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Cd t psrouder 2 ner cones + ventral sucker 5 intestinal caeca ¢ Disease caused Fasciola hepatica At the tip of muse Present Present 1-6 times larger than oral | sucker Simple with two curves in middie ular projections: Liver flul Differences in Microbiology | 313 Fasclolopsis buski ‘Sub terminal Absent Absent 3-4 times larger Elaborated system of secondary tertiary branches Ora ___Fasciolopsis. aint Superficial mycosis aan nal bs Agent Specialized saprophytes Fungtiorn 2 Keratin Digested by fungi Not digested 3 Infection Limited to skin, hair, epidermis, dermis Deeper to dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, fascia 4 Features Discoloration of skin, nodules of hair Chronic granulomatous lesion of shaft of axilla subcutaneous tissue 5, Example Maiassezia furfur Eumycetoma acremonium Points ‘Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes 4. Spores Ascospores Basidiospores 2. Spore formation Ina sac ‘As the basidium 3. Spore no 48 4 4, Morphology Yeast, filamentous forms. ‘Yeast form only 5, Examples Candida Cryptococcus neoformans hae Points Hyphae Pseudohyp! Ee i or 4.Definition Tubular branching filaments of fungal Bogtied shin cell; mould form of growth alls of varying length jemand it ser brck end fo end Rounded cells ike chain of sausages 3. Arrangement — Intervening lines of brick ‘with constriction, present at 00 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology ¢Comtdl.) —Famune resctivtty it may toad to consequences itis more disadvantageous than ny oneal Inctorent le henetcll or yurious to the host cree OTe elnintion TOTES Ca Oe Win eal prooer eign body. sporananval Of BY 9 eeeeon TaN OT sete UN of eens redeem Maieaioeey £410,000 and the substance IS nenproteinaceous — cma any Heol imi Circulating immunoglobulin via B 1, Mediator T lymphocytes, NK cells, macrophage lymphocytes 2. Processing Thymus Bursal equivalent, liver, bone marrow 3. Protection against Virus, fungi, facultative Extracellular bacterial pathogen, intracoliviar bacterial pathogen virus, recurrence of virus infection 4, Involvement Homograft rejection Primary defence graft versus host reaction, against extracellular autoimmune diseases pathogen 5. Hypersensitivity Mediates type |V Mediates type |, |, Ill hypersensitivity hypersensitivity 6. Mechanism By apoptosis, perforins: By complement system 7. Points IgG ig Ig 4. Serum concentration 85% 5-10% 5-15% 2. MW = 160000 960000 170000-385000 3. Sedimentation coefficient 7s 198 7s 4, Heavy chain ” bh é 5. Polypeptide chain Monomer Pentamer ‘Monomer 6. Placental transfer + - « 7. Milk + = o pe 23 days 5 days 6 days 9. Characteristic property Preoipitin, antitoxin, Agglutinins, opsonins, ‘Secretory complement fixation, lysins, early antibody antibody late antibody 10. Site of action Serum Serum Senate ee MHC 1 MHC TT 1. Expressed on 2, Structure Macrophages, dendritic cells, Bells Heterodimer consisting of a and 298 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology 8 Points 0.10. 1. Definition 2. Mechanism ‘3. Found in case of Transformation — Genetic exchange of bacteria through tree DNA Free DNA from one strain is Girectty taken up by bacterial cella of another strain Pneumococci, H. influenzae Transduction Genetic transfer between bacteria and bacteriophage During phage assembly phage particle incorporates a segment of bacterial DNA. When those phage particles invade another bacterial cell, ONA trom first bacterium is transferred to another cell E. coll, Shigella, Proteus, bacillus Satmonella 4. Occurrence Rare Widespread Points Transcription Translation 1. Definition Process of formation of RNA Process of formation of protein from DNA, in which information in which language of nucleotide stored in chromosomes is. sequence on the mRNA is transmitted in daughter cells translated into language of amino by DNA replication acid sequence 2. Enzyme AINA polymerase Amino-acyl (ANA synthetase 3. Elongation factor Tilld, Tillb, Tila EF2, EF4, Efb, Efe Eff 4. Direction Bidirectional due to reverse Unidirectional