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Nite Owl child Care Center

Summer School Curriculum

Little Cookers
School Age Program

Promote the growth of multiple skill domains through cooking activities.
- Developing healthy habits
- Increasing Vocabulary
- Experiencing
- Measuring
- Using the Scientific Method

Recent research has found that learning to cook, improves children’s recognition of healthier food, and of course, the desire to eat it.
Cooking is an interesting activity that by itself engages children. Nevertheless, it is very important to provide children with experiences that are well
planned and organized. This way we ensure that the learning goals will be reached, and children will remain motivated. In addition, when cooking
with children, especially with young ones, it is of vital importance to follow safety procedures and food hygiene.

General suggestions for Teachers and Caregivers:
 Choose an activity that best supports your alumni needs of learning and developmental skills.
 Identify the learning goals of the activity you’ll be promoting, and keep them in mind while preparing and developing activities.
 Gather the material and props you will be using with anticipation.
 Creativity is always welcome. Teachers and guides may include their own strategies to make variations of the proposed activities to reach
the established learning goals. Learning goals are mandatory.
 Keep children’s assessment records up to date; take time to evaluate each activity of your lesson plan.
 Enjoy teaching.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Learning Activities

Activity 1 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

- Talking about healthy and junk food. Cooking tools:

- Manipulating - 2 shallow oven proof containers
- Observing & Experimenting - 4 Cutting boards
- Experiencing - Disposable Knifes
- Measuring - 4 Potato peelers
- Problem solving - 2 Egg beaters
- Learning about food presentation - 2 beating bowls
- Creativity - 4 large plastic plates
- Teamwork - 4 cheese graters
- Potato slicer (teachers use only)
- Knife (teachers use only)
- Kitchen scale
- Paper towels or wet kitchen clothes.
- Cooking gloves or oven mitts
- Serving utensils
 Ingredients
Funny face omelet
- 15 oz potatoes
- 10 medium eggs
- 40oz grated cheddar cheese
- Salt and black pepper
- Cooking oil
For the face:
- 2 mushrooms
- 1 red sweet pepper
- 1 green sweet pepper
- 2 small tomatoes
Visual material: Food pyramid, junk food.
Flip chart
Sheets of paper
Markers, colored pencils, and crayons.
Serves: 10 - 12

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Write a recipe where children can develop picture reading skills. Include words and pictures. (use the flip chart)
 Make sure all the cooking tools and ingredients had been washed.
 Contact the kitchen staff: ask them to have ready a pot with boiling water and a pinch of salt, you’ll need it to cook the potatoes in less time.
Put the potatoes in cold water so they can cool quickly.
 Cover your working areas.
 Define safety rules.
 Always keep in mind to ask questions about students’ sensations, observation, and experimentation.

 Peel, slice and cook the potatoes.
 Pre-heat oven to 350°F
 Great the cheese
 Beat the eggs together with some salt and pepper.
 Add the cooked potatoes and grated cheese, mix.
 Lightly oil a shallow, oven proof dish.
 Pour the mix into the oven proof dish.
 Cook in the oven for 10 minutes until the egg is just starting to set.
 Increase the oven temperature to 400ºF, and cook for another 8 - 10 minutes.
 Use mushroom, peppers and tomato to design funny faces on top of the omelet.

1. Display the ingredients and cooking tools on top of a table. Have students name them, describe what kind of food it is, and/or
comment about how they are used.
2. Tell your alumni the name of your recipe. Briefly explain that you must start by peeling and cutting the potatoes to have them ready
when needed.
3. Divide your class in two groups. Provide each group with 2 cutting boards, 2 peelers, disposable knifes, and a large plastic plate. A
member of each group will pass to the front to weight the potatoes using the scale. Each group should have around 7.5 oz potatoes.
4. Have them decide how to divide the work in the team. Make sure they take turns. Model how to use the cooking tools. Have students
put the peeled and sliced potatoes into the plastic plate. When they are ready, take them to the kitchen to cook.
5. Talk about healthy and junk food. Listen to students’ comments. Display the visual material and ask for volunteers who can help you
to explain the food pyramid and/or junk food. Elicit from the class consequences of junk food, or benefits of healthy food.
6. Continue with the recipe. Have children read the recipe; ask for a volunteer to check the covered steps and to read the next one.
7. Give out the rest of the ingredients and have children select which tool they’ll be using to great the cheese. Ask two volunteers to
come to the front and weight the cheese. Have them read the recipe and calculate the amount of cheese for each team. Help as
necessary. When ready, have both teams great the cheese into the plastic plates.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
8. Your potatoes must be ready, take them into the classroom, and have children decide how to divide them.
9. Let children read and follow the recipe. Monitor and make sure they’re taking turns to accomplish the goal.
10. Have children help to clean up the classroom.
11. While the omelet is cooking, talk about food presentation. Let children express their knowledge and ideas about the topic. If
necessary explain the importance of food presentation. Colors and designs used to present a dish make it attractive. The more
attractive a dish presentation is, the more appetite it is.
12. Have children think and draw funny designs of faces for their dish presentation.
13. Ask children help to set up the table
14. Enjoy your meal.
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about healthy
and junk food
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Uses different strategies to solve problems
8 Measures using conventional measuring tools
9 Shows creativity
10 Helps to clean up the classroom
11 Practices safety rules

