Predictive Reliability Assessment of Suction Caissons For Moored

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Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507

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Predictive reliability assessment of suction caissons for moored

floating systems
Claudia Rendón-Conde, Ernesto Heredia-Zavoni n
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 152, México D.F. 07730, Mexico

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A procedure for assessing the predictive reliability of suction caissons under inclined loads from mooring
Received 27 February 2013 lines of floating systems is developed. It considers the randomness of the maximum dynamic tension in
Accepted 22 June 2014 the mooring lines during extreme sea states. Parameters of the probability distribution of the maximum
Available online 31 July 2014
dynamic line tension are expressed as function of the uncertain extreme sea-state variables employing
Keywords: response surfaces. Line tensions from catenary and taut-leg mooring models are considered for the
Predictive reliability response surfaces. Reliability analyses are performed at the mudline, so that loading and caisson capacity
Parameter uncertainty can be considered statistically independent. Load capacity is modeled using the plastic limit method
Nested reliability considering suction caissons in normally consolidated clays and response surfaces for capacity are
Response surfaces
generated in terms of geotechnical variables. A nested reliability formulation is presented employing an
Suction caissons
auxiliary limit state function which is solved numerically applying FORM. The influence of geotechnical
Mooring systems
variables on the predictive failure probability is studied. Also, the effect of accounting for parameter
uncertainty in the loading on the reliability assessment of suction caissons is evaluated.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pioneering study, Clukey et al. (2000) used a simple linear limit
state equation in terms of a single load and caisson capacity. The
Suction caissons are widely used as anchors for floating load was expressed in terms of significant wave height using an
systems in the offshore oil and gas industry, from shallow to deep empirical function calibrated to response data from a Spar plat-
waters. Their main function is to anchor the mooring lines of a form. To simplify the reliability analyses, a linear empirical func-
floating system to the seabed under severe and normal environ- tion was used to model the horizontal capacity of suction caissons
mental conditions. Some of the advantages that favor the use of as a function of the soil's undrained shear strength; for the vertical
suction caissons are their short installation times and better capacity, simple analytical formulations were employed. Later on,
control on their positioning. Suction caissons are a critical compo- under the assumption that both caisson capacity and loading are
nent of moored floating systems and appropriate formulations are lognormal random variables, Choi et al. (2006) developed an
needed to assess their reliability; particularly in deep waters analytical formulation that expresses the failure probability as a
where taut-leg moorings have become a preferred solution due function of a median design safety factor and the bias and
to their greater stiffness and significantly smaller footprint. In coefficients of variation of load and capacity. A relevant contribu-
taut-leg moorings, the vertical capacity of the soil-caisson system tion of Choi's work is that he formulates the limit state equation
may determine the failure mechanism and hence its overall at the mudline rather than at the caisson's padeye; in this way
capacity, whereas for catenary systems this is predominantly given chain-interaction effects are accounted for in the assessment of
by the horizontal capacity. Improved approaches are needed for the soil–caisson capacity, which can then be considered statisti-
estimating the reliability of such critical components of moored cally independent of the mooring line loads. The formulation was
floating systems, as well as for calibration of partial safety factors applied using biases and coefficients of variation of mooring-line
and development of design criteria. tensions estimated from response analysis of a Spar platform at
Few studies are available on the reliability assessment of suction different water depths; biases and coefficients variation of caisson
caissons employed for floating systems in oil production facilities. In a capacity were characterized based on experimental data and use
of the plastic limit method (Aubeny et al., 2003a, 2003b, 2003c).
Following the design formulation in DNV-RP-E303 (2005),
Correspondence to: Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro
Valle-Molina et al. (2008) explicitly considered the mean and the
Cárdenas Norte 152, México D.F., C.P. 07730, Mexico. Fax: þ52 55 9175 8258. dynamic components of the mooring line tensions in the limit
E-mail address: (E. Heredia-Zavoni). state equation. These tension components were expressed in
0029-8018/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
500 C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507