transcriptase 5. Site Nucleus Cyopteam 6. Proofreading Absent, as enzyme has no Present nuclease activity Tare. No role Four ATP molecules required for ‘each peptide bond = Se ieee Terminator codon _ Thy aE 1. Processing 2. Surface marker 3. Binding to sheep RBC ‘4. Dependence a+ tnickness GSS IN WICTODIOIOgY | __Gtam-positive cei Thicker —s Gram-negative cel! wall__ layer peptidoglycan lay Multiple tay Thinner 2 Of aly moron 50-90% Single layer (5-10%) of dry g,Teichoic acid i 2 weight of cell LPs + - 5, Lipids Less i" g Porins = More 7. Permeability lene + 8. Mg-ribonucleate complex + Hop ee ee “Points Fons Flagelia Fimbriae finition 1.Def These are long sinuous filamen- These are fine hair-like surface _ Structures projecting from appendages originated in the cell pcs a Surface membrane 3, Function boot Sine 4, Composition ae ‘Adhesion in Pitin §. Reproduction No role Sex pili help in formation of i conjugation tube 6. Antigenicity Hook and basal body act anti- Fimbrae acts as. single antigen 7. Demonstration genically different Motility test, spreading test in solid media Electron microscopy, aggluti- nation of RBC Points Sterilization by dry heat Sterilization by moist heat 1.MOA Destructive oxidation of Coagulation, denaturation of Ke essential cell components bacterial protein 2. Modes a. Flaming a. Autoclaving b. Incineration b, Steam > 100°C c. Hot air oven c. Steam <100°C Less More Less More Not possible Can be done Surgical instruments, metals Differences In NIGT*" rae In micrometer uses In nanometer 1. Size 2 2. Growth on nonliving media + r 3. Independent metabolism + 4. Cellular organism + 2 5. Binary fission + &. Nuchoar material DNA, RNA a DNA on Fi 7. Ribosomes + 8. Sensitivity to antibiotics + " 9. Nucleic acid Nonintectious Infectious 10. Sensitivity to INF = + Bi Points Protoplast Spheroplast 1. Definition Complete removal of cell wall Incomplete enzymatic of a gram 4ve bacterium destruction of a cell wall of grar -ve bacterium 2. Cell wall Cell wall material not retained Some cell wall material is retained 3. Formation When kept in hypertonic When cell is kept in a medium solution containing cell wall synthesis xe inhibitor 4. Stability Stable only in isotonic solutions Stable only in nonisotonic medium because their resistance to difference of osmotic pressure 5. Multiplication and reversibility Cannot multiply or revert back If Saat ema multiply by budding or binary fission by many subcultures Points __Prokaryote Eukaryote 1. Genetic material Single circular DNA Chromosomes embedded in histone protein 2. Location af genetic material Ce points a gue of symrosis Intora 4, consiitutes 4, Functions Points 13 Or peliiton 2, Components 4. Line of defence 4. Types 5, Effectiveness Differenoon in Mierobielogy CO4+ T Colle Predominantly ity ‘Medulla, tore mal iaooe Pe ‘with MHC 11 molecules 15% of the peripheral T Portorms regulatory funen helps B calls to develop inlo plasma calls via IL-4 and 6 Acquired immunity Rosistanoe that an individual acquires during tite Lymphocytes and their products including antibody Develops lator after exposure to microbes Active and passive More ettective and better i « T Colle Hone marrow, GALT Interacts with MHG 1 molecules 46% of the peripheral T colle Kile virus infected colle, Winer colle and allagratt cote OY tolaasing pertorine and inducing apoptosis Innate immunity Hosistance that an individuat possesses by bith by virtue of gonatic and consuiutional make up Epitngtial barrier, phagocytic calle, NK colle, several plasena proteins Appoars as first fine defence Specitic and nonspecific Loss effective, less protective — _ i Ponte —S—ssSCCCtCC immunity = 1. Definition Produced by host immune Received passively by host response due to antigenic without participation of immune stimulation systom 2. Induction By infection or by contact with — Conerted by administration of antigen antibody 3, Duration Long duration Transient 4. Effectivity After a lag period Immediately 5, Negative phase Pee ‘Absent 6. Immunological resent Absent 7 oe ne More effective and better ‘Less