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Microsoft Excel - XP


§ Using Help & the Office Assistant

§ Navigation
§ Enter/Edit Data
§ Highlight/Copy/Fill
§ Create Formulas
§ Copy Formulas
§ Absolute Addresses
§ The Function Wizard
§ Formatting Cells
§ Insert/Delete Columns & Rows
§ Printing
U S C– Marshall School of Business AcademicInformatio

Table of Contents

THE EXCEL ENVIRONMENT...................................................................................................................4

The Excel Toolbars .................................................................................................................................5
Hiding/Displaying Toolbars ....................................................................................................................5
Viewing Full Menus .................................................................................................................................5
Getting Help on Menu Items and Toolbar Buttons .............................................................................5
Getting Help In Dialogue Boxes ............................................................................................................5
THE OFFICE ASSISTANT ........................................................................................................................6
Starting the Office Assistant ..................................................................................................................6
Using the Office Assistant ......................................................................................................................6
Hiding the Office Assistant.....................................................................................................................6
Disabling the Office Assistant................................................................................................................6
getting HELP without using the assistant................................................................................................7
Using the Help Table of Contents, Index, and Find ...........................................................................7
ENTERING DATA .......................................................................................................................................9
DELETING DATA ........................................................................................................................................9
EDITING CELLS....................................................................................................................................... 10
HIGHLIGHTING CELLS.......................................................................................................................... 10
UNDO......................................................................................................................................................... 13
EQUATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Formulas- The Basics.......................................................................................................................... 14
Using the mouse to build formulas .................................................................................................... 15
USING FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 16
Using AutoSum ..................................................................................................................................... 16
COPY FORMULAS .................................................................................................................................. 17
ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES ..................................................................................................................... 18
THE FUNCTION WIZARD ...................................................................................................................... 20
Activate the Function Wizard.............................................................................................................. 20
Getting Help on a Function Using the Function Wizard ................................................................. 21
Building a Function Using the Function Wizard............................................................................... 21
FORMATTING CELLS ............................................................................................................................ 23
Applying Cell Formats ......................................................................................................................... 23
Removing Cell Formats ....................................................................................................................... 23
Using the Format Painter .................................................................................................................... 24
Centering Across Columns ................................................................................................................. 24
Applying Boarders ................................................................................................................................ 24
Using the Style Gallery........................................................................................................................ 25
INSERTING/DELETING COLUMNS & ROWS ................................................................................... 25
Insert a Row.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Insert a Column .................................................................................................................................... 25
Delete a Column or Row ..................................................................................................................... 25
PRINTING.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Printing the Current Sheet .................................................................................................................. 26

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Printing All Sheets in the Workbook .................................................................................................. 26

Printing a Section of a Sheet.............................................................................................................. 26
SETTING PRINT OPTIONS ................................................................................................................... 27
Paper Size & Margins .......................................................................................................................... 27
Set Page Orientation (Landscape or Portrait) ................................................................................. 27
Centering the Spreadsheet on the Page .......................................................................................... 27
Set Print Scaling ................................................................................................................................... 28
Set Headers and Footers .................................................................................................................... 28
Custom Headers or Footers ............................................................................................................... 29
Print Gridlines / Row Numbers & Column Letters.......................................................................... 29
Viewing/Printing Cell Formulas .......................................................................................................... 29
Using Print Titles .................................................................................................................................. 30

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Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to perform mathematical operations on data,
create graphs, and manage databases. Excel is useful for creating such things as: financial &
accounting statements, inventory lists, expense statements, schedules, productivity charts, and
doing data analysis to name just a few of its uses. Generally, anytime you wish to perform
mathematical operations on data, you should probably be using a spreadsheet program like

• Books: files saved in Excel are called “Books” or “Workbooks”.

• Sheets: a workbook is divided into sheets. You can have up to 255 sheets in a wookbook.
• Cells: a sheet is made up of cells. There are 255 columns and 65,536 rows of cells.

The illustration below describes some of Excel’s major components.

