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published: 12 January 2015

ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00085

Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

Alessandro Minelli *
Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Edited by:
Armin P. Moczek, Indiana University, USA
Reviewed by:
Mark E. Olson, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

Keywords: internalized polyphenism, temporal and spatial boundaries of development, evolution of the developmental role of epigenetic mechanisms,
exaptation of developmental processes, saltational evolution, evolutionary transitions, paramorphism

EVO-DEVO’S IDENTITY 2003; Pigliucci, 2010; Wagner and Zhang, “before” and “after” the origination of a
There is a widespread consensus on 2011). On the other hand are those cen- new feature. This splitting is a natural con-
the view that evolutionary developmen- tered around the notions of origination, sequence if origination indeed “refers to
tal biology (evo-devo) is the discipline innovation, and novelty, the so-called the specific causality of the generative con-
eventually borne to fill the gap between “innovation triad.” To Hendrikse et al. ditions that underlie both the first origins
evolutionary biology and developmental (2007), for example, evolvability is the key and the later innovations of phenotypes”
biology, following a divorce between these issue that justifies recognizing evo-devo and especially “the very first beginnings
two fields that extended over more than as an autonomous discipline. Others, e.g., of phenotypes, e.g., the origin of mul-
half a century (Amundson, 2005). On Müller and Newman (2005), focus instead ticellular assemblies, of complex tissues,
closer inspection, however, this broadly on the innovation triad. and of the generic forms that result from
acceptable perspective discloses a wealth Unfortunately, for all these candidates the self-organizational and physical prin-
of questions, if looked at retrospectively, to core concept of evo-devo, too many ciples of cell interaction (Newman, 1992,
and of potentially divergent possibilities, if alternative definitions have been pro- 1994). In contrast, innovation [evolution-
looked at prospectively. posed (or, more dangerously, implicitly ary modes and mechanisms] and novelty
The slow pace of integration between assumed), thus adding new items to the [their phenotypic outcome] designate the
the different threads that were converg- dramatically increasing series of biological processes and results of introducing new
ing into evo-devo was well expressed by terms on whose definition there seem to be characters into already existing phenotypic
Raff (2000) in a survey of the main issues more and more disagreement. Eventually, themes of a certain architecture (body-
in this field. Some 15 years ago Raff, we should probably learn to accept that plans)” (Müller and Newman, 2005, p.
one of the discipline’s founding fathers, multiple notions associated with each of 490). This separation, however, is artifi-
remarked that “What constitutes the fun- these terms deserve to be retained and cial. The better we know a process, the less
damental problems for a science of evolu- perhaps recognized by adjectival specifica- we are able to identify its exact origins,
tionary developmental biology (evo-devo) tions. Similar terminological refinement is these instead being determined by arbi-
depends on whether the scientist is a devel- applied to other biological terms such as trary choice. In science, and especially in
opmental biologist, a paleontologist or an species (e.g., Claridge et al., 1997), homol- biological disciplines with a strong histor-
evolutionary biologist” and drafted a list ogy (e.g., Minelli and Fusco, 2013a), and ical dimension such as evolutionary biol-
of at the time hot issues. Evo-devo has gene (e.g., Beurton et al., 2000). In dis- ogy and developmental biology, we should
answered these questions only in part. cussing the concept of gene in historical frame questions in terms of transitions
However, this discipline is now mature for perspective, Müller-Wille and Rheinberger rather than origins.
addressing a number of more precise, and (2009) have sensibly recalled Friedrich
more challenging questions, as I will argue Nietzsche’s (1887; second essay, para. 13) BROADENING THE SCOPE OF THE
in this article. dictum, that “all concepts in which an DISCIPLINE
To date, two sets of problems have entire process is semiotically concentrated We can hardly hope to get meaningful and
been primarily floated in discussions elude definition; only that which has no interesting results from a study of systems
about the identity and research tar- history is definable.” whose boundaries we have not meaning-
gets of evo-devo. On the one hand are In addition to terminological ambi- fully fixed. Fixing boundaries means justi-
those centered around the (controversial) guity, there is an another problem with fying which set of objects to include in the
notions of evolvability, robustness and the “innovation triad”—the problem that system we describe or experiment on, or to
constraint in connection with the increas- these terms are all framed in terms of exclude from it, and why; and also which
ing appreciation of the intricacies of “origins.” Framing definitions in terms temporal boundaries we regard as sensible
the genotype→phenotype map (Alberch, of origin requires splitting the evolution- starting and end points for our observa-
1991; Altenberg, 1995; West-Eberhard, ary sequence in two contiguous segments, tions. This concern is critically important January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 85 | 1

Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

in evo-devo, due to the concept of develop- the haplodiplobiont organisms, there are which standard tables of developmental
ment that usually underlies the approach those, such as some Ectocarpus species stages can be fixed and subsequently used
and thus the determination of the prob- among the brown algae, in which the hap- for comparisons (e.g., Kimmel et al., 1995;
lems we address. Most of evo-devo, in loid gametophyte and the diploid sporo- Hopwood, 2007). On the other hand, the
particular most of those studies that phyte are morphologically as much as comparative and populational approach
are based on comparative developmental identical, whereas the gametophyte pre- required by evolutionary biology is based
genetics, implicitly or explicitly take for vails in mosses, and the sporophyte in on the study of individual and interpop-
granted that development is a sequence of the flowering plants. A comparison of ulation variation, and on comparisons
changes through which an adult multicel- these three systems would hopefully help between closely related species. Moreover,
lular animal or plant is produced, through unravel the nature and history of the cor- and arguably most important, the role
increasingly complex stages, starting from relations between ploidy and whole body of phenotypic plasticity in developmen-
a single cell which is usually a fertilized organization. Haplodiplobionts, by the tal evolution goes frequently unnoticed,
egg. But this concept is seriously inade- way, show also most distinctly that a single because this phenomenon has very meager
quate. Development is not limited to mul- life cycle may include more than one gen- opportunity to show up under the pre-
ticellulars, and in these a developmental eration and thus more than one develop- ferred experimental conditions (Robert,
sequence does not necessarily begins with mental sequence—a condition that how- 2004; Love, 2008, 2010).
an egg, fertilized or not. It does not neces- ever applies also to diplobionts, if we
sarily lead to the production of a conven- regard their gametogenesis as an inde- QUESTIONS TO BE ADDRESSED
tional adult, nor does it necessarily involve pendent developmental sequence (Minelli, Of the great challenges evo-devo is facing,
a steady increase in complexity (Minelli, 2014). I close this plea for a radically a number are still distinctly identifiable
2011, 2014). extended taxonomic coverage by evo-devo as evolution-centered or development-
Another point to be revisited is by mentioning unicellulars, among which centered. These are the questions briefly
the taxonomic coverage of evo-devo. developmental processes are often dra- outlined in the next two sections. These
We need urgently to expand work matic, as in the case of trypanosomes. questions do not exhaust the wealth of the
beyond metazoans. As a consequence of A third point is the choice of so- intellectual challenges with which we will
comparative and experimental evidence called model organisms. There has been be confronted in a not too distant future.
primarily based on animals, our whole much debate about the best criteria for To be sure, precise predictions about the
perspective on development and its evolu- adding new items to the select list of future of evo-devo are impossible (Hall,
tion is strongly biased: generalizations can model species, but none of them seems to 2012), but the possibility, and in conse-
not necessarily be extrapolated from the pass rigorous logical scrutiny (discussed in quence the responsibility, is to an extent in
animal kingdom to the other kingdoms. Jenner, 2006; Minelli and Baedke, 2014). our hands to steer the boat toward intellec-
Still worse, the taxonomic bias acts as a Empirically, “random walks” to explore tually rewarding paths. We are already wit-
strong constraint on the formulation of closer or increasingly distant relatives of nessing our discipline expanding its scope
the questions addressed by researchers. the most fashionable model species have by exploring its boundaries toward other
Who cares, for examples, for the ways regularly revealed the idiosyncrasies of the disciplines, ecology in particular (eco-evo-
biological form can emerge from systems model, most unexpectedly among mor- devo, e.g., Hall, 2003; Gilbert and Epel,
made of entangled masses of virtually one- phologically conservative animals such as 2008; also evo-devo vs. niche construction,
dimensional threads which grow from one nematodes. For example, Romanomermis e.g., Laland et al., 2008), but also ethol-
of the tips and apparently have very lim- culicivorax has been found to retain com- ogy (e.g., Bertossa, 2011) and the sciences
ited possibility to send signals to their ponents of a developmental gene toolkit of language (e.g., Hoang et al., 2011; Hall,
neighbors? To be sure, the evolution of shared by primitive nematodes and most 2013). Future advances in all these direc-
morphogenetic processes in fungi will other ecdysozoans, which are however lost tions are welcome, but I expect that much
never be addressed in so far as we are only in Caenorhabditis elegans; on the other more progress will come from the impact
concerned with animals and plants. Plants hand, the latter species has evolved many that evo-devo will eventually have on the
are also much less in the focus of evo-devo, novel genes essential for its embryogen- foundations and the research agendas of its
in respect to animals. Moreover, up to now esis that are not found in R. culicivorax parent disciplines.
evo-devo has not yet really extended to the (Schiffer et al., 2013). Operationally, to The impact of evo-devo on evolu-
green algae, within which an astonishing concentrate efforts on a limited number of tionary biology is already visible, to the
diversity of structural plans has developed, model species is a necessity, but we should extent that evo-devo is explicitly held up
including those based on syncytial rather not forget the peculiar tension experi- as one of the disciplines whose results
than cellular organization. enced by evo-devo. On the one hand, the cannot be satisfactorily accommodated
To be sure, the list of desired groups experimental approach characteristic of its within the framework of the Modern
could continue the whole length of this developmental root asks for standardiza- Synthesis, but will essentially contribute to
article. I will keep it short, but not tion (e.g., Frankino and Raff, 2004)— a new Extended Synthesis (Pigliucci and
before stressing that this list of taxa thus the preference for inbred and selected Müller, 2010). Stressing the expected lead-
would easily turn into a list of new chal- strains, but also for highly uniform cul- ing role of evo-devo in such a conceptual
lenging questions. For example, among ture conditions. This is the context under expansion, Gilbert (2009) has suggested

