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EUC Installation Guide v1.0.

Air Transat (TS) Image Deployment

Systems Integration Group

Organization: EUC Practice

Document version: 1.1.0

Document Date: 6 OCT 2016

Control Level: Internal

ICP Approved: N/A

Copyright Notice
Confidential. Copyright © SITA. All rights reserved
The information contained in this document is the property of SITA. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retr ieval system,
or transmitted in any form, or by any means; mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior wri tten consent of SITA.
Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format. Legal action will be taken against any infringe ment.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not carry any contractual obligation for SITA. SITA
reserves the right to make changes to any products or services described in this document at any time without notice. SITA s hall not be held
responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of the use of the information contained in this document.
Revision History

Revision History
Revision Date Description Author

1.0.0 10/06/2015 Initial Release

Version Approved By Signed Date

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 4

2.0 FE support for Rollout Deployment ...................................................................................................... 5

3.0 Field Engineer’s High Level Overview ................................................................................................. 6

4.0 Overview of the Installation Process ..................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 Physical Hardware List ............................................................................................. 7
4.1.2 SITA EUC Imaging requirements .............................................................................. 7
4.1.3 Networking and Logistics .......................................................................................... 7
4.2 EUC Deployment Process Summary ....................................................................................... 8

5.0 HP ProBook Startup Configuration ...................................................................................................... 9

5.1 BIOS – Boot Order HP Laptop .............................................................................................. 9

6.0 Image Deployment Step-by-step (HP ProBook 750 G1 & 6570b) ......................................................... 10
6.1 How to Deploy a new EUC Engineering Image to a Laptop .................................................... 10

7.0 Network Configuration and SCCM Certificates ................................................................................... 13

7.1 Configure Laptop Network Settings .................................................................................. 13
7.1 Installing SCCM Certificate Manually................................................................................ 15

8.0 User Password Reset .................................................................................................................... 20

9.0 3M CR100 Document Reader (Passport Reader) ......................................................................... 22

9.1 Installing the hardware (3M CR100 Document Reader) ................................................... 22
9.2 Configuring the 3M CR100 Document Reader for Amadeus ........................................... 22
9.3 Testing the 3M CR100 Document Reader ........................................................................ 27

10.0 Printers Installation......................................................................................................................... 29

10.1 HP LaserJet Pro M401dne printer installation .................................................................. 29

11.0 Post Configuration Check .................................................................................................................. 33

11.1 SCCM Client....................................................................................................................... 33
11.2 Nomad Services .................................................................................................................. 34
11.3 Applications ........................................................................................................................ 34

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1.0 Executive Summary

This document covers the steps required by a field engineer to successfully deploy, configure and test the laptop being
deployed to support customer, Air Transat (TS), in their EUC implementation. During the initial deployment, SITA will
be responsible for the reimaging of agreed upon existing TS equipment.

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2.0 FE support for Rollout Deployment

Level Availability Contact Email Office Phone Cell Phone

Use In-
Country Toll
Not required since the team
1 24X7 SSD DSC Free number
covering 24*7
+ PIN code
Shehab Tawalbeh +962 (0)
Mohammad Al-Najjar +962
2 24 X 7 DSC Supervisors (0) 97774503
Ahmad Saadeh +962 (0)
3 24X7 EUC Practice 00962 (0) 796600678

Please use the following link to extract Country Toll Free Number.

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3.0 Field Engineer’s High Level Overview

Details to the following procedure overview will be found later in this document. This is just a high
level overview to assist the Field Engineer with key points during the deployment process. Detailed
Instructions found later in the document must be reviewed and followed to ensure that the imaging
process is 100% successful.
1. Identify and gather all your prerequisite software tools and supplies needed for imaging.
Consult your SITA Delivery Team site configuration sheet.
2. Identify the make and model number of the hardware you will be working on.
3. Configure the BIOS settings for correct startup procedures.
4. Insert the USB Flash drive and start the imaging process.
5. Configure the active LAN settings to Work NETWORK.
6. Configure Print devices for each workstation and perform a test print.
7. Obtain sign off that the workstation has successfully been upgraded and completed.