Title Bar: Displays
the name of the file
Menu Bar: Contains all currently open.
available commands.
Tool Bars: Contains
shortcuts to the most
Current Cell Address: commonly used
Displays the current cell commands. Place the
address. To go to a mouse over a button to
particular address, click see its name.
inside the box, type the
address, and press Enter. Formula Bar: Shows the
formula used to arrive at
an answer. Click in the
Select All : Click this
formula bar to edit the
button to select every
contents of a cell.
cell in the current
sheet. Column Letters:
There are 256 columns.
Row Numbers: There
are 65,536 rows. Cells: Excel sheets are based on a grid system made up
of column letters and row numbers. Cell addresses are
always given by the Column Letter first and the Row
Number second. (B3 for example.) Separate pieces of
data are entered into boxes called “Cells”. This allows
mathematical operations to be performed between cells.

Toolbar Grip : Click & Menu Items: Click a menu item to get a Minimize: Click to
drag grip to move the drop down list. minimize Excel to
menu or toolbars. the Taskbar.

Exit: Click
to exit Excel.

Control Box: Click to get Restore: Click to return the

a list of window commands. Excel window to the size you
last manually sized it to.

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The Excel Toolbars

The toolbars contain shortcuts to the most commonly used menu commands. By default, Excel
displays the Standard and Formatting toolbars but there are others as well. To find out the
name of a button on the toolbar, hold your mouse on the button and a yellow name tag will

Hiding/Displaying Toolbars
Occasionally, you may wish to use another toolbar or you may have accidentally removed one
of your existing toolbars. To get a list of all possible toolbars:

1. From the menu, click on: VIEW – TOOLBARS

2. Click on the name of a toolbar to view or hide it.

Viewing Full Menus

There is an option in Microsoft Office programs that hides menu commands that are not
frequently used. If you would like to see full menus at all times, follow the steps below.

1. From the menu, click: “VIEW – TOOLBARS – CUSTOMIZE”.

2. Click the “Options” tab.
3. Check “Always Show Full Menus”.

Getting Help on Menu Items and Toolbar Buttons

To get help on any toolbar button or menu item:
1. On the keyboard, hold down the Shift key and tap F1. (Shift + F1)
2. Click on any menu item or toolbar icon to learn more about it.

Getting Help In Dialogue Boxes

In most dialogue boxes, you have two ways of getting help:
• By clicking the help icon in the upper right corner:
• By right mouse clicking a button and selecting “What’s This?”.

1. From the menu, click o n: FORMAT – CELLS..

2. Click on the “Borders” tab.
3. Click on the icon in the upper right corner.
4. Click on the “Outline” button to learn more about it.

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Office Assistant is designed to assist you in the following ways:

• Provide tips such as shortcut keys, quicker ways to work, etc.

• Help with using wizards.
• It can provide unsolicited help depending on what you are currently doing.
• Searches for answers to your questions in much the same way “Find” does.

Starting the Office Assistant

Press F1 on your keyboard or press the Office Assistant icon on the toolbar:

Using the Office Assistant

Click “Tips” to get see tips on

using Excel. Use the “Back”
& “Next” buttons to see more
Type your question in the
box provided and click
Search to see your answer.

Click “Options” to modify the

operation of the Office Click Close to hide the
Assistant. yellow balloon but not close
the office assistant.

Click the Office Assistant to

display the yellow balloon. Click the X to close the
Office Assistant.

Hiding the Office Assistant

To temporarily hide the office assistant:
1. Right mouse click the Office Assistant.
2. Select “Hide”.

Disabling the Office Assistant

If you disable the Office Assistant, when you press Help, you will get the Search/Contents/Index
window rather than the Assistant.

1. If not visible, bring up the Office Assistant: “HELP – SHOW OFFICE ASSISTANT”
2. Right click the Office Assistant and select “OPTIONS”.
3. Uncheck “Use the Office Assistant” and click “OK”.

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If you have disabled the Office Assistant, you can still get help via searching help Table of
Contents, Index, and Answer Wizard. See the previous section on how to disable the Office

Using the Help Table of Contents, Index, and Find

There are three different methods of looking up a topic that you may need help on. They are all

This is organized like the contents of a book.
Double click a book
Contents is useful when you are not sure of what a to see the topics it
command is called but you have a general idea of contains.
what category it might fall under.
Double click a topic
to get help on that
1. Click on: HELP – MICROSOFT EXCEL HELP topic.
2. Click on the “CONTENTS” tab.

Index is organized like a book index. It is useful
when you know what the command or procedure
you need help on is called in Excel. In this example
we will look up shortcut keys in Excel.