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Evolutionary Developmental Biology January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 85 | 2
Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

that evo-devo will eventually become be accommodated within the traditional therefore sensible to enquire if, or to which
synonymous with evolutionary biology. view of development as a sequence of extent, the color pattern shared by model
Irrespective of the future course and morphological changes deterministically and mimic (in a Batesian scenario) or two
success of the Extended Synthesis pro- controlled by the genetic programme, co-mimics (in a Müllerian one) involves
gramme, this currently popular focus on starting with an egg and progressing the same morphological units (e.g., the
the evolution side of evo-devo has pro- through increasingly more complex stages, same sclerites of the exoskeleton of a sting-
duced a serious disregard for the conse- eventually culminating with the produc- ing wasp and its hoverfly mimic) and/or
quences of evo-devo for the other parental tion of an adult. Development is much the same genes, and to define their evolv-
discipline, i.e., developmental biology. more than this, it is also timing of events ability. Did the mimicry evolve more easily
Compared to evolutionary biology, devel- along the sequence of change, while the because the color pattern shared by model
opmental biology has much less elabo- instructing role of the genome, and the and mimic was constrained by the evolv-
rated theoretical foundations (Minelli and value of the egg and the adult as the nat- ability of the same body parts, and of
Pradeu, 2014) to the extent that its subject, ural boundaries of development, are much the genes controlling their color pattern?
development, is rarely defined, and usu- less absolute, and much less foundational, A similar prediction was formulated by
ally delimited in purely operational terms, than traditionally accepted. Nijhout (1991) with reference to the gen-
as the progression of changes from the Eventually, a revised (more flexible and eralized wing pattern shared by even dis-
egg to the adult. Up to now, this naïve more comprehensive) concept of develop- tantly related members of the Lepidoptera.
conception of development has been also ment will require a strong revisitation of This question is to be addressed in the light
pervasive in evo-devo, with seriously neg- evo-devo’s research agenda. This will open of the studies suggesting that the evolution
ative effects, e.g., the pretty absolute dis- the way to addressing, at last, a set of of conspicuous adaptive traits is often con-
regard for unicellulars and the excessive fundamental problems related to the ways trolled by a small number of genes with
focus on early embryonic stages to the evolution has been “inventing” develop- large phenotypic effects (e.g., Bradshaw
disadvantage of other segments of devel- ment in its main features, from cell dif- et al., 1998; Cresko et al., 2004; Colosimo
opment. However, in the long run we are ferentiation to the deployment of complex et al., 2005; Montgomery et al., 2011).
starting to appreciate that the evolution life cycles. These are, in my opinion, the In the butterflies of the genus Heliconius,
of development is not simply a series of very big challenges for our discipline. I will Joron et al. (2006) have shown that homol-
changes in developmental schedule, which return to these in the final section. ogous genes (or gene complexes) reg-
are responsible for changing the shape of ulate convergence in Müllerian mimics.
a beak, or the function of an appendage. EVOLUTION-CENTERED CHALLENGES However, one and the same “developmen-
Evolution has produced and is contin- THE ARRIVAL OF THE FITTEST tal hotspot” (Richardson and Brakefield,
uously producing new ways to develop, Olson (2012) advocates a return of devel- 2003) can be responsible for both conver-
think of transitions from direct to indi- opment, long excluded from traditional gence and divergence of a trait (Joron et al.,
rect development, and vice versa; of the evolutionary biology, to the study of adap- 2006).
evolution of multigenerational life cycles; tation. It is true that factors other than These cases of mimicry are of spe-
of the enormously various degrees at natural selection, such as developmen- cial interest because they cluster along
which maternal influence is exerted on the tal constraints, can plausibly account for the problematic edge separating paral-
offspring, either in nutritional or in mor- the unequal filling of the morphospace. lelism from convergence (e.g., Willmer,
phogenetic sense. Evolution has also pro- However, whenever developmental biol- 2003; Powell, 2007; Minelli, 2009; Pearce,
duced and is continuously producing new ogy is able to demonstrate that morpholo- 2012), but a serious look to evolvabil-
ways to translate genetic and environmen- gies that would occupy currently empty ity would be rewarding also in more
tal information into predictable sequences parts of the morphospace can neverthe- “ordinary” instances of convergence (e.g.,
of change, steadily moving forth and less be readily produced, this will turn into the raptorial maxillipedes in two groups
back the boundary between plasticity and a rejection of the constraint hypothesis of insects—the hemimetabolous mantids
genetic determinism. Moreover—and this and lend instead support to hypotheses of and the holometabolous mantipsids—and
is a generally overlooked aspect of devel- adaptation. a group of crustaceans, i.e., the man-
opment, and of its evolution, the even- Evo-devo may even help explain some tis shrimps) and of parallelism too. Very
tual outcome of a developmental sequence of the most “abominable” stories of adap- aptly, Brakefield (2006) commented from
extends well beyond the dimension of tation, namely, the evolution of deceptively this perspective on the numerous exam-
morphology, to encompass also “tempo- similar color patterns in the partners of ples of parallel evolution and adaptive
ral phenotypes” (Minelli and Fusco, 2012) Batesian and Müllerian mimicry systems. radiation, starting from different founders,
and the associated behavioral repertoire. Of course, experimental tests of the actual between the haplochromine cichlid fishes
Think, for example, of the chronologi- survival advantages obtained from agree- of the large lakes of the African Rift Valley
cal precision with which in some North ing in color patterns are a necessary step (Kocher et al., 1993; Albertson and Kocher,
American cicadas (Magicicada spp.) matu- to dispose of naïve unsubstantiated claims. 2006). Evolution by natural selection can
rity is reached after exactly 13 or 17 However, these tests cannot help under- well explain the adaptive feature of the
years of embryonic plus post-embryonic standing how these exquisite stories of individual species, but the wealth of iden-
development. These phenomena cannot adaptation may have been initiated. It is tical solutions evolved in parallel in the January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 85 | 3

Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

different lakes cannot be explained except about the possible evolutionary reversal (Minelli et al., 2009). Quite popular, in the
in the light of strong bias in the available of changes in developmental mechanisms. evo-devo literature, is the case of the tur-
variation (Brakefield, 2006). Some recent studies encourage further tles, unique among the tetrapods in having
work in this direction. Sucena et al. (2014) the pectoral girdle encased within the ribs
CONSTRAINTS ON DEVELOPMENTAL have investigated the potential reversion rather than external to it. Gilbert et al.
EVOLUTION from long to short germband in the bra- (2001) and Rieppel (2001) did not hesitate
A better knowledge of the conid wasps, which ancestrally display to describe this change as saltational.
genotype→phenotype map, and of the long germband development (itself a
anisotropic patterns of evolvability, will derived condition within insects) but short NOVELTY BY HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER
eventually bring us closer to predicting germband development has secondar- As recently claimed by Boto (2014), there
at least some short segment of morpho- ily evolved in the polyembryonic species is increasing evidence for the role of hor-
logical evolution. Evo-devo’s world is Macrocentrus cingulum, suggesting that izontal gene transfer in the acquisition
indeed one of biased embryos (Arthur, evolutionary change in germband size in of novel traits. This has been shown in
2004). Generalizations, however, are dan- insects is a reversible process. Similarly, the animals as different as sponges, cnidar-
gerous. In most instances, “statements peculiar abdominal appendages evolved in ians, rotifers, nematodes, molluscs and
about [developmental or evolutionary] the male sepsid flies have been shown arthropods. To date, however, we have
constraints are in fact statements about by Bowsher et al. (2013) to have likely no clear idea of the extent to which
the relative frequency of particular trans- appeared only once, but within the fam- the phenomenon may have actually con-
formations . . . the same transformation ily these appendages have been lost three tributed to the evolution of form. Well-
may be constrained in one developmental times, and secondarily re-evolved in one targeted studies in this area are likely to be
or phylogenetic context, but evolution- lineage. rewarding.
arily plastic in another” (Richardson and
nizing a constraint pertains more to the DISCONTINUOUS VARIATION PROCESSES
classificatory than to the explanatory side Hypotheses of saltational evolution have Is seems reasonable to expect that sto-
of biology (cf. Wilkins and Ebach, 2013). been traditionally rejected for several rea- ries of exaptation will ordinarily bridge
At this level, a phylogenetic approach will sons, ranging from strict respect for the the gap between the arrival of the fittest
be precious because of the expected neg- Lyellian-Darwinian tradition, to the advo- (the step of evolutionary history targeted
ative correlation between the observed cacy of a strong version of the parsimony by evo-devo) and the survival of the fittest
degree of homoplasy and the number principle, but often—more seriously— (the step targeted instead by traditional
of evolvable states (Donoghue and Ree, because the advocates of saltational evo- approaches to evolution). This will hap-
2000). But this must not be the end of lution could only offer circumstantial evi- pen at all levels, from single-gene expres-
the story, as recognizing constraints in dence in favor of their views, without sion to the production of complex organs.
the context of evo-devo (Fusco, 2001) the support of experimental evidence or Multiple, independent exaptation events
will eventually represent a vantage point at least of a plausible hypothetical mech- of the same trait under similar selec-
from which to circumscribe and eventu- anism. Things are different in the light tive pressure may explain a number of
ally attack the problem at a mechanistic, of current knowledge in developmental instances of parallelism and convergence,
explanatory level. genetics, to the extent that many authors as in the controversial case of the evolution
accept that “smaller changes and larger of metazoan eyes, where pax6 or one of
IS EVOLUTION REVERSIBLE? transitions are likely mixed together along its homologs has been likely exapted more
Interest in Dollo’s (1893) law of the irre- the evolutionary history of life” (Orr, than once from pigment specifier to eye
versibility of evolution has re-emerged 1998). specifier (Kozmik, 2005).
since the advent of cladistics, which pro- Theißen (2009) has explicitly defended Exaptation is also likely involved in
vides rigorous methods for reconstructing saltational evolution as a concept neces- the evolution of a derived life cycle, or
phylogeny, and of modern methods for sary to describe a number of key innova- a derived life style, as in the transition
dating evolutionary events, jointly based tions and changes in body plan that have from free-living to parasitic life styles in
on the molecular clock and the fossil not possibly evolved in the more com- terrestrial nematodes. In several nema-
record. Several studies seem to seriously mon, but far from universal gradualistic todes, indeed, environmental signals cor-
challenge Dollo’s law, e.g., Wiens’s (2011) mode. For example, a single-gene muta- related with adverse external conditions
study suggesting that mandibular teeth tion was probably responsible for the evo- can induce the worm to arrest its develop-
lost in the ancestor of modern frogs at least lution of the bilaterally symmetrical orchid ment as a dauer larva. A dauer larva can
230 million years ago have evolved anew flower from an ancestor with radially sym- eventually turn into a pre-adaptation for
in the frog genus Gastrotheca in the last ca. metrical ones (Mondragón-Palomino and the evolution of parasitism, as suggested
5–17 million years. Theißen, 2008). Similarly, a small genetic by the cooption and subsequent modifi-
In evo-devo, questions about the change may explain the sudden duplica- cation, in the parasitic Parastrongyloides
reversibility of evolution shift from the tra- tion of the number of leg pairs uniquely trichosuri, of the sensory transduction
ditional level of morphology to questions observed in a lineage of scolopenders machinery responding to the external cues