terms of uncertain metocean variables using response surfaces dynamic tension is a random variable with uncertain distribution
developed for the catenary mooring of an FPSO model. Weibull parameters. The reliability analysis of the suction caisson thus
distributions were fitted for the mean and the maximum dynamic involves parameter uncertainties which can be taken into account
line tensions using the response surfaces and simulated values of using a nested reliability formulation. The predictive probability of
the metocean variables. The caisson capacity at the padeye was failure, which is a measure of reliability that takes into considera-
simulated using the plastic limit method considering an uncertain tion parameter uncertainties, and the corresponding predictive
gradient for the linear variation of the undrained shear strength reliability index, are therefore computed. Capacity is modeled
with depth. Reliability estimates were obtained from Monte Carlo employing the plastic limit method and considering the following
simulation neglecting the soil-chain interaction effect. More uncertain variables: the shear strength gradient, the line tension
recently, Silva-González et al. (2012) also used response surfaces angle at the padeye, the side shear factor and the reverse-end
and modeled the mean tension and the expected maximum bearing factor. Chain-interaction effects are taken into account to
dynamic tension for catenary and taut-leg mooring lines. They assess the caisson capacity at the mudline. The mean component
formulated the limit state equation at the mudline. First, the of mooring tension is given in terms of significant wave height,
caisson capacity at the padeye was simulated applying the plastic spectral peak period and wind velocity by means of response
limit method and simulations of a number of uncertain variables surfaces. Models of mean and maximum dynamic line tensions for
such as the undrained shear strength gradient, the line tension both catenary and taut-leg mooring systems are considered. The
angle at the padeye, and some geotechnical parameters employed effect of main geotechnical variables on the caisson reliability is
in the plastic limit method. Capacity values at the mudline were studied. Also, results of the predictive failure probability are
then computed accounting for the soil-chain interaction effect and compared to estimates of failure probabilities obtained using
lognormal distributions were fitted. Reliability was assessed using simplified models of the limit state function.
FORM and sets of partial safety factors were calibrated for catenary
and taut-leg moorings.
As noticed, the reliability assessment of suction caissons
involves dealing with the probabilistic modeling of tension load 2. Limit state function
components in the mooring lines, which depend on the metocean
variables, the probabilistic modeling of geotechnical variables and Consider a suction caisson in normally consolidated clay sub-
assessment of caisson capacity, and the modeling of chain- jected to inclined loads from mooring lines due to extreme sea
interaction effects, which modify line tensions from the dip- states, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Loads are applied at the
down point at mudline to the caisson's padeye. Furthermore, since padeye of the caisson, typically located at 2/3 of its length in order
the failure mechanism and capacity of the caisson–soil system to maximize its capacity and also to prevent a rotational failure
depends on the loading angle, the reliability assessments ought to mode. Modeling the loads and the capacity at the padeye requires
consider the type of mooring system. Also, the relative influence of accounting for the so called soil–chain interaction effect between
the mean and dynamic components of line tension, which varies the dip-down point at the mudline and the caisson's padeye.
depending on the type of mooring system, should be accounted As discussed in Choi et al. (2006), although design procedures
for. Current practice standards such as DNV-RP-E303 (2005), consider assessing both the pile capacity and the applied loads at
where partial safety factors have been calibrated to target reli- the padeye, it is rather advantageous to formulate the limit state
abilities, do not distinguish between the types of mooring system. function at the mudline. On one hand, the probabilistic character-
In DNV-RP-E303 (2005), safety factors for caisson capacity are to ization of the tension loads in a mooring line is given at the
be applied for line tensions using the same safety factors used in dip-down point at mudline. On the other hand, the soil–chain
mooring design (DNV, 2001). interaction effect can be considered in the assessment of the
The approaches used in previous studies have introduced suction capacity at the mudline. In this way it is more reasonable
different simplifying assumptions to deal with the probabilistic to assume that the mooring line tensions and the caisson capacity
modeling of capacity and loading. In this study, we use random at mudline are statistically independent variables. Assuming
vibration theory to model the probability distribution of the statistical independence at the padeye seems less reasonable,
maximum dynamic line tension during extreme sea states of given and taking it into account would increase the complexity of the
duration. This probability distribution depends on three para- reliability analysis (Choi, 2007).
meters: the standard deviation and mean number of cycles of Let Θ denote the vector of uncertain metocean variables
the dynamic tension in the mooring lines, and the shape para- describing the environmental conditions in extreme sea states
meter of the dynamic tension power spectrum. We employ (e.g. significant wave height, spectral peak period, wind speed, etc.)
response surfaces to model the dependency of these distribution and Γ the vector of uncertain geotechnical variables associated with
parameters on uncertain metocean variables such as the signifi- the caisson capacity (e.g. undrained shear strength gradient of soil,
cant wave height, wave peak period and wind velocity, which side shear factor, etc). For Θ ¼ θ; Γ ¼ γ, the ultimate limit state
define the extreme sea-states. Consequently, the maximum function at the dip-down point where the mooring line penetrates

