Caitlin Valdez Ceo

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To all the loyal readers out there that stick with my book. I love you
guys so much. It means a lot. Oh, and a big dedication to E.L. James,
the author of the Fifty Shades trilogy. You guys should read her
work, it's amazing. xx
Chapter 1

My phone started ringing as I picked it up immediately after

seeing the caller ID; Gray Industries. "Hi!" I answered, sounding maybe
a bit too excited.
"Hi, is this Ava White?" a professional voice asked.
"Yes!" I said, squeezing my eyes shut, waiting to hear what's next.
"Mr. Gray agrees to interview you tomorrow at ten o' clock sharp
and he says to not be late," she said.
Inside, I'm screaming. "Thank you. I'll be there on time," I said as
professionally as possible.
When I hung up I started dancing with joy, literally! Finally! He
finally agreed! I had been so persistent, I think I kind of annoyed him.
But anyways, if you walked in on me right now, I might've seemed
like I was drunk.
Then my roommate, Grace James, walked in, "Um, are you okay?"
I stopped dancing as I spun around and grinned at her, probably
looking like an idiot, "Yes! I feel amazing! I did it! I got Mr. Gray to
interview me!"
Grace's face split into a similar grin, "Oh my god! Congrats!"
"I know!" I said giddily, "And I already have everything ready! My
questions, my outfit. Everything!"
"And you were so sure they were going to call you?" she asked
"Yes!" I said, "I'm gonna go run downstairs for some lunch. Want
"Nah, I'm fine," she said.
I headed downstairs to the nearby coffee shop. I ordered my
usual, a coffee and strawberry donut. I was too busy thinking about
tomorrow that I accidentally bumped into someone, spilling my
coffee all over them.
I gasped, "Oh my god! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I was
"No, it's fine," said a clipped, low voice, it was obviously not fine.
I looked up and saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen, as
clique, as that sounded. He has a perfect, straight nose, perfectly
sculpted pink lips, stunning gray eyes, is it weird that I've never seen
anyone with gray eyes? But moving on, he had a strong jaw.
Oh hot damn, I felt my panties turning wet.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's fine," he growled. It was so not fine. He brushed past me
walking out the exit.
Nice going Ava, nice going, said my subconscious.
I ignored that part of me as I walked out shop, munching on my
I headed back to my apartment, well, technically Grace's
apartment. Grace was a year older then me but I met her in high
school and we went to the same college so we were pretty close.
Grace's parents were rich so Grace could afford it.
My mom is currently living in Kansas City and I am living in
Seattle, Washington. But she's not alone, she has her third husband,
Ryan, with her and she's happy. I think she might even be settling
down now since she's been with him for two years and haven't
divorced yet, which is rare, since her relationships last for only a year
and she or he breaks it off. But her first husband, my dad, past away
when I was six and he got into a car accident. It took a while for me
and mom to get used to it and to feel fine when people talked about
him but I still missed him.
When I got back to the apartment Grace was fast asleep in her
room. Of course.
She could sleep through hurricanes and she slept every time she
could but I knew she was going to wake up for dinner and I better
started cooking.
I ended up making spaghetti because the fridge was running out
of food.
Just when I put everything down, Grace walked out of her room,
"Is it time for dinner?"
"Yes, sleepyhead," I answered as she yawned, very unladylike.
We ate our dinner in silence as she asked, "You got your questions
and everything else ready?"
"Yup. Should I be feeling nervous or excited?" I asked.
"A bit of both. I mean, hello! Most richest and eligible bachelor
and CEO of Gray Industries. You gotta impress him to get the job!
And you should be feeling excited because you finally got the
interview you wanted!" said Grace excitedly.
"You seem more excited then me," I said laughing.
"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes.
"I spilled coffee on a man," I said. "What?" she asked, confused. I
told her everything that happened at the cafe and she ended up
laughing at me.
She was such a good friend, wasn't she?
Chapter 2

"Wake up! Ava! You're going to be late!" yelled Grace.

