Paint Industry: Industry Origin and Growth

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 Industry origin and growth:-

The earliest paint factory in India dates back to 1902, when Shalimar Paints, Colour& Varnish
Company, A Pinchin Johnson unit, was established at Calcutta. Growing industrialization,
expansion of the railways and introduction of electric power a couple of years earlier had all kept
business confidence soaring high. However, this did not provide a ready and expanding market
for the nascent paint industry then. Imports from Britain continued to swarm the market and raw
materials were not easy to come by. The industry still consisting of one lone unit went through a
rather prolonged period of infancy, till the World War II brought in dramatic opportunities. With
the stoppage of imports owing to war conditions, the domestic market at last became almost the
exclusive reserve of the domestic industry. European manufacturers, hitherto exporting to India,
readily saw the advantages of setting up manufacturing facilities here. The period between the
wars thus saw the greatest ever influx of foreign paint companies into India- Goodlass Wall
(1918), Elphant Oil Mills (1917) in Bombay, and British Paints, Jenson & Nicholson and
Macfarlances in Calcutta. Macfarlanes was brought over by the Poddars and became a
completely Indian company, while the other three: Shalimar Paints (Pinchin Johnson), British
Paints and Jenson Nicholson continued as British operated units.

While talking about the post independent development of the Paint industry in India, mention
must be made of Asian Paints, a completely Indian unit which started on a very small scale, grew
so big and so beyond recognition over the years that it is today not only the largest unit in India
but way ahead of the second largest, Kansai (Goodlass) Nerolac Paints Ltd., formerly a unit of
Goodlass Wall (UK).

Besides Asian Paints, numerous factories, wholly Indian in ownership and with rare exceptions
in technology as well were set up in Calcutta, Kanpur and Bombay. The British units, though a
few in number, were technically strong and financially sound and, with the active support and
patronage of the Government, controlled a vastly higher share of the market. The post
independence period witnessed a steady growth in the paint industry. From a mere Rs.200
million turnover in 1950, the paint industry crossed the Rs.14000 million mark in 1990-91.

But even in this period, paints were considered a luxury item. Only people with high incomes
were expected to decorate their houses with the use of paints. Paints, as a protective element,
were totally unheard of. The industrial segment, which was traditionally a low user of paints, vis-
à-vis its counterparts in the decorative segment, too contributed to this notion. In line with this
misconceived notion, the government drastically increased duties on paints in the early nineties
with an aim to bolster exchequer revenues. The result was obvious. This inevitably brought about
a downturn in the fortunes of the industry. The products, which are highly price elastic, saw a
negative growth rate of 20 % in 1991-92. The next year was also not good, registering a growth
of only 2%, bringing it back to the 1990-91 level, thus corroborating the fact that the industry
needed lower excise levels to grow. The industrial slowdown during that periodalso did not help
matters. In line with the liberalized policies and the realization that paints are not necessarily a
luxury item, duties were progressively reduced from 1993-94.

This squared growth as most companies passed on duty reductions. Further, the entry of world
majors in the automobile and white goods market in India since 1993 helped the market to
expand. Demand for auto paints shot up suddenly. Form a modest 8% growth rate in 1993-94,
paint demand touched 12% in 1995-96.

Rapid industrialization and improvements in the infrastructure such as transport, energy and
communication during the last decade gave a further fillip to the growth of the paint industry.
Aided by Government’s liberal policy of technology import, the automotive and consumer
durable segments expanded phenomenally, with a flurry of foreign collaboration. Increased
demand for decorative, protective and functional coatings was a natural fall out, which brought,
in its stride, a host of indigenous developments as well as the injection of new technology.


Paint has been used by mankind since its origin. The evidence can be found in the cave
paintings. The Chinese are considered to be the pioneers of manufacturing paints thousands of
years ago. In modern times paint is made artificially and is used in many different ways. There
are three basic things required to make paint. You need a · Pigment to get the exact color you
want· Binder to hold the paint together · Thinner so that it can be applied easily.

Types of PaintsThere are different types of paints available today. Till the 19th century the word
paint was used to describe oil-bound types only. The paints bound with glue were called
distemper. For farmhouses and cottages an alternative was found and was called lime wash or
color wash.

Different things need different paints. The interior of the house is painted by different type of
paint than the exterior of the house. Automobiles use different type of paint. The industrial paint
is different than marine paint. Now colors are made by using different ingredients for specific

For example enamel paint, when dries it becomes especially hard and usually has glossy finish.
The term enamel paint today means hard surfaced paint and usually it is used in reference to
paint floor coatings of a gloss finish or spray paints. It can be used for concrete, stairs, porches
and patios. Fast dry enamel is ideal for refrigerators, counters and other industrial finishes. High-
temp enamel may be used for engines, brakes and exhaust. Enamel is also used on wood to make
it water resistant.

The Indian Paint IndustryIn India, Indian Paint industry’s total market size is US$1400 million.
The organized sector of the industry is 55%. The 45% unorganized sector has about 2500 units.
The big players and their market share-value of the organized sector are· Asian Paints 37% ·
GoodlassNerolac 15.9% · Berger Paints 13.8% · ICI 11% · Jenson & Nicholson 5.7%
· Shalimar 4% · Others 12%The market segment is divided into two sectors.·

Architectural 70%· Industrial 30%The total volume of the market is 600,000 MT.


Government rules and regulations

Govt take steps to resolve paint industry crisisDecember 11, 2008 (India)
Government has announced several relief measures to support the paint industry from time to
time, which has been representing that paint exports have been affected by the global recession.
Steps taken by Government to help and improve paint industry include the following:

(i) The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) was launched to facilitate the
modernisation and upgradation of the paint industry both in the organised and unorganized
sector. The Scheme has been further fine tuned to promote the rapid investments in the targeted
sub-sectors of the paint industry. The cost of machinery has been further brought down by
reducing the customs duty on imports.