1. Click on: HELP – CONTENTS & INDEX

2. Click on the Index tab.
3. Begin to type the topic you are looking for on line
one: Key
4. Double click: Keyboard shortcuts
5. Double click: Use shortcut keys in MS Excel.
6. Click: Enter data by using shortcut keys.
7. Close help.

Answer Wizard
Find will scan all help files for the text you tell it to look for. It is useful when the topic you are
searching for help on is not included in the Table of Contents or in the Index, but it is mentioned
on one of the help files. Note that FIND is the slowest method of searching for a help item and
Excel may need some time to build the FIND database before you can procede.

1. From the menu, click: “HELP – MICROSOFT EXCEL HELP”

2. Click on the “Answer Wizard” tab.
3. Type your question and click “Search”.

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This section shows the most commonly used methods of moving the cursor between cells and
sheets in excel.

Action to be Using the Keyboard Using the mouse

Move the cursor to Press the Up/Down, Left/Right Click in the cell you wish to
another cell: arrows on your keyboard. go to.
Goto a specific cell: Press F5, type the cell address to Click in the cell contents
goto and then press Enter. indicator (upper left of
screen), type the cell
address to goto and press
Move 25 rows up/down: PAGEUP moves the cursor up 25 Use the vertical scroll bar at
rows. the right side of the screen.
PAGEDOWN moves the cursor down
25 rows.
Move one screen to the ALT + PAGEUP moves the cursor Use the horizonal scroll bar
left/right: one page to the left. at the bottom of the screen.
ALT + PAGEDOWN moves the
cursor one page to the right.
Return the cursor to cell CONTROL + HOME
Move between sheets: CONTROL + PAGE UP to go one Click on the name of the
sheet to the left. sheet you wish to go to. Use
CONTROL + PAGE DOWN to go the arrows in the lower left
one sheet to the right. corner to scroll to sheets not
currently visible.
Move to the left most HOME
column in a row.
Move to the edge of the CONTROL + ARROW KEY
sheet or the edge of a This will move the cursor in the specified direction until something
data range: changes. If there is no data in its path, the cursor will go to the edge
of the sheet. If there is data in its path, the cursor will stop at the
data. If it is moving through data, it will stop whe n it hits a blank cell.
Shift the screen to CONTROL + BACKSPACE
display the active cell. This is useful when you have used the scroll bars to shift the screen
(The active cell is the and you wish to return the screen to display the active cell.
cell where the cursor is)

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Data typed into a cell falls into one of three categories: Labels, Numbers, and Formulas.

LABEL: any cell that starts with text is a label cell. You cannot perform
mathematical operations with label cells. (Cells containing cell addresses
and range names are the exception)
NUMBER: a cell is considered to be a number cell when it contains only numbers.
(Note that the $ % and , are allowed.)
FORMULA: when a cell displays the answer to an equation, it is considered a formula
cell. Formulas always begin with an = sign and can contain numbers, cell
references, functions, and range names.

• Basic Steps for Entering Data:

a. Place the cursor into the cell that will contain the data.
b. Type the data.
c. Press ENTER (or an arrow key on the keyboard)

• When constructing a spreadsheet, enter data that you wish to perform mathematical
operations on into separate cells.

Incorrect Correct
The numbers need to be in separate cells The numbers are in separate cells which
if you intend to use them mathematically. will allow them to be used mathematically.


To erase the contents of a cell:

1. Place the cursor in the cell to be deleted.
2. Press DELETE on your keyboard.

Tips & Notes:

• You can also use the menus to delete. (Edit – Clear)
• You can delete multiple cells by highlighting them first. (See the section on “Highlighting”.)
• Tying data into a cell which already contains data will overwrite the old data.
• Do not delete cells by pressing the Spacebar and the Enter. It leaves a hidden mark behind which will hamper
certain Excel features.
• Deleting a cell will erase the contents but not the formatting. (Use EDIT – CLEAR – ALL for formatting)

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When a cell contains something that needs to be modified, rather than deleting the cell and
retyping all of the information, you can edit specific characters within the cell.

Basic Steps for editing a cell:

a. Select the cell to be edited.
b. Activate Edit mode by pressing F2. (See below for other methods.)
c. Make your changes.
d. Press Enter to keep your changes.