My eye flew open, "Oh no! Oh my god! What time is it?"
"Ten," she said.
"Ugh!" I scolded myself, "How can I sleep in today? Now I need to
I scrambled out of bed, grabbing my clothes and headed into the
bathroom for a shower.
I quickly applied my make up and shoved breakfast into my
mouth. Grace made breakfast, French toast and scrambled eggs. The
only two kinds of food she knew how to make.
I brushed my teeth quickly and rushed out the door, "Bye Grace!
I'm heading out!"
I headed into my old Beetle and drove to Gray Industries.
I rushed in and every single pair of eye in the lobby turned to me
as I stumbled in.
I felt my cheeks heat up. Talk about embarrassing and
I quickly straigthened my posture and walked to the front desk
with my coffee in hand, which I grabbed before running out the door.
I also noticed that everyone working here was blonde. Hmm, I
guess Mr. Christian Gray liked blondes.
"Hi, I'm here to interview Mr. Gray," I stated.
"Oh! Yes!" she said and glanced at her computer, "Ava? Ava White?"
"Yes," I confirmed as she walked me to a door.
Just then, the door next to Mr. Gray's office opened and out came
"Ava?" she asked surprised.
"Ella! Wow! It's been a while since we saw each other!" I exclaimed.
Ella shooed the other secretary away as she turned back to me,
"So, why are you here?"
"I'm interviewing Mr. Gray to work for Gray Industries. Why are
you here?" I asked back.
"I'm his assistant and I've heard someone was coming in to
interview him. Very rare. Just be careful, okay? He's very cold and
strict," she warned.
I smiled, "Thank you."
"Go on," she said.
"Ella? I'm feeling nervous now. Am I supposed to be?" I asked.
"With him? A bit," she said then she smiled assuringly, "You're
going to be fine. I promise."
When I didn't move, she pushed me lightly, "Go!"
And just with that push, I stumbled, almost falling flat on my
face, in spilling my coffee everywhere.
I glanced up, my face beat red.
A handsome, young man, also knows as, Christian Gray cleared
his throat.
Oh my god. He was handsome.
I straigthen up immediately, "Oh no! Hi, Mr. Gray! I'm so sorry! I
promise I did not mean to spill coffee all over your floor."
My face was burning and my subconscious started laughing at
"I'm sorry," I murmur.
"Laura! Clean it up!" I heard him call.
A lady with a mop came rushing in, cleaning the mess I made.
Oh no. Now I fell horrible. I spilled it, I should be cleaning it up.
"Here, let me help," I offered holding out my hand for the mop.
She shook her head quickly and returned to work.
"Please?" I asked.
She refused as she continued mopping.
I grabbed the mop from her, yes, I grabbed it. She wasn't going to
let me.
I quickly finished mopping everything up as I handed it back to
her and I smiled, "Thank you."
She hurried out the room as I turned back to Mr. Gray.
"Take a seat," he said in a low, dangerous voice that sent shivers
down my spine.
I sat down in the chair in front of him as I got a good look at him
and our eyes widened at the same time.
He was the guy I spilled coffee on in the coffee shop!
Oh god! I am so not getting this job!
"You spill coffee everywhere, don't you?" he asked in a cold voice.
I lowered my head, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gray. Please forgive me."
"Name?" he asked.
"Ava. Ava White," I said, surprised at his mood change.
He nodded as I started the interview, "Um, first question; how long
have you been working at Gray Enterprise?"
"Four years," he answered.
"Wow, that's amazing. And you're so young!" I said cocking my
head at him, "Why did you inherit this company when you were only
twenty two?"
"My father past away when I was still studying. I went to college
to study more about economics and finance," he answered.
"And you did an amazing job," I said offering him a smile.
"Thank you," he said curtly.
The interview actually went pretty smoothly. At the end, I couldn't
help but ask, "The suit that I spilled coffee on, is it okay?"
He nodded.
I handed him my resume, "And thank you for letting me interview
you even after an embarrassing first impression. I'm so sorry about
the coffee."
He nodded again.
"Thank you again. Are you willing to give me a call?" I asked.
He didn't answer as my stomach churnedd uneasily.
"Um, good bye, Mr. Gray," I said quietly.
"Good bye, Ms. White," he dismissed.
I rushed out of the building as I headed into my car.
"Oh my god Ava. You are so stupid and clumsy! Why in the world
would he ever want you to work for him? You have to be blonde,
sophistacated and beautiful! You have made a horrible first
impression. I mean seriously?! Spilling coffee on that seriously
looking expensive suit?" I scolded myself out loud.
I heard a light knock on my window as I turned my head towards
the passenger's window.
There stood Mark, probably laughing as I rolled down the
He peeked his head inside and behind me, "Is someone here with
you?" he asked chuckling.
"No..." I said trailing off.
"Are you scolding yourself again?" he asked as I pouted, nodding.
He started laughing, "What were you talking about?"
"About how I'm never going to get a job at Gray Enterprise. I made
a horrible first impression on Mr. Gray by pouring coffee all over his
expensive suit, then saw him again and spilled coffee over his floor.
Jeez, God is not on my side," I scowled.
"I think that you did fine. I'm sure you did. If Gray Enterprise
doesn't want you, then they don't know what they're missing on," he
said smiling at me.
"Thank you Mark. But I'm going to get going and relax at home
and let out all my stress in a tub of ice cream," I said grinning.
He grinned back, "Okay, bye."
I waved as I started the car and headed home that was half an
hour away but an hour because my car was slow.
I was around half a mile away from home when I felt the car
starting to tilt.
"What the hell?" I murmur as I stop the car and climbed out.
I started inspecting my car slowly until I noticed the tire was flat.
I groaned. Ugh. I had an extra tire in the back but I had no idea
how to switch tires.
What am I going to do?
I would call Grace but she would be no help. Though, she might
pick me up and ditch my car out here in the highway, which I did not
plan on doing.
I am so dead. I didn't know anyone that knew how to change a
tire, maybe some but they weren't around.
Why? Oh, why?
I started to push the car as hard as I could and it moved about an
inch or so.
I sighed, this was hopeless.
I saw a sleek, sports car stop behind me.
I cocked my head, curious at who the driver was.
And out stepped Christian Gray smirking at me, "That's what you
"Shut up," I mutter, "I'm proud of her."
I gasped as I covered my mouth, "Uh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to
tell you to shut up. It just slipped out."
"What are you doing here? In the middle of the highway? It's
dangerous," he said, ignoring what I said.
"Flat tire," I replied.
"Surprising," he said sarcastically.
"What do you mean by that?" I demanded.
"Your car," he said.
I gasped, "What is wrong with my car?"
"It's old," he replied.
"Well, I can't do anything about that. I don't have to money to get
a new car," I said.
He rolled his eyes, "Get in."
I cocked my head at him, confused, "What do you mean?"
He nodded to his car, his very sleek looking sports car, probably
an 2014 Audi R8. Wow.
"What about my car?" I asked.
"Get in," he said bossily.
I pouted and climbed onto the passenger seat. It was very low
and comfortable.
He was still outside talking on a Blackberry before climbing onto
the driver's seat.
"So...we're just going to be leaving my car out in the highway?" I
asked biting my lip.
"No," he said.
"Okay..." I trailed off, "My apartment is just half an hour away."
I told him the address and soon, we were by my apartment
"Um, thanks for the ride," I said, "And my car...?"
"It's going to be here in half an hour," he said and handed me his
business card.
"Thank you, Mr. Gray," I said, "Drive safely."
I headed to the front door and went inside.
Chapter 3