effective and inferior Differences in Microbiology | 304 tm = mediate hypersensitivity Delayed hypersensitivity WP goow Facitty j Recedes capiaty ants longer re antigens, hapten By antgers, hapten any route contact atermaity oF SHIN May be present ast. short-lived at iit Type | hypersensitivity Type li hypersensitivity Anaphyactc. Alogi: Cyfotytic, oy (GE. histamine G, comprement Anaphylaxis, atopy, alerge mbocyiopenia, immune chy anemia, Fb reameatrity coe Minutes Hours to days 1 Arthus reaction — ‘Serum sickness A react Local immune complex disease Systemic immune complex owease 2 Mager Sensitizing dose fofowed by ‘Single. dose both sensitizing and shocking dose shoptung dose 3 Ocows ave ‘Antibody excess, repeated «Antigen excess, fobowing single injection of antigen injection of foreign serum 4 Mecrarem Formation of antigen-antibody Formation of antigen-antibody complex which causes complex which gets depostind on complement sctivation and ——the endothelial hning of vessels release of inflammatory of dierent parts of body. causing mediators leading to increased ifammatory infration vascular permeability and infitration with newtropnis 5 Cinical syndrome Edema, indurstion, hemortiage, Fever. lymphadenopathy necrosis splenomegaly, endocarsitis itre temediate wih peak efiect in Few days to 2 weeks atier 3-6 minutes, __ injection of serum a ‘Alternate pathway “The chain of events in which The activation of C3 without C components react in spectic prior activities of C142 4 sequence following activation of C1, typically cxdernate in rnemure coe of C1q 10 antigen Binding of C22 to an activator antinody compan 2rd pean ‘Cis esterase Sting os bon cmcan Buster Microbiology 302 | Second MBBS aoe os FL eurooyies, ibrobiast, T cote ‘Macrophage, monocytes: : T cells 1 isnoen Tumor pytotoxicity, lipolysis, bejctliord eo of wasting, acute PSE Pr, _Inibits protein synthesis 3, Mechanism of action Apoptosis, caspase actvalion, Tt A translation | inhibitory protein (Kinase, FiNase, oligonucleoside synthetase) IFN 0, BY 4. Types TNF cand 8 i cee. Nee Species specific _ (a tyes et m2 6 4. Source Macrophages T cells Th cells, macrophages fibroblast 2. Function Proliferation and differentiation Differentiation of TB Promote B cell of T and B cells, pyrogenic calls cytotoxicity of differentiation induce acute phase protein T, NK cells, 4. Other role Beneficial effect in severe Cancer cell Inflammatory mediator = infection in immunocompromised destruction in host response @.24, Points ‘Agglutination Precipitation 1. Definition When a particular antigen is When a soluble antigen combines mixed with its antibody in with its antibody in presence of presence of electrolytes at a electrolytes at a suitable ‘suitable temperature and pH, temperature and pH the the particles are agglutinated, formation of insoluble precipitate known as agglutination. is known as precipitation. 2, Sensitivity More Less 3, Antigen used Particulate antigen, or rendered Soluble antigen particulate by adsorbing its some latex 4, Examples 1. Slide test: Blood grouping 4, Ring test: Typing of 2, Tube test: Widal test streptococci 2, Slide test: VDRL 3. Tube test: Kahn test for syphilis @.25, Points Direct IF Indirect IF ‘The antigen is first allowed to react with antibody and this Ag-Ab complex is allowed to react with fluorescent conjugated Differences in Microbiology | 303 “points —_ Staphylococcus — + morphOl09Y an ———_ : oo cood soattve nonsporing positive nonsporing cove! 1 selective media Gime on arranged in chains 7” Blood agar + Crystal voot + a caniase test 7 ald acid + Cotitin $ Coaguiase Ke ? f¢ Association with a shoumatic fever, glomeruionephritis yy fonls__________ Pnemoeoeeus Streptococcus Morphology Poapete Lanceclar dipococc! Cocei arranged in short chains 3.Bile solubility ‘ = 4 Optochin sensitivity 4 - 5, Innulin fermentation iz 3 *) “Points ©. diphtheriae Diphtheroids 1 Pcmorhion, on ee 2, Gram positivi Weak ‘i 3. Volutins a Suongly postive 44 Arrangement Chinese pattern Parallel §, Culture Enriched media N. agar 6. Toxigenicity < rs 7. Disease