Assignment of Strategy Management

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Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

Assignment of
Assignment of Strategy Management (MGT 504)

Submitted to:
Dr. Engr. N. Shams Choudhury, PMP
Adjunct Faculty ( Associate Professor)

Submitted by:
Name: Md.Alif Chowdhury
ID: 15163201053
Intake: 37th
Date: 8-4-2017
Table of content

Particular Page no.

Introduction 01-03

Square pharmaceuticals follows cost 03

leadership strategies
Square pharmaceutical follows Business- 04-05
Level Strategies:

Square pharmaceutical follows 05

multinational strategies:

Square pharmaceutical follows 05

Information technology Strategies:

Corporate History of Square Pharma: 06-08



Marketing Objectives: 12-13

Factors that affecting pricing strategy: 14-16

SWOT Analysis of Square 16-17

Implementetion: 17

Recommendation: 18

Conclusion: 18

Reference: 19
Executive Summary

I have prepared this report as a partial requirement of MBA program. In this report I have shown
level of strategy of Square Company . To prepare this report I have used both primary and
secondary data. As this report it is descriptive in nature. I have discussed the company
background of the Square Company, history, Square Pharmaceutical company leading market
by follow cost leadership strategy of the organization. I have also discussed about the objectives
of Square Company and discussed about the strategy of Square company,and the strategy level ,
And also discussed about how to t implementation of the strategy, which problem arises of the
strategy level. And I have also included the recommendations.Square Company follows the
strategy level to achieving their desired objectives. Though strategy level both have advantage
and sometimes arises some problems. Organization must follow this level of stratrgy by
minimizing the risk of this strategy.

 Human Resource Management, “Gray Dessler” tenth edition, prentice Hall, International
edition- 2015
 Annual Report of United Commercial Bank Limited.

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