"Wake up!" yelled Grace.

She always seemed to be screaming in me ear to wake up.
"What?" I grumbled.
"Gray Enterprise is calling you!" she yelled again.
She is so immature.
My eyes flew open, "What? Give me my phone! Why do you have
my phone?"
She laughed as she handed me my phone. "Hi, this is Ava White," I
said to my phone.
"Hi, Miss White. Congratulations! You have been accepted to work
at Gray Publishing. You are going to be Brandon Ferrall's assistant
starting next week on Tuesday at nine o' clock. Do not be late," she
said and told me the address as I scribbled it down.
"Wow, um, thank you! I have a question," I said, "Did Mr. Gray have
doubts on accepting me to be working for his company?"
"No, I think he was pretty sure of you but Mr. Ferrall was a bit
puzzled and uncertain but I am sure that you will do an amazing job.
I trust Mr. Gray's judgement," she said.
"Thank you," I said, pleased.
"No problem. Do not be late on Tuesday," she warned.
"Thank you so much," I said again, grinning.
I hung up and jumped up and started dancing around, "I've been
Grace said, "Mr. Gray didn't have any doubts about you? Hmm.
You spilled coffee on him and his floor. That's interesting."
"Who cares? Let's celebrate!" I cheered.
"Okay, tonight at the club, how's that?" asked Grace.
I gave her a thumbs up before heading to the bathroom to wash
up and brush my teeth after having my lunch since I didn't wake up
for breakfast.