Diphtheria Gontiansat 8, Sucrose fermentation = = Points ©. gravis © mitis ©. Intermedius 1. Morphology ‘Short bacilli with Long baci with Large curved bacilli uniform staining clubbed end 2.Volutin No Poor Prominent 3. Colony on tellurite Daisy head colony Fried egg appearance Poached egg appearance blood agar 4. Consistency in Britle, not easily Intermediate Soft, emulsifiable | culture media ‘emulsifiable = Non Hemolysis occurs 5. Hemolysis in media Variable 6. Glycogen and + 304 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology ast. “Points N. meningitidis: ‘meebo cimnnane snies: — rts care sc other 3 2. Capsule + 4 3. Pil + ‘Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic 4, Nature Strictly aerobic Gonorrhea, ophthalmia tis, septicemia 5. Disease Meningitis, sep! Soren 6. Fermentation of glucose, Both ‘Only glucose maltose 2.Sorlegs Antigenically heterogenous, 0.32, “Points —__ El tor vibrio 1. Hemolysis - * 2. VP test - + 3. Chick RBC agglutination - + 4, Polymyxin B sensitivity * = 5. Group IV phage susceptibility + - 2.6. EF lor phages susceptbaiy. = > 2.33. “Points E histolytica E. coll 1. Cyst 1. Size Smaller (5-20 mm) Larger (10-38 pm) 2. No, of nuclei 4 or fewer Up tos 3. Cyst is to-nucieus ratio 6:1 at 4. Chromatoidal bodies ——_Cigar-shaped Splinter-shaped Ii, Karyosome Small, central Large, eccentric Ml, Trophozoitos 1. Size 10-60 ym 10-50 ym 2. Pseudopodia Single Multiple 3. Movement Progressive Nonprogressive 4. Cytoplasm Finely granular Coarsely granular 5. Karyosome ‘Small centered Large eccentric 6, Peripheral chromatin _Fine, uniform, evenly Coarse irregular, uneven Differences in Microbiology | 305 Eugenic, 0.5% glycerol improves growth Exoto: eo seg i io Proteinaceous 1 Mot nest Ups ie ty Highly anti a 8 Piyod transformation cnabiey Less antigenic a Not possible 5 Y tes Y Speciic Nonspecific RE. ettoct ona Low Boonen Grai No 6 over Gram-negative, positive both Only gram-negative — . ~ = ge a Tuberculoid leprosy Lepromatous leprosy 4. Lesions Granulomatous, raised Multibacillary—diffuse, large erythematous edge, 2 Lepre baci in tissue May or may not be found Profusely found $3 Lepromin test Positive Nogative i prognosis Better Poor, highly infective 5. immuri CMI Deficient + Delayed hypersensitivity Present Absent + Role of macrophage Phagocytose, destroy them 1ose them, but they proliferate Points ‘M. tuberculosis M. bovis 4. Morphology Long slender, curved, beaded Shor, straight, stumpy, uniformly stained Dysgenic, glycerol inhibits growth Ditterences in Microbiology | 307 Viruses = —— ou —___Wiriods Priena Senaive © nuclenos Pasian 1 Both Local, system) ic ‘Anywhere in body Only nervous system Ry May be ti 1 Fa gcraa Maybe May [proaucton oFIFN + Ha These are viruses containi ing nucleic acids (usually RNA) with oF without protein, 2. Replication ‘They can replicate autonomously and do not require any protein coat for transmission and do not encode capsid protein as wot! 3. Hosts ‘They cause diseases in susceptible plants. No Viriods of animals and humans are known yet 4 Specific agents Protein free ow molecular weight RNA ‘These are highly resistant to heat land organic solvents but sensitive 5, Resistance/Sensitivity ‘These are viruses containing ‘nucleic acid as well as protein a complete seltreplicative viral particle ‘These are also capable of self replication but requires protein for transmission from cell to cell ‘They cause diseases in plants as well as animals Protein + RNA ‘They are sensitive to anti viral chemicals to nucleases Points Rickettsiae Chiamydia___ Viruses 4. Cellular organism + + % 2. Growth in inanimates: + + - 3. Reproduction by binary fission + + " 4. Nuclear enc fa DNA, RNA DNA, RNA Either DNA or RNA 5. Ribosomes + + = + + , ) aaa. aa 3 Pathogenioity 4 Rove & body Awote 1. Agent 2 MOT 3. roubation period! 