Activating Edit Mode: 3 Methods:

• F2 activates edit mode.
• Double clicking a cell activates edit mode.
• Clicking in the Formula Bar activates edit mode.

Leaving Edit Mode: 3 Methods:

• Press Enter: To leave edit mode and keep your editing changes.
• Click in another cell: To leave edit mode and keep your editing changes.
• Press ESCAPE: To leave edit mode and discard your editing changes.


Many tasks performed in Excel require that you highlight cells. These might include: deleting a
range of cells, printing a specific area, placing $ on numbers, moving cells, etc.


The keyboard is usually preferred over the mouse when the area needed to be highlighted
extends to areas not currently visible on the screen. To highlight with the Keyboard:

a. Hold the SHIFT key down on the keyboard and keep it held down.
b. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the cursor, it will highlight as it moves.

As long as shift is held down, you can use any of the navigation keys to highlight an area.
For Example:
• Shift + Control + Home: Highlights from your current position to cell A1.
• Shift + Control + An arrow key: Highlights to the edge of a list or the spreadsheet.

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When using the mouse to highlight cells, you must pay close attention to where your mouse is in
relation to a cell prior to clicking and dragging. If you are not careful, you will end up copying or
moving data rather than simply highlighting it.

Be basic steps for using the mouse to highlight are:

a. Click in the center of a cell.
b. Drag the mouse to another cell.

The placement of the mouse in the cell determines what will happen when you click and drag.

When your mouse is in the center of a cell you will see a white
cross. If you click & drag, cells will be highlighted.

When your mouse is at the edge of a cell, you will see a white
arrow. This indicates that if you click & drag, the contents of the
cell(s) will be moved.
Tip: Hold down the Control key to turn a move into a copy.

When your mouse is in the lower right corner of a cell, you will see a
black cross. This indicates that if you click & drag, you with either
copy the contents of the cell(s) to the cells you drag across or
complete a series.


There are several ways to highlight cells using the mouse:

Highlighting Nonadjacent Cells:

a. Click & drag to highlight the first area.
b. Hold down the CONTROL key and keep it held down.
c. Click & drag to highlight more cells.

Click, then Shift + Click

This method allows you to highlight a range of cells using the mouse without
having to click & drag.
a. Click in one corner of the block of cells to be highlighted.
b. Hold down the SHIFT key and click in the opposite corner of the block.

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Use Highlighting to Control Cursor Direction

By default, when you press Enter in Excel, the cursor moves
down. If you would like to change the direction Enter sends the
cursor, you can highlight cells prior to typing.
a. Highlight a block of cells and begin typing.
b. Press Enter. (The cursor will flow through the area you highlighted only.)

• Press Shift + Enter to move in the opposite direction in the highlighted area.
• To permanently change the direction Enter sends the cursor, from the menu, click:

To unhighlight cells, click on any cell or press one of the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Select All Cells on a Sheet

To select all cells on a sheet, click on the gray square where row 1 and column A
intersect. (Or press Control + A on your keyboard)

Select All Adjacent Cells Containing Data

This is useful for instantly highlighting a group of cells where there are no
blank columns or rows within the data block to be highlighted.
1. Place the cursor in any non blank cell in it in the area to be
2. On the keyboard, press: Control + Shift + *
(Note: use the asterisk above the 8, not the one on the number pad.)


The autofill handle allows you to copy a cells contents or complete a series depending upon
what is contained within the cell.

Complete a Series:
If the cell highlighted contains a word Excel recognizes as part of a series
(Months, Days, Quarters, etc.), it will complete the series.

a. Type Monday into a cell and press Enter.

b. Click on the cell Containing Monday.
c. Grab the cell’s AutoFill handle and click & drag either down or to the right.

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Tips & Notes:

• You can create your own series: from the menu, click: TOOLS – OPTIONS – CUSTOM
LISTS. Click ADD and type the different words in the series. Click OK.

• To use the AutoFill handle to copy rather than create a series, hold down the Control key
on the keyboard when using the autofill handle. (For example you want to copy the word

Monday and not have it go to Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

Series by Example
If you would like to count by fives or perhaps list the date for every Friday for a year, you can
set up a pattern for Autofill to follow.

3. Grab the autofill

handle at the
bottom right of the
highlighted area
1. Type in two 2. Highlight your
and click & drag
examples. This will two examples.
set up the pattern
autofill will follow.

