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// * Any line that starts with a // (double front slash) is
// ignored (commented) by Splash.exe and InstallShield.
// * The commented lines (these lines, for example) are only here
// to assist the person who edits this file.
// * Any line that begins with a ## (double pound) is an
// is a 'key name' to tell splash and InstallShield where
// to load in the following string data. Do not alter
// these lines.
// * All other lines are string data. String data may
// stretch over several lines, but ends at the first
// line which is a comment or a key name. Please
// translate the string data lines that we have put
// a *TRANSLATE next to. You may add add extra line or
// blank lines to a string data, but remember that if you
// add a comment to the middle of string data. The string
// data ends at that comment.
// For example:
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// //
// ## szWelcome0
// //
// // InstallShield welcome dialog box string
// //
// Welcome to the Mercenaries: Titanium Edition Setup program.
// This program will install Mercenaries: Titanium Edition on your machine.
// Press Next to continue, or cancel to quit.
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// in this example, the string with key name szWelcome0 would
// recieve the string data, "Welcome to... ...cancel to quit."
// This is an example of a string we would like you to translate.
// In some special cases, TRANSLATE means substitute the
// localized address. For example,
// may need to be translated to the URL of Activision's local
// website.
// * Do not change the filename of this file
// * Max string length = 512 characters (total length over one or more
// lines - this is a limitation imposed by InstallShield).
## szFontName
// This is here so that we can easily change the font used in
// our home-made dialog boxes.
## szFontSize
// This controls the font size used for the text in our dialog boxes.
## szCompanyName
// After installation, this ends up as a registry key directly
## szAppName
// After installation, this ends up as a registry key directly
// under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/szCompanyName key.
// This also ends up as the program folder icon name for the
// main executable.
Titanium Mercenaries
## szRootDir
// The default "install to" path in InstallShield will be
// \Program Files\szCompanyName\szRootDir.
## szFTPReference
// The game updater uses this to recognize this game.
## szProgramExecutable
// This is the actual name of the main executable program.
## szActivenetKey
// This is added to the registry for identification. The middle field
// is absent and is determined at runtime.
## szProductKey
// After installation, this ends up as a registry key directly
// under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/
// CurrentVersion/App Paths key.
// In most cases, this is the same as szProgramExecutable.
## szProductVersion
// After installation, this ends up as a registry key directly
// under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/szCompanyName/
// szAppName key.
## szProgramFolderName
// This is what gets put into the Windows95 Taskbar Start Menu.
// In other words, after installation there will be a folder
// called Windows\Start Menu\Programs\szProgramFolderName.
## szTechnicalHelp
// This goes into the program folder with the Help icon.
Technical Help
## szPlay
// This goes into the program folder with the Help icon.
Play Mercenaries
## szUninstall
// This goes into the program folder with the Uninstall icon.
Uninstall Mercenaries
## szUninstallName
// This is what shows up in the Add/Remove Programs list box
// located in the control panel after installation.
Mercenaries: Titanium Edition
## szUninstallKey
// After installation, this ends up as a registry key directly
// under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/
// CurrentVersion/Uninstall key.
## szAppWindowName
// To find out what this should be, run the game and press
// Ctrl-Alt-Delete. The game's window name will show in the
// list box. This variable is used to prevent Splash.exe from
// running when the game is already running.
## szAppWindowClass
// This is similar to szAppWindowName. Ask the Game's
// developers what they called the game's window class or use
// Spy++. This is also used to detect if the games is running.
## szSplashScreenName
// This is the name of the window and the window class of the
// splash screen. This string shows up in the Ctrl-Alt-Delete
// dialog box when the splash screen is running.
The Mercenaries: Titanium Splash Screen
## sz16ColorWarning
// This is self-explanatory.
Titanium does not support 16-color mode.
## szMovieWarning
// This is displayed to the user's system is in 256-color mode
// and attempts to play a high-color movie.
In order to play this movie, your system must be in 16-bit color mode or higher.
Please change your system's color mode and restart Splash.
## szFindBitmapWarning
// This is displayed to the user if there is an error (for
// whatever reason) loading a bmp from the disk.
Unable to load a necessary bitmap.
## szOutOfMemoryWarning
// This is displayed to the user whenever a call to "malloc"
// or "new" fails.
Unable to allocate enough RAM.
## szFindBrowserWarning
// This is displayed to the user if a web button is pressed and
// neither Netscape nor IExplore is found on their system.
Sorry, Splash was unable to find an appropriate web browser to perform this action.
## szInformation
// The localized translation of the word "Information."
// DirectX Dialog Box Strings.
// Displayed when the user does not have DirectX installed.
//*TRANSLATE the next 15 strings
## szDirectX
Microsoft DirectX 5 was not detected on your system.

Mercenaries: Titanium requires Microsoft DirectX 5 drivers, which enhance the sound
and graphics capabilities of your system. These drivers may not be compatible with
some video cards and certain display modes.

DirectX 5 will be installed over your existing video card drivers and any previous
versions of DirectX, after which you may be instructed to restart your computer.

If you do not want to install DirectX 5 or you believe that DirectX 5 is

incompatible with your hardware, please click the Cancel button below.

For more information on DirectX 5 and answers to questions regarding your

hardware's compatibility please click the Help button below.
## szDirectXNoCancel
Microsoft DirectX 5 was not detected on your system.

Mercenaries: Titanium Edition requires Microsoft DirectX 5 drivers, which enhance

the sound and graphics capabilities of your system. These drivers may not be
compatible with some video cards and certain display modes.

DirectX 5 will be installed over your existing video card drivers and any previous
versions of DirectX, after which you may be instructed to restart your computer.

If you do not want to install DirectX 5, press Exit.