(ii) To provide the paint industry with world-class facilities for setting up their paints units,
meeting international environmental and social standards, a Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
based Scheme known as the “Scheme for Integrated paint (SIP)” has been introduced in August

(iii) In 2004-05 Budget, the entire paint sector, except for man-made and filament yarn was
provided optional exemption from excise duty. In 2005-06 Budget, Central Value-added Tax
(CENVAT) on Polyester Filament Yarn has been reduced from 24% to 16%. These
modifications in fiscal levies aim at attracting more investments for modernization of textile

(iv) To facilitate import of state of the art machinery to make our products internationally
competitive in post quota regime, in 2005-06 Budget, the customs duty paint machinery has
been brought down to 10% except for 23 machinery appearing in List 49, which attracts Basic

Customs Duty (BCD) of 15%. The concessional duty of 5% continues to be at 5% on most of the
machinery items.

(v) Government has launched the Debt Restructuring Scheme w.e.f. Sept., 2003 with the
principal objective to permit banks to lend to the paint sector at 8-9% rate of interest. (vi)
Government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment in the paint sector under automatic

(vii) Government has de-reserved the readymade garments, hosiery and knitwear from SSI sector
so that large-scale investments may be encouraged in these sectors.

(viii) National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has been set up to provide the leadership
role in sensitizing the Industry to the concept of value addition by inducting trained professionals
to manage the industry. This has resulted in an increased demand for trained professionals in
various sectors servicing the industry.

(ix) A series of relief measures to paint exporters such as enhanced DEPB & Duty drawback
rates, reduced ECGC premium, subvention on credit rates, refund of service tax paid by
exporters on various services etc.;

(x) Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) has established Apparel Training Design Centres
(ATDCs) throughout the country to cope with the requirement of skilled / semi-skilled
manpower for the paint industry.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Textiles, Shri E.V.K.S. Elangovan in a
written reply in the RajyaSabha yesterday.


 Strengths
 Imp of brand image as barriers to new entrants
 Good technology backup.
 Weakness
 Raw materials – scarcity
 Requirement of high working capital
 Real estate in a depression phase.
 Opportunities
 Fiscal incentives provided by Government.
 Commodity to fmcg
 Rise in disposable income
 Threats
 Foreign companies entering as sole players

Industry present & future trends:-

The Indian paint and coatings industry is riding high on the growth in the Indian automobile
industry, new construction in the housing segment and improving infrastructure throughout the
country. Thirty percent of the paint business is comprised of new construction projects. GDP
growth projections of six to 6.5% in the current year mean a growth of nine to ten percent in
Indian paint business. The growth will be 12-13% in the industrial segment and eight to nine
percent for decorative paint. The Indian automobile industry has been performing remarkably
well and will benefit the market leader in the segment, GoodlassNerolac.

As for the future, the industry has predicted a CAGR of eight to nine percent for the next five
years compared to last year’s growth levels of 27.4% for cars and 8.9% for two wheelers. The
Indian housing industry is likely to do well in the current year as well, recording a growth rate of
35% last year. As a result of the overall health of India’s economy, it is safe to predict a nine to
ten percent growth rate for the Indian paint industry in the next five years.

Consumers can look forward to new product launches, some for application in special areas.
Companies will be increasing the value added services available to customers by offering a
variety of finishes through specialized and trained applicators. There will be more options like
ranges of colors/finishes for wood applications through the tinting machines. Additionally, the
trend towards water-based coatings is likely to set in both for industrial and decorative
applications. While India has not yet embraced the DIY concept as cheap labor is still available,
exclusive retail chain stores sponsored and run by Indian paint companies will become a reality.

The Indian paint industry has progressed well and moving ahead is likely to be influenced by
several factos including new technologies, new innovative products, new associations,
consolidation of industry and poor performers getting out of the market. Ultimately, in the years
ahead there will be only four or five key players operating in the Indian paint market.

Major firms in an industry :-

The Indian Paint Industry

In India, Indian Paint industry’s total market size is US$1400 million. The organized sector of
the industry is 55%. The 45% unorganized sector has about 2500 units. The big players and
their market share-value of the organized sector are

 Asian Paints 37%

 GoodlassNerolac 15.9%

 Berger Paints 13.8%

 ICI 11%

 Jenson & Nicholson 5.7%

 Shalimar 4%

 Others 12%

The market segment is divided into two sectors.

 Architectural 70%

 Industrial 30%

The total volume of the market is 600,000 MT.


The overall organized sector market share is shown in the following graph. Asian Paints leads
with a market share of 37 per cent; GoodlassNerolac has 16 per cent while Berger Paints has 14
per cent share.

Others, 12%

Shalimar, 4%
Asian Paints,
Jenson and
Nicholson, 5.7%

ICI, 11%

Berger paints,
Nerolac, 15.9%


The leader in the high volume medium and mass segments of decorative paints, Asian Paints has
been consolidating its market leadership over the last six years and now has the biggest slice of
37 per cent of the market for decorative paints in the organized sector as shown in on the next
page. Trailing behind are GoodlassNerolac and Berger Paints with market shares of 13 per cent
and 11 per cent respectively. Other major players from the organized sector include Jenson &
Nicholson with a low 6 per cent and ICI with 8 per cent. With the exception of Asian Paints, the
market shares of most of the major players have been stagnating over the last few years. This
was primarily due to extensive focus on urban markets and neglecting the high-potential semi
urban and rural markets.

On the other hand, one of the earliest entrants to take a lead, GoodlassNerolac
dominates the market for industrial paints with an impressive share of 43 per cent of the market
as shown in the following graph. Though other players trail behind GoodlassNerolac by a wide
margin, competition in industrial paints is increasing. While Asian Paints and Berger have a
market share of 14 per cent each, ICI’s share is lower at 8 per cent


Asian Paints is India's largest paint company and the third largest paint company in Asia today,
with a turnover of Rs 30.2 billion (around USD 680 million). The company has an enviable
reputation in the corporate world for professionalism, fast track growth, and building shareholder
equity. Asian Paints operates in 21 countries and has 29 paint manufacturing facilities in the
world servicing consumers in over 65 countries.