4. Civica! features commensal & colt Oty fy InMUnGEOMpHORNT tate bacterial ookanieation, noni of vibarniey Ky vila A "v lire vat have Warenul produiowa 0 offaet on pathogen Typhout fever Shp Feco-oral ria days Slow on pation rather than ve diarrhea of fever with convetl ting OF Epictemio in Inclia Spirochetes Endotlagetia Longer, thinner Intrinsic, undulatory movement with rotation around axis flexion of body T. pain Genitalia, nipples, mouth Painless, avascula circumscribed, indurated CMI more relevant than AMI Dimrheagente & pot Hathogente saving watery, bloody darthoe Aitharas 18 UBER OF gu ty ar produoe Typhue fever Nickettala 60 Bites oF toe 6-16 days Fever with obille, characterietie Fash On trunk fret and spread ‘over limbs sparing face, palm, of veotor Hoth epidemio and endemic Spiritium Terminal flagella at both onde 1 Ore a SEeEeSaeaie_— : Obtained after serial intracerebral Freshly isolated virus from natural e ake foutae animal infection passage in rabbit by which they undergo certain changes rotropic, can produce fatal More neurotropic, less effective poring by other routes producing fatal 2. Affinity to neurons " encephalitis in laboratory animal ermsulated by any route after a long encephalitis after a brief, fixed incubation period incubation period. Cannot be demonstrated a.48. “Points 3. Demonstration of neg Negri bodies can be demonstrated bodies in brain of dying animals Produces furious symptoms Produces paralytic symptoms 4, Symptoms : 5. Use in vaccine Not used in vaccine production Used in vaccine production production Q.49, _ Points Orthomyxovirus Paramyxovirus 1. Size of virus 80-120 nm 100-300 nm 2. Shape Spherical Pleomorphic 3. Genome Segmented, 8 genomes Single linear molecule of RNA 4, Synthesis of Nucleus Cytoplasm Ribonucleoprotein 5. Genetic assortment ‘Common Absent 6. DNA dependent RNA Required Not required synthesis 7. Hemolysin a + 8. Antigenic stability Variable Stable 9, Sensitivity to Actinomycin D__ Sensitive Non sensitive Q.50. — Points Smallpox Chickenpox £ seek Variola virus Varicella Zoster Virus 7 Inhalation Respiratory and Conjunctiva 3. Incubation period 12 days 7-23 can, ; 4, Rash Centrifugal Centripetal = sided pel Absent Present 5 nt of infection Appearance to disappearance 2 days before, 5 aft ts . », 5 days ‘onset (Period of infectivity) of lesion peti a Q.51. _ Points Intermediate host 1. Harbours 2. Reproduction 310 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology @.58. Points oh ne a a 1. Preparation One drop of blood a bhi ers . Dehemoglobinisati Not required 3 Fraings ioe RBC, WEC, parasites Only WBC, and parasites, as RBC are lysed 4, Use ‘Studying morphology of Presence of parasite parasites 5. Morphology of parasite Not distorted __ distorted Q.59. Points fe P.vivax __P. falciparum 1. Forms in + Ring forms + Ring forms peripheral * Trophozoites + Gametocytes blood * Schizonts * Gametocytes I. Ring forms + 2-5 mm in size 1,25-1.5 mm * Blue cytoplasm ring * Cytoplasm is fine » Red nuclear mass and regular in * One end of the outline cytoplasm ring is + Nucleus is usually thicker than the single often two other end and the * Accole form is seen nucleus is located in the thinner part + An unstained area called the nutrient vacuole is seen + Irregular with a vacuole + Pseudopodia thrust out inside the RBCs * Yellowish brown pigment granules appear + Vacuoles start to disappear + Enlarged and pale with Schuttner's dots + 9:40 um in size and completely a | Sa, int Nematode 1 snape Seas! unse Trematode “ Separate ere ee 2. 80x hago LLoat like unsegmented ‘mentary canal Present, complete $Me Present Nol spat end No suckers, no _ Hes hecies Sucker often with hooks ete no hooks points | MacroscoPy 4. Amount Copius 2. Appearance Faeces with bi Small ood, mucus Blood and mucus hardly any 3. Color of blood Dark red faecal matter 4, Odour Offensive Bright red 5.pH Acidic — 6, Consistency Liquid or formed roe 4. Microscopy Adherent 1, RBC Clumps 2. Pus Scanty beasties 3. Eosinophils + a 4, Macrophage - e 5 Crystal + i Ww. Culture 1. Growth on media for Trophozoites E histolytica 2, Growth on MCA media__— + (Shigella) Points ____ Bacterial gastroenteritis Viral gastroenteritis 1. Agent . typhi, Sh. Dysenteriae, V. Cholerae —_Rotavirus,Calcivirus 2. Common in Children, adults Children 8.Stool Blood, mucus Profuse