3 Hours Later~~

I felt crazy drunk.
"Let's play a game!" I yelled to the stranger I was dancing with as I
pulled him to the bar as he ordered twenty shots.
"We each drink ten shots and whoever is done first wins and if
you lose, you ring the golden bell," I said giggling hysterically,
pointing at the golden bell.
"Sure," he said.
"Ready, set, go!"
I yelled as I grabbed the first shot and downed it, one after
I gulped down everything and I was done before him.
"Whooo!" I yelled, "You have to ring the bell!"
He climbed onto the table as I followed, yelling, "Drink are on
him! Free drinks and he's paying!"
He rung the golden bell as everyone cheered.
I finished off a bottle of Vodka and I suddenly felt queasy.
"I'm gonna step out for a while!" I yelled to Grace, over the music
as I stumbled out the bar and pulled out my phone, pressing the first
call button.
"Hello?" I heard a male's voice say.
"Hi!" I slurred, "I'm drunk."
"Where are you?" he asked.
"At a club," I answered, giggling.
"Which one?" he asked.
"I don't know. The one nearest to where I live," I answered,
laughing, "I had so much fun! I won a game with someone I didn't
know and made him ring the golden bell. That's the first drinking
contest I won!"
"I'm coming to get you," he said.
I laughed, "Hurry up, okay? We don't have all night. Who are
"Christian Gray," he replied.
I bursted out laughing, "You're lying. Why would I call you?"
"You did," he said and hung up.
"Bossy," I yelled at my phone.
I sat there, giggling.
"Get up," I heard the same male voice said.
I cocked my heead up at him, "Who are you? Aren't you the guy I
called earlier?"
"Yes," he said, "Get up."
"Bossy!" I yelled at him as I stood up, "Where are you bringing
me? What about Grace? I don't have keys, I do but I didn't bring
them. Grace did. How am I going to get home?"
"Shut up, will you?" he grumbled.
"Uh oh," I muttered, "I feel something coming up!"
He quickly lead me to the side of the streets and lifted up the hair
as I bent down and everything rushed out my mouth, disgustingly.
After I was done puking I started laughing again as I sighed, "If
you were really Mr. Gray, I would kill myself of embarrassment. I'm
just wondering why he would still accept me after a bad first
He lead to me to a car. "Are you going to kidnap me?" I asked.
"No," he said, "We're heading over to my place."
Soon, I was in his living room as he handed me a glass of water.
I felt a little less drunk by now and stopped the giggling as I
drank the water.
"Let's get you to your room," he said.
He lead me to a room as he sat me down on the bed and turned
to walk out.
I grabbed his hand, "Wait. I can't sleep with a dress on. Can you
help me take it off? Please?"
His hands slowly went to the back of my strapless dress and
slowly unzipped it.
I turned back around when he was done as I smiled at him,
"Thank you."
I leaned forward and pecked his lips lightly, "Good night."
He walked out the room as I stepped out of my dress and slipped
off my shoes and climbed into the comfortable bed, falling asleep.
Chapter 4

I woke to a huge headache and an unfamiliar room.

