Mikroplan - Level 1

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English Plus 1 - пети разред, пета година учења

Укупан број
Тип часа
часова по теми за

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назив наст. теме

1. 1. Starter unit (Classroom vocabulary, Saxon Genitive, Possessive adjectives) 0 1 /

0,5 1,5 0
STARTER UNIT 2 Starter unit + Skills extra 1 (Possessive / Object pronouns, to be – affirm., negat. and questions) 0,5 0,5 /
3. Unit 1, Vocabulary – Free time – (Talking about hobbies and interests) 0,5 0,5 /
4. Unit 1, Reading – What are you into? (Understanding a text about people’s interest) 0,5 0,5 /
Unit 1, Language focus – have got – affirmative, negative and questions
2. 5. 0,5 0,5 /
(Talking about possessions )
Unit 1, Vocabulary and listening – Hobbies and interest (Understanding people talking about their 3 3 1
YOUR 6. 0,5 0,5 /
hobbies and interests)
7. Unit 1, Language focus – Interrogative pronouns + Speaking – Meeting people (Greeting&introduc.) 0,5 0,5 /
8. Unit 1,Writing – An email (Writing an email) 0,5 0,5 /
9. Unit 1, Review / / 1
3. 10. Revision (Starter unit + Unit 1) / / 1
0 0 2
TEST 1 11. Test 1 (Starter unit + Unit 1) / / 1
12. Unit 2, Vocabulary – Places in a town (Describing a place) 0,5 0,5 /
13. Unit 2, Reading – A descrpition of a modern city (Understanding an article about a city) 0,5 0,5 /
14. Unit 2, Language focus – Is there…?(Asking and answerring questions about an ideal city to live) 0,5 0,5 /
Unit 2, Vocabulary and listening - Describing a place (Understanding descriptions and describing
UNIT 2 15. 0,5 0,5 / 3 3 1
where I live)
16. Unit 2, Language focus – Comparative adjectives (Comparing places) 0,5 0,5 /
17. Unit 2, Speaking&Writing (Asking for travel information + writng about a town or city) 0,5 0,5 /
18. Unit 2, Review / 1
19. Cumulative review – Starter – Unit 2 / / 1 0 0 1
6. 20. Unit 3, Vocabulary – Countries, nationalities and languages (Talking about countr., nation.&lang.) 0,5 0,5 / 2,5 3,5 1
UNIT 3 21. Unit 3, Reading – A cosmopolitan city (Understanding an article about people living in London) 0,5 0,5 /
AROUND THE 22. Unit 3, Language focus – Present simple – affirm. and negat. (Talking about facts and routines) 0,5 0,5 /
WORLD 23. Unit 3, Vocabulary and listening – Routines (Talking about routines) 1 /
24. Unit 3, Language focus – Present simple – questions (Asking questions about habits and routines) 0,5 0,5 /
25. Unit 3, Speaking &Writing –Talking about likes and dislikes &writng a report about a country 0,5 0,5 /
26. Unit 3, Review / / 1