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4.0 Overview of the Installation Process

The TS EUC imaging process includes a standard Windows 7 Enterprise device.

All Field Engineers MUST be logged on to the workstations with the local administrator account to make
any changes. Please consult with your Delivery team if you have not been provided the password.

4.1 Prerequisites
The prerequisites for a successful site deployment will contain several key components. The physical hardware,
a site configuration worksheet, the customized EUC image for TS, and the post image software verifications.
The Field Engineer will also have to do some preliminary BIOS configurations if needed to ensure that the
deployment software executes as designed.

4.1.1 Physical Hardware List

 HP ProBook 650 G1
 HP ProBook 6570b

4.1.2 SITA EUC Imaging requirements

 16GB USB Flash Media containing the EUC Image and Deployment tools for TS Laptops

4.1.3 Networking and Logistics

The Field Engineer should complete all the parameters lusted in the configuration sheet for every site:
 LAN/WAN information: IP Addressing scheme, address range to use, etc. Commented [HA1]: If IP address assignment is using DHCP, no
need for this step
 LAPTOP Networking information: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server address,
Computer name, username and password for the LAPTOP.
 Workstation name (Will use the standard naming for TS)
 Time zone of the local site.
 A list of which peripherals will be attached to the computer.

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4.2 EUC Deployment Process Summary

This section summarizes the steps you will take to install the Laptop. Full details will follow later in this document.
To deploy images to Laptops, you must have a bootable USB Flash Drive containing the image you wish to
deploy on the customer laptop.
Once you have a working USB Flash Drive, the next step is to boot the laptop with it to make all the prerequisite
BIOS configurations. Launch the BIOS configuration utility (usually by pressing F10 on HP hardware) and
follow the detailed instructions later in this document to correctly configure the BIOS for deployment on the
various model laptops (This step may not need to be done if everything work out well with the installation)
Once the BIOS is correctly configured the laptop will be rebooted. The computer will now boot into an operating
system. After a minute, a screen displaying Windows Deployment will show and your laptops’ hard disk will be
formatted, and the customer’s image will be applied
As each Laptop is completed, the Deployment Engineer will be required to compile a list of all physical hardware
deployed. This includes all serial numbers and workstation names for every laptop deployed along with the
peripheral devices attached to them. This information should be clearly documented for future reference.
This information will be very critical when requesting maintenance and support for the equipment, as well as
taking an inventory of all equipment onsite and insuring everything the customer has purchased has been deployed

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5.0 HP ProBook Startup Configuration

NOTE: As a start you can skip this section and go to Section 6. If you face
problems with the installation like when laptop reboots, it starts installation
again, then follow the below steps to change the boot order.

Setting the laptop’s Boot order is a critical step to allow for the successful automated installation to complete
without errors. In the BIOS, please take the time to set the local internal Hard drive (HDD) as the primary
boot device.
If you are booting the laptop from a USB Flash drive, laptop should be already configured to boot from the
internal hard disk first. This is because you only actually temporarily boot from the USB Flash drive to
perform the Imaging process – any further reboots need to be to the internal drive where you are installing the
image on to insure a hands free installation.

5.1 BIOS – Boot Order HP Laptop

1. Power on the laptop.
2. At the HP Startup screen, Press F10 to enter the BIOS configuration utility. (If you missed your chance
please restart the laptop and press F10 again)
3. In the BIOS menu, Select the advanced menu

4. Select Boot Order option.

5. Cursor Key down to Legacy Boot Sources.
6. Validate that the boot order is similar to the above screenshot.

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6.0 Image Deployment Step-by-step (HP ProBook 750

G1 & 6570b)

6.1 How to Deploy a new EUC Image to a Laptop

The 16GB USB Flash Media used to deploy the TS image is USB 3.0 compliant. If there is a USB 3.0
port on the laptop being imaged, we highly recommend the use of the faster USB 3.0 port.