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Activity 2 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

- Talking about states of matter. (liquid 6 Cooking tools:

solid) - 15 large size ziplock bag
- Talking about fractions - 15 sandwich size ziplock bag
- Manipulating - Scissors (1 per student)
- Experiencing - 16 oz red disposable cups (1 per student)
- Observing - 7oz clear disposable cups (1 per student)
- Predicting - Tablespoons (1 per student)
- Measuring - Teaspoons(1 per student)
- Problem solving - Paper towels or wet kitchen clothes.
- Learning about food presentation - 2 pails (medium size)
- Creativity - Serving utensils
- Teamwork  Ingredients
8 - 7lbs bags of ice cubes, crushed. (4 cups per student)
Making Ice-cream  8 cups rock salt
 4 cups milk
 4 cups heavy cream
 30 tablespoons sugar
 8 teaspoon vanilla

Food presentation:
- 1.5 oz of sprinkles
Visual material: States of matter.
Flip chart
Sheets of paper
Permanent markers, colored pencils, and crayons.
Serves: 15

 Write a recipe where children can develop picture reading skills. Include words and pictures. Eventually use fewer pictures. (flip chart)
 Make sure all the cooking tools and ingredients had been washed.
 Cover your working areas.
 Put the ingredients over a large table.
 Review safety rules.
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Always keep in mind to ask questions about students’ sensations, observation, and experimentation.

1. Put 2 cups of crushed ice and ¼ cup of rock salt into the large ziplock bag.
2. Pour ¼ cup of milk, ¼ cup of heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and ¼ teaspoon of vanilla into the sandwich size ziplock bag. Seal this
bag tightly.
3. Place the smaller bag inside the larger bag. Gently squeeze out the air and seal it carefully. Continue squeezing it gently for about 5 - 8
minutes. Be careful, it gets very cold.
4. Drain the water from the larger bag, and add the remaining ice and salt. Seal and squeeze until the mixture is very thick.
5. Remove the small bag from the ice and dry the outside of the bag. With scissors, cut one of the bottom corners off the small bag and
squeeze the contents into small bowls. Decorate for food presentation extra point.

1. Talk about states of matter. Have children express their knowledge about the topic. Elicit from the class the three states of matter.
2. Display the flip board with the recipe. Have children read it. Elicit from class the meaning of ¼, ½. Use the flip board to draw a simple sketch
of a cup. Have a volunteer to divide the cup expressing ½ then have another volunteer. Draw another simple sketch of a cup an ask
someone else to come to the front to represent ¼ in the cup. Briefly explain that the number 1 in ¼ means the whole cup, “/” means divided
by, and “4” means the number of parts into which the cup is divided, those parts are the same size. Finally have them divide their cup in ½
and then in ¼.
3. Provide children with sheets of paper and markers. Have them draw a circle, ask them to divide it in ½ and then in ¼.
4. Explain that the table of ingredients and cooking tools is now open; they must go and ask for the ingredients and materials they need. They’ll
have to measure. Help as necessary.
5. While children are cooking ask questions: i.e. What happened to the ice when you add salt? What is happening inside the bag after
squeezing it for a couple of minutes?
6. Monitor around the classroom and help as necessary.
7. Enjoy it!
8. Have children help to clean up the classroom.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about states of
2 Understands fractions
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
8 Shows creativity
9 Helps to clean up the classroom


Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum

Activity 3 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

- Talking about Italy Cooking tools:

