o 247 ½ lines
o Ends in the bottom middle of the screen
o 15 + 247.5 = 262.5 lines * 63.5 us / line → 60 Hz Refresh for odd fields.
• 30 Hz refresh rate for interlaced image.

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Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Trig Identities

e jθ + e − jθ e jφ + e − jφ 1 j (φ +θ )
cos(θ ) cos(φ ) =
2 2
= e
( + e − j (φ +θ ) + e j (φ −θ ) + e − j (φ −θ ))
= cos(φ + θ ) + cos(φ − θ )
1 1
2 2
jθ − jθ
e +e e − e − jφ

cos(θ ) sin (φ ) =
2 2j
1 j (φ +θ )
e (
− e − j (φ +θ ) + e j (φ −θ ) − e − j (φ −θ ) )
= sin (φ + θ ) + sin (φ − θ )
1 1
2 2


x mod = A1 cos(θ 1 ) cos(φ ) + A2 cos(θ 2 ) sin (φ )

Demodulation – Cosine Channel

x de mod −cos = x mod * 2 cos(φ ) = 2 A1 cos(θ 1 ) cos(φ ) cos(φ ) + 2 A2 cos(θ 2 ) cos(φ ) sin (φ )
= 2 A1 cos(θ 1 ) cos 2 (φ ) + 2 A2 cos(θ 2 ) cos(φ ) sin (φ )
1 1  1 
= 2 A1 cos(θ 1 ) + cos(2φ ) + 2 A2 cos(θ 2 ) sin (2φ )
2 2  2 
= A1 cos(θ 1 ) + A1 cos(2φ + θ 1 ) + A1 cos(2φ − θ 1 ) + A2 sin (2φ + θ 2 ) + A2 cos(2φ − θ 2 )
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
After Low Pass Filter :
x de mod −cos −lpf = A1 cos(θ 1 )

Demodulation – Sin Channel

x de mod −sin = x mod * 2 sin (φ ) = 2 A1 cos(θ 1 ) sin (φ ) cos(φ ) + 2 A2 cos(θ 2 ) sin 2 (φ )

1  1 1 
= 2 A1 cos(θ 1 ) sin (2φ ) + 2 A2 cos(θ 2 ) − cos(2φ )
2  2 2 
= A1 sin (2φ + θ 1 ) + A1 sin (2φ − θ 1 ) + A2 cos(θ 2 ) − A2 cos(2φ + θ 2 ) − A2 cos(2φ − θ 2 )
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
After Low Pass Filter :
x de mod −sin −lpf = A2 cos(θ 2 )

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Spectrum of Composite Video:

• Spectrum originally designed for Black and White TV only. Only the Luminance
Signal was transmitted.
• Designers needed to modify the TV signal in a way that didn’t affect existing
B&W TVs and added color to new Color TVs without increasing the bandwidth.
• A lot of stuff in limited bandwidth
o Luminance bandwidth is 0 – 4.2MHz – This is the original Black and
White Signal.
o I-Chrominance bandwidth is 0 – 1.6MHz
o Q-Chrominance bandwidth is 0 – 0.6MHz
• Color (Chrominance) had to be added without affecting the operation of the black
and white televisions.
• Chrominance bandwidth could be less than the Luminance bandwidth because our
eyes can’t tell the difference. (Somebody smart figured that out).
• I-Chrominance Amplitude Modulates the cosine channel of the 3.579545 MHz
Color Sub-Carrier.
• Q-Chrominance Amplitude Modulates the sine channel of the Color Sub-Carrier.
• The frequency of the Color Sub-Carrier was picked to be the 227.5 times the
Horizontal Sweep Frequency.
• The Chrominance looks like it would interfere with the Luminance. However, the
eye is not sensitive to this interference because of the “frequency-interlacing”
effect. So a Black and White TV will still work with a Color TV signal.
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o A color TV can remove the chrominance from the luminance with a comb
filter (Moving Average of length 2).
• The Luminance looks like it would interfere with the Chrominance. But the eye
isn’t sensitive to this either because of the “frequency-interlacing” effect.

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Decomposition of Composite Video:

mv (t ) ≈ mL (t ) + mQ (t ) * sin (ω cc t ) + mI (t ) * cos(ωcc t )
(Approximately because top bandwidth of I chrominance is filtered out causes the mIHh
term to appear. Don’t worry about that right now.)

1. Low Pass Filter mv(t) and use comb filter to remove chrominance.

1. Band Pass Filter mv(t) from 2 – 4.2MHz, and multiply by sine, amplitude = 2

z (t ) * 2 sin(ωcc t ) = mv _ 2−4.2 (t ) * 2 sin (ωcc t )

[ ]
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) + mQ (t ) * sin (ωcc t ) + mI (t ) * cos(ωcc t ) * 2 sin (ωcc t )
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) * 2 sin (ωcc t ) + mQ (t ) * 2 sin 2 (ωcc t ) + mI (t ) * 2 cos(ωcc t ) * sin (ωcc t )
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) + mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) * sin (2ωcc t ) + mQ (t ) − mQ (t ) * cos(2ωcc t ) + mI (t ) * sin (2ωcc t )

2. Final low pass at 600KHz eliminates double frequency terms.

3. We are left with mQ(t) and mL_2-4.2(t).
4. mL_2-4.2(t) gets bandlimited to 600KHz but doesn’t interfere with mQ(t) because
of the “frequency-interlacing” effect.