My eyes went wide as I looked down at what I was wear, nothing.
Except my bra and panties.
I nearly let out a scream as I buried my face into the pillow.
God, Ava! How can you be so stupid! Why would you sleep with
someone when you're drunk?! Why would you let someone take
advantage of you!? What is wrong with you! You lost your virginity
to a stranger!
I smacked my forehead. Oh, jesus.
I looked around the room, trying to at least find something
familiar, but nope. Nada. Zip. Zero.
I looked next to me and found a desk with a shirt on it and some
advil and a cup of water.
I took it and noticed that it was a men's shirt, that was big.
I decided to pull it on anyways and it just covered my ass, thank
god for that.
I slowly walked out of the room, after taking the medicine for my
headache, peeking my head out, as if I was a spy.
"You don't need to do that," said a familiar male voice as I jumped
and let out a small shriek.
I glanced up and there sat Christian, a cup in his hand.
"W-What are you doing here?" I asked, immediately self conscious
because of the shirt and how short it was.
"This is my place," he said.
"So, you weren't lying about your name?" I asked.
"No. Would you like breakfast?" I asked.
I shook my head. "You know you can move, right? You don't need
to stand there," he said.
I slowly walked out.
"Why am I here?" I asked, my head still throbbing but slowly
fading away.
"You were drunk. Did you remember anything?" he asked.
"No," I said slowly, "No, I don't. Did I do something bad? Did I
embarrasse myself really badly?"
"You puked," he said.
"And...?" I pressed on, "I woke up in only a bra and panties. We
didn't do it right?"
"No, you told me to unzip your dress," he said as if it was no big
My eyes popped out of my socket, "What?! Why did you listen to
me? You actually did it?"
He nodded.
I groaned, "God. I'm sorry Christian, I mean, Mr. Gray."
"We aren't at work," he said.
"Sorry," I murmur.
"Christian, dear?" I heard a voice call as Christian jumped up.
"Who...?" I asked, trailing off.
"My mother," he replied, "Um, go to my room and grab something
to wear for pants before my mother sees you."
Huh. He noticed.
I quickly went into a random room and I happened to walk into
Christian's room, I think. It was very neat.
His bed was made, his desk has a Mac computer and a MacBook
Pro along with a thick binder and papers and a lamp. It was very big.
I went to a random drawer as my face heat up at what I saw, his
I cleared my throat as I closed that drawer and continued looking.
The middle drawer were his shorts as I grabbed the smallest one.
I could hear voices outside but I couldn't make out what they were
It was still to big. I sighed as I pulled the shorts to one side and
tied it, so the waist part was smaller.
I slowly walked out to the living room, seeing Mrs. Gray.
I gave her a sheepish smile, "Hi, Mrs. Gray."
"Christian...?" she said, raising her eyebrows at Christian.
"Mother, this is Ava. She works for the publishing house,"
introduced Christian.
"Ava! My name is Stella and please, don't be so formal. Call me
Stella. I feel old when people call me Mrs. Gray. Would you like to
come over for dinner tomorrow and I'll introduce you as Christian's
girlfriend! So, what do you say? Dinner tomorrow? Christian can pick
you up. What do you like to eat? Lobster? Steak? Oysters? Tell me
what you like and we can make it for you. What kinds of appetizers
do you like? Dessert?"
"Mother," said Christian sternly.
"Yes, sweetheart?" asked Mrs. G - Stella.
"Stop it. You'll scare her away," said Christian, "She'll have dinner
with you and I'll pick her up."
Stella grinned, "Okay Christian, Ava. See you tomorrow!"
When she left, I turned to him, "Dinner? Girlfriend?"
"You're the first girl that she's ever saw me with - ," he paused, as
if to say something else but continued, "And she's dramatic so if you
refused, she would be sulking for days."
"I think she's cute," I said, smiling, "It must be nice to have parents
to return to anytime you like and your mom isn't that bad. I think
she's just a little bit excited."
He scoffed, "Would you like breakfast now?"
"I'm fine," I said.
"No you aren't. You haven't ate anything since you woke up," he
"Which I'm used to," I replied, "I swear. I'm fine."
"Go shower and when you're done, come back," he said, "There will
be clothes in the bathroom. Jesse brought them."
I obiedenlty went to find the bathroom and picked the room with
the bag of clothes in it.
After pulling off my - well, Christian's - clothes, I stepped into the
Twenty minutes later, I was done as I rummaged through the bag.
There was a plain white tee shirt, with skinny jeans and a pair of
white converse. There was even a bra and panties.
Everything fit perfectly as I walked out the bathroom and into the
kitchen again and there were two plates of food.
One in front of Christian, which he was eating an omelette and a
plate opposite of him full of food.
He picked his head up from the newspaper he was reading.
"Sit," he demanded.
Jeez. Bossy.
I sat down in front of him as he nodded at the food, "Eat."
"All of it?" I asked.
"All. Of. It," he said.
I pouted as I stuck my fork into a pancake and pushed it in my
mouth, chewing slowly.
When I was half done, I dropped my fork, "I'm full."
"No you aren't. Eat it all," he said.
"I'm full," I whined.
"I have a problem with wasted food," he said.
I sighed and forced myself to finish the rest up.
Jeez, he's so bossy.
"There. Done," I said, putting down my fork after finishing it off.
"Are you okay with having dinner with my mom?" he asked.
I smiled, "Yes, I'm fine with it. I would like to meet my boss's boss's
family. Are they like you?"
"What do you mean by that?" he demanded.
"Stern, never smiles, super serious, hard working," I listed.
He glared at me as I smirked.
"Miss White, are you smirking at me?" he asked playfully.
God, mood swing alert!
"I am," I comfirmed.
"If you were mine, I would take you across the knee," he growled.
I surpressed my shiver but my heart lifted when he said 'if you
were mine,' but the key work was if.
Chapter 5

v"Would you like to have coffee with me this afternoon at two?"