- Manipulating 4 large bowls
- Experiencing 2 small bowls
- Observing 4 circular caps (5” diameter) or something that works out as
Calzones - Predicting pastry cutter.
(Pizza wraps) - Measuring 4 beating spoons
- Problem solving 16 waxed sheets of paper
- Learning about food presentation 16 rolling pins
- Creativity 4 pastry brushes
- Teamwork 2 none stick baking trays (must fit together in oven)
16 disposable Forks
16 disposable tablespoons
2 kitchen timers
Calzones’ crust
- 2 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
- 2 teaspoon white sugar
- 4 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
- 5 cups bread flour
- 4 tablespoons cup of olive oil
- 2 teaspoon salt
 Broccoli sauce:
- 2 14-oz jar prepared pizza sauce
- 1 cup finely chopped pepperoni
- 4 eggs
- 4 tablespoons of water
- 2 cups frozen chopped broccoli, thawed
- 2 cup 3-cheese mix (Kraft)

Visual material: Italy’s flag, capital, location in world map,

continent, important building.
Flip chart
Serves: 16
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Write a recipe where children can develop picture reading skills. Include words and pictures. Eventually use fewer pictures. (flip chart)
 Make sure all the cooking tools and ingredients had been washed.
 Cover your working areas.
 Put the ingredients over a large table.
 Review safety rules.
 Always keep in mind to ask questions about students’ sensations, observation, and experimentation.
 Chop the pepperoni.

1. In a large bowl, dissolve 1 package of yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in 2 cups of warm water. Wait 10 minutes until it is creamy.
2. In a large bowl, combine 1 cup of pizza sauce, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of cheese, and ½ cup of pepperoni. Mix it well.
3. In a small bowl, slightly beat 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of water.
4. Stir in the yeast dough 2-1/2 cups of bread flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Beat until smooth; let it rest for 5 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
6. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and pat it with the rolling pin. You want to have a regular surface about 0.02”
7. With the pastry cutters, cut circles out of the dough, and place them on the waxed paper.
8. Put a heaping tablespoon of the broccoli sauce over one half of the dough circle. Fold empty side of crust over the mixture, and press the
edges with a fork to seal.
9. Brush each calzone with some of the egg mixture; with the fork pierce a couple of holes along the top of each calzone.
10. Place the calzones on the non stick baking trays. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown.

a. Display Italy’s visual material. Let children express what they know about the country. Locate Italy in the large world map. Elicit from class
Italy’s most famous food. For sure “pizza” is going to be the answer. Tell students that today you’re going to do “Calzones” that are pizza
b. Divide your class in two groups. Provide each group with all the cooking tools they’ll be using: 2 large bowls, 2 small bowls, 2 pastry cutters,
2 beating spoons, 8 waxed sheets of paper, 8 rolling pins, 1 baking tray, 8 forks, and 8 spoons, and a kitchen timer.
c. Have children measure the ingredients they’ll be using for step 1 of the recipe. When ingredients are mixed, ask them to set the kitchen
timer. Help as necessary.
d. While waiting, have children measure the ingredients for step 2 and 3 of the recipe. Help as necessary.
e. By now the kitchen timer must be ringing; have student follow step 4. Ask children to set the kitchen timer for 5 minutes.
f. Recall information about Italy. Where is it? Encourage children to name the continent. What’s Italy’s capital city ? Display Italy’s visual
material and talk about a famous building of Italy.
g. The timer is ringing… time to get hands on the dough. Invite children to follow the rest of the recipe. Help as necessary.
h. When carrying away the trays to bake, ask children to set up the kitchen timer for 10 minutes. Buon appetito!
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about Italy
2 Recalls Italy’s most famous food.
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
8 Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom


Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Activity 4 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

- Talking about healthy food and Texas Cooking tools:

- Manipulating 2 large bowls
- Experiencing 2 cups
- Observing 2 large plates
Texas’ Salad - Predicting 4 cutting boards
- Measuring 4 disposable knifes
- Problem solving 1 ridged grill pan
- Learning about food presentation 16 disposable Forks
- Creativity 16 disposable tablespoons
- Teamwork 2 kitchen timers
2 pounds thin chicken breast slices or chicken tenders
2 table spoons of chili powder
½ teaspoon of cumin
½ teaspoon of garlic powder
½ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of pepper
Olive oil spray
4 cups whole-kernel corn
4 cans(16 ounces each) black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cups chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup minced red onions
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons honey
4 tomatoes.
Food presentation:
Lettuce leaves
Grilled chicken
Slices of fresh tomato
Visual material: Italy’s flag, capital, location in world map,
continent, important building.
Flip chart
Serves: 16