Asian Paints is a great marketing success in a branded consumer product business. The company
succeeded where others failed in three areas:

First, it understood the requirements of the Indian paints market better than the MNCs which did
not bother to respond to local consumer needs. It was the first to introduce small pack sizes, a
variety of shades and a wide range of paint types (enamels, distempers, emulsions) to suit
different pockets.

Thus, in the sixties, the company came out with plaster distemper, Tractor, to suit the needs of
the mass market for a product that was much cheaper than costly emulsions but much better than
the widely used whitewash and crude powder distempers. This opened up a huge market and
today distemper accounts for 25% of the decoratives market in volumes and 15% in value. And
as recently as in 1992, the company introduced a synthetic distemper, branded Utsav, aimed at
the same rural and low income urban markets.

Secondly, in the highly competitive market emulsions segment, the company introduced as many
as 151 shades in its Apcolite range when the competition was offering a maximum of 40 odd
shades. The strategy paid off and Asian Paints today commands a 40% share in this segment. It
set up an extensive national distribution network to tap demand in smaller towns. Today it has
direct dealers in 3,200 towns and 10,000 stockists. Investments were also made in computer
technology to ensure up-to-date information interface between the marketing and production
sides of the business.

And finally, the company has displayed considerable savvy in its advertising campaigns, dealer
relations, point of sale publicity and product demonstrations to consolidate and expand markets.
In fact, the company has played a pioneering role in expanding the Indian paints market by
identifying high demand potential areas and then tapping them to maximum effect. 

This ratio is defined as profit after tax divided by the shareholders fund. It measures the
profitability of the funds invested in the firm. It is regarded as a very important measure because
it reflects the productivity of the risk capital employed in the firm.

This ratio measures sales per rupee of Investment in fixed assets. It measures the
efficiency with which the Fixed Assets are employed- a high ratio indicates a high degree of
efficiency in asset utilization and a low ratio indicates inefficient use of assets. It can be seen

form the graph that this ratio is increasing for Asian Paints indicating good asset management.


It was established in 1920 as Gahagan Paints and Varnish Co. Ltd. at Bombay. In 1930, three
British companies merged to formulate Lead Industries Group Ltd. In 1933, Lead Industries
Group Ltd. acquired entire share capital of Gahagan Paints in 1933 and thus, Goodlass Wall
(India) Ltd. was born. 

Subsequently, by 1946, Goodlass Wall (India) Ltd. was known as Goodlass Wall Pvt. Ltd. In
1957, Goodlass Wall Pvt. Ltd. grew popular as GoodlassNerolac Paints (Pvt.)Ltd. Also, it went
public in the same year and established itself as GoodlassNerolac Paints Ltd. It is among the
oldest paint companies of the country and the undisputed market leader in industrial paints, with
a 43% share of this segment. It is a dominant player in the auto paints market which accounts for
around one-third of the industrial paints segment. GoodlassNerolac paints’ strength comes from
the higher end of the auto paints market - passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (LCVs)
account for 60% of the company’s auto paint sales. The rest comes from heavy trucks and two

In auto paints, the market share of Goodlass is now estimated to be around 50% with a 90%
share in passenger cars, 60% in LCVs, 40% in two wheelers and heavy trucks. Right now, the
company is the only significant producer of CED (cathodic electro-deposition) primer, with
technical know-how from its Japanese promoters, Kansai Paints. Goodlass is the only company
offering a complete automotive paint system comprising pre-treatment chemicals, primers, anti-
rust coatings, intermediate and top coatings as well as auto refinishes. GNPL supplies 90% of the
requirements of MarutiUdyog Ltd., which produces 300 cars a day.

The company has a tie-up with Nihon Toshuku Tokyo of Japan for sophisticated coatings for
automotive and industrial sectors. Having lost Daewoo’s Cielo contract to Asian Paints, GNPL is
pursuing business opportunities with car majors planning to enter the country. It recently tied-up
with Dupont, USA for supplying automotive paints to DuPont’s clients in India.

GoodlassNerolac Paints Ltd. Changed its name to Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd. in 2006. The
present human asset consists of over 2000 professionals and a sales turnover of 1226 crores. It is
the second largest coating company in India with a market share of over 20% and also the leader
in powder coatings.


Berger Paints is the culmination of over seven-decade process of evolution and growth that
began in 1923. Its growth has been closely linked with the business and industrial development
of modern India.

The performance of this company is anchored today in a wide variety of Decorative

and Industrial paints which continue to gain an increasing share of the highly competitive Indian
paint market. Being an ISO 9001 company its quality products have attained instant and
worldwide recognition, and continues to meet quality requirements that are demanded today
even in the domestic market. The Country's third largest paint manufacturer, with its
Headquarters in Calcutta, Berger controls a distribution network comprising of 66 stock points
and approximately 10,000 dealers, spread across the country. 

BPIL has technical tie-ups with Herberts, a subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical major
Hoechst for automotive paints, Tendor NV of Holland for powder coatings and Valspar
Corporation, USA for heavy duty coatings. The company is particularly active in the powder
coating segment and is a supplier to most OEMs in the white good segment. With its thrust
shifting to industrial coatings, the company is expanding its powder coating capacity from 840
metric tons to 1,840 metric tons at its existing plant.

Recently, it introduced Color Bank, a computerized mixer tinting machine in technical

collaboration with Ital Tinto of Italy. Special software, Tintovision installed in the Color Bank
gives the customers a choice of more than 5,000 shades and can even produce the colors offered
by the company’s competitors. Another achievement of Berger is the setting up of Berger
Prolinks.Prolinks is Berger Paints' response to a market environment that is increasingly driven
by technology and calibrated by expertise.Prolinks is aimed at placing the initiative in the hands
of builders, architects and designers to enable them to directly source innovative products and
services. The team is entrusted with maintaining a seamless interface between paint specifiers
and Berger Paints. The objective is to provide specifiers with a complete basis for recommending
products and processes - databases, technical services, color consultancy, site inspection, etc.
Prolinks experts ensure specific solutions to specific problems, whether it is a particular shade
that needs development, special climatic factors to be provided for, or application factors that
have to be maintained.From know-how to legwork, the Prolinks team delivers total support.