he asked as he dropped me off in front of my apartment.
Say yes! my subconscious yelled at me.
"Sure," I said, trying to sound as calm and collected as possible.
Then he flashed me one of those rare, dazziling smiles and I
almost melted in front of him.
"I'll pick you up," he said as I walked and he drove off.
He. Just. Asked. Me. Out. For. Coffee.
Which is practically a date!
I hope.
I skipped to my apartment happily as Grace grinned as she saw
me, "Tell. Me. Everything and why you're so happy."
"No, Grace. We didn't do it. But, just then, he asked me out! To
coffee at two!" I said excitedly.
"Wow. This is something new. You're actually excited, for a boy,"
said Grace, "Are you okay?"
SHe touched my forehead as I smacked it away, "Stop it."
"Okay, fine. Let's get you dressed up for your coffee date," said
"I'm not even sure if it's a date," I said.
"Of course it's a date, silly. He asked you out for coffee which
mean, he wants to see you more and get to know you. I've heard
that he's very cold and doesn't let anybody in," she said, opening my
closet doors.
"Does he have many ex girlfriends?" I asked, curious.
"I don't know. Probably yes, but it has never said so in a
magazine," said Grace, pulling out a short red dress.
I don't even remember buying that!
"Grace, are you crazy? We are not going to a club. We're having
coffee," I said, pulling the dress back inside, "I should settle for
something casual, like jeans and a tee."
"But that's what you always wear!" whined Grace.
"And I like what I wear. I'm comfortable in it," I said.
"Let's try something new. How about a mini skirt?" she asked.
I gave her a look as she huffed and pulled out a yellow, flowy
I gave it a look and nodded, "That is appropriate."
Grace grinned, "Good. Now change and after you're done, sit
down and let me do youur makeup."
"As long as it's not crazy," I said, she waved me off.
I headed into the bathroom and pulled on the dress. It slipped on
perfectly and it was new.
I walked back outside and sat down in my chair.
Grace started helping me with some waterprook eyeliner and
mascara and light eye shadow, it was a white-ish shade and some
lip gloss.
"Okay, you're done," said Grace, satisfied.
Then the doorbell rang, "Oh! He's here!" said Grace excitedly.
She seemed more excited then me and I was the one going on the
I heard the front door open, "Hi! My name is Grace, Ava's
roommate and best friend! I've heard a lot about you Christian! It's
so nice to finally meet you! How are you? DO you have any criminal
records? Do you do drugs?"
I decided to interupt, clearing my throat, "Um, Grace? Please,
calm down."
Christian's eyes flickered to me, checking me out as I felt heat rush
to my cheeks and feeling relief at the approving look.
"Ava," he said smoothly.
Holy crap.
"Hi," I said shyly and slowly walked over.
"Are you ready to go?" he asked.
"Yes, let me just get my bag," I said heading back into my room as
Grace followed.
"Okay, be careful out there. Here, open your mouth," she said as I
cocked an eyebrow but obeyed as she sprayed the minty breath
freshner thing.
"Oh my God! Did my breath smell?" I asked.
"No. That was a just in case," she said.
"Okay, okay. Bye. I'll get going," I said.
"You're growing up so fast," sniffed Grace.
I rolled my eyes and pulled her in for a hug, patting her back.
I headed back to the door where Christian was patiently waiting.
"Um, sorry for keeping you waiting," I said smiling sheepishly.
"Let's go," he said holding out his arm to lead me out the door.
He opened my door to his very fancy sports car.
It was around a six minute drive to the coffee shop.
I climbed out as we headed in and took a seat as a waitress came
out, "Hello, welcome. What would you guys like today?"
"What I normally have," said Christian.
"Um, I'll just have the original," I said.
She nodded and turned away, walking.
"Um, Christian, am I allowed to call you that?" I asked.
He nodded curtly, not saying anything.
"Thank you for the job, can you tell me who I'm working for?"
"Christopher Wilde," he replied as the coffee came.
I nodded slowly, "So, I'm starting next Tuesday?"
He nodded as he sipped his coffee, "Is that okay?"
"Yes, that's fine," I said smiling as I cupped my coffee, warming my
It was getting quite chilly these past days. Winter was definitely
We managed to have an easy conversation.
"Thank you, Mr. Gray," I said gratefully as he dropped me off in
front of my apartment building door.
"We're not at work," he said.
I smiled, "Thank you Christian. I had a wonderful time with you.
See you next Tuesday."
He nodded and pulled off as I watched the car speed away.
"Grace! I'm home!" I called as I entered the apartment.
"Ah!" she shrieked, "How did it go? Tell. Me. Everything."
"Grace, we didn't do anything. We just talked about my new job," I
Grace scoffed, "Young people are so boring."
"You're a year older then me Grace," I said putting my bag down,
"It's quite chilly out."
"It is, now make me some dinner," she said in a bossy but friendly
I laughed, "Okay. What would you like?"
Chapter 6