system Chain Line
tension at
Suction mudline
Mooring caisson
Mudline Soil Padeye
Suction Applied
caisson Soil load

Fig. 1. (a) The Mooring system and (b) the soil–caisson system subjected to inclined loading at padeye.
C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507 501

the soil is One can first determine the conditional reliability in Eq. (8) and
then solve the reliability problem in Eq. (7), giving rise to a nested
gðγ; θÞ ¼ rðγÞ  t m ðθÞ  T d ðθÞ ð1Þ
reliability analysis. This approach is particularly appealing if the
where rðγÞ is the caisson capacity, t m ðθÞ is the mean line tension, conditional problem in Eq. (8) has a closed-form solution. The
and T d ðθÞ is the maximum dynamic line tension during an extreme reliability problem using the auxiliary limit state function in
sea-state of duration s, which is induced by low-frequency and Eq. (9) can be solved applying established reliability methods such
wave-frequency motions. The caisson capacity RðΓÞ and the mean as FORM.
line tension T m ðΘÞ are uncertain variables with known probability
distributions provided the distributions of Γ and Θ are known.
Following random vibration theory, the probability distribution of
the maximum dynamic tension, T d ðθÞ, in a random sea-state of
4. Probabilistic modeling of suction caisson capacity
duration s defined by environmental variables Θ, is (Vanmarcke,
" !# " pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1:2 # Suction pile models for this study were selected from those
x2 1 exp ð π =2qΘ ðx=σ Θ ÞÞ designed in Silva-González et al. (2012) for loads from a catenary
F T d ðxjΘÞ ¼ 1  exp  2 exp  νΘ Δt ; x40
2σ Θ exp ðx2 =2σ 2Θ Þ 1 mooring system following DNV-RP-E303 (2005) guidelines for
ð2Þ consequence class 2 representing unacceptable failure conse-
quences. In that work the pile models have the padeye located
where the standard deviation and the mean crossing rate of the
at 2/3 the pile length and were designed considering a character-
dynamic tension, σ Θ ¼ σ ðΘÞ, νΘ ¼ νðΘÞ, as well as the shape para-
istic linear profile of undrained shear strength gradient
meter of the dynamic tension power spectrum, qΘ ¼ qðΘÞ, are all
Su1 ¼1.60 kPa/m, and the characteristic line tensions at mudline
functions of the uncertain metocean variables Θ. The shape parameter
from a catenary mooring systems of an FPSO model developed a
qΘ is defined in terms of the first three moments of the dynamic
site in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico, at 630 m water depth.
tension power spectrum, λi i¼ 1,2,3, which also depend on Θ,
Table 1 lists design loading parameters of the catenary mooring
λ21 such as the characteristic values of mean tension, Tm-C, and mean
qΘ ¼ 1 ð3Þ maximum dynamic tension, μTd-C, for 100 year return period sea
λ0 λ2
states, the design line tensions, TC, and the corresponding line
Underlying Eq. (2) is the assumption that the dynamic tension angles at mudline, θo. For this study we have selected two suction
in a mooring line is a Gaussian random process, which has been pile models: (1) L/D ¼4 and diameter 4 m; and (2) L/D ¼6 and
used in reliability analyses of mooring lines based on statistics of diameter 3 m.
