AcceleratedLoadingEvaluationSub Base

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Research Project

C a p s u l e
Technology Transfer Program
LTRC July 2003

Accelerated Loading Evaluation of a

Sub-Base Layer on Pavement Performance
Start Date: 4/1/2003
Duration: 24 months Problem In addition to studying the proper-
Completion: 3/31/2005 ties of pavement layers construct-
Funding: State & FHWA Results of a recently completed labo- ed with cement treatments, the
ratory study conducted by the performance of foamed asphalt-
Principal Investigator:
University of New Orleans indicate treated base course materials will
Masood Rasoulian, P.E.
Senior Pavement Research that cement treatment of a silt sub- be evaluated. Foamed asphalt
Engineer, LTRC grade can provide greater pavement treatment is a process that com-
performance benefits than lime treat- bines hot asphalt cement with
Co-Principal Investigators: ment, even in wet conditions. This small quantities of water to pro-
Dr. Louay Mohammad, P.E. concept has been successfully imple- duce a foam that is incorporated
Associate Professor
mented on several LaDOTD projects, into base material. In the recent
Louisiana State University
using the current design methodology reconstruction of US 190 near
Dr. Zhongjie “Doc” Zhang, P.E. whereby no structural value is attrib- Baton Rouge, an experimental
Senior Geotechnical Research uted to the pavement subgrade. If the base of recycled asphalt pavement
Engineer, LTRC strength contribution of a cement- (RAP) treated with foamed asphalt
treated subgrade is taken into account, was utilized. Initial laboratory
LTRC Contacts
pavements may be built more eco- testing indicates that the foamed
Harold “Skip” Paul, P.E. nomically by reducing the thickness asphalt-treated RAP possesses
Assoc. Director, Research of the more expensive surface layers. increased cohesive and triaxial

Mark Morvant, P.E.
Pavement & Geotechnical
Research Administrator Test Lane 4-1 Test Lane 4-2 Test Lane 4-3
(225)767-9124 Standard Construction Cement Treated Base Foamed Asphalt Base
Cement Treated Base Cement Treated Subbase Cement Treated Subbase
Lime Treated Working Table

LTRC 2.0” Asphalt pavement 2.0” Asphalt pavement 2.0” Asphalt pavement

8.5” Cement Treated Recycled 8.5” Cement Treated Recycled 8.5” Foamed Recycled Cement
Louisiana Cement Stabilized Base (6%) Cement Stabilized Base (6%) Stabilized Base
Transportation Research Center
12” Lime Treated (10%) 12” Cement Treated (5%) 12” Cement Treated (5%)
Sponsored jointly by the
Louisiana Department of
Transportation and Water source
Development Saturated Silt Subgrade
and Louisiana State University

4101 Gourrier Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70808-4443 Pavement Schematic for Test Lanes
July 2003 LTRC Project Capsule No. 03-2GT

strength. Subsequent non- Description Chemically treated subgrade test

destructive field testing has sections have been constructed
shown that the foamed asphalt- Three full-scale test lanes will be on LA 182 in St. Landry Parish
treated RAP is a viable alterna- constructed at the LaDOTD and US 171 in Beauregard
tive to a stone base. An evalua- Pavement Research Facility Parish. These test sections will
tion of long-term performance of (PRF). One test lane (4-1) will be be monitored with non-destruc-
this material in the presence of constructed with a lime-treated tive field testing to determine
moisture is needed. sub-base, while the two other overall pavement strength, dura-
lanes (4-2, 4-3) will be constructed bility, and performance.
Objective with a five percent cement-treated
sub-base. Each lane will incorpo- Results obtained from the per-
One objective of this study is to rate a recycled cement stabilized formance of the PRF test lanes
prove that cement treatment of a base. The bases of lanes 4-1 and will be correlated with results of
subgrade layer will not only pro- 4-2 will be treated with cement, the laboratory and field pro-
vide a working table for pave- while the base of lane 4-3 will be grams. Laboratory procedures
ment construction, but that it treated with foamed asphalt. Each and guideline specifications will
will also provide a layer that test lane will be surfaced with two be developed for use in optimiz-
contributes to the pavement’s inches of asphalt pavement. ing stabilization methods based
overall structural capacity. Accelerated loading of the full- on material properties and field
Another objective of this study scale test lanes will be performed conditions.
is to evaluate the performance of until pavement failure is achieved.
foamed asphalt treated base Implementation
courses. A series of laboratory tests will Potential
identify and document the funda-
This research will involve accel- mental engineering characteristics The purpose of this study is to
erated loading of pavement test of the materials used for the prove that appropriate stabiliza-
lanes constructed with and with- asphalt pavement, base, and sub- tion techniques will result in
out a strong sub-base layer, base layers. Three different soils improved performance of road-
accelerated loading of a pave- will be evaluated for sub-base sta- ways built with high silt soils
ment test lane constructed with a bilization. The soil samples will over wet subgrade. If results are
foamed asphalt base course, and be tested for strength at different favorable, special provisions and
a laboratory program to evaluate moisture contents, concentrating design guidelines will be devel-
material characteristics of exper- on the wet side of optimum mois- oped for implementing the find-
imental sub-bases and base ture, with different cement, lime, ings.
courses. or lime/fly-ash treatments at dif-
ferent time periods.

Accelerated Loading Device at Pavement Research Facility

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