Excel allows you to reverse the last 16 actions performed.

Undo with the Mouse

• Click on the blue counterclockwise arrow to undo the last action performed:

Undo with the Keyboard

• To undo the last action performed, press: Control + Z

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There are two types of equations in Excel: Formulas and Functions.

• Formulas are created entirely by the user using standard mathematical operators and
• Functions are formulas that have already been constructed by Excel allowing the user to
simply plug data into the proper place in the equation. The purpose a functions is to save

Formulas- The Basics

• All formulas and functions in Excel must begin with the = sign.
• Formulas may include: numbers, cell addresses, range names, functions, and mathematical
• It is preferable to create equations by using cell addresses rather than the contents of the
cell. When equations are based upon cell addresses, the formula will update automatically if
the contents of the cell it is referencing should change. Further, you can copy equations that
use cell addresses and apply the equation to other cells.

=(4+2)/3 =A5*1.3 =A5+C5+D5 =(A5+C5+D5)*.0775 =sum(a5:a8)/4

Standard Mathematical operators (in order of operation)

Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction
() ^ * / + -

1. Recreate the spreadsheet shown below.

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2. Type the formulas shown below:

• Total Regular Hours:
In B12, type: =B6+B7+B8+B9+B10+B11 and press enter.
• Overtime Rate (time and ½) –
In E6 type: =D6*1.5 and press enter.
• Gross Pay: (Gross Pay is: Reg. Hrs. * Reg. Rate + Overtime Hrs. * Overtime rate)
In F6 type: =B6*D6+C6*E6 and press enter.
• Net Pay: (We will estimate Net Pay to be 72% of Gross Pay) -
In G6, type: =F6*.72 and press enter.
• Tax Amount: (Gross Pay – Net Pay)
In H6, type: =F6-G6 and press enter.

Using the mouse to build formulas

Although you will still have to type in the mathematical operators, you can use the mouse to
create the cell references for you.

1. Place the cursor in cell F6 and press Delete.

2. Type an =
3. Click in cell B6, type an *, click in cell D6, type a +, click in cell C6, type an *, click in cell E6
4. Press ENTER.

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Functions are built-in formulas that allow the user to plug cell addresses or numbers into the
proper slots of a premade equation to arrive at an answer. We will use the SUM function to
adds cells. The SUM function adds all cells together between two points. It can be used to add
numbers in a row, column, or if you name two diagonal corners of a block of cells, it will add up
the entire block.

Syntax: =Sum( Starting cell address : Ending Cell Address )

1. Place the cursor in cell C12.

2. Type the following: =Sum(C6:C11) and press enter.

Using AutoSum
Because addition is such a common procedure in spreadsheets, Excel has an icon that will
instantly add data for you.

1. Click in cell C12 and press Delete.

2. Click once on the AutoSum icon on the toolbar:
(note that C6:C11 is marked and the formula is in cell C12)
3. Click again on AutoSum to lock the formula in.

AutoSum characteristics:
• AutoSum can add either what is above it or what is to its left.
• AutoSum will not see numbers beyond blank cells.
• AutoSum will not see numbers beyond label cells.
• When given a choice between adding the cells above it or the cells to its left, AutoSum
always adds the cells above it.

AutoSum Tips:
• Double clicking AutoSum will lock your answer in with one step.
• ALT + = is the keyboard shortcut for AutoSum.
• You can specify exactly which cells to add by highlighting prior to clicking AutoSum.
• You can extend the range AutoSum chooses by clicking AutoSum, clicking and dragging
cells with the mouse, and then clicking AutoSum once more.
• You can highlight multiple areas with AutoSum by holding down the Control key when

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When you copy formulas based upon cell addresses, the references to the cell addresses will
shift in the direction in which you copy allowing you to apply the formula structure to a different
For example, when you copy a formula that adds the four cells above it, the cell you copied to
will add the four cells above it, not the cells listed in the original equation.

We will use the AutoFill Handle to get the rest of your employees: O.T. Rate, Gross Pay, Net
Pay, and Tax Amount.

Copying Overtime Rate

1. Click in cell E6.
2. Place the mouse on its AutoFill handle and drag to cell E11.

The Overtime Rate for the rest of the employees should appear in cells E7
through E11.