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1. Band Pass Filter mv(t) from 2 – 4.2MHz, and multiply by cosine, amplitude = 2

z (t ) * 2 cos(ω cc t ) = mv _ 2−4.2 (t ) * 2 cos(ω cc t )

[ ]
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) + mQ (t ) * sin (ω cc t ) + mI (t ) * cos(ω cc t ) * 2 cos(ω cc t )
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) * 2 cos(ω cc t ) + mQ (t ) * 2 cos(ω cc t ) * sin (ω cc t ) + mI (t ) * 2 cos 2 (ω cc t )
= mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) + mL _ 2−4.2 (t ) * cos(2ω cc t ) + mQ (t ) * sin (2ω cc t ) + mI (t ) + m I (t ) * cos(2ω cc t )

2. Final low pass at 1.6MHz eliminates double frequency terms.

3. We are left with mI(t) and mL_2-4.2(t).
4. mL_2-4.2(t) gets bandlimited to 1.6MHz but doesn’t interfere with mI(t) because of
the “frequency-interlacing” effect.

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“Frequency-Interlacing” Effect in the Time Domain
• The color sub-carrier is 227.5 times the horizontal sweep frequency.
• This causes the phase of the color sub-carrier to flip 180 for adjacent lines
(spatial phase reversal).
• For example, shown below is the Color Sub-Carrier for 3 adjacent lines in the odd

Line 1

Line 1 Line 3

Line 3 Line 5

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• Since the carrier amplitude is +/- 1 on adjacent lines, the chrominance is
multiplied by +/- 1 on adjacent lines.
• Our eyes average this out on a Black and White TV.
• Averaging adjacent lines removes the Chrominace from the Luminance in the
Color TV.
• The Color Sub-Carrier is also varies by 180 frame to frame. That is, the phase of
the Color Sub-Carrier for Line1/Frame1 is 180 out of phase with the carrier for
Line1/Frame2 (temporal phase reversal).
• For example, Line1/Frame2 starts 525 lines*227.5 periods/line = 119437.5
periods of the Color Sub-Carrier after Line1/Frame1. Line1/Frame1 is 180 out of
phase with the previous Line1/Frame2.
• The figure below graphically shows this temporal and spatial phase reversals:

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“Frequency-Interlacing” Effect in the Time Domain

• Let’s look at the spectrum for vertical bars on a Color TV to see what the
“Frequency-Interacing” looks like.
• We will consider the case where the Luminance, I-Chrominance and Q-
Chrominance signals are pure tones.
• For the Horizontals lines to repeat, these pure tones need to be harmonics of the
horizontal sweep frequency. Why?
o N/Fo=63.5uS=1/Fh. So, Fo=N*Fh .
• We will ignore the Sync Tip and the Color Burst for right now.

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Luminance Signal:

• Let’s put the Luminance Signal at the 10th harmonic of the horizontal sweep
frequency (157.48 KHz, DC Offset = 0.5, Amplitude=0.1)
• Multiply this by a square wave whose duty cycle is (63.5us - 1.5us - 4.7us - 4.7
us)/63.5us = 82.83% to create the Horizontal Sync Complex for the Luminance.
• Multiplication in the time domain is convolution in the frequency domain.

• Luminance Signal (red trace) is a pure tone at 157 KHz.

• 82.83% Duty Cycle Square Wave is the white trace.

• Convolution of the white and red traces above.

• The harmonics of the square wave are centered around the pure tone now instead
of around DC.
• These harmonics are still at integer multiples of the horizontal sweep frequency
since the pure tone was a harmonic of it.
• Now picture the convolution of green trace with the 30 Hz square wave which is 0
during the vertical retrace and you get the black trace below:

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Chrominance Signal:

• I-Chrominance Signal be 945 KHz sine wave (60th harmonic - White Trace
below, 0.2V Amplitude).
• Q-Chrominance Signal be 394 KHz sine wave (25th harmonic - Red Trace below,
0.1V Amplitude).
• The Green trace below is the Color Sub-Carrier which is 227.5 times the
Horizontal Sweep Frequency (Fh).
• QAM the Color Sub-Carrier with the Chrominance Signal. This gives you peaks
at Fcc +/- the I-Chrominance Frequency and at Fcc +/- the Q-Chrominance
Frequency (Blue trace below). The lower side band frequencies of the blue trace
are at 227.5-60=167.5 * Fh and 227.5-25=202.5 * Fh. Note that the Upper Side
band of the I-Chrominance signal has been filtered out to limit the bandwidth to
• Multiply this by a square wave with frequency Fh and duty cycle (63.5us - 1.5us -
4.7us - 4.7 us)/63.5us = 82.83% to create the Horizontal Sync Complex for the
Chrominance. (Yellow trace above and below).
• Multiplication in the time domain is convolution in the frequency domain.
• The convolution positions the harmonics of Fh between the harmonics of the
Luminance signal.

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• Zoom in of harmonics of the near DC shows that they are interlaced between the

• Now picture the convolution of yellow trace above with the 30 Hz square wave
which is 0 during the vertical retrace and you get the red trace below:

• Interlacing in the Frequency domain makes it invisible to the human eye, so the
Black and White TV will still work.
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Using the Luminance and Chrominance signals from above, we get this picture

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• Video Signal

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• Decoded Luminance and Chrominance signals

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• Red, Green, and Blue Signals.

• www.ntsc-tv.com
• Section 4.9 of Dr. Morley’s textbook

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