Wine Traceability and Authenticity - A Literature Review

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Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol.

XVIII, 2014
ISSN 2285-1364, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5521, ISSN Online 2285-1372, ISSN-L 2285-1364


Mihai PALADE, Mona-Elena POPA
University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 59 Marasti Blvd, Bucharest
011464, Romania, phone: 0040-21-3183640, fax: 0040-21-3182588

Corresponding author’s email:


In the actual economic context, the agro-food economy is focused on the consumer demands regarding quality, safety
and security of food and foodstuffs. Traceability of wine can be defined as a method through which anybody in the wine
supply chain can be able to verify the origin and composition of each batch of wines, its conditions of storage, and all
the products that were in contact with the wine after the production. Traceability in the wine industry has an important
role in a quality assurance management system. It ensures the registration on specific documents of all manipulations
of raw materials, ingredients and final products. They are created especially to allow a rapid identification of the
product history. The wine supply chain requires traceability from grape production to processing and wine distribution.
Authenticity of wine has been extensively investigated because wine is an easily adulterated product due to its chemical
composition and its availability throughout the world. Responsible and continuous controls are required to maintain
the quality of wine. Usually volatile compounds are used to characterize varieties, whereas minerals are used for
geographical differentiation. Amino acids as well as phenolic compounds evaluation are used for both. The
development of advanced techniques for wines authentication is a challenge, which currently is given a special
attention. In this literature review, latest scientific papers on this subject will be assessed in order to establish the state
of the art in the proposed field and to establish further research needed.

Keywords: wine, traceability, authenticity, food safety.

INTRODUCTION statements by various analytical methods

(Schlesier et al., 2009).
Wine is a beverage which value is influenced The analysis of wine is of great importance
by many factors amongst which the origin, since wine components strongly determine its
vintage, grape variety and the growing stability, organoleptic or nutrition
condition play the major role. Wine is characteristics. In addition, wine analysis is
characterized by a wide variety of sensory also important to prevent fraud and to assess
characteristics. The information indicated on toxicological issues (Grindlay et al., 2011).
the wine label is connected to special The great number of parameters affecting wine
consumer’s expectations concerning the quality has initiated the development of
sensory and quality criteria. The label may different protocols for analysis. Wine
indicate, therefore, significant and price- constituents are strictly regulated by
determining characteristics such as the brand, international organizations (OIV, 2014) or
type, vintage, variety and origin of the product, government agencies to avoid fraud and health
which represent the wine identity. Wine control risks. Luque de Castro et al. (Luque de Castro
is traditionally strongly associated with proof et al., 2005) have recently reviewed methods of
of authenticity. analysis for the most commonly determined
Generally, chemical falsifications to deal with parameters in wine such as ethanol, sulphur
are the addition of water, glycerol, alcohol, dioxide, reducing sugars, polyphenols, organic
dyes, sweeteners, flavor substances, the non- acids, total and volatile acidity, Fe, soluble
authorized addition of sugars, preservatives and solids, pH and color (Grindlay et al., 2011).
acidity adjustments. However, wine For the wine industry and market sector, it is
authentication aims to confirm all declarations particularly essential that the intended value
of label descriptions or to detect fraudulent traits created via genetics (variety), origin of
production (typicity), and unique inputs or
processing method (vinification technology) Traceability is defined as the ability to follow a
are preserved. In other words, it must be product batch and its history through the whole,
ensured that a product’s label is accurate and or part, of a production chain from raw
not misleading, since consumers distinguish materials through transport, storage,
peculiar commodities from a mass of other processing, distribution and sales (called chain
similar ones, on the belief that they bear a traceability) or internally in one of the steps of
superior quality. However, wine is a product the chain, for example the production step
that can be easily adulterated, and for this (called internal traceability). Traceability of
reason wine authenticity is guaranteed by strict products has been introduced since the 1990s
guidelines laid down by responsible national (Cimino and Marcelloni, 2012) and is still
authorities, and includes sensory evaluation, under investigation by scientific and industrial
chemical analyses, and examination of the bodies (Bevilacqua et al., 2009) (Gandino et
records kept by wine producers (Makris et al., al., 2009). A number of traceability systems,
2006). technologies and standards have been
The EC regulations dealing with geographical developed to carry out supply chain traceability
indications (GI) all include traceability and internal traceability, with different business
provisions. These are built into the provisions objectives (Bechini et al., 2008) (Bertolini et
dealing with certification schemes and the al., 2006). Nevertheless, only large enterprises,
various requirements concerning the overall which are characterized by a tightly aligned
control of the producers’ operations. supply chain and supported by a considerable
For example, Article 118p of EU Regulation use of information and communication
1234/20073 incorporated EU Regulation technology, employ very efficient and fully
479/2008 (dealing with wine) provides for automated traceability systems. On the
annual verification of compliance with GI contrary, small enterprises only rarely
product specifications by relevant bodies (e.g. implement traceability and, when they do, they
product certification bodies, public authorities, add the traceability management to their
etc.). In all cases, producers will need to be normal operation, decreasing the efficiency and
able to show inspectors how and where increasing the costs. Thus, today, a
products were produced using reliable considerable challenge is to develop agile and
traceability systems. automated traceability platforms for
In the certification and control processes communities of small-scale enterprises (Cimino
provided for GIs under these EU regulations, and Marcelloni, 2012).
traceability is a core element. Only by Figure 1 highlights the main actors of the
recording the origin of the various components supply chain. Each actor is responsible for
and tracking the production chain it is possible specific activities which have to be traced so as
for the certification and control bodies to to enable supply chain traceability. For each
verify, certify, and monitor whether the final actor, the activities and the corresponding data
product actually has the claimed link with its which have to be collected are described as
geographical origin and conforms to the follows:
relevant specification and quality requirements
(Sciarra and Gellman, 2012).