Copying Gross Pay, Net Pay, and Tax Amount

You can copy several different formulas at once if you highlight
prior to using the AutoFill handle.

1. Highlight cells F6 through H6.

2. Place the mouse on the AutoFill
handle in cell H6 and click and drag
down to row 11.

Getting Employee Rank

By percent, we will next find out how our different employee’s gross pay compare. This will
require that we divide each employee’s individual Gross Pay by the total Gross Pay of all

Finding Total Gross Pay

1. Place the cursor in cell F12 and double click:

Finding Bobby’s Rank

1. Click in cell I6 and type the following: =F6/F12 press enter.
(Your answer will be in decimal form at this point, not percent.)
2. Click in cell I6.
3. Grab cell I6’s AutoFill handle and click and drag to cell I11.

You should have gotten the #DIV/0! error (divided by zero).

The next section explains about “Absolute Addresses” and why this occurred and how
to avoid it.

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When you copy a formula, the cells referenced in the copy will change to reflect the direction of
the copy. For example, if you copy a formula down one row, the copy’s cell references will have
also shifted down one row. In other words, the row numbers increased by one. However, in
some cases, you may not want the cell references to change. You can lock in a cell reference
by placing a $ in the appropriate place in the formula.

1. Double click in Cell I6 to go into edit mode.

2. Modify the formula as follows: =F6/F$12
3. Grab cell I6’s AutoFill handle and click and drag to cell I11.

You should get the correct answers this time.

• Use absolute addresses when, you are copying a formula and you do not want the cell
references to change.
• Place the $ in front of the column letter or row number you wish to lock in. (If you are not
sure, place $ signs in front of both. $F$12 works just as well as F$12.)
• Function Key 4 (F4) will place the $ in cells references when in edit or data entry mode.
Pressing F4 repeatedly shifts where the $ will appear.


Copying Horizontally:
Place the $ sign in front of the Column Letter when copying horizontally. In this example,
the formula in cell B5 is copied to the right and cell B1 is an absolute address.

Copying Vertically:
Place the $ sign in front of the Row Number when copying vertically. In this example,
the formula in cell C4 is copied down and cell B1 is an absolute address.

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Copying Vertically &


Place the $ sign in front

of both the Row Number
and the Column Letter
when copying a formula
both Vertically and

In this example, the

formula in cell D4 is
copied down, then cells
D4:D6 are copied to the
right one column.

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Excel provides over 200 pre-made equations called functions. The use them, the user simply
plugs numbers, cell addresses, or range names into the proper places in the equation. The
Function Wizard can be used in two ways:
• To see a list of Excel Functions and get help on how to use them.
• To assist in building functions.

Activate the Function Wizard

1. Click in any blank cell.
2. From the Standard toolbar, click on the Function Wizard icon:

Function Category: Function Name:

Start by clicking a The “Function
Function Category. If Name” box lists all
you are not sure of functions in the
the category of the Function Category
function you are chosen. Click on a
looking for, click on function to view its
“All”. description.

Describes the
function selected in Cancel:
the “Function Name” Click on Cancel
window. to exit the
Function Wizard.

Office Assistant: OK:

After selecting a function, click this button to Click on OK to have the Function Wizard
learn more about using the function. assist you with completing your function.

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Getting Help on a Function Using the Function Wizard

We will use the Function Wizard to look up how to get the average of Regular Hours worked.

1. Click in cell B14

2. Click on the Function Wizard Icon:
3. In the Function Category window, click on “Statistical”.
4. In the Function Name window, click on “Average”
5. Click on the Office Assistant icon: (the one in the Function Wizard, not on the

6. Click on “Help 7. Click on “Help on 8. When finished with Help,

with this selected function” click on its close icon to
feature” return to the Function
Building a Function Using the Function Wizard
To let the Function Wizard create the formula for you, continue with the following steps:
1. Click on OK
2. Click on the range finder button to view the worksheet.
3. Highlight B6:B11

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4. Click on the floating Formula Pallet button to return to the Function Wizard.
(“Number 1” should contain the range B6:B11. Note that you could have typed this
6. Click on OK to close the Function Wizard and view the completed formula.

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When you format cells, you are telling Excel how to display the data contained within the cell.
Cell formatting includes such options as placing $, %, and commas on numbers, controlling
decimal places and cell alignment, changing type size and style and much more.