watery 4. Diagnosis Demonstration of bacteria in stool Viral antigen demonstration 5. Treatment Antibacterial Sel-imiting Points amoeba E. 1. Nucleolus Large, distinct ‘Small, indistinct 2. Contractile vacuoles Present oat 8. Nucleus in cyst Single Pega : Chromatid body and glycogen in cyst Absent ‘Meat . Mitochondria ca ‘Absent Differences in Microbiology | 317 Pi vivax * Female gametocyte Same as that of stains blue with P. wwe small and compact nucleus * Male gametocyte stains pale blue or reddish with large and diffuse nucleus: —_— ee points Amastigote form of Promastigote of L. donovani ee ee ‘aes 1, shape Rlound oval Spindie shaped 2 Nucleus Lying centrally or laterally Lying centrally 3 Kinetoplast Lying at right angle to the Lying transversely nucleus 4, Vacuole Side of axoneme Infront of axoneme 5 Site of occurrence AE cells of vertebrate host Digestive tract of sand fly 6 Flagellum Delicate filament extending Extend trom axonemeto exterior from axoneme to margin of of body body i. “Points Classic filariasis Occult filariasis 4. Cause Due to adults: Adults to microfilaria 2 Organs involved Lymphatic vessels, lymph node Lung, liver, spleen 3. Mcroflaria Present in peripheral blood Present in tissue 4 Basic lesion Lymphangis, iymphadenopatty Eosinophilic granuloma 5. DEC sensitivity No response Response te “Points Male A. duodenale Female A. duodenale 312 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology 0.64, 65. Q.66. Points 1, Head 2. Buccal capsule 3. Bursae of male 4. Caudal spine in female 5. Vulval opening of body 6. Pathogenecit 7. Peripheral eosinophilia 8. Blood loss 9, Life span 10. Infection by 3rd stage larvae Bent in same direction as body 4 ventral, 2 dorsal 13 rays, dorsal ray tripartite Present Posterior to middle of body More More pronounced 5 mil day 2-7 years More common Opposite direction 2 ventral 2 dorsal 14 rays dorsal bipartite Absent Anterior to middle of body Less Less 25 mi/day 4-20 years Less common Points T. Solium T, Saginata 1. Eggs Infective to both human, pig Only to cattle 2. Adult worm 2-3 m long 5-10 m long 3. Head + Shape Globular Quadrate = Suckers ‘Non pigmented Pigmented * Hooklets Present Absent 4, Proglottids + Number <1000 >1000 *Size Length < breadth Length > breadth + Expulsion 5-6 proglottids Singly * Uterine branches Dendritic Dichotomous * Testicular follicles 150-200 300-400 * Genital pore Middle of folicte Posterior end of foll + Accessory lobe + z + Vaginal sphincter - x Points Cysticercus cellulosae Cysticercous bovis 1. Development site Muscle of pig Muscle of cow 2. Shape Ovoid Elliptical 3. Occurrence in man Common Uncommon 4, Fluid Present Absent 5. Disease Neurocysticercosis, Jacksonian —_No such disease intestinal epilepsy, Raised ICT obstruction can happen 8. Scolex Scolex, hooks, suckers remain Unarmed scolex, no hooks, imate ne biadder_remain invaginted atone se 4 | Second MBBS Buster Microbiology 1. Definition 2. Sites of infection 3. Causative agent lophytos! aD Also called Tinea or ring worm is one of the type of superficial my- coses caused by different genera of Tinea. Keratinized tissue of skin, hair and nails Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton "_ Dermatomycosis The infection of skin caused by non dermatophytic fungi and the cutaneous manifestations of systemic mycoses are known a dermatomycosis Axilla, groin, perineum, infra- mammary folds as a skin manifestation of underlying systemic infection Candida, Histoplasma Coccidioides Difficult, needs a battery of test. 4. Diagnosis Relatively easier, looking for the colony and shape of conidia microscopy, culture, skin tests, etc. 5. Treatment Topical antifungal + Oral Griseofulvin Topical antifungal + Nystatin / 5 FC / AMB Points LT of E. coli ST of E. coli 1. Antigenicity High Low 2. Onset of action Slow Rapid 3. Resembiance to Cholera + - toxin (CT) 4. Mechanism Increases cAMP Increases cGMP é Tissue culture tests and serological tests like ELISA passive Infant mouse test and ST ELISA using monoclonal antibodies

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