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Experiment 1 = Title of Lab

The introduction includes the purpose of the lab, some background
information of lab technique, possible sources of errors, and
precautionary measures.
Make sure the introduction is written in complete sentences and that
it is no longer than 1 ½ pages.

Materials: List the materials you used in the lab.

Pre lab questions: write in as many as are on the lab write up!
1. Write question.
Then answer here in complete sentences.
2. Write the question.
Then answer here in complete sentences.
1. Write the procedure as done in the lab.
2. Simple directions are good.

Data table ex.

Number of samples
Color Mass Length etc.
Blue 5.0g 12 cm
Red 10.0g 20cm
Orange 15.0g 15cm
Calculations: When used in the lab for any part will be written in this
part .

All math must be presented here. (+,-,x,÷)

Ex. Rf Value = distance ion moved
Distance solvent moved

Rf value x : 12.0cm = 0.48

The conclusion must restate the purpose, state the results,
validate/verify results ( in other words prove/show) of the lab with
supportive data, sources of errors ( what happened ), % yield, etc.
Post Lab questions: However many there are in the lab write up.
1. Question here.
Write answer in complete sentences.
2. Question here.
Write answer in complete sentences.

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