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Course Pack


Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 75 Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 5

Max Marks : 100 Credits : 4

Course Objectives/Course Description:

This course aims to introduce the students to concepts, concerns, critical debates in theorising literary texts and expose them to the applicability of these theoretical

frameworks. It will enable students to critically perceive and engage with the production of meanings, significations and negotiations. This paper will act as a bridge to

Cultural Studies; Popular Culture; Indian Literatures; Postcolonial Studies; Ecological Studies and other studies that will be introduced in the final year and English


Learning Outcome
An awareness of the constructed-ness of the literary material, and a refined sense of theory; an ability to look beyond the obvious and rewrite and reconstruct texts

Unit-1 Teaching Hours:10

Introducing Theory: Literature and the Need for Criticism and Theory
I.1 What is Literature?I.2 What is Literary Criticism; Literary/Critical Theory?1.3 Literary Criticism/Theory:
Key Ideas: Plato to Leavis (An Overview of the development of theory)
Unit-1 Teaching Hours:10

Introducing Theory: Literature and the Need for Criticism and Theory
I.1 What is Literature?I.2 What is Literary Criticism; Literary/Critical Theory?1.3 Literary Criticism/Theory:
Key Ideas: Plato to Leavis (An Overview of the development of theory)
Unit-2 Teaching Hours:20

The Linguistic and Inter-disciplinary Turn

II. 1. Structuralism
1. What is Structuralism?
2. The Project of the Structuralists.
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Ferdinand de Saussure and Claude Levi-Strauss
II. 2 Poststructuralism
1. What is Poststructuralism?
2. The Project of the Poststructuralists
3. Key Ideas/Theorist: Deconstruction and Jacques Derrida
Unit-2 Teaching Hours:20

The Linguistic and Inter-disciplinary Turn

II. 1. Structuralism
1. What is Structuralism?
2. The Project of the Structuralists.
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Ferdinand de Saussure and Claude Levi-Strauss
II. 2 Poststructuralism
1. What is Poststructuralism?
2. The Project of the Poststructuralists
3. Key Ideas/Theorist: Deconstruction and Jacques Derrida
Unit-3 Teaching Hours:25

The Pattern of the Mind, Language and Literature

III. 1 Psychoanalysis:
1. What is Psychoanalysis?
2. The Project of Psychoanalysis and its working in Literature.
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan
III. 2 Feminism:
1. What is Feminism?
2. Pre-poststructuralist’ Feminist Literary Theory
3. Poststructuralist Feminist Theory
4. Key Ideas/Theorists: Virginia Woolf, Elaine Showalter, Helene Cixous and Julia Kristeva
Unit-3 Teaching Hours:25

The Pattern of the Mind, Language and Literature

III. 1 Psychoanalysis:
1. What is Psychoanalysis?
2. The Project of Psychoanalysis and its working in Literature.
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan
III. 2 Feminism:
1. What is Feminism?
2. Pre-poststructuralist’ Feminist Literary Theory
3. Poststructuralist Feminist Theory
4. Key Ideas/Theorists: Virginia Woolf, Elaine Showalter, Helene Cixous and Julia Kristeva
Unit-4 Teaching Hours:10

Ideology and the Subject: Freedom of Mind and Expression

IV. 1 Ideology and Discourse:
1. What is Ideology?
2. Key Ideas/Theorists: Karl Marx; Louis Althusser; and Antonio Gramsci
3. What is Discourse and it implications?
4. Key Ideas/Theorists:Michel Foucault; New Historicism; Mikhail Bakhtin; Raymond Williams and
Cultural Materialism
IV. 2 Race and Postcolonialism: Nations, Nationalisms and Identity
1. What is Postcolonialism?
2. The Project of Postcolonialism
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Franz Fanon; Homi K Bhabha; Partha Chatterjee
Unit-4 Teaching Hours:10