Figure 1. A representative scenario of wine supply chain. Source: (Cimino and Marcelloni, 2012)

Grape Growers are responsible for the (i) storage and dispatch of bulk wine without
production, harvest and delivery of grapes. any blending or any other processing;
Growers should record, details about the (ii) storage, blending of different wines and
location, type of the vines, annual production dispatch of the new bulk blend. Identification is
record, origin and chemical content of water handled for the bulk distributor and the bulk
used for cleaning and irrigation, and the annual wine container. To ensure forward tracking, it
treatment. For each treatment product, growers is essential to record references of the delivery
should record the supplier’s details, a items and to link these to the recipient.
description of the product received, as well as The Transit Cellar is responsible for the
applicable batch numbers. receipt, storage, dispatch, processing, sampling
The growers supply, with each delivery, the and analysis of bulk wine. The transit cellar
location number of the plot from which it receives bulk wine from bulk distributors in
comes and the date of picking, so that the different kinds of containers. Each of these
receiving wine producers can link the related containers is identified with a proper code. The
details to the wine made from these grapes. transit cellar sends batches of bulk wine to the
Wine Producers are responsible for the filler/packer. Each container sent is identified
production, manufacture and/or blending of with a unique number, and with the associated
wine products. Wine producers should record quantity of wine (liters). In order to maintain
where, in the winery, grapes or juice was accurate traceability throughout the chain, it is
stored. They must keep accurate records for the necessary that the transit cellar records the item
procedures and operations performed. The wine and batch numbers, as well as the identifier of
producer is responsible for identifying each each dispatched item. To ensure forward
production run with a batch number. For the tracking, it is necessary to record the global
receipt of additives, the producers should identifiers of the shipped items and link these
record the supplier’s details, receiving date, a to the location of the recipient.
description of the product received, as well as The filler/packer is responsible for the receipt,
applicable batch numbers. storage, processing, sampling, analysis, filling,
The Bulk Distributor is responsible for receipt, packing and dispatch of finished goods. The
storage, dispatch, processing, sampling and filler/packer receives containers of bulk wine
analysis of bulk wine. The bulk distributor from the transit cellar, and also “dry goods” in
checks the receiving documents, records all the contact with wine (bottles, caps, corks, etc).
information including the amount of received Each of the containers of bulk wine and logistic
wine and takes samples for tasting and analysis. units of dry goods are identified with a proper
If the wine is rejected, the wine returns to the batch number. During this stage, the wine is
source, otherwise, two distinct processes are poured into different kinds of containers, such
performed: as bottles, bags, kegs or barrels, and a lot