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Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

ordinarily inducing the switch to dauer list of homologs, each of them being Bolker and Raff, 1996; True and Carroll,
larva in free-living nematodes (Stasiuk a crossroad of developmental modules, 2002; Hinman and Davidson, 2007;
et al., 2012). i.e., of biological homologs. But this is Shubin et al., 2009; Chipman, 2010).
not simply relevant for the taxonomist However, we should advocate gene co-
REVISITING HOMOLOGIES AND PHYLOGENY in search of independent characters for option only when an existing gene gets
In principle at least, evo-devo should be his/her data matrix. Irrespective of their a new role in a developmental process
the ideal ground on which to look for distinct morphofunctional identity, organs in which it was not previously involved
integration between two different ways to cannot be further accepted as integrated (or in a body part where it was previ-
approach homology (Minelli and Fusco, units of development and specific chapters ously not expressed) only provided that
2013a). On the one hand there are the on organogenesis, e.g., cardiogenesis and the developmental process (or the body
historical concepts, including the notions cerebrogenesis (as such) should arguably part) with which it now becomes involved
of homology formulated by cladistics, disappear from the developmental biology was already in existence (Minelli, 2009).
based on the identification of shared literature (Minelli, 2009). The concept of co-option does not apply
modifications, or synapomorphies. On Revisiting homology based on when a novel pattern of expression of a
the other hand there are the proximal- comparative expression patterns of gene, or of a whole gene regulative net-
cause concepts of homology, based on the developmental genes presents us often work, coincides with the origination of
recognition of a shared genetic or epi- with intriguing results, e.g., in the case of a new body part, a context for which I
genetic basis. The most popular among germ layer homology. In Caenorhabditis proposed the term paramorphism (Minelli,
these notions is Wagner’s (1989) biolog- elegans, due to the very small total num- 2000, 2003a), more specifically to describe
ical notion of homology, based on the ber of cells in the embryo, there is no the relationship between an already exist-
identification of shared underlying devel- morphological evidence for germ lay- ing body axis and a new (lateral) axis
opmental processes, or strongly integrated ers, but endoderm-specific genes have depending on the iteration of existing
developmental modules. Analysis in terms been found nevertheless (Maduro and developmental dynamics already respon-
of modules (e.g., Raff and Sly, 2000; Rothman, 2002). More attention has been sible for the main body axis. Co-option
Schlosser and Wagner, 2004; Callebaut given to date to the mesoderm, where indeed leaves unexplained how the new
and Rasskin-Gutman, 2005) of the pheno- genes such as snail and twist are charac- axis eventually emerged, prior to and inde-
type, and of the developmental processes teristically expressed. A snail homolog has pendent of the co-option event. The main
responsible for it, make the latter notion been found in a coral (Hayward et al., problem with this explanation is how the
more attractive to the evo-devoist. Most 2004) and a sea anemone (Martindale animal may have evolved new tools for
important, this approach in the general et al., 2004), where it seems to contribute producing the secondary body axes, and
case allows the recognition of homologs to specifying the endoderm in respect to how these were prevented from negatively
that do not correspond necessarily to body the ectoderm (Martindale et al., 2004; Ball interfering with the growth and pattern-
parts with a distinct topographic and/or et al., 2004), and a twist homolog has ing of the main axis. This difficulty does
functional identity, like wings, fingers, been found in the hydrozoan Podocoryne not exist under the hypothesis of paramor-
and eyes, i.e., the units the morpholo- carnea (Spring et al., 2000). These findings phism, in which the evolution of a new
gist and the systematist typically choose to may contribute to solve the dispute about axis and its patterning under the control
base descriptions and comparisons (e.g., the presence of mesoderm in the Cnidaria of genes already expressed along the main
Minelli and Fusco, 1995). Eventually, an (e.g., Boero et al., 1998; Seipel and Schmid, body axis are essentially one and the same
evo-devo approach to homology is likely to 2005, 2006; Burton, 2008). event.
support a factorial (or combinatorial) con- In addition to contributing to a Paramorphism is also other than serial
cept of homology (Minelli, 1998) rather revisitation of homologies, evo-devo can homology. Body parts in serial homology
than a hierarchical one. The latter, tradi- contribute original data to the reconstruc- are repeated along the same axis (either
tional view is tightly linked to the naïve tion of phylogeny, especially through a the main body axis, as in the case of our
idea that characters can change from a comparative analysis of sequence hete- vertebrae, or a lateral axis, as for the arti-
state to another but eventually “remain rochrony (e.g., Velhagen, 1997; Smith, cles of an insect’s antenna), whereas those
themselves,” faithful to Owen’s (1843) clas- 2001; Bininda-Emonds et al., 2002; Jeffery related by paramorphism belong to axes
sic (and pre-evolutionary) definition of et al., 2005; Minelli et al., 2007). This of different order. These can be either real
homolog as “the same organ in different approach deserves strong additional effort, axes, as those of appendages in respect
animals under every variety of form and especially in plants, where its potential is to the main body axis, or virtual axes, as
function”—an all too problematic defini- still virtually unexploited. are those along which are expressed the
tion in the light of the way organisms likely genes responsible for patterning the “eyes”
evolve. PARAMORPHISM on the wings of several butterflies (Carroll
A critically important implication of It has become fashionable to interpret et al., 1994). In the original formulation
adopting a combinatorial concept of major events in the evolution of the (Minelli, 2000), paramorphs are the axes
homology must be made explicit, that genetic control of development in terms themselves.
is, that body organs like the brain, the of co-option of individual genes or even It may deserve serious thought to
lungs and the heart, fade away from the of whole gene regulatory networks (e.g., consider if this scenario can be extended January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 85 | 5

Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

beyond the domain of body axes, to apply as interesting as is change, and the primordia in plants has invited compar-
also to other examples of ectopic exten- corresponding developmental underpin- isons with the segmentation clocks known
sion of the expression of a gene, or a nings should therefore be targeted by from vertebrates and arthropods. This has
gene cassette, such as probably implied in evo-devo, which is currently too strongly lead to the suggestion that a segmenta-
the development of accessory hearts (e.g., focussed on the developmental basis of the tion clock is perhaps a fundamental prin-
wing hearts) in insects (Pass, 1998; Tögel evolution of innovations. ciple governing patterning in growing tis-
et al., 2008). sues (Richmond and Oates, 2012). But
DEVELOPMENT-CENTERED this prima facie attractive suggestion does
EVOLUTIONARY TRANSITIONS CHALLENGES not correspond to the discovery of an
In the last two decades, i.e., since the publi- DEBUNKING ADULTOCENTRISM evolutionarily ancestral mechanism. It is
cation of Maynard Smith and Szathmáry’s Developmental biology is seriously difficult to imagine the presence of some-
(1995) book, questions in evolutionary deformed by adultocentrism (Minelli, thing equivalent to a segmentation clock,
biology have been increasingly framed in 2003b), that is, by the implicitly teleo- in the common ancestors of plants and
terms of transitions, and increasingly less logical view of development as targeted to metazoans, except for a cellular oscillator
frequently in term of origins. This is a wel- produce an adult. One important mani- that had nothing to do with segmenta-
come trend that should be encouraged in festation of adultocentrism is the common tion or the like, before being exapted in
evo-devo too. As a consequence, a set of disregard for the distinction between adult such a role, something that would even-
key questions in evo-devo can be listed in and mature (Minelli and Fusco, 2013b), tually happen in a very distant future. It
terms of searching for the developmental a distinction that becomes most obvious seems therefore legitimate to ask: what
underpinnings of evolutionary transitions, in the case of heterochrony, of progene- should we regard as fundamental princi-
e.g., transitions from uni- to multicellular- sis especially (e.g., de Beer, 1930, 1940; ples of development, if any? The ques-
ity, from direct to indirect development, Gould, 1977). tion is clearly open for debate, in the
from unsegmented to segmented body Another serious deformation comes light of a carefully formulated definition
organization. All these transitions obvi- from the widespread tendency to regard of development but also, perhaps, through
ously open the scope for research about the whole segment of individual life subse- the identification of recognizable “mod-
parallelism, convergence, and reversal of quent to the reproductively mature phase ules” to search for possible “fundamental
trends. as a disturbing appendage to what is worth principles.”
being called development. This tendency A serious problem is the obvious lack
DEBUNKING TYPOLOGY, AND FOCUSSING ON is related to the evolutionary perspec- of agreement on what “fundamental prin-
MORPHOLOGICAL STASIS tive, according to which the traits of a ciples” should eventually be. By explicitly
As mentioned above, most of the so-called senescent organism are irrelevant because pointing to the heuristic value of homo-
developmental or evolutionary constraints selection has no effect on them. However, plasious (parallel or convergent) features,
are nothing more than highly frequent, or even in strictly evolutionary terms the Vervoort (2014) argued outside of a his-
highly conserved states, or processes. Their post-reproductive segment of life can- torical framework, whereas others would
pervasive distribution causes us to accept not be ignored, because some of its traits rather look for aspects of development we
a number of body plans as “normal” and can be eventually the source of heritable may regard as synapomorphies—if any of
to look at their exceptions as the results exaptations. In mechanistic terms, matu- these are eventually to be found—shared
of singular evolutionary events at which rity can be separated from pre-maturity by all the living beings that undergo devel-
some constraint was broken. This attitude only in an arbitrary way; moreover, once opment. Let’s take for granted the cau-
is best represented by the term morpholog- maturity is first reached, the subsequent tionary note that in one or more lineages
ical misfit introduced (in botany) by Bell reproductive activity is very often dis- some of these features may have secondar-
(1991, 2008) to denote those plant forms continuous, intervals between subsequent ily disappeared, or evolved to the extent
“that cannot as yet sensibly be accom- reproductive periods being sometimes of becoming unrecognizable. This second
modated in traditional descriptions” (Bell, accompanied by extensive morphological perspective is perhaps an obligate choice,
2008, p. 247). and functional regression of the if we want to study development in an
Examples of the numerical marginality gonads and of the other reproductive evolutionary context. But this, in turn,
of these unusual organisms are provided structures. may force us to go beyond development
by the duckweed (34 species, i.e., 0.01% as featured by multicellulars, to seriously
of the flowering plants), tiny flowering FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF address life processes in unicellular and,
water plants whose most derived represen- DEVELOPMENT? perhaps, also in subcellular (or noncellu-
tatives (Wolffia) are reduced to minuscule A number of researchers are looking to lar) contexts. As remarked by Griesemer
blobs of green cells, and the monotremes, evo-devo as a biological discipline whose and Szathmáry (2009), despite the empir-
i.e., the platypus and the echidnas (four comparative nature offers hope to iden- ical fact that life, as we know it, is inher-
species, less than 0.1% of living mammal tify fundamental aspects of development ently cellular, it is nevertheless problematic
species). (Vervoort, 2014). Recently, the discov- to take cellularity as a necessary condi-
From an evolutionary point of view, ery of an oscillatory process associated tion when we try to characterize or define
prolonged morphological stasis is perhaps with the sequential production of root development.