Ideology and the Subject: Freedom of Mind and Expression

IV. 1 Ideology and Discourse:
1. What is Ideology?
2. Key Ideas/Theorists: Karl Marx; Louis Althusser; and Antonio Gramsci
3. What is Discourse and it implications?
4. Key Ideas/Theorists:Michel Foucault; New Historicism; Mikhail Bakhtin; Raymond Williams and
Cultural Materialism
IV. 2 Race and Postcolonialism: Nations, Nationalisms and Identity
1. What is Postcolonialism?
2. The Project of Postcolonialism
3. Key Ideas/Theorists: Franz Fanon; Homi K Bhabha; Partha Chatterjee
Unit-5 Teaching Hours:10
Theory and Beyond
V. 1 Postmodernism: Knowledge and Glocalizationa. What is Modernism and Postmodernism?b. Key
Ideas/Theorists: Jean Baudrillard; Jean-François Lyotard; Giles Deleuze and Felix GuattariV.2
Ecocriticism: Green Studies and Sustainabilitya. What is Ecocriticism?b. Key Ideas/Theorists: Cheryl
Glotfelty and Harold FrommV. 3 Narratology: Telling and Retelling Storiesa. What is Narratology ?b. Key
Ideas/Theorists: Gerard Gennette and Vladimir Propp
Unit-5 Teaching Hours:10

Theory and Beyond

V. 1 Postmodernism: Knowledge and Glocalizationa. What is Modernism and Postmodernism?b. Key
Ideas/Theorists: Jean Baudrillard; Jean-François Lyotard; Giles Deleuze and Felix GuattariV.2
Ecocriticism: Green Studies and Sustainabilitya. What is Ecocriticism?b. Key Ideas/Theorists: Cheryl
Glotfelty and Harold FrommV. 3 Narratology: Telling and Retelling Storiesa. What is Narratology ?b. Key
Ideas/Theorists: Gerard Gennette and Vladimir Propp
Text Books And Reference Books:
1. Peter Barry: Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading:

1. Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 8 ed. New York: Wardworth, 2005.

2. Ahmand, Aijaz. In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures. Rpt. New Delhi: OUP, 2006.

3. Culler, Jonathan. The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, literature, deconstruction. London/New York: Routledge, 2001. Print.

4. Devy, G.N., ed. Indian Literary Criticism: Theory and Interpretation. Rpt. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2007. Print.
5. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. 2 ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008

6. ---. The Function of Criticism. London: Verso, 2005. Print.

7. Gurrin, Wilfred L, et al. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. 5 ed.New York: OUP, 2005. Print.

8. Habib, M.A.R., ed. A History of Literary Criticism and Theory: From Plato to the Present. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. Print.

9. John, Eileen and Dominic McIver Lopes, eds. Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. Print.

10. John, Eileen and Dominic McIver Lopes. Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

11. Kapoor, Kapil. Literary Theory: Indian Conceptual Framework. New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1998. Print.

12. Klages, Mary. Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum, 2006

13. Leitch, Vincent B., ed. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. New York:Norton, 2001. Print.
14. Rice, Philip and Patricia Waugh. Modern Literary Theory. 4 ed. London: Hodder Arnold, 2001. Print.

15. Rivkin, Julie, Michael Ryan, eds. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Rev ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. Print.

16. Rooney, Ellen ed. Feminist Literary Theory. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. Print.

17. Waugh, Patricia. Literary Theory and Criticism: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: OUP, 2006. Print

Evaluation Pattern
CIA II: Mid Semester Section A: Any 3 questions out of 5. (3x10=30) (Conceptual Questions)Section B: 1x 20=20.
Application question. Compulsory no choice.Total = 50. CIA I: A class test (open book or otherwise on concepts and
application) for 20 marksCIA III: Any creative test that is application based for 20 marks. End Semester Pattern
Section A: 5x10 =50 (Answer any 5 out of 7) Conceptual Questions aloneSection B: 2x25 = 50 (Answer any 2 out of
3) Application based Total 100