number is allocated to them. A link between MATERIALS AND METHODS
these components (bulk wine, finished product)
should be maintained. The next step is the The authenticity of wine is guaranteed by strict
packaging into cartons and pallets and the guidelines laid down by the responsible
dispatch of these cartons and pallets (identified national authorities that include official sensory
with a lot number) to the finished goods evaluation, chemical analyses and examination
distributor. The lot number must be linked to of the register kept by the wine producer
the batch (es) of bulk wine used to fill the (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
bottles. To ensure forward tracking, it is
necessary to record the global lot number of the 1. Authentication of geographical origin
shipped items and link these to the location (production area)
number of the recipient. Climatic, edaphic and orographic factors
The finished goods distributor is responsible influence the process of vine growth, with
for the receipt, storage, inventory management direct influence on the compositional and
and dispatch of finished goods. The finished sensory parameters of wines (Ballabio et al.,
goods distributor receives pallets and cartons 2006). Since the area of production raises the
from the filler/packer and dispatches them to visible mark on originality and quality
the retailer. These trade items are identified characteristics of products, the determination of
with lot numbers. To ensure forward tracking, geographical origin is a main requirement for
it is necessary to record the global lot number wine authenticity. The concept of "terroir" has
of the shipped items and link these to the been introduced within Europe, considering the
location number of the recipient. specific characteristics of a wine that are
The retailer receives pallets and cartons from induced mainly by geographical location and
the finished goods distributor and picks and characteristics of production in the concerned
dispatches goods to the retail stores. The areas. The “denomination of origin” (DOC)
container number of an incoming pallet is regions are areas within designated traditional
recorded and linked to the location number of wines, which have great quality features.
the supplier. The retailers keep a record of the Sensory evaluation done by specialists (tasters)
container number and the lot numbers of the was the only way to determine the geographical
components of the pallets and cartons they origin of wines. The method has a high degree
receive. The retailers sell consumer items of uncertainty; therefore, instrumental analysis
(bottles, cartons) to the final consumer. These is used to identify the compounds which are in
items are identified with a number allocated by very small quantities (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
the brand owner. The principal methods used for authentication
This brief description of the wine supply chain of geographic origin are:
has highlighted that all the processes from the 1.1. Analysis of volatile compounds profile
grape grower to the consumer can be traced by Based on the content in 1-hexanol and
associating appropriate identifiers with the cyclohexanone, it was able to differentiate
traceability entities managed by the single between Pinot noir wines of French and
supply chain actors and, for each identifier, American origin (Kwan and Kowalski, 1978).
creating a record with all the information Further, it was able to identify the geographic
required about the entity. Each actor of the area of French red wines and Spanish white
supply chain is therefore responsible for wines by use of more volatile compounds
recording traceability data corresponding to (ethyl esters, isoamyl esters, aldehydes, acetals
specific entities. Further, each actor has to etc.) (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
create the links between identifiers which 1.2. Analysis of amino acidic profile
identify correlated entities (Cimino and By investigating the amino acids arginine,
Marcelloni, 2012). alanine, tyrosine, valine and leucine, which are
responsible for the amino acidic profile of
wines, it is possible to identify the geographical
origin of wines (Flamini and De Rosso, 2006)
(Chambery et al., 2009).