7. 27. Preparation for the first test written in English / / 1

THE FIRST 28. The first test written in English / / 1 0 0 3
WRITTEN TEST 29. The corrеction of the first test written in English / / 1
30. Unit 4, Vocabulary – Animals (Describing animals) 0,5 0,5 /
31. Unit 4, Reading – The red list (Understanding an article about animals in danger) 0,5 0,5 /
32. Unit 4, Language focus – Present continuous – aff. and neg. (Talking about things happening now) 0,5 0,5 /
Unit 4, Vocabulary and listening - Verbs: animal behaviour (Understanding an interview about
UNIT 4 33. 0,5 0,5 /
animal behaviour) 3 3 1
Unit 4, Language focus – Present cont. – questions (Asking questions about routines and current
SIDE 34. 0,5 0,5 /
35. Unit 4, Speaking &Writing –Talking about what we are doing now&Writing an article about animals 0,5 0,5 /
36. Unit 4, Review / / 1
37. Cumulative review – Starter – Unit 4 / / 1 0 0 1
38. Unit 5, Vocabulary – Activities in and out of school (Talking about timetable & after school activit.) 0,5 0,5 /
39. Unit 5, Reading – Boarding school (Understanding an interview about boarding school life) 0,5 0,5 /
40. Unit 5, Language focus – Can for ability and permission (Talking about what we can / can’t do) 0,5 0,5 /
41. Unit 5, Vocabulary and listening - Food and drink (Talking about eating habits) 0,5 0,5 /
Unit 5, Language focus – Countable and Uncountable nouns – a/an, the, some, any, much, many, a 3 3 1
IN AND OUT OF 42. 0,5 0,5 /
lot of (Talking about food and drink)
Unit 5, Speaking &Writing – Making, accepting and refusing invitations&writing an email about
43. 0,5 0,5 /
44. Unit 5, Review / / 1
45. Unit 6, Vocabulary – Jobs (Talking about jobs) 0,5 0,5 /
11. 46. Unit 6, Reading –The history of English names (Understand. an article about the history of names ) 0,5 0,5 /
UNIT 6 47. Unit 6, Language focus – Was / were, there was / were (Talking about the past with was /were) 0,5 0,5 /
2,5 2,5 1
NAMES AND 48. Unit 6, Language focus – Past Simple of regular verbs (Talking about past experiences) 0,5 0,5 /
PLACES 49. Unit 6, Speaking &Writing – Talking about lastweekend&writing about a place and its history 0,5 0,5 /
50. Unit 6, Review / / 1
51. Cumulative review – Starter – Unit 6 / / 1 0 0 1
13. 52. Revision (Focus on units 4 – 6)) / / 1
0 0 2
TEST 2 53. Test 2 (Units 4 - 6) / / 1

54. Unit 7, Vocabulary – Sport (Talking about sports and sports events) 0,5 0,5 /
55. Unit 7, Reading – Video games (Understanding an article about video games) 0,5 0,5 /
14. 56. Unit 7, Language focus – Past Simple: regular & irregular verbs (Talking about actions in the past) 0,5 0,5 /
UNIT 7 57. Unit 7, Language focus – Past Simple-questions (Asking and answering quetsions about the past) 0,5 0,5 / 2 3 1
GAMES Unit 7, Speaking &Writing – Talking about last weekend&writing a profile about a famous
58. / 1 /
59. Unit 7, Review / / 1
Skills extra 2 - Circus Smirkus – must, mustn’t, can, have to, don’t have to (Talking about (absence
15. SKILLS 60. 0,5 0,5 /
of) necessities and what we are (not) allowed to do) 1 1 0
61. Skills extra 2 - Circus Smirkus – could / couldn’t (Talking about past abilities) 0,5 0,5 /
62. Preparation for the second test written in English / / 1
63. The second test written in English / / 1 0 0 3
64. The corrеction of the first test written in English / / 1
65. Unit 8, Vocabulary – Travel equipment (Talking about what to do on an expedition) 0,5 0,5 /
17. 66. Unit 8, Reading – An adventure story (Understanding an adventure story) 0,5 0,5 /
UNIT 8 67. Unit 8, Language focus – be going to: aff., neg., quest. (Talking about plans and intentions) 0,5 0,5 / 2,5 2,5 0
ЕXPEDITION 68. Unit 8, Vocabulary and listening – Weather conditions (Talking about the weather) 0,5 0,5 /
69. Unit 8, Language focus – will & won’t (Making predictions about the future) 0,5 0,5 /
18. SKILLS 70. Skills extra 3 - Present Perfect (Talking about the indefinite past) 0,5 0,5 /
1 1 0
EXTRA 3 71. Skills extra 3 - Present Perfect (Talking about the indefinite past) 0,5 0,5 /
72. Cumulative review – Starter – Unit 8 / / 1 0 0 1
Укупан број часова (збирно) 24 27 21

*Zbog broja časova, a kako bi bilo moguće ubaciti i Extra skills, neki delovi iz udžbenika su izostavljeni:

1) Kod Unit-a 6 i 7, izostavljena je lekcija Vocabulary and listening.

2) Kod Unit 8, izostavljeni su Review, Speaking i Writing.

Izostavljanje pojedinih delova ne remeti realizaciju nastavnih sadržaja – ovaj udžbenik je fleksibilan. Nastavnici mogu, ukoliko procene da im je nešto drugo važnije, da
dodaju, izbace, ubace i prilagode sopstvenim potrebama.

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