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 Re:  AL  Arcanorum  




Cosmic Evolution and Individual Initiation

13 —31

  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

First  Edition  
Limited  to  32  copies  
One  for  each  the  32  Paths    
(numbers,  letters  +  pairs  of  parentheses)  
of  the  Riddle  in  Liber  XXXI  II:  76  
the  32  Paths  of  Wisdom  
This  is  copy  number  
signed  in  red  by  the  Author  

All rights reserved

© ˆba/53 — R C Stein
Tonawanda, New York 14150

24 September 2014 e. v.
An Vo, ) in 0º `, x in 0º `
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

13 —31
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  


Cosmic Evolution and Individual Initiation

The manuscript of Liber L vel Legis, Liber XXXI,

contains the original Class A record of a riddle in Chapter
II: 76. Aiwass, the Minister of Hoor-Paar-Kraat, dictated
the riddle to Aleister Crowley on 9 April 1904.

Inherent within the entire manuscript of Liber XXXI

are directions for its preservation and interpretation:

I: (54) page 16 — Change not as much as the

style of a letter: for behold! thou o prophet, shall
not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.

II: 54 — The stops as thou wilt, the letters change

them not in style or value!

II: 75-76 — Aye! Listen to the numbers and the

words: 4638 ABK 2@ALGMOR 3YX (24)(89)
RPST On AL [Number:Letter :: Value:Sound]

III: 39 — for in it is the word secret + not only in

the English —

III: 47 — Then this line drawn is a key:

This line is the longest single pen stroke in
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

the entire manuscript. It points upward to

“chance shape of the letters” in the top line on
page 16. It does not occur in typeset versions of
Liber CCXX. It is part of the sentence:

This book shall be translated into all tongues: but

always with the original in the writing of the
Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and
their position to one another in these are
mysteries that no Beast shall divine.

III: 47 — Then this circle squared ¡ in its

failure is a key also.
In Hebrew cursive, Samech is a circle. On
the 3D Quantum Tree model the path of Samech
is double. It has four connections to Da’ath,
indicated by horizontal parentheses. They are not
numbers or letters, per se. They are present in
Liber XXXI, but not in typeset Liber CCXX.

III: 47 — And Abrahadabra.

The Great Work, Samech, Union of 5 + 6,
Microcosm and Macrocosm, K and C of HGA,
Man and his Universe, Vitriol.

Liber XXVII and Liber CCXXXI are Class A inspired

complements to Liber XXXI. The cosmic understanding of
the sephiroth on the 3D Quantum Tree of Life derives from
Liber XXVII. The individual initiatory paths correlate to
the Hebrew alphabet assignments in Liber CCXXXI.
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

The numerical values equate to the Hebrew alphabet,

which is alpha-numeric.

On the original Liber CCXXXI drawing for

Carcerorum Qliphoth in the London University manuscript
collection, Crowley descibes alternate arrangements for the
sigils — as a circle or as pillars.
General Design:
May be a wheel with 22 components on the rim.
The wheel has 8 spokes. At the corners are the
But the Pillar Scheme is equally good.
Note the change of h and w. [End note 1]

In a paragraph in the First Æthyr of Liber CDXVIII,

the Vision and the Voice in Equinox I (5): 170-171, the
Voice of the Angel (Class A) gives the character of each
trump in order. Liber CCXXXI relates them to the Hebrew
alphabet letters in the same sequence.

In the Syllabus of Official Instructions of AßAß

Hitherto Published, Equinox I (10): 45, it says: This is an
account of the cosmic process so far as it is indicated by the
Tarot Trumps.

In his Confessions, p. 674, Crowley writes: Liber

CCXXXI is a technical treatise on the Tarot. The sequence
of the 22 trumps is explained as a formula of initiation.

The present discussion of the paths on the Tree of Life

is specifically based on the above mentioned Class A texts.
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  


4— 4— Path of Daleth — Empress

Prima Materia (Alchemical Basis)
Gate to the Journey of the Aspirant
vs. Aspirant bound and blind, Innocent


6— 6— Path of Vau — Hierophant

Sacred Law, Levels of Initiation. Æon of Horus
vs. The Guide, RHK, Tree of Life [End note 1]
3— 3—Path of Gimel — High Priestess
Nature, Nuit, Sacred Ideal, The Veil of Isis
vs. Creation — Fire, Air, Water, Earth
8— 8— Path of Cheth — Chariot
The Path, Seeking the Grail
Sun / Black sun — Light comes from dark
vs. Higher self, Dormant Aspirant
Thistle / Camel — Abyss [End note 2]


A— 1— Path of Aleph — Fool

Beginnings, Origin, Whirlings, Gilgalim, Chaos
Tohu (wht, Formless), Bohu (whb, Empty), and
Cheshek (˚çj, Dark) — Genesis I: 2
vs. Voice from Silence,
Let there be light (rwa yhy, Light) — Genesis I: 3
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

