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z'esfdgf e/L x/]s kndf

ltd|f] lb3f{o'sf] sfdgf ug{ ;sF" d

z'esfdgf e/L
Good morning Excelsior!
Dashain has come to our door steps! Let’s Meantime, we welcome you in the grand
welcome it. cultural show we are going to have today.
Welcome all!
Honourable Managing Director Mr. Ram Basnet,
Honourable Madam Principal Sheetal Rana,
Administrative In-Charge Mr Niraj Bikram Rana,
Vice Principal Mr. Prashant Rajak
In-charges, Supervisors, teachers, school staffs,
brothers, sisters and friends,
I Khusbu And I Rojisha
are already here with a recipe of entertainment and information.
With a relaxed mind, a peaceful soul, a joyful
sprit, filling our hearts with festive sensations,
once again we are all gathered here at the
school premises to mark the beginning of the
greatest Hindu festival Dashain.
z/bfd[t cfpm
hLjg cd[t t'No agfpm
ef]/ eof] ;GWofdf
rFfbgL cGwsf/ x6fpm
z/bfd[t cfpm
Wow! Wow! Wow! What a evocation!
Before the golden sunrise, let me decorate each
ray with wishes of success, prosperity and
Happy Dashain 2074
Kof/f Oi6ldqx?, ;bf k]6«f]n kfOof];
slxNo} nf]8;]l8ª gxf];
df]afOnsf] g]6jf]s{ nfuf];
g]tfx?df ;b\a'l¢ cfcf];
dx+uL sd xf];, k'/fxf]; ;a}sf] dgf]sfdgf
oxL 5 bz}+ / ltxf/sf] z'esfdgf
Dashain is a celebration of great victory of the
good over the wicked demons. Lord Ram Killed
Ravana. The main celebration glorifies the
victory of goddess Durga over the terrible
demon Mahisasura.
Thus, the 9 days are celebrated planting
jamara, welcoming auspicious vegetations on
fulpati and making sacrifices for Goddess Durga
on Astami and Nawami.
The tenth day is marked by putting tika and
Jamara, eating delicacies, meeting people,
playing and swinging on swings. The extensive
celebration goes on for next five more days.
g]kfn Kof/f] / kljq b]z
;}fGbo{ wf/f axg] cz]if
;ªuLtsf] d"n k'm6L lazfn
5NsL /x]em} noa¢ 5fn
o'u slj l;l¢r/0f >]i7sf oL zAbx?sf] efanfO{ dgg\
ub}{, b]zsf] dfofnfO{ 5ftLdf /fv]/ ;uf}/a xfdL
xfd|f] /fli6«o ufg ufpFb} 5f}+ .
Let’s get ready. Let’s stand up from our places
and pay homage to our land, our beloved
Thank you all. Tons of thanks to the band of Well, with big round of applause, let’s welcome
singers. Now, it’s time for a speech. our beloved friend and the most popular fellow
of our school, The Excelsior School Captain
2074, Mr. Siddhartha Mokatan on the stage to
extend a congratulatory message and best
Thank you Siddhartha for your wonderful words
of wisdom. He rightly pointed out the relevance
and importance of Dashain festival. Now
moving on, we are going to have our first
cultural show from our grade four friends.
They are saying Dashain Aaayo. Let’s welcome
them with a big round of applause.
xf] bz} cfof] ;fyLx?
;fpg] em/LnfO{ e/v/ ;'sfP/
z/bsf] Gofgf] h'gnfO{ lgDTofpFb}
aif{lbgsf] ysfO / ;':s]/fx?nfO{
Ps} If0f eP klg k/ /fv]/
hd/f / b'af]sf ;u'g;+u}
bz}+ xfd|f] 3/cfugdf cfO;s]sf] 5 .
Our friends from grade 4 have also said so with
their dance. Thank you young artists for your
wonderful performance. Now it’s time for a
song from grade 5 students.
ltxf/ hxfF n8fO{ 5 cGwsf/ / pHofnf]sf]
k8\lsG5 k6sf pHofnf] 5fpF5 lbofnf]sf]
oxL egfO{ ;+u} sIff % sf efOalxgLx?nfO{
hf]8bf/ tfnLsf ;fy :afut u/}f . /ftLsf] of] sfnf]
/ftnfO{ eGg] af]nsf] uLt lnP/ cfpFb} 5g\ sIff %
sf efOalxgLx? .
Thank you all for such a wonderful song. Now I
am going to ask you a question:
;]tL ufO{ kfgL vfg uO{
kms]{/ cfpFbf /ftf] eP/ cfO{
s] xf] <
Wonderful! Now, let’s move ahead with a song
from grade 4 friends. They are coming with a
song ;]n /f]6L kl/sf/ vfP/ . Let’s put our hands
together to welcome them.
That’s great! They have proved to be great
singers. Gosh! heaven has bestowed them such a
power to make words live in sounds.
Now, little sister of grade 5 will be here on the
stage with their feet flitting and body fluttering.
Do you mean dance here on the stage now? Oh yes! Hello everybody! Let’s welcome fifth
graders dancing on the song dnfO{ cfFv}df
ufhn nfpg dg k5{ . Please clap for them.
Great! Feel blessed to witness the bevy of
Absolutely, however, we have already got
dances and songs.
What next then?

