Immune Modulation Effects of Curcumin in Pristane Induced Lupus Mice

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Original Article

Immune Modulation Effects of Curcumin in Pristane‑induced Lupus Mice

Handono Kalim, Kusworini Handono1, Takhta Khalasha2, Mirza Zaka Pratama2,
Tri Wahyudi Iman Dantara2, Ayu Pramitha Wulandari2, Fahimma Albinsaid2, Sofi Nur Fitria2,
Muhammad Vardian Mahardika2
Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology Division, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital,
Departments of 1Clinical Pathology, and 2Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang,
East Java 65111, Indonesia

Received: December, 2016

Accepted: April, 2017
Published: May, 2017 Background: Curcumin, a polyphenolic compound derived from food spice turmeric has
been widely used in Asian traditional medicine for its medicinal properties as antitumor,
antioxidant, and anti‑inflammatory properties. Meanwhile, intraperitoneal  (i.p.) injection of
the hydrocarbon oil pristane into normal mice leads to a lupus‑like autoimmune syndrome.
We aimed to investigate the effects of curcumin on systemic lupus erythematosus  (SLE)
clinical manifestation, adaptive immune system components, proinflammatory cytokines, and
autoantibody production in pristane‑induced lupus mice.
Methods: Fifty female BALB/c mice, 6–8  weeks old were divided into 2 groups: Forty mice
received a single i.p. injection of 0.5 cc pristane for lupus induction and ten mice as healthy
controls. Starting at 16  weeks after injection, forty pristane‑induced lupus mice were divided
into four groups based on doses of curcumin received intragastrically: 0, 12.5, 50, and 200
mg/kg bw/day daily for 16  weeks. At 32  weeks after injection, all of mice were assessed for
arthritis score, proteinuria level, body weights, adaptive immune system components  (Th1,
Th2, Th17, and Treg percentages) from spleen using flow cytometry; proinflammatory
cytokines and autoantibody production, including interleukin‑6 (IL‑6), interferon‑alpha (IFN‑α),
and antinuclear antibody (ANA) from serum using enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: Arthritis score and proteinuria level were decreased in curcumin‑treated mice.
However, body weights were not significantly different between the groups. The decreased
of Th1, Th2, and Th17 percentages were seen after treatment with 200 mg/kg bw/day of
Address for correspondence: curcumin  (P  =  0.031, P =  0.017, and P =  0.005, respectively). However, only slight increase
Prof. Handono Kalim, of Treg percentages was seen after curcumin treatment. Treatment with 200 mg/kg bw/day
Department of Internal Medicine, of curcumin decreased serum IL‑6 and IFN‑α levels  (P  =  0.007 and P =  0.003). Furthermore,
Rheumatology and Immunology ANA levels were also decreased significantly after treatment with 200 mg/kg bw/day of
Division, Faculty of Medicine
curcumin (P = 0.013).
Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar
General Hospital, Jalan JA Suprapto
Conclusion: Our findings suggested that curcumin could prove useful as a therapeutic
No. 2, Malang, East Java 65111, intervention in SLE.
E‑mail: Key Words: Curcumin, pristane, systemic lupus erythematosus

Introduction Th17 subsets and decreased regulatory of T‑cells  (Treg)

have been reported in many studies to be correlated with
Systemic lupus erythematosus  (SLE) is a systemic activity index, tissue damage, and autoantibodies synthesis
autoimmune disease with complex pathogenesis.[1] In in SLE patients.[2‑4]
previous decades, many studies found that abnormal
function and proportion of CD4+  T‑cells subsets had major There are numerous murine models that have long
roles in the development of SLE. Increased Th1, Th2, and been studied in an effort to understand pathogenesis
and advances in SLE treatment. One SLE animal model
is the pristane‑induced lupus mice model. Pristane is
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How to cite this article: Kalim H, Handono K, Khalasha T, Pratama MZ,
Iman Dantara TW, Wulandari AP, et al. Immune modulation effects of
curcumin in pristane-induced lupus mice. Indian J Rheumatol 0;0:0.