B— 2— Path of Beth — Magus, Perfected Man

Pillars of Tree of Life, Guide
vs. Day and Night, Path through Underworld
Boat of Ra — Tahuti at prow, Ra-Hoor at Helm
K— 60— Path of Samech — Temperance (a Virtue)
K sound of C, alone or as in X (X) — Briatic
Knowledge aspect of K & C of HGA
K (60) + C (60) of HGA = 120
Tree of Life as map for Aspirant, QST Promise
vs. Renewal
CRC cycle, Phoenix rising anew (New Æon)

2 —10 Path of Yod (20 = dwy spelled in full) — Hermit

Wisdom (a Virtue), Lamp of Light
vs. Ignorance, Darkness. Light involuted, inverse
@— 20— Path of Kaph (Jupiter) — Wheel of Fortune
Secular life forces, Karma
Rajas, Sattwa and Tamas (RST = RST)
Passion, Goodness and Darkness
vs. Stagnation

A— 5— Path of Heh — Aries — Emperor

Domain — Microcosm — Salt, Sulfur, Mercury
Purification by I(gnis) fire, A(qua) water
vs. Secular law, Dominion, Ruler with chain of office
L— 9— Path of Teth — Leo — Strength, Fortitude
(a Virtue)
Babalon riding the Beast 666, Lust
vs. Baphomet, Lion Serpent
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

G— 7— Path of Za’in — Gemini — Lovers, Brothers

Love — Cupid, Amor — Coagula
vs. Discord — Eris — Solve


M— 40— Path of Ma’im — Hanged Man

Beginning of Spiritual Life, Baptism
Golden Dawn, Enlightenment from East (RHK)
vs. Cosmic Baptism, Cleansing; Deluge, Noah (NVH)
O— 60— Path of Samech — Temperance (a Virtue)
S sound of C, alone or as in X (K+C), Yetziratic,
Greek Xi, X, by sound and alphabetic position
Speech, Conversation with Holy Guardian Angel
vs. CRC cycle with rebirth (Old Æon)
Phoenix rising (New Æon)
R— 80— Path of Peh — Tower
(Greek Rho, R, and Hebrew Qoph, q, used below)
Higher World
Destruction from Enlightenment
Abyss, Dark Night of the Soul
— 90, Star, Initiation
Y— 80, Tower, Dark side, Dissolution
[— 70, Devil, Temptation, Adversity
vs. House of God, Mundane

3— 30— Path of Lamed — Justice (a Virtue)

Balance, Adjustment, Equilibrium
Tree of Life with Veils of Negative Existence
vs. Imbalance, Disequilibrium
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

Y— 90— Path of Glyph — — Black Sun

but is not the Star — Liber XXXI I: page 18.
Dark side Initiation, Brothers of Left Hand Path
[Geburah to Yesod, hidden. On 3D Quantum
Tree it connects at Yesod to Tzaddi (90) and
resonates with it. They are easily conflated.]
vs. Black Brothers
X— 90— Path of Tzaddi — The Star
Fishhook, x, described in Class A Liber VII V: 5
Light side Initiation, Right Hand Path, Lightning
vs. Uninitiated life, thought, Delusion

DA’ATH (Knowledge)

These paths relate to Hebrew Final letterforms and

paths to the pillars and crosspillars. Most are hidden on the
2D Tree of Life model. There are no related sigils for them
in Liber CCXXXI. On the 3D Quantum Tree model, four
sephiroth — Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth and Yesod —
occur between phases on the Middle Triad. [End note 3]

Paths from Da’ath to Middle Triad Pillars in Briah

2— 500— Path of Kaph (20) final (˚) to Chesed.
It connects to Chokmah via Path of Vau.
4— 600— Path of Ma’im (40) final (µ) to Geburah.
It connects to Binah via Path of Cheth.
(— 700— Path of Nun final (ˆ) to Tiphareth, Lower Phase.
It connects to Yesod via the Path of Samech (60).
)— 700 — Path of Nun final (ˆ) to Yesod, Upper Phase.
It connects to Tiphareth via the Path of Samech (60).
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

Paths from Da’ath to Middle Triad Crosspillars in Yetzirah

8— 700— Path of Nun final (ˆ) to Tiphareth or Yesod in

Lower and Upper Phase respectively.
It connects to Netzach via the Path of Nun (50) in both
9— 800— Path of Peh final (π) to Chesed.
It connects downward from Chesed to Hod via the
Path of Ayin (70).
(— 900— Path of Tzaddi final (≈) to Geburah.
It connects from Geburah to Yesod, Upper Phase via
the Path of the Glyph (90).
)— 900— Path of Tzaddi final (≈) to Geburah.
It connects from Geburah to Yesod, Lower Phase via
Path of the Glyph (90).