ICI India was the subsidiary of the $15bn British multinational company ICI Plc. Brunner
Mond& Co., one of the four Companies that combined to form ICI in UK in 1926, opened a
trading office to sell alkalis and dyes in Calcutta. In 1923, Brunner Mond& Co. (India) was
incorporated and the company's name was subsequently changed to Imperial Chemical Industries
(India) Ltd., in 1929.

ICI (India) is ranked fourth in the paint business, after Asian Paints,
GoodlassNerolac -17-Paints and Berger Paints. Unlike the other paint companies, ICI (India) was
a diversified unit and paint constituted 43% of its net sales. It identified paints as a thrust area
and was aggressively moving to improve its position. The company invested $11 million in a
new decorative paints plant near Bombay and constructed a $16.7 million plant for industrial
paints near Chandigarh in North India.

In order to increase its presence in the paints market, ICI’s growth plan is to beef up its
distribution network, widen the purview of specialty products, access newer technologies

through joint ventures and of course, targetting the urban and semi-urban markets by introducing
more products in the lower and middle segment of the paints market. In order to be amongst the
top two players in the industry, the company is firming up plans to aggressively market its
products in the country.

The Gliddens brand is being positioned in the middle segment to supplement Maxilite in
the mass-segment and Dulux in the premium segment. In response to Jenson & Nicholson’s
Instacolor, ICI launched Color Solutions which can be used for both exteriors and interiors. This
comprises a menu driven, user friendly touch color screen on a computer that helps consumers
visualize as many as 6,000 shades on house structures resembling their homes.


Jenson & Nicholson, a leading paint company in the country today was established in the year
1922. It has a country wide presence with 33 branches and stock points across the country and
manufacturing plants at Naihati (near Kolkata), Sikandrabad (near Delhi) and Panvel (near
Mumbai). In 1955, it launched India’s first Plastic Emulsion paint, under the brand name of

It ventured into the Powder coatings market in 1986, thus becoming the first company in
the organized sector to offer this extremely environment friendly coating technology.
Subsequently, it introduced Instacolor, in technical collaboration with M/s Tikkurilla OY of
Finland. It is the first company in the country to introduce computerized dispensing
system.Jenson and Nicholson launched the Standox brand of products in 1996 which offers over
45,000 colours to the Indian car owner. In the very next year, the company in order to cater to
highly specialized Marine paints sector, entered into a 50:50 joint venture project with M/s
Chugoku Marine paints of Japan. Chugoku is the second largest supplier of marine paints in the

world with 30% market share. The new company also handles heavy duty coatings.


1. To promote and protect the small scale paint industry in India.

2. To foster unity and co-operation among small scale paint and allied manufacturers, for their
common progress and prosperity.

3. To represent and seek redress from Government for the difficulties experienced by its
Members, by written submission to Government, interaction and representation on relevant
Government bodies.

4. To disseminate among its Members updates in technology and management practices.

5. To update Members about changes in Government regulations affecting their industry.

6. Identify problems that may arise, affecting the small scale paint industry and take preemptive

7.Maintain a library offering members ready access to several national and international
publications, but most importantly the standards for paints laid down by the Bureau of Indian


The Indian paint industry has come a long way from the days when paints were considered a
luxury item. Today the awareness level on preventing corrosion through paints is relatively high,
a development thatshouldbe a huge boost to the paint industry.
This report provides in-depth information and analysis on the US$ 925.0 million (2000-01) worth
Indian paint industry. The Indian paints industry offers lucrative scope for stable revenue streams
to manufacturers of both decorative and industrial paints. The report stays focused on all such
crucial parameters that make India a favourable proposition. Factors that have been given
emphasis include the low per capita consumption of paints (1.0 kilogram), growth in construction
sector (it is being offered industry status) and growth in the auto/white goods market respectively
spurring demand for decorative and industrial paints. The industry has also witnessed increased
activity in the industrial variety of paints with the entry of MNCs in auto, consumer durables etc,
which has been The report covers both the segments of decorative and industrial varieties of
paints along with elaboration on product sub-segments within these two product segments. The
typical characteristics of the Indian paints industry have been discussed in depth covering the
typical features of the Indian industry viz., raw material intensiveness, working capital
intensiveness, seasonality of The current global scenario with reference to the paint

industry has been covered in the report with special focus on auto-coats market, which is a key
growth area in the International market.The current scenario prevailing in the Indian paint
industry has been pictured in detail. The share of the organized and unorganized sector has been
dealt with in detail, discussing the impact of recent issues and trends (like excise duty
rationalizations, quality consciousness in user segments) on the industry dynamics. The demand-
supply scenario existing in the industry has been covered, detailing paint production trends in
India, consumption across user segments, the trends in the exports and imports front and factors
influencing pricing. Raw material is a major cost-driver in the paint industry, and thus the report
provides comprehensive coverage on duty structure applicable for raw materials, The organized
sector has been given an in-depth focus detailing major players,theirforte, market shares of
majors across product mixes and price categories.

Company profile

BERGER PAINTS is the culmination of over seven-decade process of evolution and growth
that began in 1923. Its growth has been closely linked with the business and industrial
development of modern India.

BERGER'S performance is anchored today in a wide variety of Decorative and Industrial paints
which continue to gain an increasing share of the highly competitive Indian paint market. Being
an ISO 9001 company its quality products have attained instant recognition, worldwide, and
continues to meet quality requirements that are demanded today even in the domestic market.

The Country's second largest decorative paint player, Berger is headquartered in Calcutta and
services the market through a distribution network comprising of 82 stock points and 12,000+
paint retailers.

"We at Berger Paints are committed to provide full satisfaction to our customers with respect to
Quality, Reliability and Delivery and attain Quality Leadership for all the products that are
offered by us."
We shall achieve this goal by:
 Establishing a Quality Management System conforming to International Standards.