1 © 2017 Indian Journal of Rheumatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

an isoprenoid alkane found at high concentration in Preparation and administration of curcumin

mineral oil and can induce autoantibodies and the clinical
The curcumin was acquired from Sigma, St Louis, MO.
manifestations of SLE in murine models.[5] Studies have
Curcumin solutions of  (1 or 5 mg/ml in filtered water)
shown that these mice have disparate T‑cell requirements
were prepared by dissolving it in hot distilled water (about
of two subsets of lupus‑specific autoantibodies as well as
90°C); and subsequently heated for 10  min in a boiling
the toll‑like receptor 7‑dependent and FcγR‑independent
water bath, and filtered using Sigma‑Aldrich sintered glass
production of Type I interferon.[6]
funnel number three (pore size 16–40 μm). The precipitate
The rapid advance in the treatment and diagnosis of SLE was washed with additional amounts of hot distilled water
in recent few years has resulted in greater life expectancy then the solution was cooled. This procedure allowed
of SLE patients. Current therapeutics used to treat SLE the curcumin solubility to increase 12‑fold in water
including glucocorticoids are directed at suppressing based.[14] Afterward, the solutions were emulsified with
humoral immunity and the production of autoantibodies 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose for intragastric administration
as well as helper T‑cells  (Th) and B‑cells.[7] However, the to mice.[15]
use of long‑term glucocorticoids and immunosuppressant
therapies for SLE may result in various side effects.[8] Sixteen weeks after pristane injection, pristane‑induced
Immunosuppressant agents are not widely available and mice group were randomly divided into the following
affordable, especially in the developing country. four groups:  (1) Curcumin A group: Ten pristane‑induced
mice were given curcumin 12.5 mg/kg bw/day daily for
One of the current developments in autoimmune disease 16  weeks;  (2) Curcumin B group: Ten pristane‑induced
treatment field in developing country is nutraceutical mice were given curcumin 50 mg/kg bw/day daily for
product. One example of bioactive compound from 16  weeks;  (3) Curcumin C group: Ten pristane‑induced
plants that have immunomodulatory properties is mice were given curcumin 200 mg/kg bw/day daily for
curcumin, a phenolic compound which mainly can be 16  weeks;  (4) Model control group: Ten pristane‑induced
found in turmeric.[9] It has been shown that curcumin mice were not given curcumin. Intragastric administration
possesses many biological effects on cells, including of curcumin was carried out daily until 32  weeks
anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulator, and postpristane injection. The mice were euthanized at the
anticancer.[9‑12] Curcumin is also proved to be able to end of 32  weeks postpristane injection, then their spleen
modulate cellular response and the growth of various and serum had been obtained for further analyses.
cell types in the immune system, including T‑cells, B‑cells,
dendritic cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells.[13] Measurement of proteinuria
Despite the wide range of curcumin effects on various Beginning at 32  weeks postpristane injection, proteinuria
biologic processes, the role of curcumin in SLE is rarely was measured semi‑quantitatively by impregnating wool
discussed. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate paper test strips with spot urine sample  (URiSCAN,
the role of curcumin on the clinical manifestations and Yeongdong Pharmaceutical Company). The color
adaptive immune responses as well as the production of change of the strip infiltrated with the urine sample
proinflammatory cytokines in SLE animal model. was visually judged against a standard strip and scored
from 0 to 5+, according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Methods The urinary protein content was graded according to
the score as follows: 0  ≤100 mg/L, 1+ = 100 mg/L,
Mice and lupus induction 2+ = 300 mg/L, 3+ = 1000 mg/L, 4+ = 3000 mg/L, and
Totally, fifty female BALB/c mice that were 6–8  weeks 5+ = 10,000 mg/L. Significant proteinuria was characterized
old were obtained from Pusvetma Surabaya, East Java, by more than positive two score on dipstick score
Indonesia. All mice were housed in standard cages (equivalent to >300 mg/dl protein in urine).
(5 mice/cage) in a climate‑controlled environment.
Scoring of arthritis
The mice were maintained on 12‑h light/dark cycle
and provided food and water ad libitum. Mice were At 32  weeks postpristane injection, mice were examined
habituated to the holding room for a minimum of for arthritis development after curcumin treatment.
1  week before undergoing experimental procedures. Scoring of animals was done blindly using a scoring
Fifty female BALB/c mice were randomly divided into the system  (arthritis score) based on the number of inflamed
following two groups:  (1) pristane‑induced mice group: joints in each paw, inflammation being defined by swelling
Forty BALB/c mice received a single intraperitoneal and redness. In this scoring system, each inflamed toe
injection of 0.5 ml of pristane  (Sigma‑Aldrich, USA) or knuckle gave one point, whereas an inflamed wrist
for lupus induction and  (2) normal control group: 10 or ankle gave five points, resulting in a score of 0–15
BALB/c mice not injected with pristane and not fed with (five toes  +  five knuckles  +  one wrist/ankle) for each
curcumin. paw and 0–60 points for each mice.[16] The individual