time-domain response analysis of mooring systems (Choi et al., Response surfaces were fitted for pile capacity at mudline as a
2006) and on the basis that generally sea waves are considered to function of four variables to be considered uncertain in the
be Gaussian processes and that the dynamic tension in mooring reliability analysis: the undrained shear strength gradient (Su1),
lines is primarily governed by the first-order response (Sakar and the side shear factor (α), the reverse-end bearing factor (Nab), and
Eatock Taylor, 2000). the line tension angle at the mudline (θa). Capacity was evaluated
first at the padeye using a plastic limit model. The plastic limit
analytical model is an upper bound plasticity solution according to
3. Nested reliability formulation plasticity theory (Chen and Liu, 1990). It was originally developed
for pure lateral loading of caissons (Murff and Hamilton, 1993) and
From the limit state function in Eq. (1), the conditional prob- was extended for the case of inclined loading of suction caissons
ability of suction caisson failure “F” given Γ ¼ γ and Θ ¼ θ is by Aubeny et al. (2003a, 2003b, 2003c). The method applies for the
PrðFjθ; γÞ ¼ 1  Pr½T d ðθÞ o rðγÞ  t m ðθÞ ð4Þ conditions of normally consolidated clay deposits with undrained
shear strength (Su) varying linearly with depth. A summary of the
hence, method and the fundamental equations are given in Appendix A.
PrðFjθ; γÞ ¼ 1  F T d f½rðγÞ  t m ðθÞjθg ð5Þ After the capacity was evaluated at the padeye, the formulation
developed by Neubecker and Randolph (1995a, 1995b) was then
~ can then be expressed as
The probability of caisson failure, p,
Z Z used to assess the soil–chain interaction effect and compute the
corresponding capacity at mudline; Table 2 shows the parameters
p~ ¼ PrðFjθ; γÞf Θ ðθÞf Γ ðγÞdθ dγ ð6Þ
γ θ involved in the assessment of soil–chain interaction. Response
surfaces were developed for the two suction caisson models.
where f Γ ðγÞ and f Θ ðθÞ are the joint probability densities of Γ and
Capacity values were computed for combinations of the following
Θ, respectively. p~ in Eq. (6) is the so-called predictive failure
values: (1) undrained shear strength gradient (Su1) from 1.0 to
probability which is defined as the expectation of the conditional
2.0 kPa/m varying in increments of 0.2 kPa/m; (2) side shear factor
probability of failure (Der Kiureghian, 2008). The predictive failure
(α) from 0.6 to 1.0 varying in increments of 0.05; (3) reverse-end
probability can be computed using an auxiliary limit-state func-
bearing factor (Nab) from 8 to 20 varying in increments of 1; and
tion (Wen and Chen, 1987).
(4) line tension angle at the padeye (θa) from 0 to 901 varying in
~ θ; uÞ ¼ u þ βðθ; γÞ
gð ð7Þ increments of 101. Thus a total of 7020 values of capacity resulting
from these combinations were used for fitting the caisson capacity
where u is a realization of an independent standard normal
response surfaces.
variable U and βðθ; γÞ is the conditional reliability index of the
original problem,
Table 1
βðθ; γÞ ¼ Φ  1 ½1  PrðFjΘ ¼ θ; Γ ¼ γÞ ð8Þ Mooring system characteristic and design tensions.