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Write a recipe where children can develop picture reading skills. Include words and pictures. Eventually use fewer pictures. (flip chart)
 Make sure all the cooking tools and ingredients had been washed.
 Cover your working areas.
 Put the ingredients over a large table.
 Review safety rules.
 Always keep in mind to ask questions about students’ sensations, observation, and experimentation.
 Rinse and drained the black beans cans.

1. In a cup, mix: 1 table spoon of chili powder, a pinch of cumin, a pinch of garlic powder, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of pepper.
2. Spread the rub evenly on both sides of the chicken.
3. Coat a ridged grill pan with olive oil spray, and heat to medium-hot. Grill the chicken until it is no longer pink and the juices run clear.
Transfer to two plates.
4. 2 cans of black beans.
5. Chop ½ cup of fresh parsley
6. Minced ¼ cup of red onions
7. In a large bowl, mix: 2 cups whole Kernel corn, black beans, chopped fresh parsley minced red onions ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar, ¼ cup of
olive oil, 1 tablespoons of lemon juice, and 1 tablespoons honey.
8. Let the salad marinate for 10 minutes at room temperature.
9. Arrange the lettuce leaves on salad plates; spoon the salad over the lettuce.
10. Use grilled chicken and fresh tomato to present the dish. Squeeze the lime over the salad and add salt and pepper to taste.


Display the recipe and have children read the title. Talk about your state, where is Texas capital city? Locate Texas in the large world map.
Explain children that the salad they’re about to make, is a very popular salad. Then get hands on in following the recipe.
Divide your class into two groups. Have each group take to their place the kitchen tools you´re going to use.
Tell children that step 2 and 3 are going to be done at the kitchen, so you must hurry to have the chicken ready.
While children are cooking, ask questions about measuring. Have them describe the ingredients they are using. What are they? What’s spicy?
Model how to chop and mince. Let student use their own strategies.
When they come to measuring with fractions, encourage them to remember what you talked about last class. What’s the half o a half?
Remember students to set the kitchen timer.
Bring the chicken into the classroom; give a plate to each group.
Provide children with plates and a serving spoon invite them to present their dish in a creative way. Enjoy your meal!
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about Texas
2 Recalls Texas’ capital city
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
8 Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum

Activity 5 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

Cooking tools:
2 large bowls
- Talking about bees 2 cups
- Manipulating 2 cupcake pans (12 cups)
Sweet treats. - Experiencing 24 cupcake paper liners
- Observing 16 disposable tablespoons
Honeycombs - Predicting 2 medium size baking trays
& - Measuring Parchment paper (to cover the baking trays)
Mini Meringues - Problem solving Beater
- Learning about food presentation 16 disposable decorating bags (12” or smaller)
- Creativity Scissors (1per student)
- Teamwork Kitchen timer
Wet kitchen clothes
Honeycombs (serve: 24)
4 oz of butter or margarine
½ cup of pure honey
5 cups of corn flakes
Meringues: (serve 32)
6 eggs
1 ½ cups of powdered sugar
3 teaspoons of vanilla.
 Write a recipe where children can develop picture reading skills. Include words and pictures. Eventually use fewer pictures. (flip chart)
 Make sure all the cooking tools and ingredients had been washed.
 Cover your working areas.
 Put the ingredients over a large table.
 Review safety rules.
 Always keep in mind to ask questions about students’ sensations, observation, and experimentation.
 To melt butter, contact the kitchen staff. (40-45 seconds, low temperatue)
 Preheat oven to 300°F.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum

Put the paper liners into the cups of the cupcake pan.
Use a ceramic mug to melt 2oz of butter in the microwave oven.
Add ¼ of honey into the bowl, and then add the melted butter. Mix vigorously.
Add 2- ½ cups of corn flakes and mix well.
Working quickly, use a spoon to put the mix into the cupcake liners. Leave them to cool at room temperature.