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CONSERVED PHASES vs. HOT-POINTS OF cal and chemical inputs from the envi- subject to relaxed selection, and eventually
CHANGE ALONG THE DEVELOPMENTAL ronment. This interdependence becomes accumulate in the population in the form
SCHEDULE more interesting, however, when genet- of cryptic variation (Gibson and Dworkin,
One of the most obvious consequences of ically identical organisms develop along 2004; Le Rouzic and Carlborg, 2008; Lahti
the focus on animal systems that domi- divergent but predicable paths if exposed et al., 2009; Snell-Rood et al., 2010; Van
nates evo-devo is the frequent description to specifically different environmental Dyken and Wade, 2010). Environmental
of embryonic development in terms of the cues—in other words, if they exhibit changes can eventually unmask this cryp-
so-called hourglass model, to signify that phenotypic plasticity (Schlichting and tic variation and expose it to selection,
the earliest stages are more extensively and Pigliucci, 1998; Greene, 1999; Pigliucci, with the possible release of novel pheno-
more easily divergent than later embry- 2001; West-Eberhard, 2003; DeWitt and types (Barrett and Schluter, 2008; Pfennig
onic stages (Duboule, 1994; Raff, 1996; Scheiner, 2004; West-Eberhard, 2005a; et al., 2010).
Hall, 1997). The developmental trajecto- Fusco and Minelli, 2010), eventually trans- In the conventional sense, the term
ries of the members of the same major lating into a well-defined and predictable polyphenism applies to the production
group converge toward the so-called phy- polyphenism. of alternative phenotypes at the level of
lotypic stage, at which their mutual resem- Recent studies on the pea aphid the individual organism, in the absence
blance is highest, but subsequently diverge Acyrthosiphon pisum (Brisson, 2010) have of genetic differences. However, from a
in a more or less strict accordance to von shown how easily alternative phenotypes mechanistic point of view, polyphenism
Baer’s (1828) “law of development.” Early produced under environmental control is closely comparable to cell differenti-
divergence is sometimes noticeable even at can evolve into genetically determined ation within a developing multicellular,
intraspecific level, as shown by Tills et al. phenotypes, or vice versa. Pea aphids as well as to the sequential production
(2011) for the pond snail, Radix balthica. of either sex can be either winged or of morphologically different stages along
As expected, gene expression is maximally wingless, but in the females this is an an organism’s ontogeny. In a sense, sets
conserved around the phylotypic period environmentally controlled polyphenism of alternatively differentiated cells within
(e.g., Kalinka et al., 2010; Levin et al., whereas in the male the difference is con- an individuals can be equated to a set
2012). trolled by a single-gene polymorphism of divergent phenotypes of a polymor-
Interestingly, the distribution of more (Braendle et al., 2005a). However, the phic species, deprived of physical indi-
conserved and more variable segments protein encoded by the gene (aphicarus) viduality (Zakhvatkin, 1949). In the case
of ontogenetic development is appar- responsible for wing development in of developmental stages along an organ-
ently correlated with genome organiza- the male aphid is also involved in the ism’s ontogeny, we confront again the pro-