From Eqs. (7) and (8), the auxiliary limit state function for Mooring systems Tm-C (kN) μTd-C (kN) TC (kN) θ0 (deg)
suction caisson reliability analysis is then
Catenary 2871 2277 8801 1
~ θ; γ; uÞ ¼ u þ Φ  1 ½F T d ððrðγÞ t m ðθÞÞjΘ ¼ θÞ
gð ð9Þ Taut-leg 6200 2129 13152 36
502 C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507

Second order polynomial expansions including crossed-terms be obtained by regression analysis (Raiffa and Schlaifer, 1961)
were used for the response surfaces,
α ¼ m  1 ΦT y^ ð11Þ
rðγÞ ¼ c þ a γ þ γ bγ
where m ¼ Φ Φ.

where c, a (r  1), b (r  r) are the unknown coefficients to be A lognormal distribution, which is defined for variables that
determined. Let y^ denote the vector of capacity values evaluated take positive values only, was assumed for the undrained shear
for n combinations of values of the basic variables Su1, α, Nab, θa, strength gradient Su1, with varying mean values and a coefficient
and Φ a matrix containing all linear, quadratic and crossed-term of variation δSu1 ¼ 0.20 is taken based on possible values indicated
combinations of the values considered for the basic variables. by Clukey et al. (2000) depending on methods and sampling
Vector α of estimates of the polynomial coefficients in Eq. (10) can techniques used; this random variable is to account for uncertainty
due to systematic test variations as well as spatial variability in the
soil properties. Nab and α are modeled using a bivariate lognormal
distribution, with varying mean values and the following para-
meters: coefficients of variation δα ¼0.2, δNab ¼ 0.25, and correla-
Table 2
Parameters for soil–chain interaction formulation.
tion coefficient ρ ¼  0.8; this joint distribution accounts for
Bar diameter, db: mm 133.35 uncertainty in the actual capacity compared to the design capacity,
Effective width of bar diameter, b 2.5 db and is based on comparisons of measured and predicted capacities
Friction coefficient, μ 0.4
(Luke et al., 2003; El-Sherbiny, 2005; Najjar, 2005). The values for
Bearing capacity of chain, Nc 5.1
Maximum value of undrained bearing capacity factor, Nc max 9.0
α and Nab are negatively correlated considering that capacity
increases with any of them. The load angle at the padeye was

3100 6500
t m (θ) [kN]

t m (θ) [kN]

3000 6350
2950 6300
2850 13 14
14 14 13
13 15
14 13 Tp [s 16 12
15 11 ]
16 12 ]
Hs [m
Tp [s] 11 ]
17 Hs [m

1800 1400
σΘ = σ(Θ) [kN]

σΘ = σ(Θ) [kN]

1200 1000
600 600
13 14 13 14
14 13 14 13
15 12 15
Tp [s 16 Tp [s 16 12
] ] 11 ]
] 11
17 Hs [m 17 Hs [m

130 120

N = ν(Θ)s
N = ν(Θ)s


80 80
13 14 13 14
14 13 14 13
15 15
16 12 ] Tp [s 16 12
Tp [s] Hs [m ]
] 11
Hs [m

Fig. 2. Response surfaces for t m ðθÞ, σ Θ ¼ σ ðΘÞ, and N ¼ νðΘÞs: (a) the Catenary mooring system and (b) the Taut-Leg mooring system.
C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507 503

modeled as θa ¼ μθa þ Δθa , where Δθa is a zero-mean normal mudline are listed in Table 1. We use the response surfaces
random variable with standard deviation equal to 21, and the developed by Flores (2012) to express t m ðθÞ, σ Θ ¼ σ ðΘÞ, and
mean value μθa was estimated based on the design loads. νΘ ¼ νðΘÞ in terms of significant wave height (Hs), spectral peak
period (Tp), and wind velocity (U10) using second order poly-
nomial expansions as in Eq. (10). These response surfaces were
5. Probabilistic modeling of environmental loading computed using response analysis data of the catenary and taut-
leg mooring systems of the FPSO model developed for the two
In addition to the loading from the catenary mooring of the sites at 630 m and 1565 m water depth in the Bay of Campeche
FPSO model at 630 m, we have considered for the reliability (Silva-González et al., 2012). Each mooring system consists of four
assessment the loading from a taut-leg mooring system developed clusters of three lines each, symmetrically distributed around the
for the environmental conditions of a second site at 1565 m water hull turret. Response data for the most loaded line section at
depth in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico. Characteristic and mudline was used for estimation of the response surfaces. Fig. 2
mean values of the taut-leg mooring loading and line angle at shows the response surfaces of t m ðθÞ, σ Θ ¼ σ ðΘÞ, and N ¼ νðΘÞs in


