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OFDM for Cognitive Radio: Merits and Challenges

Article in IEEE Wireless Communications · May 2009

DOI: 10.1109/MWC.2009.4907554 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

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Istanbul Medipol University


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OFDM for Cognitive Radio: Merits and Challenges

Hisham A. Mahmoud, Tevfik Yücek, and Hüseyin Arslan
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENB-118, Tampa, FL, 33620
E-mail:{hmahmoud, yucek},

Abstract—Cognitive radio (CR) is a novel concept that allows is one of the most widely used technologies in current wireless
wireless systems to sense the environment, adapt, and learn from communications systems. OFDM has the potential of fulfilling
previous experience to improve the communication quality. How- the aforementioned requirements of CR inherently or with
ever, CR needs a flexible and adaptive physical layer in order to
perform the required tasks efficiently. In this paper, CR systems minor modifications. Because of its attractive features, OFDM
and their requirements of the physical layer are discussed and has been successfully used in numerous wireless standards and
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique technologies. We believe that OFDM will play an important
is investigated as a candidate transmission technology for CR. role in realizing CR concept as well by providing a proven,
The challenges that arise from employing OFDM in CR systems scalable, and adaptive technology for air interface.
are identified. The cognitive properties of some OFDM-based
wireless standards are also discussed in order to indicate the In this paper, OFDM technique is investigated as a candidate
trend toward a more CR. for CR systems. CR features and requirements are discussed
in detail, and OFDM’s ability to satisfy these requirements is
explained. In addition, we go through the challenges that arise
I. I NTRODUCTION from employing OFDM technology in CR.
With emerging technologies and with the increasing number The article is organized as follows. In Section II, OFDM
of wireless devices, the radio spectrum is becoming increas- technology is introduced and a basic system model for OFDM-
ingly congested everyday. On the other hand, measurements based CR is presented. Section III discusses the merits of
show that wide ranges of the spectrum are rarely used most OFDM technology and its advantages when employed by CR
of the time, while other bands are heavily used. Depending systems. Challenges to a practical OFDM-based CR system
on the location, time of the day, and frequency bands, the and possible solutions are addressed in Section IV. Section V
spectrum is actually found to be underutilized. However, those looks into present and future technologies that use OFDM with
unused portions of the spectrum are licensed and thus cannot Cognitive features. Section VI concludes the article.
be used by systems other than the license owners. Hence, there
is a need for a novel technology that can benefit from these
opportunities. cognitive radio (CR) arises to be a tempting
solution to spectral crowding problem by introducing the OFDM is a multicarrier modulation technique that can
opportunistic usage of frequency bands that are not heavily overcome many problems that arise with high bit rate com-
occupied by licensed users (LU) [1]. CR can be defined as munications, the biggest of which is time dispersion. The data
an intelligent wireless system that is aware of its surrounding bearing symbol stream is split into several lower rate streams
environment through sensing and measurements; a system that and these streams are transmitted on different carriers. Since
uses its gained experience to plan future actions and adapt to this splitting increases the symbol duration by the number
improve the overall communication quality and meet user’s of orthogonally overlapping carriers (subcarriers), multipath
needs. echoes affect only a small portion of the neighboring symbols.
A main aspect of CR is to autonomously exploit locally Remaining inter-symbol interference (ISI) is removed by ex-
unused spectrum to improve spectrum utilization. Other as- tending the OFDM symbol with a cyclic prefix (CP). Using
pects include interoperability across several networks, de- this method, OFDM reduces the dispersion effect of multipath
vices, and protocols; roaming across borders while being channels encountered with high data rates and reduces the
able to stay in compliance with local regulations; adapting need for complex equalizers. Other advantages of OFDM
the system, transmission, and reception parameters without include high spectral efficiency, robustness against narrow-
user intervention; and having the ability to understand and band interference (NBI), scalability, and easy implementation
follow actions and choices taken by their users to learn and using fast Fourier transform (FFT).
become more responsive over time. The focus of this paper In this paper, we assume a CR system operating as a
is the first aspect, i.e. CR’s ability to sense and be aware secondary user in a licensed band. The CR system identifies
of its operational environment, and dynamically adjust its available or unused parts of the spectrum and exploit them.
radio operating parameters accordingly. For CR to achieve this The goal is to achieve maximum throughput while keeping
objective, the physical layer (PHY) needs to be highly flexible interference to primary/licensed users to a minimum. An
and adaptable. A special case of multicarrier transmission example of such a CR system could be the IEEE 802.22
known as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) standard-based system where the spectrum allocated for TV


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Fig. 1. OFDM-based CR system block diagram. All of the layers can interact with the Cognitive engine. OFDM parameters and radio are configured by the
Cognitive engine.


