Prelab Format

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Pre-Lab Report (2-page limited)

Name: T-# (last 3 numbers): Lab: M1 / M2 / W1 / W2 / F1

Please follow the format provided below for your pre-lab write-up. The pre-lab assignment is
intended to prepare you for the lab and therefore should be in the lab in a hand-written form (2-
page max.) before you come to the lab. Should you struggle in the preparation of the pre-lab or
with any of the calculations for each lab feel free to contact or e-mail your TAs or instructor. Your
TAs will also go over any details at the beginning of the lab period. Some variation off this example
is fine, but please try and follow the format for full points (i.e. make sure that all of the information
is present and clearly displayed).

Pre-Lab Report Section to Include for Each Experiment:

1. Title page: Title of experiments

2. Introduction (2pt’): Write one paragraph on background and purpose of the experiment.
Note: This should not be a copy of the procedure from the lab manual!. It should be written
in your words in a stepwise manner.

3. Technical Terms and Definitions (2pt’):

 Look for technical terms you are not familiar with and define those. (Specify

4. Design of Experiments (2pt’): (Please read lab materials through and through.)
 Create a hypothesis.
 Describe your experiment method
 Explain equipment and instruments you are going to use.
Note: This should not be a copy of the procedure from the lab manual!. It should be written
in your words in a stepwise manner.

5. Calculations (optional) (2pt’): Provide any calculations necessary for the lab ahead of time if
necessary. TAs will give you the detailed information during lab.

6. Discussion (2pt’): Give a one paragraph discussion of the scientific conclusions you want to
achieve from the experiment.

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