Mini Meringues:
Preheat oven 300°F
Cover a medium size baking tray with parchment paper.
Separate the egg whites from the egg yolk. Crack three (one at a time), over the beating bowl, hold the egg with the cracked part facing up, ask a
partner to put his/her hand under the egg you are about to open. Gently open the egg, making sure no part of the egg shell falls in. Ask your partner
to cup his hand and to open his/her fingers gently to let the egg white run between them into the bowl.
Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually beat in powdered sugar until the mixture between your thumb and forefinger feels smooth. Put in 1 ½
teaspoons of vanilla.
Transfer the mixture into the disposable decorating bags. Twist the top part of the bag to release all air.
Cut the tip of the bag, gently squeeze the bag to pipe a small circle onto the tray; without lifting the bag’s tip of the bag, and continue squeezing to
have a smaller circle on top. Stop squeezing and pull the bag up for a nice tip.
Bake 35 minutes, or until dry but not brown. Turn off oven and leave meringues to cool inside.


a. Let children express their knowledge about bees. What kind d of animal are they? How do they produce honey?
b. Have children read the “Honeycombs recipe”
c. Let them negotiate on how to divide work in each team.
d. Have students select the ingredients they’ll use and measure them. Help as necessary.
e. Encourage children to use the wet kitchen clothes to clean their hands and working area.
f. While the honeycombs are drying, display the recipe for the mini meringues. Have students read it.
g. Ask questions about eggs. Who many kinds of eggs do they know? What are the names of the eggs’ parts?
h. Have children select the ingredients and materials they will use.
i. Let them negotiate to divide the work.
j. Help them to separate the egg whites, and to beat them.
k. Take the trays into the oven, have children set the kitchen timers for 35 minutes.
l. Have children help to clean up the classroom.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum

Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about bees
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
8 Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum

Activity 6 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

Cooking tools:
- Talking about states of water. 1 Pot for cooking pasta and steaming broccoli
Fancy Penne - Manipulating 1 Steamer basket
- Experiencing Colander for draining pasta
- Observing 2 dishes
- Predicting
- Measuring 4 Cups
- Problem solving 4 Tablespoon
- Learning about food presentation 4 Teaspoons
- Creativity
16 Forks
- Teamwork
4 disposable knifes
4 cutting boards
2 kitchen timers
2 Mixing bowls
16 Plastic plates
16 Paper towels
2 penne pasta boxes (28 oz)
4 cups of raw broccoli (24 oz)
Sour cream (16 oz)
1 can of evaporated milk (12 oz)
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of black pepper powder
4 teaspoons of salt
Parmesan cheese (8 oz)
Visual material: Flip chart, and states of water.
Serve: 16

 Cover your working area
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Contact the kitchen staff; ask them to have ready a large pot with boiling water, a little bit of cooking oil, and a pinch of salt to cook pasta
and stream broccoli. You can place the steamer basket on top of the pasta’s pot. Leave the basket for 5 minutes. Cook pasta according to
direction. Drain pasta and place it into the microwavable dishes.
 Put all the ingredients on top of a table.

1. With your hands, cut the small broccoli florets. Then use a knife to cut the florets’ stem into little pieces. You’re not going to use the main
stem. Put the florets into the steamer basket.
2. Take the pasta and broccoli to the kitchen. Wait 10-15 minutes. Set kitchen timers.
3. Pour ½ cup of evaporated milk, 1 – ½ cups of sour cream, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder, ½ teaspoon of black pepper powder and 2
teaspoons of salt. Mix with a spoon until creamy.
4. Serve the pasta into plates.
5. Use broccoli, cream mix, and parmesan cheese to make a fancy decoration of your plate.

a. Display the recipe and have children read it. Ask: what is steam? Let children express their knowledge or ideas.
b. Display the visual material about states of water. Have children name foods related to each state of water.
c. Ask: how many states of water are we going to have in this recipe? Elicit answer from the class; briefly explain the steam state of water.
d. Divide your class in two groups.
e. At random ask children of each group to come to the front, name, select, count and measure the ingredients and cooking tools they need to
develop the recipe. Help as necessary.
f. Ask children to read the recipe and follow it. Model how to cut broccoli.
g. Have children set the kitchen timers when broccoli and pasta are taken to the kitchen. (one for broccoli and one for pasta)
h. While children are measuring the ingredients for the cream, recall the use of fractions.
i. Remind students to use the paper towels to keep their working area free of spills.
j. Have children self serve the portion of pasta they’re eating. Have them use broccoli, cream and parmesan to present their plates.
k. Have children help to clean up the classroom.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about states of
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom

Activity 7 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Cooking tools:
1 Flat pan
- Talking about fish.
- Recalling the Food Pyramid 16 tablespoons
- Manipulating 4 disposable knifes
- Observing 4 cutting boards
- Predicting
- Measuring 2 Mixing bowls
- Problem solving 1 kitchen scale
- Learning about food presentation 4 sheets of wax paper
- Creativity
2 disposable cups
- Teamwork
Tuna fish rolls 16 Plastic plates
16 Paper towels
16 flour tortillas (8 inch)
1 (24 oz) can albacore tuna (drained and served in a bowl)
1 (29 oz) can of mixed vegetables (drain and served in a
2 small onions
Mayonnaise (20 oz )
Salt and pepper
Food presentation:
Visual material: Flip chart
Leftovers of cellophane paper different colors
Serve :16

 Cover your working area
 Contact the kitchen staff; you’ll need to have the flat pan ready to quickly heat the rolls.
 Put all the ingredients on top of a table.
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Collect the cooking tools you’re going to need: 8 tablespoons, 2 disposable knifes, 2 cutting boards,1 mixing bowl, 2 sheets of wax paper and 1
disposable cup, 8 plastic plates, and 8 paper towels.
Place a sheet of waxed paper over the scale. Weight 12 oz of tuna fish.
Place a new sheet of waxed paper over the scale, and weight 14.5 oz of mixed vegetables.
Put 12 tablespoons of mayonnaise into a disposable cup
Cut ½ of a small onion
Take 8 flour tortillas out of the bag
Chop the onion into really small pieces.
In a bowl, mix the tuna fish, vegetables, onion, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
Spread about 2 tablespoons of tuna mixture over the flour tortilla.
Roll each up tightly. Take the rolls to the kitchen to be heated.

a. Talk about fish. Discuss their habitats, edible species and non edible species.
b. Divide your class in groups of 8 children.
c. Tell children that all they need to know to cook today’s dish is in the recipe.
d. Have children read the recipe.
e. Tell children that all group members must participate in gathering cooking tools and measuring ingredients. Let them negotiate and follow
the instructions. Help as necessary.
f. Place the scale in a secure place where you can support children while weighting.
g. Recall the use of fractions.
h. Model how to chop onion.
i. While the rolls are heating, recall information about food presentation.
j. Invite children to think of a creative design to present their plates. Remember them that they can use ketchup, mustard and cellophane
toothpicks art. Provide children with scissors, glue sticks, cellophane paper and toothpicks. If necessary give ideas on how to use the
k. When the rolls arrive from the kitchen, have children decorate them, and give a quick presentation of their dish.
l. Enjoy your meal!

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about fish
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
Solves problems that involve division
9 Shows creativity to present food
10 Helps to clean up the classroom

Activity 8 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Cooking tools:
2 Blenders (if possible)
- Recalling the Food Pyramid.
- Manipulating 2 cooking soft spatulas
- Experiencing 16 rolling pins
Rolling up a sandwich - Observing 2 medium size bowls
- Predicting
- Measuring 2 -18 oz disposable cups
- Problem solving 6 peelers
- Learning about food presentation 16 disposable knifes
- Creativity
16 sheets of waxed paper
- Teamwork
18 Plastic plates
16 Paper towels
Kitchen scale
2 packages of white bread, 16 oz
6 oz of cream cheese spread
5 oz of pimento cheese spread (Kraft)
24 oz of ham
12 oz of olives (pimiento stuffed)
4 fresh carrots
Fresh lettuce

 Cover your working area
 Put all the ingredients on top of a table.

1. In the blender, put 4 oz of cream cheese spread, 2.5 oz of pimento cheese spread, and 12 oz of ham. Blend until you have a creamy mix.
2. When the mix is ready pour it into the disposable cup. Use the spatula to clean up the edges of the blender’s cup.
3. Peel 2 carrots, then using the peeler slice it. Put the carrots’ slices into a bowl
4. Take 4 lettuce leaves and rip them into the bowl.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
5. Take 16 olives and slice them with a disposable knife on a plate. All team’s members can slice the same number of olives and keep it in their
6. Take the crust off of two slices of white bread. Over a flat surface, place the wax paper and the slices of bread; place a little part of one slice
on top of the other to form a rectangle.
7. With the rolling pin first flatten the overlapped area, and then flatten as much as possible the whole rectangle. Try to keep the shape.
8. Spread 2- ½ tablespoons of the creamy mix over the flatten bread. Try to cover the whole surface.
9. Put a layer lettuce over the creamy mix, and then a layer of carrots.
10. Take one of the short sides of the flatten sandwich with both hands; carefully roll the sandwich tightly.
11. You can cut the sandwich in several pieces.
12. Use toothpicks, sliced olives, and non sliced olives for food presentation.