Fig. 3. Predictive failure probability; the caisson model L/D ¼ 4 and the catenary Fig. 4. Predictive reliability index; the caisson model L/D ¼4 and the catenary
mooring system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼ 15. mooring system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼15.

Table 3
Parameters of the joint distribution of environmental variables.

Variables Probability distribution Distribution parameters Site 1 (630 m) Site 2 (1565 m)

Hs 3-parameter Weibull Scale 2.4587 2.0806

Shape 1.4696 1.2052
Location 4 4

Tp Lognormal μln Tp 2.4337 2.4090

σln Tp 0.1189 0.1178

U10 Lognormal μln U10 2.8028 2.7860

σln U10 0.1629 0.1597
2 3 2 3
Correlation matrix ΘT ¼{Hs,Tp,U10} 1:00 sym 1:00 sym
6 7 6 7
C ΘΘ ¼ 4 0:6714 1:00 5 C ΘΘ ¼ 4 0:7485 1:00 5
0:7732 0:1446 1:00 0:7910 0:3990 1:00
504 C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507

terms of significant wave height and peak spectral period. Mar- parameter: in the most severe case increasing significantly μNab
ginal and joint probability distributions of the environmental from 8 to 15 decreases the failure probability by at most 15%.
variables, estimated from hurricane and winter storm hindcast Figs. 5 and 6 show results for caisson model L/D ¼6 and catenary
data for the two sites in the Bay of Campeche, were used (Montes- mooring system. The relative effect of μSu1 , μα , and μNab on the
Iturrizaga et al., 2012). Table 3 lists the parameters of the prob- failure probability is similar to that for caisson model L/D ¼4. It is
ability distribution models. seen that p~ for model L/D ¼4, D ¼4 m is about 75% that for model
L/D ¼6, D¼ 3 m. Figs. 4 and 6 show that, under catenary mooring
loading, the reliability index β~ varies from 3.1 to 3.9 for mean
6. Reliability analysis values of shear strength gradient varying between 1.6 and 2 kPa/
m, side factor varying between 0.6 and 1.0, and reverse-end factor
The predictive failure probability p~ was computed using the varying between 8 and 15.
auxiliary limit state function in Eq. (9) and FORM. Annual failure The variation of p~ and β~ versus μSu1 as function of μα are shown
probabilities p~ a were calculated assuming a Poisson model for the in Figs. 7 and 8 for suction caisson L/D¼4 and the taut-leg mooring
occurrence of extreme storm events, system. It can be seen that failure probabilities may be very high –
in the order of 10  1 and 10  2 – and consequently reliability
p~ a ¼ 1 exp ð  λpÞ
~ ð12Þ
indexes are significantly low. The case of caisson model L/D¼ 6 is
where λ is the mean annual rate of extreme sea states. Maximum even more critical and also very high failure probabilities were
likelihood estimates of the mean annual rate λ are 54/41 ¼1.32 per obtained under taut-leg mooring loading. On one hand this is due
year for the Bay of Campeche site at 630 m, and 58/41 ¼1.41 per to greater overall tension loads in the mooring lines for the taut-
year for the site at 1565 m. leg system. On the other hand these results show the influence of
Figs. 3 and 4 show the variation of failure probability p~ and the inclination angle of mooring loads. Under the greater inclina-
reliability index β~ ¼  Φ ðpÞ
~ versus the mean shear strength tion angles of the taut-leg system, the caisson failure mechanism is
gradient, μSu1 , as function of the mean side factor μα , for the caisson determined by the vertical component of capacity, thus reducing
model L/D¼4 and the catenary mooring system. It is seen that the the ultimate capacity of the suction caisson in comparison to case
mean shear strength gradient has a significant effect on p. ~ Failure of mainly horizontal loading in catenary moorings. In order to
probability for μSu1 ¼ 2 kPa=m is 15–20% that when μSu1 ¼ 1:6 achieve failure probabilities in the order of 10  5–10  4 for the
kPa=m. The failure probability is less sensitive to the mean side taut-leg mooring system, greater caisson dimensions are required.
factor: for given μSu1 , p~ decreases about 55% if μα varies from 0.6 to Notice that regarding the influence of end bearing capacity other
1.0. The mean reverse-end bearing factor μNab is not a dominant possible anchoring solutions may be used to take primarily vertical
p annual
p annual