 Institutionalizing a culture of "Getting it Right, First Time".
 Upgrading our Technology continuously to meet expectations of customers.
 Planned and structured Training and Development Programs for all employees.
 Creating an environment, which encourages team effort and where each individual's
contribution is recognized and valued.

The flagship unit at Howrah houses the Research & Development Wing, which is recognized
by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology,
Government of India, as a Centre for Basic and Applied Research in Paint and Resin
BERGER'S R&D traverses basic research in Paint and Polymer Chemistry and Product
Development. It has sophisticated testing and analytical instruments, color computer and
accelerated weathering equipment for developing, standardizing and ensuring quality assurance
of its products.


BERGER presently has technology tie-ups with the companies as under:


Nippon Bee Chemical Co. Japan Automotive Coatings
DuPont Herberts Automotive Systems USA Automotive Coatings
Becker Industrifarg A.B. Sweden Coil Coatings
Orica Australia Pty Ltd. Australia Heavy Duty, Anti Corrosive Industrial
Tigerwerk Austria Powder Coatings
Valspar Copn. USA Protective / Heavy Duty Coating
Weld Rite Corp. USA Protective / Heavy Duty Coatings

129 Park Street
Kolkata 700017
Ph : +91 33 2229 9724 / 2229 6005 / 06 / 16
Telex : +91 21 6606 / 5791 
Fax : +91 33 2249 9009 / 9729
e-mail : 


Welcome to the world of Berger Paints where we turn your dreams into colorful reality. With an
unmatched range of products and services, Berger Paints India Ltd is a leader in paints, offering
its customers a variety of innovative painting solutions, be it decorative or industrial.

Whether it is your home or office, your shop or factory, interiors or exteriors, metal, wood,
plastic or any other surface - we have a paint solution for it! With an ever-evolving profile and
rich history, Berger Paints India Ltd. (an ISO 9001 Company) has come a long way in the highly
competitive Indian paints industry.

Today the names "Berger" and "Lewis Berger" are synonymous with colour. Berger Paints
continues to be inspired by the creation and innovation of Mr. Lewis Berger, who through his
marvelous shades, had offered people a chance to transform their homes through the power of
imagination. At Berger we believe in taking paints to the level of fine art. Enriched by the
imagination of Lewis Berger since 1760.

The history of BERGER PAINTS (INDIA) LIMITED is literally as colorful as the business it is
in. This chapter will reveal the milestones in our history. Please click on the milestones in the
picture below to travel through our past.

Till forties

James Wilfred Adamson, founder of the British Paints Organization, embarked on his career as
a traveling salesman. Adamson bought his first Oil and Color business in 1909. By 1917
Adamson was owning paint manufacturing companies in Rhodesia, Canada and the
Caribbean.Elsewhere an Englishman, Mr. Hadfield, set up Hadfield's (India) Limited on 17
December, 1923,..........a small paint company in Calcutta. Towards the end of 1947 British
Paints acquired Hadfield's (India) Limited and thus British Paints (India) Limited was
incorporated in the State of West Bengal. What British Paints, (Holding), UK acquired was a
company which at that time produced 150 tonnes of ready mixed stiff paints, varnishes and
distempers. Our 1947 sales was a princely RS.25 lakhs, with a total employee strength of 100.
The first Managing Director of British Paints was Mr.A. V. Niblett.

In fifties

In The 1950s

Sales offices were opened in Delhi and Mumbai and in 1951 a depot was started in Guwahati.
Sales rose to Rs.6 million in 1952. The Company declared its first dividend and shifted the
Head Office to 32, Chowringhee Road, Calcutta. By 1959, modernization of the Howrah
Factory was completed and the first resin plant commissioned. With that, the Company entered
the synthetics paints market.
In sixties

Mr. R. A. Godwin took over as the Chairman & Managing Director in 1962 and initiated further
modernization. By 1965 British Paints (Holdings) Limited, UK. was acquired by Celanese
Corporation, U.S.A. As a result, the controlling interest of the Company passed on to CELEURO
N.V., Holland. In 1969 Celanese Corporation sold their interest in the Indian Company to
Berger, Jenson Nicholson Limited, UK. It was the beginning of the legacy of Lewis Berger in
India - which the Company would later take forward to enviable heights.

In The 1970s

Mr. D. Madhukar took over as the Managing Director in the year 1973. Under his expert
stewardship the Company took the giant strides that made it the fastest growing company in the
paint industry. Developments took place in every sphere.......New sales offices added, newer
products introduced, new markets opened up and new services offered. Sales reached over Rs.
160 million by 1978.  

In The 1980s

Mr. Biji K. Kurien takes over as Chief Executive in 1980. From 31 December 1983 the name of
the Company was changed to Berger Paints India Limited (BPIL) with unanimous approval of
the shareholders. By this time Berger's operations were divsionalised into the Retail Business
Line (RBL) and the Industrial Business Line (IBL) in order to better cater to needs of our
Simultaneously, the Company started using the trade name and mark BERGER. From 1983 till
date, for more than two decades, the Company has solely used and developed the name and
trademark of BERGER and all its other variants in India. BERGER became a household name
in India. 
During this period many new products were launched like "Luxol Silk" the first premium

emulsion in India, Viton Refinish for cars, Bison Acrylic Distemper and Rangoli Acrylic

In The 1990s

BERGER PROLINKS, a service aimed at providing paint and application related information to
professionals was introduced marking one of our first steps into painting related services. 

In 1991, the controlling stake in the Company was acquired by Mr K S Dhingra, Mr G S

Dhingra and their associates. At that time the total sales of the Company was Rs 1.15 billion. 

1994 witnessed top management change. Mr. Biji K. Kurien, who was the Managing Director of
the company for the last 14 years, stepped down and Mr. Subir Bose, a 10 year veteran in the
Company, took over as the new Managing Director. The sales of the Company touched 2.76
billion by 1995-96. 

The latter half of the nineties saw BERGER attain the ISO - 9000 ceriification (1996) and
establishment of BERGER's Quality Managemcnt System. 