a. Have students name and describe the ingredients and cooking tools you’ll be using today.
b. Recall the Food Pyramid. Have children match the ingredients with the food groups of the food pyramid.
c. Have each team collect the cooking tools they need: 1 blender, 1 soft spatula, 8 tablespoons, 8 disposable knifes,1 mixing bowl, 3 peelers,
1 disposable cup, 9 plastic plates, and 8 paper towels.
d. Ask different members of each team to come to the front and weight: cheese spread, pimento spread, and ham. They’ll be using the same
cup for the three ingredients, so they’ll need to calculate by “adding”. Help as necessary
e. Support children while blending the ingredients.
f. Ask different members of the teams to come to the front to get the rest of the ingredients for their team.
g. Have children follow the recipe. Help as necessary.
h. Encourage children to be creative with the presentation of their dish.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about fish
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom


Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Activity 9 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources
Cooking tools:
2 large bowls
- Talking about 4th of July
- Manipulating 2 trays
Patriotic cake-pops - Experiencing 4 mini ice-cream scoops
- Observing 2 tablespoons
- Predicting
- Measuring 2 medium bowls (crystal and microwavable)
- Problem solving 2 small bowls (crystal and microwavable)
- Learning about food presentation 26 popsicles
- Creativity
2 – 10x10” square blocks of thick Styrofoam (to hold cake-
- Teamwork
pops, make sure they fit in the freezer)
16 Paper towels
Clear treat bags
Curly ribbon
1 kitchen timer
1 kitchen scale
Microwave oven (if possible)
2 cooking mittens
36 oz of prepared Chocolate Cake
12 oz of chocolate frosting
4 boxes Premium white chocolate (4 oz each)
6.4 oz of blue and red sprinkles
Serve: 26 cake pops

 Cover your working area
 Contact the kitchen staff; check the space available at the school’s freezer.
 Put all the ingredients on top of a table.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
1. Weight 18 oz of cake and add it to a large bowl. Crumble until it resembles fine crumbs.
2. Add 4 big tablespoons of frosting a little bit at a time until cake is moist and can hold a ball shape. Use your hands to incorporate the frosting
into the cake crumbs.
3. Use a mini ice cream scoop to scoop out 2 balls of cake mixture into your hands. Roll the mixture into a tight ball and place on a tray.
4. Repeat until all the cake mixture has been rolled into balls.
5. Put 2 oz of white chocolate into a crystal bowl. Melt it in the microwave oven always in medium high temperature by laps of 20-25 seconds.
Each time you take it out; mix it with a metal spoon.
6. Dip the tip of the cake pop sticks into the white chocolate and insert into the cake balls as quick as you can.
7. Freeze for about 20 minutes. Set the kitchen timer.
8. Weight 3.2 oz of sprinkles
9. Put all the remaining chocolate in a medium bowl. Melt it in medium high temperature by laps of 20-25 seconds. Each time you take it out;
mix it with a metal spoon.
10. Dip cake balls carefully into the chocolate until they are covered.
11. Let the excess chocolate drip off.
12. Add the sprinkles while the chocolate is still wet. It will harden quickly. Place the cake pop on top of the plate, with your hand sprinkle the
sprinkles to the cake pop.
13. Stick the decorated cake pop into a Styrofoam block to finish setting.
14. Place into the freezer for 5 minutes to speed up setting time.
15. Wrap one of your cake pops to take home.

a. Recall information about 4 of July. Have children share information about how they celebrate at home.
b. Have children read the recipe.
c. Split your class into two groups. Have each group collect the cooking tools they’ll need.
d. Invite one volunteer of each group to come to the front to weight the cake for their team.
e. Ask for different volunteers to weight the chocolate and divide the frosting.
f. Have children follow the recipe. Help as necessary.
g. If the microwave oven is in the classroom, have children set the temperature and time. Make sure children are wearing kitchen mittens to
hold the bowl and mix. Help as necessary.
h. Take the cake pops to the kitchen and put them in the freezer. Remind children to set the kitchen timer for 20 minutes.
i. While waiting, ask for a volunteer of each group to come to the front and weight the sprinkles for their teams.
j. Then have them divide the sprinkles between the number of members of the team.
k. Bring in the cake pops.
l. Help children melting the rest of the chocolate, and be aware while children are using it.
m. Have children follow the recipe. Help as necessary.