Course Plan


Subject Code : EST431 Teacher Name : ABILASHCHANDRAN.R

No of
Planned Date Unit Heading Details Method Reading/Ref
After introducing
theories and their
Introducing Theory: importance in modern
The first-week classes
02/11/2017 Literature and the literature. The major
04/11/2017 2.00 Unit-1 would be brainstorming
Need for Criticism theorists and
and Theory influential figures will
be introduced to the
What is Literature? What The week would
Introducing Theory: is Literary Criticism; feature a detailed
06/11/2017 Literature and the Literary/Critical Theory? reading and
11/11/2017 5.00 Unit-1
Need for Criticism The history of English discussion of Terry
and Theory Studies Key ideas of Eagleton?s essay
Liberal Humanists ?What is Literature??
Chapter 1 will be
discussed in the
ensuing classes. I
would provide an
Overview of the
Introducing Theory:
development of theory
13/11/2017 Literature and the Key ideas of Liberal
18/11/2017 5.00 Unit-1 from Plato to Leavis.
Need for Criticism Humanists
A discussion on how
and Theory
liberal humanism as a
theoretical stance
highlights the value
and agency of human
The class will engage
with how liberal
What is the role of
Introducing Theory: humanism is liberal in
individuals and society
20/11/2017 Literature and the religious and doctrinal
25/11/2017 5.00 Unit-1 as a collective whole in
Need for Criticism sense ? how it
defining liberal
and Theory preferred rationalism
and evidence o faith
and doctrines.
Chapter 2 ?
?Structuralism? The
text ?The Structural
Structuralism What is
Study of Myth? would
Structuralism? The
be read out and
Project of the
The Linguistic and interpreted in the
27/11/2017 Structuralists. Key
02/12/2017 5.00 Unit-2 Inter-disciplinary class. As products of
Turn human activity how is
Ferdinand de Saussure
thought and
and Claude Levi-Strauss
constructed or are
they natural to human
What are the four
main common ideas
Structuralism What is underlying
The Linguistic and
04/12/2017 Structuralism? The structuralism? A
09/12/2017 5.00 Unit-2 Inter-disciplinary
Project of the discussion on them:
Structuralists. CIA I to be conducted
during the 1st week of
Chapter 12 ?
?Narratology? What is
a narrative? How is it
Narratology : Telling and different from
Retelling Stories What is narration or a story?
11/12/2017 Narratology? Key After addressing this
16/12/2017 5.00 Unit-5 Theory and Beyond
Ideas/Theorists: Gerard question, the lecture
Gennette and Vladimir would focus on how a
Propp narrative could be
found in a wide
collection of writings
and oral texts
Chapter 3 ? ?Post-
structuralism and
Unit II: Poststructuralism
deconstruction? The
What is
lecture would focus on
Poststructuralism? The
The Linguistic and the following
18/12/2017 Project of the
23/12/2017 5.00 Unit-2 Inter-disciplinary questions: How could
Poststructuralists Key
Turn we define post-
structuralism by its
Deconstruction and
relationship with Its
Jacques Derrida
predecessor ?
How does existential
Unit II: Poststructuralism phenomenology play
What is a critical role in
Poststructuralism? The modulating post-
The Linguistic and
25/12/2017 Project of the structuralism? The
30/12/2017 5.00 Unit-2 Inter-disciplinary
Poststructuralists Key thinkers such as
Ideas/Theorist: Derrida, Foucault,
Deconstruction and Deleuze, Judith Butler
Jacques Derrida and Baudrillard would
be explained as well.
Unit II: Poststructuralism Chapter 5
What is ?Psychoanalytic
The Linguistic and
01/01/2018 Poststructuralism? The criticism would be
06/01/2018 5.00 Unit-2 Inter-disciplinary
Project of the introduced, with a
Poststructuralists Key special focus on the
Ideas/Theorist: main thoughts and
discoveries of Freud
Deconstruction and and Lacan; CIA 2 Mid-
Jacques Derrida semester exams 15-
20 of January.
Psychoanalysis: What is
Psychoanalysis? The
Project of
The Pattern of the
08/01/2018 Psychoanalysis and its
13/01/2018 5.00 Unit-3 Mind, Language Midsem
working in Literature.
and Literature
Key Ideas/Theorists:
Sigmund Freud and
Jacques Lacan
Chapter 6 ? Feminist
Feminism: What is
criticism Feminist
Feminism? Pre-
literary criticism is
unique since it is not
Feminist Literary Theory
The Pattern of the just a cultural theory,
15/01/2018 Poststructuralist
20/01/2018 5.00 Unit-3 Mind, Language but also a political tool
