Codes and Conventions Handout Ual

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Codes and Conventions

Write down what you think codes and conventions may mean.

Technical and symbolic

Technical is the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, for
example the camera work in a film.


Codes are signs within a media text that gives clues to the text’s meaning.

Texts are constructed through codes. The element of construction we analysed at last week were
mostly codes.

Three categories of CODES

1. Audio
2. visual
3. technical

Conventions are a widely recognised way of doing something.

To do with content, style and form.


Tells us about the person wearing it and therefore we
understand the role of the character.

The way in which a text it put together may carry connotations.
Think about black and white photography. Does it suggest

Expressions can help us easily understand the message of a

This means when an object DENOTES something larger than
itself. It becomes an ICON. Think of Big Ben

Gesture is a non verbal communicator. It tells us about a
character and their role and may even tell us the genre of a
Images are a great way analyse who the target audience may

use of colour
colour means a lot to us and it’s easy to convey meanings
quickly by using them.

These are always important and will often convey meaning
about the narrative/story and style of text. Typography may
also give clues about genre.
The picture in the font shows the American flag and Korea, this shows that the game will have something
to do with the two.

Iconography- you got the golden gate bridge in the background which shows it’s in San Francisco.

Use of colour- it is very dull colours, also there is red on the blindfold which shows blood/ violence. The
grey colours also indicate that the game is dark.

Expression – he has a very plain expression on his face, more like a serious look.

Clothing- of what you can see, it looks like he is wearing a scruffy jacket, which shows it has been used and
in action. He also has a Korean blind fold on with blood on it which shows he has been in action himself.

Graphics- the style of the front cover is very realistic, this shows that the game is serious, it has action
within it. Also the font looks like a flag with little tears in it.
Technical CODES - Print

Camera shot The choice of a shot will help communicate meaning. It may
convey the story and the genre of a game or the position of the

Layout and The use of colour, font style and text positioning all contribute to
design the overall style of a text.

lighting Lighting within any images may set the mood for a text.

Post production Images will be manipulated and enhanced digitally for affect.
techniques This allows the producer to really show the main features of the
game they think will entice audiences.
Technical CODES – Moving Image

Camera shots – there is a wide range of

shots used in moving image texts.
Examples are XCU CU MS LS XLS

Camera angles- the angle of a camera

may convey meaning. Low angle shots
will show the subject as powerful,
whereas high angle shots will show
them as weak.

First person – this is used to make the

gamer feel like their immersed in the
world of the game. Often players will
see themselves as the hero in this
viewpoint rather than the character
they are playing.
Third person- there are many different
types of third person camera
perspectives and all serve to suit the
needs of different games and the need
of their audience



Dialogue How a character talks to you or other

characters and lexis (language) they
use can anchor a text to a specific

Sound effects Add realism, explain genre and support


Music Suggests genre and helps manipulate

audience feelings.

Voice over Easy way to establish genre through

explanation and lexis.

Audio- the audio is like a sad violin music, it creates a sad feeling within the scene.

The camera effect makes it look like the character is drunk when he is drinking. Also it looks like it is skipping
frames to create an effect of confusion or dreaminess.

Use of colour- the colours in the scene are pretty dull, mainly darker colours like black, brown and cream. There is
also white and grey in there. Really dull and plain colours.

Clothing- he is wearing a suite and just a shirt and trousers in some scenes. The way he is dressed looks like he is a
bit scruffy, he’s a bit rough. It shows he has been through some things.

Expression- he has a sad/ depressed expression on his face, showing he is miserable and has been through stuff to
get him to that stage.

Camera angles- the camera is following him/ sneaking in. It shows something that we aren’t supposed to be
looking at.

Roughly sketch out a design for the cover of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Annotate what codes and conventions you are using/have chosen and briefly explain
your choices.
You can complete the task by hand or on the computers.
This is just a practice exercise your drawings don’t have to be top notch!!!

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