1. Power off the laptop that you are going to deploy if it is already powered on.
2. Locate your approved SITA USB 3.0 Flash Media for deployment and securely insert it into a USB port on
the laptop.
3. Power on the laptop – press F9 many times and you will access the boot menu, choose the USB model that
have the image and press enter.

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4. Select the USB HDD – (ADATA, Kingeston, SANDISK…etc), and then press Enter to boot from the USB

5. The LAPTOP will begin booting from the USB Flash Drive. You will see “Windows is loading files…” for
the first few seconds, then, the new Windows logo will appear.

6. The next screen shows that message will prompt you to enter the computer name in the text
box. Enter the computer name that should be existed in the configuration sheet.

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** Computer Name Naming Convention **

Naming Convention for TS Laptops is as (XXXLTYYYYYY) where:
i. XXX is the 3-letter IATA code of the Airport location (YUL, SJO, AMM, SJU,
ii. LT is the indication that this device is Laptop
iii. YYYYYY refers to Computer number Commented [HA2]: The question is for TS, what is this
7. If BIOS is configured correctly, everything else is automated from this point forward. The wizard will format
the hard drive, copy the required device drivers locally and the disk image will be transferred to the laptops hard
drive and installed. During the installation, the laptop will launch the Windows Setup, reboot several times, and
you will see multiple status screens.

8. Do not attempt to reboot or power cycle the laptop at this point. Some installation tasks may take longer than

9. When the installation is finished the system will automatically reboot and you will be prompted to login.
(DON’T Remove the USB from the laptop, unless below login screen appears to you)

If you see the above screen, then installation is finished. Now, post installation configuration
should be done manually by following the rest of the guide.

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7.0 Network Configuration and SCCM Certificates

7.1 Configure Laptop Network Settings

First, you need to configure the laptop with network details. TS IP addressing is dynamic and is assigned by Router DHCP.
1. As a start login to windows using Administrator account, use the below credentials:
Username: AirTransat.Admin
Password: TS@dmin2016
2. Connect by laptop wireless or ALFA wireless to local SSID wireless network. IP will be assigned automatically.
3. You will be prompted to define the network profile, choose Private network.
4. IF you are not prompted, Go to Network and Sharing Center, click on Public network

5. Click on Work network, as below screenshot.

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7.1 Installing SCCM Certificate Manually

Alongside to the Image USB, FE will get some data and files from Delivery Team. Laptop’s certificates are one of these data.
Copy the certificate to the Administrator Desktop. Click Start menu and enter MMC in the search box. Open MMC console.
Follow the below screen shots to install the correlated certificate of each laptop.
NOTE: keep in mind that the certificate should be the same as computer name.

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Browse to the location (AirTransat.Admin Desktop) to select the certificate.

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Click on Certificates under Personal store, three certificates will appear, move EUCMW-ROOTCA to Trusted Root
Certification store. And move EUCMW-SUBCA to intermediate Certification, as below screen shot.

Open windows services and restart SMS Agent Host

Wait 5 minutes and access control panel, click on Configuration manager. If the appeared window is similar to below screen
shot, then SCCM client has been connected to SCCM server. Otherwise, please re-check the certificates above.

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8.0 User Password Reset

It is requested from FE to reset the local user password; Delivery team will provide sheet contains the password for the user.
Default user password is: TSUser123
You should follow the following steps to reset the user password:
1. Go to Computer Management, by taking right click on My Computer icon.

2. Take right click on the user name and click Set Password.

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3. Enter in the two fields the password that exists in the configuration sheet.

4. Click OK and provide the local user the password.

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9.0 3M CR100 Document Reader (Passport


9.1 Installing the hardware (3M CR100 Document Reader)

3M CR100 Reader SW and Drivers are already installed inside the image; FE is required to configure the settings for this
device. First, you need to connect the document reader in the USB port you previously identified with the “PPR” sticker.
Windows 7 will automatically detect and install the drivers.

9.2 Configuring the 3M CR100 Document Reader for Amadeus

Once the document reader plugged in, you need to configure it for use with Amadeus.
Run the “3M CR Series Conig Utility”. This can be found in Start  All Programs  3M Swipe Reader  1.0.12 

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Click on “Settings”.