1.3. Mineral profile analysis Moreover, because the values of isotopic ratios
The "fingerprinting" of mineral profile of wines D/H and H2 18O/H2 16O are dependent on soil
is the most valuable method of assessing the water isotopic composition (and climatic
geographical origin. Investigation of mineral conditions, especially precipitation),
elements of wine is the main procedure to investigation of these ratios provide relevant
authenticate the geographical origin of wines. information’s to authenticate the geographic
Since some of the macro and micronutrients origin of wines (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
have great changes during technological
process, such as Na, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn and 2. Authentication of grape variety
others, attention has been focused on the Biotic factor has a major contribution to the
elements which show very small changes formation of qualitative characteristics of wine,
during technological process, although they are so the compositional and sensory parameters
found in small quantities or as traces (Cr, Co, are largely dependent on a variety of vines.
Sb, Cs, Sc, Eu, Hf, Ta etc.). Lithium and 2.1. Sensory Analysis
rubidium are the most relevant to geographical Sensory is limited by the influence of several
origin authentication. They are in very small factors (ecological, agro and technological) that
quantities, 1-200 ppm lithium and rubidium modify significantly the primary characteristics
0.5-5.0 ppm, but may be quantified in a of the variety.
relatively simple manner by modern methods Although sensory analysis is still influenced by
(flame atomic emission spectrometry). human subjectivity, statistical interpretation of
Investigation of rare earth elements results and using equipment such as "electronic
(lanthanides) also provides valuable nose" and "electronic tongue" improved the
information in order to detect the growing areas performance of sensory evaluation (Biernacka
of the vine, by using mass spectrometry with and Wardencki, 2012).
inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) (Dutra et 2.2 Mineral profile analysis
al., 2011). As the vine varieties selectively accumulate
1.4. Analysis of stable isotopes and organic various metals, their identification can be
compounds of lead achieved by the content of certain elements of
Determination of stable isotopes and isotopic the wine like: lithium, nickel, calcium,
reports and subsequent interpretation of rubidium etc (Rapeanu et al., 2009) (Dutra et
experimental data using chemometric methods: al., 2011).
principal component analysis (PCA), linear 2.3. Amino acid and protein profile analysis
discriminate analysis (LDA), is another way to While soil, agro-technical and technological
authenticate the geographical origin of wines. factors causes the large variations, the content
Since the contents of stable isotopes of water and nature of amino acids may contribute to
and alcohol of wine, and their isotopic ratios recognition of the vine variety. Recent research
(D/H, 18O/16O, 13C/12C) had variations has shown that molecular weights of proteins
caused mainly by climatic factors they may be recorded small variations in wines by variety.
used to locate areas of growing, especially Proteins are stable in must and can be found in
depending on their climate (cold and dry, cold wine and even those subject to stabilization.
and wet, hot and humid, hot and dry). Protein quantification is relatively simple and
There was a decrease in content of oxygen can be done by conventional methods
isotopes (18O) and of deuterium (2H) of wine (electrophoresis) or by modern methods (mass
water, when they move from warmer areas to spectroscopy etc.) (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
areas with a temperate climate and from West 2.4. Analysis of polyphenolic profile
to East. The isotopic ratio value of 13C/12C is Their evaluation is useful to authenticate
depending of the weather conditions, individual wines by botanical origin.
particularly the temperatures at which are Investigation of phenolic compounds by
grapes ripening. multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance
Recorded values of the ratio generate reliable allows the differentiation of wines by variety,
information for elucidation of the area and even the clones of the same variety. The
production of a wine (country, continent). most representative phenolic compounds of red