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

mice arthritis score was obtained by summing the inhalation of chloroform anesthesia. The blood samples
scores recorded for each limb. Clinical evaluations were were allowed to clot by leaving it at room temperature for
performed by two investigators  (anatomical pathology 15–30  min, and the clot was removed by centrifuging it
specialist) unaware of mice identity, and the mean of both at 1000–2000  ×  g for 10  min. Proinflammatory cytokines
scores was calculated. levels  (IL‑6 and interferon‑alpha  [IFN‑α]) from serum
were determined using enzyme‑linked immunosorbent
Cell preparation assay  (ELISA) kits  (from Biolegend, USA). Antinuclear
Preparation from spleen tissue was done using previous antibody  (ANA) from serum was also determined using
protocol methods. Spleen tissues were harvested and ELISA kits (MyBioSource, San Diego, CA, USA).
teased apart into single‑cell suspension by pressing them
Statistical analysis
with the plunger of a 3 ml syringe. Tissues were collected
in 10 ml of staining buffer and passed cell suspension Comparison of all data between groups was done
through a cell strainer to eliminate clumps and debris, by one‑way analysis of variance test followed by
then collected cell suspension in a conical tube. The cell post hoc analysis. Parametric data were described as
suspension was centrifuged for 4–5  min  (300–400 xg) at mean  ±  standard deviation; the statistical significance of
4°C and the supernatant was removed. Red blood cell lysis the various tests was examined by two‑sided hypothesis
was performed. Samples were resuspended in 50 ml of testing. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
staining buffer and cell count, and viability analyses were Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows
performed using Trypan Blue.[17] version 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).
Flow cytometry analysis Ethical approval
Cells that had been taken from spleen were stained All of the experiments were undertaken in certified in
using antibody markers to assess CD4+  T cells subsets vivo laboratories at Pharmacology Laboratory of Brawijaya
percentages, including Th1, Th2, Th17, and Treg by flow University Research Centre, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
cytometry. Before Th1, Th2, and Th17 staining, cells were The studies and animal care have been approved by the
stimulated with phorbolmyristate acetate  (50 ng/ml; Health Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Medicine,
Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) and ionomycin (1 μg/ml; sigma) University of Brawijaya.
in the presence of Brefeldin A  (BD Pharmingen, San
Diego, CA, USA) for at least 4 h. Subsequently, the cells Results
were labeled with PE antimouse CD4  (Biolegend, USA). Outcome
Intracellular staining was performed using FITC antimouse
IFN‑γ  (Biolegend, USA), PerCP antimouse IL‑4  (Biolegend, Initially, ten mice were included in each group;
however, four mice in model control group and one
USA), and PerCP antimouse IL‑17A to detect Th1, Th2, and
mice in curcumin A group were dead before reaching
Th17, respectively.
32  weeks after pristane injection. Data from these mice
For the detection of Treg, cells were labeled with PE were excluded from the analysis of treatment efficacy.
antimouse CD4  (Biolegend, USA), PerCP antimouse CD25 Pristane‑induced mice treated with curcumin gained
(Biolegend, USA), and FITC antimouse FoxP3  (Biolegend, weight in a manner similar to that of model control and
USA). Staining was performed according to Biolegend normal control groups. There was no difference in body
manufacture protocols. All cells were analyzed using weight between various groups of mice. Mice treated with
Cellquestpro software. curcumin 200 mg/kg bw/day had the highest body weight
[Table 1].
Proinflammatory cytokines and autoantibody
assay Effect of curcumin on proteinuria
At 32  weeks postpristane injection, whole blood samples At the end of the study, urinalysis revealed that 2 out
of the mice were collected from their heart following of 6 mice in model control group and 2 out of 9 mice in

Table 1: Clinical Characteristics of Pristane Induced Lupus Mice on Each Group (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, and ***P<0.001
compared to model control group)
Normal Control Model Control Curcumin A Curcumin B Curcumin C
group (n=10) Group (n=6) Group (n=9) Group (n=10) Group (n=10)
Body weight (gr) 35.1±0.7 30.7±4.1 33.3±2.9 33.2±0.9 34.5±3.9
Significant proteinuria >300 mg/dl (n present/n total) 0/10 2/6 2/9 1/10 0/10
Arthritis score 0 50.7±14.5 21.8±11.4*** 19.8±6.4*** 17.2±5.6***
ANA levels (ng/dl) 2.95±1.52 39.6±5.7 27.4±16.7 15.9±14.2* 17.2±9.7*