On the first tab, configure the following settings:

 Protocol = “RTE”

 Protocol Mode = “NATIVE”

 Baud Rate = “9600”

 Bits = “8”

 Parity = “NONE”

 Stop Bits = “2”

 Flow Control = “NONE”

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1- Click “OK” to apply the settings and then close the config utility.
Note: it’s possible the “Apply” button stays greyed out even though you make changes. Just
click “OK” to save the changes.

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2- Access the computer’s Device Manager. Under “Ports (COM & LPT)” you will find “3M CR
Series Virtual COM Port”. Double click on it.

3- Click on the “Port Settings” tab and configure the following settings:

 Bits per second = “9600”

 Data bits = “8”

 Parity = “None”

 Stop bits = “2”

 Flow control = “None”.

Click on “Advanced”.

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4- From the “COM Port number” drop down list, select “COM7”. Click “OK” on all the windows
to close them.


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9.3 Testing the 3M CR100 Document Reader

1- With the Document Reader connected, start the “MRZ Viewer” application. The icon should be
in start menu; you can find it in Start  All Programs  3M Swipe Reader  1.0.12 

2- You will get a pop-up window informing you that the MRZ Viewer has been initialised. Click
Use the test card provided in the box (or a passport). The text should be facing the red “3M”
logo and should be right-side up. You can scan from left to right or vice versa.
Once you’ve scan the card, the information should automatically appear in the MRZ Viewer.

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3- You can close the MRZ Viewer.

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10.0 Printers Installation

TS has two types for printers, either HP M401 or HP Pro M402-403. Both printers’ drivers can be found at local C drive
in the path of: C\SITA\Drivers.

Follow the below steps to install the printer driver:

10.1 HP LaserJet Pro M401dne printer installation

1. Proceed to the physical preparation of the printer. This includes removing safety tapes and packaging. Follow
the HP installation guide provided in the box.
2. Connect the power cord and turn on the printer but DO NOT connect it to the laptop yet.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions on the printer’s LCD to setup the following:
 Language = English
 Location = Canada
4. Connect the USB cable to the printer and the other end into the USB port you previously labelled as “P”.

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5. Windows 7 will automatically detect 2 devices. It will install drivers for one of them and give you an error for
the second one. The missing device will be “HP LEDM”. Insert the HP CD-ROM that came with the printer
into the CD-Drive. Do not run the autorun setup program. Or access C:\SITA\Drivers\LJ-M401-Full-
Solution-15188 for M401 printer model.
6. In the computer’s Device Manager, right click on “HP LEDM” and select “Update driver software…”.

7. Click on “Browse my computer for driver software”.

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8. Click on “Browse”.

9. Select the CD-Drive or navigate to C:\SITA\Drivcers folder and click “OK”.

10. Click “Next”.

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11. Windows will install the missing driver for the HP Printer (LEDM) device. Click “Close” when done.

12. In the computer’s Device Manager, confirm that all peripherals have been installed correctly.

13. In the computers “Devices and printers”, confirm that you now see an “HP LaserJet 400 M401dne UPD
PCL 6” device.
14. Print a test page on the newly installed printer and confirm that the printer is working properly.

Very Important: You must rename the printer as a ‘Generic Printer’

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11.0 Post Configuration Check

The following steps should be done while the Field Engineers are logged on as local administrator.

11.1 SCCM Client

FE should Verify the SCCM Client Agent is joined to the site
1. Go to Start->Control Panel and change the view by: Small icons and click on Configuration Manager
2. From the General tab. verify that the Site Code and Version appears as per below

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11.2 Nomad Services

FE should check both of Nomad Services if are installed and started. Go to services.msc and check if
both services are like the below screen shot.

11.3 Applications
FE should check Applications are installed or not on the image, below screen shot shows the applications
that need to be confirmed if installed. System Center EndPoint Protection may take about 10 minutes to
appear from the time SCCM client is joined to the site.

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