Feminist Theory Key
and Literature that aids in gender
Ideas/Theorists: Virginia
equality and provides
Woolf, Elaine Showalter,
a platform for women
Helene Cixous and Julia
to raise their voice
against oppression
Feminism: What is
Feminism? Pre- A discussion along
poststructuralist? this line would be held
Feminist Literary Theory while elaborating on
The Pattern of the
22/01/2018 Poststructuralist the theories of Virginia
27/01/2018 5.00 Unit-3 Mind, Language
Feminist Theory Key Woolf, Elaine
and Literature
Ideas/Theorists: Virginia Showalter, Helene
Woolf, Elaine Showalter, Cixous and Julia
Helene Cixous and Julia Kristeva.
Ideology and the
Subject: Freedom of
Chapter 8 ? Marxist
Ideology and the Mind and Expression
criticism A guest
29/01/2018 Subject: Freedom Ideology and Discourse:
03/02/2018 5.00 Unit-4 lecture on Marxism
of Mind and What is Ideology? Key
from a sociology point
Expression Ideas/Theorists: Karl
of view is planned.
Marx; Louis Althusser;
and Antonio Gramsci
Ideology and the
Subject: Freedom of After this Marxism
Ideology and the Mind and Expression would be explained as
05/02/2018 Subject: Freedom Ideology and Discourse: a tool for unraveling
10/02/2018 5.00 Unit-4
of Mind and What is Ideology? Key socially liberating and
Expression Ideas/Theorists: Karl oppressing discourses
Marx; Louis Althusser; within a literary text.
and Antonio Gramsci
Chapter 9 ? New
historicism and
What is Discourse and Cultural materialism
its implications? Key The lecture would
Ideology and the Ideas/Theorists: Michel attempt to enable the
12/02/2018 Subject: Freedom Foucault; New students to
17/02/2018 5.00 Unit-4
of Mind and Historicism; Mikhail understand narrative
Expression Bakhtin; Raymond as a Foucauldian
Williams and Cultural discourse ? one that
Materialism would construct
intellectual history
through literature
This would be
followed by a
What is Discourse and discussion on cultural
its implications? Key materialism. The
Ideology and the Ideas/Theorists: Michel lecture would include
19/02/2018 Subject: Freedom Foucault; New an introduction to the
24/02/2018 5.00 Unit-4
of Mind and Historicism; Mikhail ideas of Raymond
Expression Bakhtin; Raymond Williams and how
Williams and Cultural cultural materialism
Materialism appears in the
tradition of the
Frankfurt School.
Chapter 10
?Postcolonial criticism
Race and
The lecture would
focus on issues such
Nations, Nationalisms
as power, economics,
Ideology and the and Identity What is
politics, religion and
26/02/2018 Subject: Freedom Postcolonialism? The
03/03/2018 5.00 Unit-4 culture in terms of
of Mind and Project of
colonial hegemony.
Expression Postcolonialism Key
Texts such as those
Ideas/Theorists: Franz
by Nigerian author
Fanon; Homi K Bhabha;
Chinua Achebe and
Partha Chatterjee
Kenyan author Ngugi
wa Thiong?o.
05/03/2018 5.00 Unit-5 Theory and Beyond Postmodernism: Chapter 4 ?
Knowledge and
Postmodernism would
Glocalization What is
be defined by setting it
Modernism and
in historical context in
Postmodernism? Key
opposition to
10/03/2018 Ideas/Theorists: Jean
modernism. What are
Baudrillard; Jean-
the features of the
François Lyotard; Giles
present-day life that
Deleuze and Felix
could be labeled as
The development of
postmodernism as a
Knowledge and
broad cultural and
Glocalization What is
literary movement in
Modernism and
the mid-to-late
12/03/2018 Postmodernism? Key
17/03/2018 5.00 Unit-5 Theory and Beyond twentieth century
Ideas/Theorists: Jean
across philosophy,
Baudrillard; Jean-
arts, architecture,
François Lyotard; Giles
painting, cinema and
Deleuze and Felix
literary criticism would
be discussed.
Ecocriticism : Green Chapter 13 ?
Studies and Ecocriticism
Sustainability What is Ecocriticism is similar
19/03/2018 5.00 Unit-5 Theory and Beyond Ecocriticism? Key to feminism as a
Ideas/Theorists: Cheryl liberation theory that
Glotfelty and Harold has a specific social
Fromm goal to accomplish.
After defining this
distinction, a
Ecocriticism : Green discussion on how
Studies and ecocriticism functions
Sustainability What is as an interdisciplinary
26/03/2018 5.00 Unit-5 Theory and Beyond Ecocriticism? Key study straddling
Ideas/Theorists: Cheryl concepts from
Glotfelty and Harold literature and
Fromm environmental
theories would be