Tuesday managed to come by quickly. I huffed as I pulled on my

gray pencil skirt and white blouse along with my white pumps. I
pulled my hair into a bun, trying to look as professional as possible.
Grace was still asleep but I quickly laid out some bacon and
pancakes for her and headed for work with an apple in hand.
It was around a twenty minute ride.
I entered the office and I saw everyone in front of their
computers, typing like mad.
The minute I took a step out the elevator, everyone's eyes turned
to me.
Someone stood up quickly, "Ms. White?"
I nodded as she continued, "Mr. Wilde is waiting for you in his
She lead me to the back of the office and knocked on the door.
"Come in," he said, his voice was deep.
She opened the door and I saw Mr. Wilde sitting in front of his
computer, glancing at the door.
He had a muscular build, brown hair and eyes.
"Mr. Wilde," I greeted.
"Ah, yes. Ms. White, I was waiting for you," he said, "Come in.
Marilyn, get back to work."
She - Marilyn - closed the door behind her.
"Ms. White, you will be starting work immediately. I need you
retype and fix Douglas Clark's work and make five more copies by
four. Also, grab me a coffee while you're at it, your office is next
door," he said, handing me a thick binder.
I almost collasped at the weight of the binder. Damn that serious
"Yes, Mr. Wilde," I murmur as I hurried out the office, walking into
my own.
Jeez, he didn't even let me unpack.
I set the binder in front of the computer, turned it on and headed
into the coffee room, making a cup and walking back into Mr. Wilde's
When I returned, I started my work.
Twenty minuets later, the phone started ringing.
I growled as I picked up, "Mr. Wilde's office, how may I help you?" I
snapped a bit to harshly.
I heard a deep chuckle on the other line, "Bad first day?"
I recognize that voice immediately as I straightened, I gasped, "Mr.
"You didn't answer my question Ava," he said.
"Right, sorry. Kind of. Mr. Wilde already sent me a lot of work. I'm
kind of busy, can you call back later?" I asked, "Everything is dued by
four and I can't risk giving him a bad impression."
"I'll talk to Mr. Wilde," he said.
"No! I don't want him thinking I'm a whiner," I quickly said, still
typing furiously.
"He won't," Christian replied and hung up.
I quickly put the phone down and continued typing.
The phone started ringing again.
Oh my god!
I picked up, "Mr. Wilde's off - "
"Everything is dued by five," I heard he say and hung up.
I fell back in my chair as I sighed, not knowing what to feel.
I hurried to the coffee room, made myself a cup and headed back
I managed to fix the book and make five copies a little bit before
I knocked quietly, "Come in," I heard him grumble.
"Mr. Wilde, I completed everything," I said handing him back the
binder and another binder with the other five copies.
"Thank you, Ms. White, did you have your lunch yet?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I haven't either, would you like to have lunch
together?" he asked.
When did he suddenly become nice?
"Christopher," I heard a deep, masculine voice that sent shivers
down my spine speak up.
"Mr. Gray!" Mr. Wilde said, standing up.
"Ms. White will be having lunch with me today," said Christian.
Christian lead me out his office.
"We're having lunch together? Since when?" I asked.
"Since before," he said, "Don't forget that I'm your boss's boss."
"Right," I said, "Thank you for saving me, Mr. Gray."
"You're very welcome."
Author's Note (Very Short)




Chapter 7

Lunch managed to go by smoothly.