Fig. 5. Predictive failure probability; the caisson model L/D ¼ 6 and the catenary Fig. 6. Predictive reliability index; caisson model L/D ¼ 6 and the catenary mooring
mooring system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼15. system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼15.
C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507 505

loading; such one example option is the use of suction installed

plate anchors (Cassidy et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2012).
Since the axial capacity of suction caisson is more relevant for
the taut leg system, the results in Figs. 7 and 8 show that the mean
reverse-end bearing factor μNab has now a greater effect on the
failure probability as compared to the case of catenary mooring.
For instance, an increase in μNab from 8 to 15 reduces the failure

probability by about 80% for all considered values of μSu1 and
μα ¼ 0:8. The mean side factor is also more relevant in this case
and a greater decrease in failure probability is obtained with
increasing values of μα . The failure probability decreases by about
70% when μα increases from 0.6 to 1.0, and by about 85% when the
mean shear strength gradient μSu1 increases from 1.6 to 2.0 kPa/m.
The results from the nested reliability analyses in Eq. (9) were
compared to probabilities of failure obtained using a simplified
formulation of the limit state function, as follows:

g 1 ðr; θÞ ¼ r  t m ðθÞ  μT d ðθÞ ð13Þ

where the caisson capacity r is not expressed as a function of the

geotechnical variables, and the maximum dynamic tension T d ðθÞ
has been substituted by its mean value μT d ðθÞ. Solving the
reliability problem using the limit state function in (13) is an
easier task than that in Eq. (1) since it does not involve a nested
reliability analysis and can be carried out straightforwardly using
standard reliability methods. Although simpler to solve, the limit

state function in Eq. (13) only considers the expected maximum
dynamic tension and cannot account for its dispersion or uncer-
tainty. Following the approach in Silva-González et al. (2012),
samples of suction caisson capacity were generated employing the

Fig. 8. Predictive reliability index; the caisson model L/D ¼4 and the taut-leg
mooring system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼15.
p annual

plastic limit method with simulations of the undrained shear

strength gradient (Su1), the side shear factor (α), the reverse-end
bearing factor (Nab), and the line tension angle at the padeye (θa).
The probability distributions described before for these random
variables were used for the simulations. Using maximum like-
lihood estimators, lognormal distributions were fitted to simulated
samples of caisson capacity at mudline for various values of mean
undrained shear strength, mean side factor and mean reverse-end
bearing factor. For each case, it was noted that 5000 simulations
were enough to characterize reasonably well the probability
distribution of capacity. For the mean maximum dynamic tension
we used response surfaces developed for the two types of mooring
systems of the FPSO model (Flores, 2012; Montes-Iturrizaga et al.,
2012). Failure probabilities P f were then obtained using FORM.
Figs. 9 and 10 show a comparison of the failure probability P f
and the predictive failure probability p~ as function of μα , for
p annual

μSu1 ¼ 1:7 kPa=m and catenary and taut-leg moorings, respectively.