tion. This is suggested by a comparison female’s developmental response to the duction of divergent phenotypes in the
between vertebrates and amphioxus, on environmental stimulus (Braendle et al., absence (most generally) of genotypic dif-
the one side, and tunicates, on the other 2005b). ferences (Minelli and Fusco, 2010). In
(Holland, 2014). The genome of tuni- This brings us straight into the exciting a sense, cell differentiation and pheno-
cates has undergone substantial divergent research field of genetic accommoda- typic changes along the ontogeny can be
evolution, along which key developmen- tion, the process by which a phenotype regarded as spatially (cell differentiation)
tal genes have been discarded, while their originally produced in response to an envi- or temporally (sequence of developmen-
coding sequences have been integrated ronmental condition, later becomes genet- tal stages) integrated, internalized expres-
into “operons,” which are transcribed as ically encoded (e.g., West-Eberhard, 2003, sions of phenotypic plasticity. This view
a single mRNA. In parallel, tunicates have 2005b; Moczek, 2007, 2008; Moczek et al., does potentially open an extraordinary
adopted a very early determination of cell 2011; Schlichting and Wund, 2014). Under rich research program in evo-devo, within
fate. As a consequence, their phylotypic this broad umbrella, Waddington’s (1953) a unitary framework that will hopefully
stage occurs at a very early phase of devel- genetic assimilation is the special case bring us closer to the ways by which evo-
opment. According to Linda Holland, this in which selection has favored the loss lution has been “inventing” development.
can help explain the exceptional diversity of plasticity (Robinson and Dukas, 1999;
of tunicate body plans. Pigliucci and Murren, 2003). The case EPIGENETICS
Besides looking more in detail into this in which plasticity enhances the survival From an evo-devo perspective, epigenetic
paradigmatic case, it will be worth inves- of an individual in a new environment mechanisms (in the current sense of tem-
tigating systematically the distribution of and selection subsequently favors herita- porarily inheritable, functional markings
hot points of change along the ontogenetic ble variation to accumulate in the direc- of chromatin) can be regarded as tools
schedules of other animals and to enquire tion of the plastic response, is currently involved in the production of a phe-
whether/how this research program can be known as the Baldwin effect (Baldwin, notype starting from a genotype and,
exported to groups other than metazoans. 1896; see also e.g., Crispo, 2007; Badyaev, as such, currently integrated into the
2009). genotype→phenotype map. How this
TWO VERY GREAT CHALLENGES In addition, because of its expression integration evolved in the different groups
POLYPHENISM TO POLYMORPHISM—THE being conditional to the exposure to envi- is a virtually unexplored field that fully
INTERNALIZATION OF RELEASING INPUTS ronments not experienced for more or less deserves attention from evo-devo.
We can hardly imagine an organism devel- long time, part of the genetic variation Within this framework there will be
oping in full independence from physi- involved in phenotypic plasticity can be also scope for investigating the evolution January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 85 | 7

Minelli Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

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