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/************ Commu

List of Items that works

SR. No.

1 The meter
Tested can
with now
Live be configured
Streaming to use
Meter. the glob
Working a
Can be verified with the screenshots of the D
"Connect" communication between the Streami
2 Tested with the Old API : {{proto}}://{{host}}
"Connect" is working as expected with the Ne
The global registry does send the meter the corr
3 URL forwith
Tested the new
Old (NanoMW) API.
API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{p
"Init" is working as expected with the New an
The meter can successfully send data to the BO v
4 new API.
Tested with Old API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{p
Events are successfully sent to the BO with th

5 The BO with
Tested can update
mm APISW: via new API.
The BO can update the SW with the mm API.

6 The
The meter
successfullysend config
send to BO
config via
to BO

7 BO cannot
Tested download
with Old API config to meter via new AP
: {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{p
The meter gets the config from BO with the n

8 RMS Initiate
Tested with Schedule
mm API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{p
RMS SMI Initiate is working as expected with

9 RMS Terminate
Tested with theSchedule
mm API : {{proto}}://{{host}}
RMS SMI Terminate is working as expected w

10 To get Device
Tested mapOld
with the from
APIBO for Streaming Meter
: {{proto}}://{{host}}
Can fetch the Device map for streaming mete

11 Diagnostic
Tested withCommunication between BO and Stre
the Old API : {{proto}}://{{host}}
Diagnostic communication is working as exp
*********** Communication between Streaming Meter and BO *************/

be configured
reaming to use
Meter. the global
Working registry.
as expected.
h the screenshots of the DMXS UI, attached in the doc.
cation between the Streaming meter and BO
d API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/connect
ng as expected with the New and Old API.
does send the meter the correct "init"
: {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/init
s expected with the New and Old API.
essfully send data to the BO via the
PI : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/events
fully sent to the BO with the Old and New API.

SW: via
PI new API.
e the SW with the mm API.

cessfullysend config
send to BO
config via with
to BO new API.
New and Old API.

d config
PI to meter via new API.
: {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/configs/meterConfig
config from BO with the new API (at the time of next bo call)

PI : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/mm/null/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/rms/schedule
working as expected with the mm API.

m API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/mm/22112211/{{metertype}}/null/rmsterminate/schedule
e is working as expected wit the mm API.

d APIBO for Streaming Meter
: {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/devicetable
ce map for streaming meter with the Old API.

nication between BO and Streaming Meter

d API : {{proto}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/collection-api/1/22112211/{{metertype}}/5993/diagnostic
nication is working as expected with the Old API.
BO *************/
List of Items that doesn't work/ In progress

12 The
The BO does
dmxs is not
notyet support
able sending
to parse the MICD
the metered via the
device newlist
table API.
with the new api.
Can refer to the DMXS UI logs screenshots.

13 Reboot from BO is not implemented correctly in the new API.

Needs some clarification from Joe.




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