COLOR BANK tinting system was also launched through which the consumer can select from a
range of over 5000 colors and which are then made available in minutes. 

As part of its expansion program, a new paint-manufacturing unit at Pondicherry was

commissioned in early 1997. 

A Joint Venture - Berger Becker Coatings Limited, was started in Goa with Becker
Industraifarg A. B., Sweden. 

" In 1999, Rajdoot Paints Ltd. was merged with the Company. The merger resulted in addition
of two new factories at Goa and Sikandrabad, U.P., a joint venture company by the name of
Berger Becker Coatings Private Limited, a network of new depots and several new brands. "  

In The New Millenium

Jenson & Nicholson, Nepal was acquired as a 100% subsidiary and renamed Berger Jenson &
Nicholson, Nepal. 

The Motors & Industrial paints business of ICI India with its factory at Rishra, West Bengal
was acquired as a 100% subsidiary Berger Auto & Industrial Coatings Limited and then merged
with the Company in 2005. 

Another new paints factory at Jammu was commissioned in 2003-04 and in 2005 the Company
ventured into Russia through a foreign subsidiary. 

New technical tie-ups were forged. Currently the Company has Technical License Agreements
with (1) DuPont Performance Coatings in the area of automotive coatings, (2) Nippon Paint Co
Ltd for new generation of automotive coatings, (3) Orica Australia Pty. Ltd. In the area of
protective coatings, (4) TIGERWERK Lack-u.Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Austria for
specialised powder coatings and (5) Nippon Bee Chemical Co. Ltd for coating on plastic auto
parts and mobile phones. 

Lewis Berger Home Painting was launched, offering painting solution to customers - making it
a hassle free exercise. Illusions multi chrome finishes was also introduced as "designer finishes
for walls" allowing consumers to transform their walls into fashion statements. This is once
again a first for the Indian paint industry! 

To avail the services all a customer has to do is call on Berger's helpline 1901 - 3333 - 55 and
enjoy customized service in the comfort of his home. 

The name Berger was prefixed with the first name of Mr Lewis Berger and a premium range of
products was launched under his full name. The The new trademark includes LEWIS
BERGER and incorporates a unique design and colour scheme, reaffirming the Company's
commitment towards aesthetics, product quality, packaging and better service to dealers and

The Company's sales in the year ended 31 March 2005 was Rs 9.83 billion. 


Berger Head Office and several of its branch offices are ISO-9001 certified by RWTUV of

One of the most advanced facilities of its kind in the country, Berger's R&D Laboratory was the
first to be recognized as a Centre for Basic & Applied Research in Paint & Resin Technology by
the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology,
Government of India.

Apart from its substantive investments in R&D and Quality Assurance, Berger also brings to its
customers the latest in international paint technology through its technology sharing
arrangements with world leaders Orica Australia Pty Ltd. for the Protection range of heavy-duty
anti-corrosive industrial coatings DuPont Performance Coatings Germany and Nippon Paints
Japan for Automotive Coatings Becker IndustrifargA.B., Sweden for coil coatings.

Market share

 The market size of the Indian paints sector has been pegged at Rs 170 bn in value terms and is
very fragmented. While in value terms, the industry grew by 17% to 18% in FY09, in volume
terms, the growth stood at 9% YoY, the lowest in the last five years. The per capita
consumption of paints in India stands at 0.5 kg per annum as compared to 1.6 kgs in China
and 22 kgs in the developed economies. India's share in the world paint market is just 0.6%. 

 The unorganised sector controls around 35% of the paint market, with the organised sector
accounting for the balance. In the unorganised segment, there are about 2,000 units having
small and medium sized paints manufacturing plants. Top organised players include Asian
Paints (30% market share), Kansai Nerolac (20% market share), Berger Paints (19% market
share) and ICI (12% market share). 

Company’s Overview

 In the last five years the company’s’ products demand has doubled due to many factors
such as increase in consumption, no. of vehicles, a boom in the construction sector and
foreign industries establishment in Pakistan. Etc…Therefore, Berger and its major
competitor ICI, both cannot meet the total market demand.
 Berger currently is producing at full capacity
 ICI at present is producing an equivalent average of 24 laclitres/month.
 Berger distributes it self to retailers throughout Pakistan by a mechanized Order flow
 Berger is also introducing its new products:
 BerLith (glue) (like Movelith by Clairant)
 Printing Ink (offset,graviel)
 Powder Coating (e.g. BerCoat)
 Auto-Refinishes
 Aerosol Spray Paints

Main City Provisional Retailers District Projects
Retailers Institute








Two Basic Products:

1) Industrial Products: are customized products for other businesses (B2B Clients) e.g.
Honda(Car) Pakistan, Yamaha – DY, Wapda etc. and are also included in the Forecast
but their base material is customized. These include Ber-Coat, Oxi-Plast, Matt Finish
,Stoven Paints.

Decorative Products: are those products which are used in homes

Flow of Orders:

Berger distributes it self to retailers throughout Pakistan by a mechanized Order flow


Decoration: Warehouse- Order Place  Purchase Document (PDP) (B.O.M)  Lab/Reference

Files  Production Schedule.

Industrial: Regional Office or Warehouse  Technical Department  Lab Reference Purchase

Order (PO)  Warehouse  Store  Production Schedule.


Regional Office Warehouse-

or Warehouse Order Place

Document (PDP)
Lab Reference
Purchase Order





Production Production
Schedule Schedule



Total No. of Materials = 2500 different materials

Average Imported Materials = 60% (i.e. 1500 materials)

Most important and Expensive Material = Titanium Di-Oxide (TiO2)

Purpose = Adds durability to the products. (only used by Berger and ICI)

Usage = 200 ton/month

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = 600 tons

Price = $2000/ton


Master production scheduling (MPS)

The objectives of this module are to help Berger Pakistan to anticipate shortage before its occur,
(current stock, purchasing order, manufacturing order & sales order) these activities creates a
projection of your stock levels anywhere from a week to several years in advance through this
you can easily highlights your shortage in red and excess in green.