I kept noticing Christian's intense gaze burning holes into me.
I felt so flustered the whole time but I swallowed a sandwich with
some water.
"Um, thank you Christian, for lunch," I said.
He gave me half of a smile, that rare but breathtaking one.
"You're welcome Ava. Anytime," he said, dropping me off in front
of the office.
I noticed how close we were.Just a couple inches till our lips
touch. Just slightly Ava. Don't come off desperate.
My breath turned heavy and my heart was about to burst.
He seemed to gaze back down at me.
I swear, we were two inches apart.
He blinked and quickly stepped back, ruining the moment.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie, "Have a good day at
work, Ms. White," he said, formal and in a clip tone and headed back
to his car.
He drove off in a second, leaving me standing there, shocked.
What. The. Hell?
We were so close to kissing!
So. Close.
Well, now I just sound desperate.
I sighed, wondering how desperate I must've looked.
“Ava, you know better then that! You tried kissing Christian Gray.
That‘s never going to happen,” I scolded myself quietly as I entered
the building.
The rest of the day went by slower then it was supposed to be.
By nine, the office was empty and I was packing up my things.
“How was your first day?” asked Mr. Wilde standing by the
doorway, startling me.
“Um,” I said uncomfortably. He was the one that gave me all the
work and kept on asking for coffee!
“I’m sorry for putting you through all that stress of typing
everything, the coffee, etc. I’ll go a little bit easier on you tomorrow,”
he said as I flexed my fingers, suppressing the pain from the cramp.
He offered me a lazy smile.
“Uh, yes, Mr. Wilde. I’ll see you tomorrow at nine am,” I said
forcing a smile back.
He nodded as I headed out the office after grabbing my things.
I set my belongings on the passenger seat, headed to the driver’s
side and collapsed in my seat, dead tired.I groaned as I started the
It started to purr back to life before it died down.
“Ah crap!” I groaned as I retried over and over and over again
before I gave up.
“Car not working?” I heard a voice call.
My head flew up, meeting eyes with the one and only Christian
“Why am I not surprised?” he asked chuckling softly.
That was the first time I’ve ever heard him chuckle.
Jeez, why is he so serious?
I frowned at him, “Well, thank you, Mr. Gray,” I snapped
I immediately corrected myself, “Um, sorry. I didn’t mean to snap
and be sarcastic. I’m just tired,” I apologized.
“Get in,” he said, nodding at the door.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Get in,” he repeated, “I don’t like repeating myself.”
“But I have to get home,” I argued.
He didn’t say anything. He just waited.
I sighed as I got out of my car, “Okay, fine. What about my car?”
“It will be sent to the junk yard and you’ll get money for it,” he
“Wait, what?! But that’s my car!” I exclaimed.
Why is he so controlling?!
“Will you really hoard a car that is broken down and looks like
it’s from the eighteenth century?” he asked.
I frowned at him.
“I’ll get you a new car,” he said, “Tell me your address.”
“Mr. Gray, I’m afraid that would not be necessary to get me a new
car. I don’t need it,” I said.
I had too much pride.“What did I say about repeating myself?” he
“Okay! But I’ll pay you back,” I said.
“Are you saying I can’t afford it?” he asked.
“What?! No!” I exclaimed.
“Good. Then let me buy you a car,” he said.
“Mr. Gray, as I said, that won’t be necessary. I promise,” I
“Ava, let me get you something,” he said, stopping the car at red
light, “Do not talk back.”
I shut up. I knew he was going to win the fight anyways, so what’s
the point.
Ten minutes later, we were in front of the building.
“Thank you, Mr. Gray,” he said.
He flashed me a lazy smile, the rare smiles, nodding, “Sure. Your
car will be downstairs the next morning. I’ll have Skye deliver it.”
“Skye?” I questioned.
“My bodyguard,” he said.
I nodded, “Thank you again Mr. Gray,” I said.
“It was first Christian, now Mr. Gray. Just call me Christian,” he
I nodded, waving good bye as he drove off.
The rest of the day dragged on, Mr. Wilde not getting any nicer.
Christian gave me his email address when we were having lunch
and I got an email when I turned on the computer.
To: Ava White
From: Christian Gray
Subject: Back Into The Office

Dear Ava,
Did you manage to get back in the office safely?
Christian Gray, CEO of Gray Enterprise
To: Christian Gray
From: Ava White
Subject: Re: Back Into The Office

Dear Christian,
Yes, I did. Thank you for checking in.
Ava White, Assistant of Christopher Wilde
Almost immediately, his response came.

To: Ava White
From: Christian Gray
Subject: Glad

Dear Ava,
That’s nice to hear. Are you packed with work? Do you want we to
talk to Christopher about it?
Christian Gray, CEO of Gray Enterprise
To: Christian Gray
From: Ava White
Subject: No Complaining Allowed

Dear Christian,
No, it’s fine. I should probably be getting used to it and I don’t
want to give off a bad impression, but, thank you.
Ava White, Assistant of Christopher Wilde
To: Ava White
From: Christian Gray
Subject: Yes Ma’am

Dear Ava,
Okay, fine. You’re welcome.
Christian Gray, CEO of Gray Enterprise
I loved how is emails came by so quickly, as if he was waiting for
I chuckled at myself, no he wasn’t.

Author's Note (PLEASE Read):
I was just wondering fit the emailing format is too hard to read.
Please comment! I'll try to change it if it is too hard because, hint,
hint, there will be more coming up. Oh and there might be some
mistakes in this book, please don't mind them because once I'm done
with this book, I'll revise and edit. (It's going to be a long book.
Maybe. I'll decided later.) This book will not be a trilogy and there
will be no BDSM. But there will be sex scenes. Yes, there will be sex
I bolded that for a reason but, I'll warn you guys at the beginning
of the chapter, so don't worry.
Love you guys!
Publication Date: September 26th 2013

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