Well, it’s a play. A group of grade four and five

students are coming back on the stage with a
play entitled Dashain aayo.
Let’s welcome them with our claps.
Artists are not born out of luck. They are born
with continuous practise and with the
appreciations and encouragements of their
friends and families. They were great on the
stage. The budding artists will be making all the
difference days to come.
Now, we are going up. We are calling to grade
For what?
Oh! You didn’t know. They are the great singers.
Why to delay then? Let’s welcome them on stage. They are singing a
song jif{ / lbgdf cfpg] bz} / ltxf/ .
Mellifluous, sonorous, heart touching, sweet-
sweet harmony
Harmony has no limit, language, caste, creed or
race. Now, we are calling again grade six.
But this time they will be dancing in Tamang
selo bd 5}g bd 5}g . x]/}f+ pgLx?df bd 5 sL
5}g .
Let’s welcome them on the stage. Clap and
encourage them. Every clap will delight them
and their feet will move more marvellously.
Please clap for them.

Do you really think they don’t have guts?

I don’t think so. They danced dazzlingly well.

Thank you all for your wonderful performance.

Now on, we Siddhanta Poudel and Shrijal
Sthapit are here on the stage to entertain you and
take the programme ahead.
Thank you Rojisha and Khusbu for leading the programme upto here.

In China some 2300 years ago there was a

philosopher Lao Tzu (nfcf]T;"). He said you
need something short to have something long.
You need something small to have something
big. Similarly, our friends from grade six and
seven are coming with a drama entitled b'Mvdf
klg ;'v n's]sf] x'G5 . Lets welcome them with a
big round of applause.
The ways of life is mysterious. It unfolds with
surprises. Sometimes, amidst sadness you may
find happiness and vice-versa. Well performed
play it was. They deserve a huge round of
Now it’s time for another performance. Dashain
and Tihar are times for joys.
Is it not? Is it not the time for joy here, now?

Definitely yes! A group of grade seven singers

are coming with the song jif{df lbgsf] 7"nf] rf8
bz}+ / ltxf/ on the stage for the delight of our
So let’s welcome the students of grade seven
with a huge round of applause.
The song was awesome. Plainly speaking,
Dahain and Tihar are the greatest festivals for
Hindus. Lots of mirth and merrymaking are part
of these festivals.
No matter where, either in Terai, hills or
mountains, people enjoy Dashian and Tihar with
much funfair. To add the flavour here we would
like to invite a group of dancers.
Who are they? What flavour are they bringing?

Well, they are no other than seventh graders.

They are coming here with a Bhojpuri dance.
Let’s call them on the stage with great welcoming claps.

xfdL k"mn au}+rfsf k"mN5f}+ /+ËL r+ËL

lxdfn kxf8 t/fOsf xfdL ;a} ;+ËL
y'Ëf y'Ëf l6kL xfdL dfnf agfpFnf
o;kfnLsf] bz}+ klg xfF;L dgfpFnf
You are right Siddhanta. We are all Nepalese
and our cultural variations add beauty to society
for the delight of the beholders.
Thank you all for brining the different flavour
here on stage
We will just go on talking or we will move on.

Rfdnsf /ftf /+u agL

hd/fsf kx]nf c+u agL
wgLsf 3/df wg agL
u/Lasf 3/df C0f agL
km]l/ klg cfPsf] 5 bz}+ xfd|f]
st} ca;/ t st} r'g}tL aGb}
st} efa / st} cefa aGb}
st} cfz' t st} v';L aGb}
st} ;'v st} lk8f aGb}
km]l/ klg cfPsf] 5 bz}+ xfd|f]
n hf d}n] klg elGbPF
You are great, Shrijal!
Dear friends, you might be thinking why we are
going stanza by stanza here.
It is because we are calling eights graders with a
song y}nf] e/L /ftf] /ftf] cIftf / kftL
Let’s welcome them with throbbing claps.