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
n. Take the pops back to the freezer for 5 minutes. Remind children to set up the timer
o. Have children prepare the treat bag and ribbon for the pop they’re taking home.
p. Have children help to clean up the classroom.
q. Bring the cake pops back into the classroom, have children wrap a cake pop, then they can eat the other.

Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about 4th of July
2 Shares information about his family life.
3 Negotiates with classmates
4 Follows instructions
5 Properly uses kitchen tools
6 Observes
7 Describes
8 Measures using conventional measuring tools
9 Solves problems that involve division
10 Helps to clean up the classroom

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Activity 10 Learning Goals Cooking tools, Ingredients, and Teaching resources
Cooking tools:
2 oven trays
- Talking about Mexico.
Mexican Molletes & Pico de - Manipulating 16 tablespoon
Gallo. - Experiencing 2 teaspoons
- Observing 2 small bowls
- Predicting
- Measuring 16 disposable knifes
- Problem solving 4 cutting boards
- Learning about food presentation 2 lemon squeezers
- Creativity
1 kitchen timers
- Teamwork
2 disposable cups
16 Plastic plates
16 Paper towels
1 kitchen scale
1 can of refried beans (16 oz) opened and placed in a bowl
1 can of refried beans (31 oz) opened and placed in a bowl
2 packages of twin French bread at (16 oz Wal-Mart)
8 oz of butter
2 lb of Chihuahua Cheese (Wal-Mart)
1 large onion
4 tomatoes
2 lemons
Visual material: large world map, Mexico’s flag
Serve: 32 small molletes slices.

 Cover your working area
 Contact the kitchen staff; Preheat oven 350°F
Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
 Put all the ingredients on top of a table.

1. Chop 2 tomatoes; put the chopped tomatoes in a small bowl.
2. Chop ½ onion; put the chopped onion into the small bowl with tomatoes.
3. Cut a lemon by the middle, use the lemon squeezer to squeeze its juice into the tomatoes and onion bowl; add ½ teaspoon of salt and mix.
4. Cut the French bread into pieces of 1/4 to make bolillos, and then slice the bolillos by the middle to open them.
5. Place sliced bolillos flat-side up on a baking tray.
6. Cut thin slices of butter and put 2 slices on top of the bolillos.
7. Spread 2- ½ tablespoons of refried beans on the bolillos. Sprinkle Chihuahua cheese generously.
8. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted, bubbly and starting to brown.
9. Serve warm and use pico de gallo sauce for plate presentation.

a. Display the visual material of Mexico. Have children express their knowledge and ideas about the country. Locate Mexico in the large world
b. Have children observe the ingredients and tools they’ll use today. Encourage them to name them and describe them.
c. Display the recipe and have children read it. It’s going to be difficult to read the title so help them with the translation and pronunciation.
d. Divide your class into two groups.
e. At random ask children of each group to come to the front, name, select, count and measure the ingredients and cooking tools they need to
develop the recipe. Help as necessary.
f. Ask children to read the recipe and follow it. Model how to chop tomatoes and onion. Help them with the use of fractions, while adding salt,
and when dividing the bread. Recall the use of fractions.
g. Model how to open the bread by the middle.
h. Remind children to set the kitchen timer when the molletes are taken to the kitchen.
i. Meanwhile, Recall information of Mexico. What’s Mexico’s capital city? Maybe children can name some places of Mexico.
j. Have children think about an idea for presenting their dish using the pico de gallo sauce. Encourage them to be creative.
k. ¡Buen provecho!

Nite Owl child Care Center
Summer School Curriculum
Register below each list number: “A” (skill achieved), “B” (basic achievement) or “C” (not achieved).

Student’s List number

Abilities and skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Expresses his/her knowledge about Mexico
2 Negotiates with classmates
3 Follows instructions
4 Properly uses kitchen tools
5 Observes
6 Describes
7 Measures using conventional measuring tools
Solves problems that involve division
9 Helps to clean up the classroom



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