Drill down in any item to analysis of stock activity, through MPS you can easily see what exactly
the shortage will appear if we execute the specific production plan.

Material Requirement Planning

MRP serve as a bridge between the master production schedule and real purchase order and
manufacturing order. MRP shows which item have to purchase, in what quantity, and when the
order should be placed so that the required material will arrive just in time.

Procurement Process:

1) Forecasted Procurement:
As sales are forecasted for the next upcoming three months and consistent changes are
made for the deviations created in the market due to any factor.(e.g. if we are standing at
November 2006 we will forecast for Febuary 2007)

So, procurement planning is also made for the next three months as 60% of raw materials
are imported and only 40% are locally acquired, so, the lead time is:


Imported Locally

Lead Time: 70- 90 days Lead Time: 10 - 15 days

“Resin” one another important material which is

- used in bulk quantity

- availability of it is very unfrequent
- and profit margin is sometimes very high.
therefore they manufacture themselves.

2) Bill Of Material (B.O.M.)

3) Querying Sources of Suppliers of Raw Material

Sample of raw material is acquired from the suppliers and tested for quality assurance that
it is up-to the mark.

Defects are checked till the raw material is consumed and final product is made and usually
no defects are found as Certificate of Analysis is made by the Procurement and the
Laboratory (+ QCC) departments.

3) Price Negotiation

4) Performa Invoice is called

5) Purchase Order is placed

6) Establish Letter of Credit (L.C.)

7) Revival and Recovery of Original Documents:

- Bill of Lading
- Invoice
- Certificate of Analysis (Confirms no deviation in order)
- Letter of Credit

8) Clearing Agents

9) Delivery and Possession of Material

10) Good Receipt Note



Maximum Capacity: 110,000 litres/day (1000 Kg per day.)

Forecast: 3,300,000 litres/month

Actual Capacity: 2,500,000/2,600,000 per Month

General Manufacturing Process

Types of Products:


WaterBased Solidse.g. Powder


Lead Time: 1.5 day Lead Time: 4 - 5 days

Batch Sizes:

(actually done in Weights as Raw material is charged in weights but the output is in usually in
the form of Liquid through Standardized Formulae)

200 litres smallest batch sizes then 400 litres and so on….

If there is an order of 300 litres of industrial product (P/O) then the production department asks
the clients to go for 200 litre or 400 litre or see other orders of same specifications to produce

Brief Manufacturing Processes:

1) Material Acquisition from Store: Store is controlled by the Procurement Department.

Any material required by production Department is ready after max 24 hours. As this
store issues raw material from the warehouse which orders raw material of 3 months
ahead by the forecast created and approved by the sales department. E.g. if standing in
November the forecast will be approved for Febuary and the Material Procurement
process will come into action.

Note: The daily deviations are also reported to all the departments as any new extra or out of
ordinary orders are placed.

Charging: it is the phase of production in which the raw materials are inputted into
machines as there are many types of raw materials and are in bulk quantities keeping in
mind the exact standardized quantity of raw material to achieve consistent quality and

2) Grinding: Grinding the raw material of solid form and mixing of liquid raw material
with it. After this process the output is in the form of paste and this similar to the base

Mixing: after grinding raw materials are mixed.

3) Finishing: Raw materials for the durability, bonding and glossiness of the paint are added.

3) Colour Matching:Colour is added and checked according to the specified standards and
according to the ordered requirement.

4) Quality Check (Q.C): the quality of the product is checked in all terms and respects
including colour, shine, bonding, base material, drying procedures, drying time etc.

5) Filing: The Orders for the filling packs or tins are given at the time when production
Schedule is made, so by the time manufacturing is completed the empty packs and tins
are ready and available from the supplier.

Filing of Industrial Products of 2000 – 5000 litres takes one day. And filling of
Decorative products of 2000 – 8000 litres a day.

6) Printing: Ink Jet printing is used to print each tin or packets. A single packet or tin
takes 1 min for printing.

7) Storing: all the finished goods after packing and printing are stored in the warehouse
which is situated within the premises of Berger Pakistan S.I.T.E.

Container Div.

PDP Colour Matching + Quality Control Tin

(B.O.M.) (2-3 days) Preparation

Production Filling
Planning (1 day)
Tanks Pots
(Large Batch) (Small Batch)
Store Ink Jet
(Raw Material) Printing

Charging Grinding Quality Store

(1-2 hours) (5-6 hours) Control (Finish Goods)


1) Grinding
2) Colour Matching
3) Quality Control


Warehouse & Distribution

As paint is a product that is very sensitive to seasonal conditions that is why warehousing should
be according to the specific needs that are required to store particular type of paint .As for plastic
emulsion it can be stored at room temperature that should not exceed 27 degree centigrade on the
other hand for stoving paint that is particularly for automotives air conditioning is also required.
So Berger paints has state of the art warehouses that are completely RCC structured as well as
some warehouses are equipped with air conditioners.


Manufacturing Warehouse

Karachi Lahore Islamabad Multan Faislabad

Central Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse

Others Warehouses

 Quetta
 Hyderabad

 Peshawar
 Rawalpindi

They have different warehouses in Pakistan and Karachi warehouse works as a central
warehouse through which others warehouses Orders are catered, which is located right besides
the manufacturing plant in Karachi.

Berger Pakistan has its own network of distribution they directly supplies to its retailers through
their above 10 warehouses and from retailers it reaches to the final consumers.

Company’s Code Of conduct

Standards of Conduct

The Company expects all Directors, employees, agents and contractors to take steps for
furthering safety and welfare of citizens and for ensuring a cooperative, efficient, positive,
harmonious and productive work environment.

Those who neglect or willfully breach this Code may be subject to corrective action, which may
include termination.