It was marvellous! It was fabulous! Hope you

all enjoyed it very well, didn’t you?
Really, they were great singers. Now we are
unfolding another dance here.
What’s it all about?

Well, it’s a classical dance. “Astamatrika”

Astamatrika are the goddesses in our holy

pantheon. Now eight goddesses are coming here
in various manifestations.
Clap for them please.

Homage to goddess! May goddess bless all of

Well, these eight goddess were Barahi,
Indrayani, Kumari, Rudrayani, Mahalaxmi,
Chamunda, Vaisnavi and Bramhayani. You
know I was a bit scared at time when they came
with all their anger and jumps.
Well, Shrijal do you like pickle?

Why not? I love it. Especially when it has

various tastes mingled.
If so, why to delay? Let’s call dance pickle, a
Mashup. Here are the students from grade 7 and
8 with a Mashup dance.
Let’s welcome then with a huge round of applause.

Thank you very much dancers for your

wonderful dances.
Now, it’s time for a break. You must have felt
hungry. We are going to have our lunch and we
will be back here right after the lunch.
Lunch time
Welcome back! You must be feeling good!
Your tummy full.
We continue our show with another cultural
We renew our entertainment with a Newari
Kathmandu, the city of temple, the land of
Newars is rich in its cultures and Newars are the
torch bearers of this culture excellence.
Let’s welcome the dances here on the stage with a huge round of applause.

A very distinct flavour it was. Everybody must

have enjoyed it. Besides, it is our duty to protect
our cultural heritages. Thank you dancers.
Cultures keep our history alive. They define us.
They give our identity.

At the moment we are marking the beginning of

our Dashain Festival. This festival
commemorates the victory of goddess Durga
over evil Mahisasura.
Well, is it Devi Durga only or there are others as
Look at this Sanskrit verse: it tells you different
names of goddess who had been there to
annihilate the miscreants.
प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी।
तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टे द्वत कूष्माण्डे द्वत. चतुथथकम्।।
पं चमं स्कन्दमातेद्वत षष्ठं कात्यायनीद्वत च।
सप्तमं कालिात्रीद्वत.महागौिीद्वत चाष्टमम्।।
नवमं द्वसद्धिदात्री च नवदु गाथ: प्रकीद्वतथता:।
Well all these manifestations are forms of female
power. Let’s revere the power of mothers and
Let’s welcome the all artists from grade eight and nine with the play b]jL / bfgjsf] n8fFO . Let’s
clap for them.
wGoafb ;a} snfsf/ ;fyLx?nfO{ . dfqL zQmLsf]
pkf;gf ;lxtsf] of] gf6sn] xfdLnfO{ k|]/0f ldnf];sL
xfd|f cfdf, lbbL alxgL / hLag ;+uLgLx? g}
xfd|f ;+si6 x/0f ug]{ AolQmx? x'g / pxfFx?sf]
plrt ;Ddfg ug{' k5{ .
You are right Siddhanta. Mahishasur has gone
and fun of Dashain has come. Now it’s time for
next cultural show. Let’s call the students of
grade 9 with a song Dashain aayo.
Let’s clap and call them on the stage.

It was great performance. But this reminds me

of my uncle in my village. He has been to the
Gulf. He won’t be coming to home this year as
well. For two years, the village has not got any
swings children are sad and he says he will
come only after he is 40
What a co-incidence. Here our friends from
grade 9 are also coming with the song:
;'g ;fOnL ;fOnL k/b]zaf6 d cfpFnf
;'g ;fOnL ;fOnL rfnL; sf6];L /dfpFnf
Let’s call the singers from grade 9 on the stage. Welcome them with your claps.

wGoafb ;a} snfsf/ ;fyLx?nfO .

;fOnf] slxn] 3/ cfpnf < ;fOnf / ;fOnLsf] e]6
slxn] xf]nf < cfzf u/f}+ of] bz}df pgLx?sf] e]6
x'g]5 .
With this we are going to unfold the last mystery
package for our audience.
Our school band song is coming here on the
stage. Our fabulous young artists from grade 9
are coming on the stage with Bedana
Let’s clap and call them !

Thank you all! We have come to the end of the

programme. May this Dashain help us to build
unity among ourselves!
May this festival bring prosperity and goodwill
among us!
Happy Dashain and have a great time!

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