• If you do not like the format you have chosen, you can reformat the cells to another format.
• You can format cells prior to placing the data into the cells.
• Typing $, %, commas, and dates automatically format a cell for you as that format.

Applying Cell Formats

The basic steps to formatting cells are:
1. Select the cells to be formatted using the mouse or keyboard.
2. Apply the format.

There are several methods of applying formatting to cells.

• Using the Formatting Toolbar (shown below.)
• Clicking FORMAT – CELLS from the menu.
• Pressing Control + 1 on your keyboard.
• Through a Right mouse click and then selecting “Format Cells”.

Decrease & Click the Down

Currency, Increase Arrow to Place
Center Across Percent, & indentation of a lines around cells
Columns Comma cell’s contents.

Text Style & Size Bold, Italic, & Left, Increase & Click the down
Underline Center, & Decrease the arrows to select
Right Align. number of Cell Color &
decimal places Text Color

Removing Cell Formats

To completely remove all formatting preformed on a cell or cells:

1. Select the cells.

2. From the menu, click on: EDIT – CLEAR – FORMATS

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Using the Format Painter

The Format Painter allows you to copy a cell’s formatting to other cells. It is useful when you
have applied a combination of formats to a cell and wish to also apply the same formats to other
cells. The cell’s contents will not be copied, only its format. Use the Format Painter as follows:

1. Select a cell whose format you wish to copy.

2. Click on the “Format Painter” icon on the Standard Toolbar:
3. Click the cell(s) you wish to apply cell formatting to.

Note: To make the Format Painter stay on after one use, DOUBLE click it. To shut it off, single
click it or press ESCAPE on your keyboard.

Centering Across Columns

This command is useful for centering the title of your spreadsheet over your spreadsheet. The
basic steps are:
1. Highlight the text to be centered and the area it is to be centered within.
2. Click the “Center Across Columns” icon.

1. Highlight cells A1:I1
2. Click on the “Center Across
Columns” icon

Note that “USC Used Cars”

is really in cell A1 even
though it appears in cell E1.

Applying Boarders
To place lines around cells follow the steps shown below:

1. Select the cells to have lines placed.

2. Click the down arrow to the right of the borders icon.
3. Select a border placement icon from the drop down list.

Most of the buttons place No Borders.

lines around every cell in
the highlighted area in the
Outline around
position indicated. Buttons
highlighted area.
differing from this rule are
Lines around every
cell highlighted.

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Using the Style Gallery

The Style Gallery is a library of formats that you can apply to your worksheet.
1. Highlight cells A1:I12.
2. From the menu, click on: FORMAT – STYLE GALLERY
3. From the list, select a table format and click on OK.

Note: If you do not like the format, click on undo.


Inserting or deleting columns and rows allows you to restructure your spreadsheet as needed.
For example, if you forgot to leave room for a column you can insert one or if you need more
room between rows, you can insert more rows as well.

Insert a Row
1. Right click the row number below where the new row is to be.
2. Click on INSERT from the pop-up menu.

Insert a Column
1. Right click the column letter to the right of where the new row is to be.
2. Click on INSERT from the pop-up menu.

Delete a Column or Row

1. Right click the column letter or row number of the column or row to be deleted.
2. Click on DELETE from the pop-up menu.

In most cases, formulas using cell references will automatically adjust to the changes worksheet
• Functions will automatically adjust to include/exclude the inserted/deleted column or row
references. Note that when rows or columns inserted just above a formula or to the left of a
formula, the formula will not adjust to include the new row or column.
• User created equations will adjust the preexisting references that were shifted but will not
automatically include any information added in the inserted area.

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Unlike other programs that force your work to fit on an 81/2 x 11 page, Excel allows you to
create worksheets of almost any dimension. When printing, this can provide a challenge in how
to break up your sheet into different pages. There are several different ways to print and
several options to help you print your work as you wish it to appear.

Printing the Current Sheet

This method will print all data on the current sheet.

1. Click on the sheet you wish to print.

2. From the toolbar, click on “Print Preview”
• Click the mouse to zoom in or out of an area.
• Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to go to other pages. (If you have more than one page.)
• Clicking CLOSE will get you out of print preview.
3. Click on PRINT.

Printing All Sheets in the Workbook

This method will print all data on any sheet of your workbook. Blank sheets are not printed.