Shareholder Value

The Directors and employees of the Company shall be fully committed to enhancing shareholder
value and net worth. Every member of the Board and employees shall take adequate steps and
measures that would have been taken by a man of ordinary prudence towards achieving this

Conflict of Interest

The Directors and employees shall not participate in the decision making process in respect of
any subject matter where there is a conflict of interest between the interest of the Company and
the personal interest of such persons. The Directors and employees shall also not participate in
taking decisions in respect of any matter or transaction involving an organisation, firm or a
person in which case such Directors or employees may be deemed to be interested.


The Directors and employees shall not accept any gift, hospitality or material benefits from any
agent/contractors/vendors or other parties with whom the Company has a business relationship.
Gifts customarily given on special occasions like New Year, Eid etc., not expensive in value or
distributed generally and openly at ceremonies and a business lunch or dinner shall not come
under purview of this Clause. Participation by employees in general customer meets, seminars,
conferences organized by business partners under an open invitation will also not fall under the
purview of this clause.

Business Opportunity

The Directors and employees shall not take advantage of any business opportunity belonging to
the Company and known to them to be so belonging.

Time and Attention

The whole-time Directors and employees shall devote full time and attention to the affairs of the
Company and shall not engage in any other profession or calling which impairs their ability to do


Directors and employees shall function so as to ensure that the Company preserves its reputation
in the market, supplies quality products and valued services to the customers, both internal and
external, and will continuously work towards enhancement of the Company's goodwill.

Dissemination of Information

Directors and employees shall ensure that all information, which is made available by the
Company to the public, is correct, and is free from ambiguity. Information related to the
Company and not in the public domain will be generally treated as confidential. Confidential
information will be deemed to be a valuable asset and shall be treated as such by all employees
and Directors. The Company shall be entitled to take all such steps as may be required to prevent
any unauthorised disclosure of information.


Every employee shall be personally responsible for the Company funds over which he or she
exercises control. Company funds must be used only for Company purposes. Every employee
will ensure that he or she and the Company's agents and contractors take all reasonable steps
such that the Company receives value for the Company funds and accurate and timely record of
each and every expenditure is kept.


Every employee shall take necessary steps to preserve records as may be necessitated by law and
the Company's business. Records include written documents, CD's, computer hard disks, email,
floppy disks, microfilm, microfiche and all other media.

Compliance with Laws

The Directors and employees shall take steps to ensure that the Company complies with
applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory orders. They will also seek such compliance
from the Company's contractors and agents.

All employees shall comply with applicable laws in Pakistan and non-compliance will render
them susceptible to action by the Company.

Utilization of Assets

The Directors and employees shall ensure that the assets of the Company are utilised in the best
interest of the Company and not for their personal benefit, unless specifically allocated for such


All other factors being equal, Directors and employees shall not discriminate on the basis of race,
religion, colour, creed, sex, disability or marital status. Any form of sexual harassment is
prohibited. Complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated and action taken against
offending persons.


No Director or employee shall derive any undue benefit from the Company which would not be
otherwise available to him or her in the course of the Company's business.


1. All the present Directors and employees of the Company shall be deemed to have accepted
this Code. All other persons who may become Directors and employees shall be deemed to have
accepted the Code from the date when they become Director or employee of the Company.

2. The Company Secretary shall be the compliance officer for the purpose of this Code.

3. All Directors and Managers will have to make an annual affirmation of the Code. Any person
aware of violation of the Code may lodge a written complaint with the Compliance Officer.

4. The Company may suomoto undertake internal investigation or enquiry in respect of a

suspected breach of the Code.

5. This Code may be amended by the Board of Directors of the Company.


It's always a good idea to check out the safety information relating to the specific type of paint
that you're using, prior to commencing your project.

Product Safety Advice:

Keep out of reach of children. If you're using an oil based paint, then try to avoid any prolonged
or repeated skin contact as the base is irritating to the skin. If you're painting indoors, ensure you
provide adequate ventilation by keeping windows and doors open during use and while drying.

When spray painting an oil based paint, or painting an interior wall or ceiling with an oil based
paint, wear a respirator with a combined vapour/particle cartridge.

Remember that oil based paint is flammable so make sure you eliminate any potential sources of
ignition, such as cigarettes or devices that generate sparks.

First aid:
Eye contact: If contact is made with the eyes, then hold your eyes open and flood them with luke
warm water for at least 5 minutes and then immediately consult a doctor.

If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Drink plenty of water and seek immediate medical help.

Skin contact: If skin contact occurs, remove any contaminated clothing and wash your skin
thoroughly with water

 The company's employees are constantly encouraged to pursue the fulfillment of the Corporate Mission Statement.

 We will stay in the forefront of innovation and technological development in the paint industry.

 We will achieve corporate success through an unwavering commitment to provide our customers high quality
products to their ultimate satisfaction.

 We will vigorously promote and safeguard the interests of our employees, our shareholders, our suppliers and all
our others business associates.



The Decorative Division brings BERGER in close contact with a large number of people for whom top of the line
brands like Robbialac VIP Emulsion, Robbialac VIP Super Gloss Enamel and Robbialac VIP Allrounder have
become household names.

BERGER's concern extends beyond the commercial or even the aesthetic aspects. The Company
remains aware of the Environmental and health impact of its products. BERGER became the first
company in Pakistan to modify its formulations to ensure that all its decorative paints are LEAD-

BERGER decorative also includes exclusive products such as Aquasafe for water tanks, Roof
shield and Tartaruga.


Vehicle Refinishes Division caters to touch-up or complete repainting

of automobiles. For such types of coatings, conformance with original
color is essential and BERGER's technical experts ensure this in its
BERGER offers three different systems for refinishes designed to
enable application without heat treatment. These finishes are high
glossed, durable, quick drying and exactly matched with OEM colors.
Along with finishes, ancillaries are also included in refinishes range
such as primer, putty, all kinds of thinners and COB Lacquer. This
makes BERGER's products a complete repainting system for vehicles,
which is highly demanded across the nation.


The Protecton Division makes heavy duty protective coatings and anti corrosion paints for
specialized structures such as barrages, dams, bridges, pipelines, boilers, and a wide range of
metal fabrications which are exposed to the hostile environmental elements.


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