The Rainbow — QST, tçq — The Promise

R— 100— Path of Qoph (chance shape of Hebrew letter)

Emerging enlightenment
Passing from Pisces to Aries (New Æon)
vs. Moon phases (Reflection from Sun), lllusion
Elements (3), Planets (7), Zodiac (12)
P— 200— Path of Resh — Sun
Greek Rho, R, Helios, Enlightenment
Full light, Reciprocity (man, 69; gods, neters)
vs. Shadow, Restriction
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

S— 300— Path of Shin — Æon — Perfection

Judgment, Apocalypse
Pyramid (Pharaoh becomes Osiris)
Fool, Initiate, Perfected Man (New Æon)
Perfected Man as Magus, Prophet, Guide
vs. Hidden God (Old Æon)
Non Patebo — I will not be exposed, extended


T— 400— Path of Tau — Universe or World

Singularity — “god” state — Universe
Ascent to Kether (or Ain)
vs. Duality — “man” state — World
Return to World as Magus, Prophet


Dark Side — Crosspillars — NOX

(X)— 90— Path of Glyph — Black Sun

Dark side Initiation (see above)
O— 70— Path of Ayin — Devil — [Chesed to Hod]
Sophia (Sofia) and Eros (Eroı), Union
vs. Horus (emasculate) / Set (blind) cf. RHK / HPK
Adversity, Challenge, Temptation
n — 50— Path of Nun — Death
Lower case form for Greek Nu
Renewal, Rebirth, Light, Formula of 120
vs. Grim Reaper — Saturn, Osiris — Dark god
Time, Darkness, Formula of 210
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

S (60) + M (40) + K (20) = 120 = Light side
X = K (60) + C (60) = 120 = Samech
O (70) + N (50) = 120 = God, Sun
N (50) + O (70) + X (90) = 210 = Dark side

In the beginning God created the heavens and the

earth. And the earth was without form (wht, tohu), and void
(whbw, bohu), and darkness (˚çj, cheshek) was upon the face
of the deep (µym, ma’im, waters) And God said: Let there be
light (rwa yhy,, Iehe Aur). Genesis I: 1-3

[(Kether and Malkuth are displaced above and below
as worlds of Atziluth and Assiah on a 2D Tree of Life
model. Da’ath is hidden, eclipsed by Middle Triad

A— 1— A(donai)— God / Man below the Abyss

— between Malkuth and Da’ath
L— 30— (A)L — Supreme God above the Abyss
— between Da’ath and Kether

A (a, 1) + L (l, 30) = AL (la, 31), Law

= 13 = Love (hbha), Unity (dja)
= 3 + 1 = 4 (d, Daleth), Prima Materia

The return to the Beginning — to God, la, AL

  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  


Seek beauty, for in beauty is eternal truth revealed.

Initiation involves both Knowledge (K = Da’ath) and

Conversation (C = Tiphareth) with one’s Holy Guardian
Angel, as t[dw hwla hwhy, Eloah v Da’ath, the God of Da’ath
and Tiphareth in Assiah.

The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion

The Fool and the Magus
? and !
A and L

Love is the law, love under will

13 — 31
  Thelema  Re:  AL  Arcanorum  

End note 1:
In Liber CCXXXI text, line 4, for Heh (h), it says:
Now riseth Ra-Hoor-Khuit, and dominion is established in the star of the flame.
The text symbolically matches the Emperor (a face with a chain of office
to the Microcosmic pentagram, his domain, with its alchemical elements and
purification by fire and water.

In Liber CCXXXI text, line 5, for Vau (w) it says:

Also is the Star of the Flame exalted, bringing benediction to the universe.
The qliphothic sigil shows a Tree of Life outline with lights at the Briatic
sephiroth. These lights represent the benediction brought by the Hierophant. The
Mercuric sigil shows a flaming circle. The letters within form two hidden
pentagrams that indicate stages of initiation and Crowley’s motto (V.V.V.V.V.) as
a Master of the Temple The eye of Horus [New Æon designation] is at the center.

In Liber XXXI I: page 13 it says:

Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the east at the Equinox of the
Gods…. Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating.
There is word to say about the Hierophantic task
This establishes Ra-Hoor-Khuit as Initiator / Hierophant. He brings his
message to the Microcosm in the Æon of Horus.

The assignment of Hebrew letters remains unchanged, even though the

Mercuric sigils for Heh and Vau exchange position. Crowley specifically states on
the manuscript that this is correct. Its meaning may become clear some day. Liber
CCXXXI, Class A, is not subject to change.

End Note 2:
In the Book of Lies, Kefalh MB, 42, Dust-Devils, Crowley relates the paths
of Daleth and those from Kether.

End Note 3:
Proposed Hebrew final letterforms from Da’ath to Middle Triad sephiroth:

Pillar Severity Middle Pillar Mercy

Title Information Inspiration / Aspiration Revelation

in Briah to V Geburah VI / IX Tiphareth / Yesod IV Chesed
via: Ma’im (µ) Parentheses ((ˆ) Nun (n) Kaph (˚)
continues to: III via Cheth VI / IX via Samech II via Vau

Title Science Question / Conversation Religion

in Yetzirah to V Geburah VI / IX Tiphareth / Yesod IV Chesed
via: Peh (π) Parentheses (ˆ) Nun (n) Tzaddi (≈)
continues to: IX via Glyph VII via Nun VIII via Ayin

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