The results show that for typical values of μNab ¼ 9 and μα varying
from 0.6 to 1.0, there can be significant differences between P f and
~ for instance, for the catenary mooring case, p~ of both suction
caisson models is about 6 times as large as P f . For model L/D ¼4
and taut-leg mooring system, the predictive failure probability p~
can be one order of magnitude greater than failure probability P f .
These results show the influence of accounting for parameter
uncertainties in the probability distribution of the maximum
Fig. 7. Predictive failure probability; the caisson model L/D ¼4 and the taut-leg dynamic tension when computing p~ using the nested reliability
mooring system. (a) μNab ¼ 8 and (b) μNab ¼ 15. formulation showed here; such influence can be assessed as a
506 C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507

1E-01 1E+01

1E-02 1E+00



0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1E-05
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1







0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1E-03
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

Fig. 9. Comparison of failure probabilities using alternative limit state equation;

the catenary mooring system. (a) L/D ¼ 4 and (b) L/D¼ 6 Fig. 10. Comparison of failure probabilities using alternative limit state equation;
Taut-leg mooring system. (a) L/D ¼ 4 and (b) L/D ¼6.

result of having modeled the maximum dynamic line tension in Gulf of Mexico, and probability distributions of significant wave
the limit state equation. height, spectral peak period, and wind velocity fitted to hurricane
and winter storm hindcast data for those sites. The effect of
geotechnical variables on the predictive failure probability was
7. Conclusions studied. The mean undrained shear strength gradient was found
to be the dominant variable in the predictive reliability of the
The predictive failure probability and predictive reliability suction caissons analyzed. The predictive reliability of the caisson
index, as measures of reliability that take into consideration is more sensitive to the mean side shear factor for a catenary
parameter uncertainties, have been computed for suction caissons mooring system and to the mean end-bearing factor for taut leg
in moored floating systems. The maximum dynamic tension in the systems. Considerably higher predictive failure probabilities were
mooring lines has been modeled using random vibration theory. obtained for the caissons under taut-leg mooring loading, as
Its probability distribution parameters have been expressed as compared to the case of catenary moorings. This is due to the
functions of the uncertain metocean variables describing extreme greater overall tension loads in the mooring lines for the taut-leg
sea states employing response surfaces. A nested reliability for- system, and to the loading angle and the lower overall loading
mulation was used to deal with the uncertain parameters of the resistance of the caisson associated with the vertical component
probability distribution of maximum dynamic tension in the limit of capacity. Bear in mind however that from the point of view of
state equation and assessed the predictive failure probability. system reliability in an accidental limit state, a taut-leg system
Reliability analyses were performed considering both mooring may have larger system redundancy. Choi (2007) has shown that
line tensions and capacity of the caisson at the mudline, where under hurricane environmental conditions, the conditional fail-
they are considered statistically independent. Samples of caisson ure probability of a second line given failure of a first line, is
capacity were generated at mudline using the plastic limit method significantly smaller in taut-leg systems compared to semi-taut
and second order polynomial expansions were fitted to develop systems. This is due to a greater effect of pretension loads and
response surfaces of caisson capacity at mudline as a function of less variance of the dynamic loading in the case of taut-leg
the following uncertain variables: the shear strength gradient, the systems. Failure of station keeping due to successive mooring line
line tension angle at the padeye, the side shear factor and the failures following failure of the most heavily loaded mooring line
reverse-end bearing factor. were observed in MODUs (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) in the
Reliability analyses were conducted using response surfaces Gulf of Mexico after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons; no
derived for catenary and taut-leg mooring loading parameters of suction caisson failures were however reported (Sharples, 2004;
an FPSO model designed for two deep water sites in the southern Choi, 2007).
C. Rendón-Conde, E. Heredia-Zavoni / Ocean Engineering 88 (2014) 499–507 507

The reliability formulation used in this work takes into account caisson tip. For a given load inclination, failure occurs when the
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likelihood of a caisson failure mechanism developing under the Eq. (A.1) with respect to parameters ξ and L0. The vertical
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