1. From the menu, click on: FILE – PRINT

2. Select the option: ENTIRE WORKBOOK
3. Click on: PREVIEW to view it.
• Click the mouse to zoom in or out of an area.
• Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to go to other pages. (If you have more than one page.)
• Clicking CLOSE will get you out of print preview.
4. Click on PRINT.

Printing a Section of a Sheet

This method is useful when you wish to print only part of a worksheet.

1. Highlight the cells you wish to print.

2. From the menu, click on: FILE – PRINT AREA – SET PRINT AREA
3. From the toolbar, click on “Print Preview”

• Click the mouse to zoom in or out of an area.

• Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to go to other pages. (If you have more than one page.)
• Clicking CLOSE will get you out of print preview.
4. Click on PRINT.

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Clearing the Print Area

1. Click on the sheet that is to have its print area cleared.
2. From the menu, click on: FILE – PRINT AREA – CLEAR PRINT AREA


Print options include such items as: Margins, Page Size, Page Orientation, Headers & Footers,
Print Scaling, Position on Page, Gridlines, and Print Titles.

Paper Size & Margins

1. Click on the sheet to be printed.
2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the MARGINS tab.
5. Use the arrows to set the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
6. Click on OK.

Set Page Orientation (Landscape or Portrait)

1. Click on the sheet to be printed.
2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the PAGE tab.
5. Select “Portrait” or “Landscape”.
6. Click on OK.

Centering the Spreadsheet on the Page

1. Click on the sheet to be printed.
2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the MARGINS tab.
5. In the “Center on Page” section check: Vertically, Horizontally, or check both.
6. Click on OK.

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Set Print Scaling

Use this option to make data fill the page or to shrink a spreadsheet to fit on one page.
1. Click on the sheet to be printed.
2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the PAGE tab.
5. Select your desired options as shown below and click on OK

Use “Adjust to:” to manually set the scaling

size as a percentage of normal size.

Use “Fit to:” to tell Excel how to scale the

page vertically and horizontally. For example,
1 page wide by 2 pages tall would shrink your
spreadsheet to fit on one page horizontally but
vertically, it will spill onto page 2.

Set Headers and Footers

Headers are data that appear at the top of every printed page. Footers are data that appear at
the bottom over every printed page. Header and footers are usually page numbers, dates, file
names, department names, etc.

1. Click on the sheet to be printed.

2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the Header/Footer tab.

Use the down arrows to

Click “Custom select such predefined
Header…” or header/footer options as
“Custom Page #, Sheet #, File
Footer…” to be name, or Date. Select
able to type NONE to hide the
your own text. default header/footer.

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Custom Headers or Footers

Click “Custom Header…” or “Custom Footer…” to view the window shown below.

Click to Inserts the Inserts the Inserts the Inserts the Inserts the Inserts the
change font page number. total current current time. file name. sheetname
options. number of date. .

Text typed here will appear Text typed here will appear Text typed here will appear
on the left side of the page. in the center of the page. on the right side of the page.

Print Gridlines / Row Numbers & Column Letters

The grid around cells can displayed or hidden in a printout. Further, the row numbers and
column letters can also be displayed or hidden in a printout.

1. Click on the sheet to be printed.

2. From the toolbar, click on the “Print Preview” icon:
3. Click on the SETUP button.
4. Click on the SHEET tab.
5. Check “Gridlines” and “Row Column Headings” to make them display.
6. Click on OK.

Viewing/Printing Cell Formulas

When auditing a spreadsheet, it is sometimes useful to display the cell formulas rather than the
answer to those formulas.

1. Press and hold the CONTROL key on your keyboard.

2. Tap the ~ key on your keyboard. (Control + ~)

You should now be able to see any formulas. Click on the Print icon to print them.
Press Control + ~ again to see the answers rather than the formulas.

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Using Print Titles

Use this option to repeat column titles or row titles at the top of each page. For example, if you
have a list that is over one page in length and has titles at the top of each column, you can
make the titles repeat at the top of every page.

1. Open the file called Movies.xls (M:\Prof\Training).

2. Click on sheet 1, cell A1
3. From the menu, click: FILE – PAGE SETUP
4. At “Rows to Repeat at Top”, type: 1:1
6. Click on NEXT to see that the titles are also at the top of the next page.

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