Component/Task 1
CIA Details
The students would be asked to submit an assignment on an almost daily basis- an analytical essay
on one of the theories prescribed. The students must make use of the resources at library, research
extensively and present a finding they have arrived at on the topic given.
CIA Details will display form 08/11/2017
Learning Objective
Assignment Learning Objectives:The students would develop stronger analytical skills, better writing
skills and achieve well-rounded research ability. Assessment Strategies aligned to LO:The students
would be evaluated based on the following parameters: 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 Parameter 1 = Language
Parameter 2 = Analysis Parameter 3 = Research ability Language = 5 marks Analysis = 5 marks
Research ability = 10 marks Technology Tools used along with their Purpose: None
Assignment Learning Objectives:The students would develop stronger analytical skills, better writing
skills and achieve well-rounded research ability. Assessment Strategies aligned to LO:The students
would be evaluated based on the following parameters: 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 Parameter 1 = Language
Parameter 2 = Analysis Parameter 3 = Research ability Language = 5 marks Analysis = 5 marks
Research ability = 10 marks Technology Tools used along with their Purpose: None
Evaluation Rubrics
Marks Language Analysis Research ability
2 Poor grammar, sentence Minimal analysis without Lack of thorough
construction, and choice of new insight. research, primary and
vocabulary. secondary sources not
quoted extensively.
3 A few errors in grammar, Sharp analysis, but with Average research, with
but altogether well written. logical errors. narrow focus in collecting
Word choice average. data.
4 No grammar errors, Excellent analysis with Exemplary research, with
excellent vocabulary. supporting data. a thorough and intense
focus on chosen material.

Component/Task 1
CIA Details
The students would be asked to conduct and participate in a quiz in terms of some of the theories
discussed in the class.
CIA Details will display form 08/11/2017
Learning Objective
Assignment Learning Objectives: The students would hone their skills to research, plan and
conceptualize a theoretical concept and organize groups of students around an argumentative session.
Assessment Strategies aligned to LO:The students would be evaluated based on the following
parameters:5 + 5 + 10 = 20Parameter 1 = Ability to conceptualize and conduct a quizParameter 2 =
Coherence of argument in terms of the concepts presented with the questions.Parameter 3 = Research
ability Technology Tools used along with their Purpose: None
Assignment Learning Objectives: The students would hone their skills to research, plan and
conceptualize a theoretical concept and organize groups of students around an argumentative session.
Assessment Strategies aligned to LO:The students would be evaluated based on the following
parameters:5 + 5 + 10 = 20Parameter 1 = Ability to conceptualize and conduct a quizParameter 2 =
Coherence of argument in terms of the concepts presented with the questions.Parameter 3 = Research
ability Technology Tools used along with their Purpose: None
Evaluation Rubrics
Concepts = 5 marksCoherence of argument = 5 marksResearch ability = 10 marks

Marks Ability to conceptualize Coherence of argument Research ability

and present a theory
2 Poor questions and weak Largely incoherent without Lack of thorough
presentation. new insight. research, data not
collected extensively and
3 Effective but flat Appreciably coherent but Average research, without
questions. clichéd arguments. extensive data collection.
4 Strongly constructed Coherent and relevant Exemplary research, with
questions that evoke argument with fresh a thorough and intense
interesting answers. insights into the focus on chosen material.

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