wines are the anthocyanins. They are in the free 3. Authentication of wine age
form, anthocyanins /anthocyanidins (malvidol, During time, the wines suffer a number of
delfinidol, cyanidol, peonidol and petunidol), beneficial changes such as physical-chemical
as well as acyl and coumaryl compounds. and even biochemical changes. They cause the
Cabernet Sauvignon is characterized by a development of refined sensorial qualities,
higher content in malvidol and coumaryl thus, old wines are more valuable.
anthocyanins while Merlot is highlighted by a Moreover, the crop year, which benefited from
higher content in peonidol and coumaryl favorable weather conditions, also give great
anthocyanins (González-Neves et al., 2004). features to the wines, therefore, being
Because during the grapes processing and wine appreciated by consumers.
preservation acyl and coumaryl anthocyanins The analytical method that is frequently used is
are more stable, it was proposed that to determine the radioactivity of the 14C
anthocyanins fingerprinting of red wines to isotope of the ethanol molecule in wine. The
express the amount of acyl anthocyanins + method is relatively simple and consists in
coumaryl anthocyanins and ratio of acyl determination of the 14C isotope radioactivity
anthocyanins/coumaryl anthocyanins (von Baer of the concentrated solution (minimum 95%) of
et al., 2008). alcohol obtained by wine distillation or other
Since the authentication variety by using the alcoholic beverages. For red wines, to increase
fingerprint anthocyanins is operational only in certainty, it is recommended to combine this
red wines, white wines, roses and even the red results with those obtained from analysis of
is investigating by the content of shikimic acid polyphenolic compounds and color indices.
(Mardones et al., 2005). Shikimic acid is found Determination of radioactivity by measuring
in small amounts in various fruits, including the activity of wine sediment isotopes such as
grapes. In wine is found in concentration of 10- 210Pb, 210Po, 239Pu, 240Pu, 13 Cs, etc. is
150 mg/L. The content of shikimic acid is another way of knowing the wine age. The
especially recommended for white wines validity of the method was verified by
authentication and as the additional indicator appropriate dating of wine during 1850-1968,
for red wines authentication (Makris et al., for every 6 years.
2006). Age rating wines and other alcoholic beverages
2.5. Analysis of volatile compounds profile by determining radioactivity of isotopes have a
Quantifying the odorant substances of wines, high degree of reliability only for products with
compounds that usually are found in extremely a considerable age (Dutra et al., 2011).
small quantities, is achieved by their extraction
with various solvents and determination with 4. Authentication technology for production
modern methods such as gas chromatography There are a variety of techniques and processes
coupled with spectrometry mass (GC-MS, of winemaking, authorized or used fraudulently
LC/ESI-MS, MALDI-TOF-MS) (Nasi et al., altering appreciably the compositional and
2008). sensorial wine parameters.
2.6. Residual DNA analysis of grapes This aspect of authenticity has a particular
Since it was found that wines have small relevance to special wines like the sparkling
amounts of DNA from grapes, their analysis is wine, the oxidative wines etc.
done in order to identify the variety of the vine 4.1. Authentication of sparkling wines
(Baleiras-Couto and Eiras-Dias, 2006). Sparkling wines, which included class
The difficulties like - low content of DNA in sparkling wines (sparkling), semi-sparkling,
wine, contamination (DNA from yeast, sparkling, pearl etc., are elite alcoholic
bacteria), changes during processing and beverages, much appreciated by consumers.
inhibitors for the PCR reaction - were solved There are a wide range, determined both by the
by using appropriate methods of DNA diversity and quality of raw materials (wine
extraction and improving performance analysis based) but also technology development.
using microsatellite PCR amplification. Besides the general aspects of wines
authentication, sparkling wines should
represent be a clear distinction between

products which contain endogenous origin CO2 color indices: bright, chromaticity and purity
(sparkling wine) and those with totally or (Rapeanu et al., 2009).
partially exogenous CO2 (Martinelli et al.,
2003). The most information is provided by the CONCLUSIONS
component amino acid analysis certainty being
higher when is associated with the study of The ability to trace and authenticate a food
other compounds like: odorant substances, product is of major concern to the food
polyphenols content, carbohydrates etc. industry.
Isotopic analysis is generating the most Wine authenticity is very important, especially
rigorous investigation results by determining in the case of quality control and consumer
the amount of isotope ratio 13C/12C. In this information.
way, is precisely the origin of carbon dioxide in Since wine quality is dependent on the
the product, if whether it comes from plants consumer demands, compliance with
with C3 metabolism (the vine) or C4 (sugar traceability provisions satisfies the associated
beet etc.) or from other sources (industrial, economic needs.
synthesis etc.) (Calderone et al., 2007). It is necessary that a traceability information
4.2. Authentication of oxidative type wines system exists on the wine supply chain, in
Oxidative type wines, with the main order to provide a better management of all
representatives of Port wine, Madeira, Jerez representative events which may arise on this
etc. are characterized by sensorial properties, chain, from grape production to wine selling.
generated mainly by biochemical or physical- Traceability documents allow the detection of
chemical oxidative processes. certain deviation from the usual process, that
Authentication aims to detect the original may render the final product unsafe or of a
products of imitation. In addition to sensory lower quality than the one expected.
evaluation, content analysis of metals (Rb, Li, Therefore, identifying the safety and quality
Mn, Fe and Al), phenolic compounds, the issues during the process, by means of
carbohydrates (including the ratio of glucose authentication and traceability, assures the
and fructose), presence and content of amino compliance, within the framework of
acids etc. generate information that is useful to international regulations, with consumers’
identify the original products (Câmara et al., request for the certification of quality
2006). attributes.
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