For more information on DirectX 5 and answers to questions regarding your

hardware's compatibility please click the Help button below.
## szMicrosoft
If you experience problems with DirectX, please contact Microsoft at:

Microsoft Customer Sales and Service

One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

Call 1-800-426-9400, in the US

Call +1-206-882-8080 outside the United States

Click OK to continue installing DirectX 5. Click Cancel to cancel DirectX 5

## szDirectXInstalledNoRestart
DirectX 5 was successfully installed.
## szDirectXInstalledRestart
DirectX 5 was successfully installed. You will need to restart you computer before
playing Mercenaries: Titanium.
## szInsertCD
Please insert the Mercenaries: Titanium CD in your CDROM drive. Click OK when
// Welcome Dialog Box Strings
// Displayed on the InstallShield Welcome dialog box.
## szWelcome0
Welcome to the Mercenaries: Titanium Edition Setup program.

This program will install Mercenaries: Titanium Edition on your computer. It is

strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this Setup
program. Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close any programs you have running.
Click Next to continue with the Setup program.
## szWelcome1
WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it,
may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the
maximum extent possible under law.
// SetupType Dialog Box Strings
// Displayed on the InstallShield SetupType dialog box.
## szGameType
Please choose the type of graphics acceleration you would like to have installed:
## szGameTypeHardware
Hardware Acceleration Only. Suggested if you have a 3D accelerated video card
using either 3Dfx or Rendition based Chipsets.

Please note, some 3D accelerator card brands utilizing the chipsets named above may
not be fully compatible with the 3D acceleration features of this product. Please
consult your card manufacturer to obtain your card's latest driver.
## szGameTypeSoftware
Software Acceleration Only. Recommended for non-3D graphics video cards.
// SetupType Dialog Box Strings
// Displayed on the InstallShield SetupType dialog box.
## szSetupType
Please choose an installation size by clicking in one of the following two
## szSetupTypeRecommended
Recommended Install (170 MB). Movies will be installed with the game.
## szSetupTypeMinimum
Minimum Install (95 MB). Movies will be played from the CD.
// AskDestPath Dialog Box Strings
// Displayed on the InstallShield AskDestPath dialog box.
## szAskDestPath0
Setup will install Mercenaries in the following directory.
## szAskDestPath1
To install to this directory, click Next.

To install to a different directory, click the Change Dir button below and select a
different directory.

You can choose not to install Mercenaries by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.
## szDiskSpaceWarning0
The current destination drive contains insufficient disk space (You would need
## szDiskSpaceWarning1
MB). Please choose a different directory.
## szCopying
Copying Mercenaries: Titanium program files...
// Finish Dialog Box Strings
// Displayed on the InstallShield Finish dialog box.
## szFinish
Installation is now complete.

Click Finish to exit setup and begin Mercenaries.

3D Hardware Acceleration Users:

For the best graphics performance, once you launch the game, please go to the game
Video Options and select the appropriate API for your card (3Dfx Rendition
## szFinishReboot
Before playing Mercenaries: Titanium you must restart your computer. Click Restart
to restart your computer now or click Finish to exit Setup.
## szRebootWarning
Remember, you must restart your computer before playing Mercenaries: Titanium!
// InstallShield warnings.
// Displayed when the user's system is missing one or more of
// the game's system requirements.
## szSystemRequirements1
The following requirement(s) were not detected on your system. Click Help for more
information on Mercenaries' system requirements or click Install to continue with
the installation.
## szOSWarning
Windows95 operating system
## szCPUWarning
Pentium 90 MHz processor or better
## szRAMWarning
16 MB of RAM or more
## szColorsWarning
16-bit color capability or better
## szVRAMWarning
1 MB of Video RAM or more
## szCDROMSpeedWarning
2X CDROM drive or better
## szTooManyWarning
Many components in your system do not satisfy the minimum sytem requirements. You
may still choose to continue installation.
## szErrorDetected
Some parts of your system did not satisfy the minimum system requirements for
Mercenaries. You may still choose to continue installation.
// More InstallShield messages.
Mercenaries requires a 32-bit operating system to install.
The following error occurred during the move data process :
UnInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall
Mercearies Titanium.
## szAskToQuit
Would you like to terminate the Mercenaries: Titanium setup process?
## szExitSetup
The Mercenaries: Titanium setup process has been terminated.
## szLanguageError
This product requires the English Language Windows 95 operating system. To find out
if a version localized for your operating system is available for purchase, please
contact your local Activision office.
## szActivisionURL
// website the splash can browse to
//*CHANGE to local activision website
## szBitmapDir
// directory where all the localized button and background bitmaps
// are stored.
## szHelpDir
// directory where all the localized Help files are stored.
## szEreg
// Electronic registration dialog text
Welcome to Activision's Electronic Registration Program!

By successfully registering your game now using your World Wide Web browser or
modem, you will receive a $15 REBATE COUPON, be entered in our MONTHLY DRAWING and
get other GREAT SAVINGS on Activision games and merchandise. It is quick, easy and
If you would like to register now click the E-REG button. If you would like to
register later click the NEXT button.
## szIcon
// this is the icon used for the shortcut menu items
## szNetOption
// this is name of the network option shortcut
Play MercNet
## szNetProgramExecutable
// this is the executable to launch
## szIncompatibility
NOTE: The hardware-accelerated (16-bit) version of Mercnet is not compatible with
the software versions (8-bit) of the game. Consequently, all participants in a
multiplayer game should have the same version of the game to play in a given
mulitplayer session. Additionally, the Titanium versions of MercNet is a stand
alone Multiplayer games and is only compatible with other Titanium versions of
Hardware acceleration users: Remember to go in the Video Options and choose the
appropriate API for your card (3Dfx Rendition RRedline)

Click LAUNCH to start Mercnet.

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