2018 Week 1 Thursday

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Minggu : 1 Hari :Isnin Tarikh : 4/1/2018

班级/时间/科目 教学计划 效果/备注

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends (Grammar)
Topic: Unit 1 My Loved Ones
Year 3 Learning Standards: 5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately: (a) common nouns
9.10 – 9.40 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. state at least two common nouns that are used to name people, animals, things and places respectively.
Teaching Aids: Pictures
English Cross Curricular Elements/Educational emphases: Mastery Learning
1. Teacher shows some pictures and asks pupils to identify the names of the items in the pictures
2. Teacher introduces the topic (common nouns) and its four categories (people, animals, things and places).
3. Pupils are shown examples of common nouns for each category through the use of pictures.
4. Teacher states that common nouns are usually not capitalized unless they begin a sentence or are part of a title.
5. Teacher guides pupils to find the common nouns from the sentences provided (textbook-pg4&5).
6. Pupils give more examples of common nouns for each category.
7. Teacher guides pupils to conclude the lesson.

课题:1.0 科学技能 反思:
三年级 学习标准:1.1 了解有关科学程序的知识
9.40 – 10.10 内容标准:1.1.1 观察 1.1.2 分类
学习目标:1. 学生能说出科学技能(观察、分类) 2. 学生能说出图中应用了什么科学程序技能
教学步骤:1. 科学程序技能的理解(讲解)
2. 一起来观察
3. 一起来分类
4. 学生发表意见
5. 完成活动本练习
教具:电脑影片 跨课程元素(emk): 意识到科学即是对自然界的了解

课题 : 1 我们的国家遗产 (单元一 君主制度是国家主权的支柱)

内容标准 :6.1 王室机构 反思:
学习标准 : 6.1.1,6.1.2,K.6.1.5
10.30 – 11.30
学习目标 :在教学活动后,学生能够说出君主与政府的含义及君权与背叛的概念。
历史 跨课程元素 :创造与革新元素
教学活动 :1. 引导学生理解君主与政府的含义。
2. 说出君权与背叛的概念。
3. 向学生说明忠于君主的重要性。
道德价值 :忠诚
教学评价 :学生了解历君主与政府的含义及君权与背叛的概念。

课题:1. 成长花园一起游
内容标准:1.1 认识与了解成长期间的生理变化 反思:
11.30 – 12.00 学习标准:1.1.1 阐述发育的含义
1.1.2 阐述男生与女生发育的特征
1.1.3 阐述男生与女生发育时的个人变化
i. 阐述男生与女生发育时的个人特征和变化。
教学步骤: 1. 教师展示图表并讲解有关课题。
2. 教师引导学生辨别各种男生与女生发育的特征。
3. 学生举例在生活中所接触到的成长期间的生理变化。
4. 教师补充说明成长期间的生理变化的重要性。
5. 教师复述今日课题。
跨课程元素(emk): 道德价值
课题:1. 人类的繁衍
内容标准:1.1 认识与了解成长期间健康的身体发育 反思:
11.30 – 12.00 学习标准:1.1.1 认识男性和女性生殖器官的部位和名称。
1.1.2 了解男性和女性生殖器官的功能。
i. 阐述男生与女生发育时的个人特征和变化。
教学步骤: 1. 教师展示图表并讲解有关课题。
2. 教师引导学生辨别男性和女性生殖器官的部位和名称。
3. 学生举例在生活中所接触到的成长期间的生理变化。
4. 教师补充说明男性和女性生殖器官的功能的重要性。
5. 教师复述今日课题。
跨课程元素(emk): 道德价值
Theme: World of Stories
Topic: Unit 9 Goat and Goose, Unit 10 O is for Orange, Unit 11 Cat and Kid
Year 1 Language/Grammar focus: Review: Review: Row a.: /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
12.00 – 1.00 Row b.: /ɪ/ (i), /n/ (n), /m/ (m), /d/ (d)
Focus : Row c.: /g/ (g), /ɒ/ (o), /k/ (c), /k/ (k)
Main skill(s) focus: Listening
Content Standards: Main - 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Complementary - 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
Learning Standards: Main - 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target
language phonemes
Complementary - 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the alphabet
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. listen to and identify the letters through its sound and action.
ii. read the text and answer the questions
Cross Curricular Element: Language, ICT
Materials/References: Phonics Song (audio), LINUS Module Book 1
Learning Outline:
1. Sing the Phonics Song (audio)
Lesson delivery
1. Listen to the sounds and do the actions
2. Listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds
Post lesson
1. Read the text and answer the questions correctly with guidance

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