3 Indian Journal of Rheumatology  ¦  Volume XX  ¦  Issue XX ¦  Month 2017

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

curcumin A group had significant proteinuria. One out Curcumin, especially with administration of
of 10 mice in curcumin B group also had a significant 50 mg/kg bw/day and 200 mg/kg bw/day, showed
proteinuria. Whereas, there was no mice from curcumin significantly lower serum ANA level compared to model
C group that had proteinuria. Therefore, curcumin control group [Table  1] (P  =  0.008 and P =  0.013,
can prevent the development of proteinuria in this respectively).
pristane‑induced lupus model.
Effects of curcumin treatment on Th1 and Th2
Effect of curcumin on arthritis and autoantibody percentages
production Th1  (CD4+  IFNγ +) and Th2  (CD4+  IL4+) percentages were
The presence of joint swelling and redness on all of the measured from spleen samples using flowcytometry
paws of the mice was assessed using arthritis score. [Figure  1a and b]. Daily dose of curcumin treatment on
Curcumin treatment reduced the arthritis score. With a pristane‑induced lupus mice decreased both Th1 and Th2
dose‑dependent manner  [Table  1],  (P  <  0.001, P <  0.001, percentages on dose‑dependent manner. Only in curcumin C
and P <  0.001 in groups treated with curcumin 12.5, 50, group that was able to decrease Th1 percentages significantly
and 200 mg/kg bw/day, respectively, compared to model lower compared to model control group [Figure 2a], (P = 0.031).
control group). However, in curcumin B and C group was able to decreased

Figure 1: Representative dot plots which illustrate (a) Th1 expressing CD4+ interferon γ+, (b) Th2 expressing CD4+ interleukin 4+, (c) Th17 expressing
CD4+ interleukin‑17A+, and (d) Treg expressing CD25+ FoxP3+

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

Th2 percentages significantly compared to model control group pristane‑induced lupus mice. Figure  1c showed Th17
[Figure 2b], (P = 0.045 and P = 0.017). expressed CD4+  IL‑17A+, whereas Figure  1d showed Treg
expressed CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+.
Curcumin did not alter the balance of Th1 and Th2
[Figure 2c], (P = 0.898). These results indicated that curcumin Daily curcumin administration for 16  weeks decreased Th17
reduced Th1 and Th2 percentages on pristane‑induced lupus (CD4+ IL‑17A+) percentages in the spleen of pristane‑induced
mice without altering Th1/Th2 balance. lupus mice in a dose‑dependent manner [Figure  3a].
Administration 50 and 200 mg/kg bw/day of curcumin
Effect of curcumin treatment on Th17 and Treg decreased Th17 percentages significantly compared to model
percentages control group [Figure 3a], (P = 0.039 and P = 0.005). In contrast,
A test had been conducted to prove whether curcumin tended to increase Treg (CD4+  CD25+  FoxP3+)
curcumin could affect Th17 and Treg differentiation on percentages in the spleen of pristane‑induced lupus mice in
a dose‑dependent manner [Figure 3b].


Figure 3: Effect curcumin on (a) Th17 percentages, (b) Treg percentages,
Figure 2: Effect curcumin on (a) Th1 percentages, (b) Th2 percentages, and (c) ratio of Th17/Treg percentages in spleen. The curcumin group
(c) ratio of Th1/Th2 percentages in spleen. The curcumin group showed a significantly decreased in Th17 percentages and ratio of
showed a significantly decreased in Th1 and Th2 percentages when Th17/Treg percentages. However, the increased of Treg percentages were
compared with model control group. Values are means, with their not significantly different between the groups. Values are means, with their
standard errors represented by vertical bars (n = 7–8). Mean values were standard errors represented by vertical bars (n = 7–8). Mean values were
significantly different from that of model control group mice: *P < 0.05, significantly different from that of model control group mice: *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01 (analysis of variance) **P < 0.01 (analysis of variance)

