Peace - Message of God

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Peace- The Message of God:

Every religion has its own importance, values, and customs. In this world, each and every religion has
stated that its only motto is peace. The personality of an individual depends a great deal on the
religion he/she is following. Today all the religions are making this point clear that it is not for
violence, but for peace and an individual is free to follow his own religion. Then why people like
Gaddafi is making statements like Europeans should take up Islam as their religion?

A free individual should always be free to follow his heart. Bureaucrats related to religion should
preach peace and not think about how to make people think of taking up their religion. If the
bureaucrats are so smart, then they should be in politics, thinking how to include more and more
people in their political party.

I am not against any religion, nor am against any bureaucrat. But is this the correct way to preach a
religion?? In India, there are several religions. People accept each other as their brothers and sisters.
Every religion has its own principles. Two common things among all the religions is “God-The
Supreme Power” and “Peace- God’s own message”. Then why are these sorts of comments are being

Today, the world is a global village. People are trying to know people and are trying to adapt to each
other’s cultures. Peace is the common theme and God is its power. People are trying to learn the
moral values more and more. Even a layman knows that violence will lead him to hell. In such an
environment, there are also people who talk indirectly to ruin this peace. My question is simple-
Why? Why are they doing this? What are they actually trying to do? A deep thought about these
questions bring out another big question- Are we heading towards the third world war under the
guidance of these people?

Son (Crying): “Mom, X took all my tiffin in the school today. He kicked me. I could not do anything.”
Mom (Angry): “How dare him!!! Son! You are my son and the follower of ………. Why did you come
back here after being beaten up? Go now! Beat X and come back like a brave soldier.”
Dad: “Here son, take this gun. Go and use it.”……………………….. Is God teaching His followers to take
the path of violence? No! It’s the guardians. In some cases, guardians are the parents who are
influenced by their guardians or social/religious leaders or bureaucrats.

Its time when we should make people aware that peace is the most important message of God and
that the people misleading them are only thinking of their personal profits. It’s time to be united and
stand against all those selfish people. It’s time to act more sensibly. We cannot let this go on. It has
to be stopped.

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