5 Indian Journal of Rheumatology  ¦  Volume XX  ¦  Issue XX ¦  Month 2017

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

We also found that curcumin altered Th17/Treg balance by to be having anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant, and antitumor
shifting it toward Treg differentiation in a dose‑dependent activities.[19] Various studies also found that curcumin could
manner [Figure 3c]. Th17/Treg ratios decreased significantly inhibit the complement cascade and alleviate a number of
in curcumin C group compared to model control group immune‑mediated diseases.[20‑22] In this study, we explored
(P = 0.024). the therapeutic effects of curcumin on SLE animal models.
This is the first study that aimed to investigate in vivo
Effects of curcumin treatment on proinflammatory
effects of curcumin on pristane‑induced lupus mice.
We found that mice that were treated with curcumin
Imbalance of CD4+  T‑cells subsets in SLE might be the showed significant decrease of arthritis score and ANA
result of an increase in proinflammatory cytokines, such as level compared to model control group. Our study results
IL‑6 and IFN‑α. We assessed serum IL‑6 and IFN‑α levels showed that there was no significant difference in body
of each group to evaluate the role of curcumin on these weight between various groups of curcumin‑treated mice,
cytokines production. similar with the finding of another studies.[23,24]
Doses of 12.5, 50, and 200 mg/kg bw/day curcumin Although SLE pathophysiology is a complex process,
reduced serum IL‑6 levels significantly compared to model many studies found that CD4+  T‑cells have major roles in
control group in a dose‑dependent manner [Figure  4a] the pathogenesis of SLE.[2‑4] Clinical deteriorations of SLE
(P  =  0.013, P =  0.011, and P =  0.007, respectively). have been reported to be correlated with the increase of
Administration of 200 mg/kg bw/day showed significantly Th1, Th2, and Th17 subsets and also the decrease of Treg
decreased IFN‑α serum levels compared to model control populations.[5] This study discovered that administration of
group (P = 0.003) [Figure 4b]. high doses of curcumin  (200 mg/kg bw/day) for 16  weeks
decreased Th1, Th2, and Th17 populations in the spleen of
Discussion pristane‑induced lupus mice, but not significantly increased
Curcumin is an active principle component isolated from Treg populations.
the rhizome of Curcuma longa[18] which have been proven
Previously, SLE was thought to be a Th2‑driven disease;[25]
however, recent reports showed that besides Th2, Th1 also
has an abnormal response in SLE.[2,26] Interestingly, in this
study, curcumin reduced both Th1 and Th2 populations
simultaneously in the same manner, which was showed
by similar Th1/Th2 ratios to model control group. This
result was somewhat different from the previous studies,
where most of them indicate that curcumin regulates the
shift from Th1 to Th2.[27] However, these previous studies
results were obtained from studies on Th1 dominant
diseases.[28,29] In contrast, in Th2‑driven disease, such as
allergic asthma, curcumin might reduce Th2 polarization.[30]
Added with our study results, it is possible that curcumin
may act differently in Th1/Th2 balance, depending on the
situation, in which component is dominant, Th1 or Th2. In
fact, it confirms that curcumin does not only inhibiting Th1
but also inhibiting Th2. Therefore, in Th1‑  and Th2‑driven
disease such as SLE, curcumin may decrease both Th1 and
Th2 populations simultaneously.
Other subsets of CD4+ T‑cells which have important roles in
the pathogenesis of SLE are Th17 and Treg. Recent reports
suggested that improving Th17/Treg balance might help to
reduce disease activity in SLE patients.[31] From our study,
we found that daily curcumin treatment for 16  weeks,
especially 200 mg/kg bw/day, could decrease Th17
b population and Th17/Treg ratios significantly compared
Figure 4: Effect curcumin on (a) interleukin‑6 (b) interferon‑alpha levels to control. However, there was only slight enhancement
in serum. The curcumin group showed a significantly decreased in of Treg population that can be seen after curcumin
interleukin‑6 and interferon‑alpha levels when compared with the model treatment. Previously, curcumin had been shown to be
control group. Values are means, with their standard errors represented
by vertical bars mean values were significantly different from that of model able to attenuate airway inflammation on mice models by
control group mice: *P < 0.05 (analysis of variance) increasing Treg and reducing Th17 functions.[32] Another

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Kalim, et al.: Immunomodulation effects of curcumin

study also showed that curcumin might reduce the Financial support and sponsorship
severity of acute graft‑versus‑host disease by regulating
We are grateful to Brawijaya University and Directorate
of Th17 and Treg functions.[33] Another study investigating
general of higher education  (DIKTI), for providing the
the effect of low doses curcumin treatment in human also
research funding.
revealed similar results.[34] Despite the facts, the roles of
curcumin treatment in mice model of SLE have never been Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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Indian Journal of Rheumatology  ¦  Volume XX  ¦  Issue XX ¦  Month 2017 8

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