Standard FFT Size CP Size Bit per symbol Pilots Bandwidth Multiple Accessing
IEEE 802.11 (a/g) 64 1/4 of FFT size 1, 2, 4, 6 4 20 MHz CSMAa
128, 256, 512, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
IEEE 802.16 (d/e) 1, 2, 4, 6 variable 1.75 to 20 MHz OFDMA∗ /TDMA∗
1024, 2048 of FFT size
IEEE 802.22 1024, 2048, 4096 variable 2, 4, 6 96, 192, 384 6, 7, and 8 MHz OFDMA/TDMA
1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
DVB-T 2048, 8192 2, 4, 6 62, 245 8 MHz NA
of FFT size

a carrier sense multiple accessing (CSMA), orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA)

channels is reused. In this case, the TV channels are the mental characteristics, by simply changing the configuration
primary users and the standard-based systems are the sec- parameters of the OFDM system (see Table I for some example
ondary users (see section V-B for more details). A block parameters) and the radio frequency (RF) interface. Note that
diagram of the CR-OFDM system considered in this paper coding type, coding rate, interleaver pattern, and other medium
is shown in Fig. 11 . The cognitive engine is responsible for access control (MAC) and higher layer functionalities etc.
making intelligent decisions and configuring the radio and should also be changed accordingly.
PHY parameters. The transmission opportunities are identified
by the decision unit based on the information from policy III. W HY OFDM IS A G OOD F IT FOR CR
engine as well as local and network spectrum sensing data. As OFDM’s underlying sensing and spectrum shaping capa-
far as the PHY layer is concerned, CR can communicate with bilities together with its flexibility and adaptivity make it
various radio access technologies in the environment, or it can probably the best transmission technology for CR systems. In
improve the communication quality depending on the environ- the following, we present some of the requirements for CR and
explain how OFDM can fulfill these requirements. A summary
1 Some OFDM functions are skipped or simplified in order to keep the of these requirements and strength of OFDM in meeting them
figure simple. are presented in Table II.

TABLE II …wtxyqxz rqxvq


CR Requirements OFDM’s Strength
Inherent FFT operation of OFDM eases spec- m n om on pm pn
Spectrum sensing
trum sensing in frequency domain. qrstuvvwxv wyzx{
Waveform can easily be shaped by simply ƒ„‚ Shaping...
Efficient spectrum
turning off some subcarriers where primary
users exist.
OFDM systems can be adapted to different
m n om on pm pn
transmission environments and available re-
sources. Some adaptable parameters are FFT
qrstuvvwxv wyzx{
size, subcarrier spacing, CP size, modulation,
coding, subcarrier powers. Fig. 2. Spectrum sensing and shaping using OFDM.
Techniques such as multiple-input multiple-
Output (MIMO) are commonly used with
Advanced antenna
OFDM mainly because of the reduced equal-
techniques performance [5]. In these sensing algorithms, the availability
izer complexity. OFDM also supports smart
antennas. of FFT circuitry in OFDM systems eases the requirements on
With WLAN (IEEE 802.11), WMAN (IEEE the hardware. Moreover, the computational requirements of the
802.16). WRAN (IEEE 802.22), WPAN (IEEE spectrum sensing algorithm is reduced as the receiver already
Interoperability 802.15.3a) all using OFDM as their physical
layer techniques, interoperability becomes eas-
applies FFT to the received signal in order to transform the
ier compared to other technologies. received signal into frequency domain for data detection.
Support for multiuser access is already inher-
Multiple accessing ited in the system design by assigning groups
and spectral allocation of subcarriers to different users (i.e. orthogonal B. Spectrum Shaping
frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)).
After a CR system scans the spectrum and identifies active
NBI affects only some subcarriers in OFDM LUs, other rental users, and available opportunities, comes
NBI Immunity systems. These subcarriers can be simply
turned off. the next step: spectrum shaping. Ideally, it is desired to allow
cognitive users to freely use available bands in the spectrum.
It is desired to have a flexible spectrum mask and control
over waveform parameters such as signal bandwidth, power
A. Spectrum Sensing and Awareness
level, and center frequency. OFDM systems can provide such
One of the most important elements of CR concept is the flexibility thanks to the unique nature of OFDM signaling. By
ability to measure, sense, learn, and be aware of important disabling a set of subcarriers, the spectrum of OFDM signals
operating conditions. This includes parameters related to the can be adaptively shaped to fit into the required spectrum
radio channel characteristics, availability of spectrum, inter- mask2 . Assuming the spectrum mask is already known to the
ference temperature, and radio’s operational environments. In CR system, choosing the disabled subcarriers is a relatively
addition, the system should be aware of user requirements simple process.
and applications, available networks infrastructures and nodes, An example of spectrum sensing and shaping procedures in
local policies and other operating restrictions. CR should be OFDM-based CR systems is illustrated in Fig. 2. The two LUs
able to identify and exploit the unused parts of the spectrum are detected using the output of the FFT block, and subcarriers
in a fast and efficient way. In OFDM systems, conversion that can cause interference to these LUs are turned off. The
from time domain to frequency domain is achieved by using transmitter then uses the unoccupied part of the spectrum for
FFT. Hence, all the points in the time-frequency grid of the signal transmission.
OFDM system’s operating band can be scanned without any
extra hardware or computation thanks to the hardware reuse
of FFT cores. Using the time-frequency grid, the selection of C. Adapting to the Environment
bins that are available for exploitation (spectrum holes) can be Adaptivity is one of the key requirements of CR. By
carried out using simple hypothesis testing. In [2, 3], FFT is combining gathered information (awareness) with knowledge
applied to the received signal. By using the output of FFT, the of current system capabilities and limitations, CR can perform
receiver tries to detect the existence of a primary user in the various tasks. CR can adapt its waveform to interoperate with
band. In [3], more than one FFT output (averaging in time) other friendly communication devices, choose the most appro-
is used. However, averaging in time increases the delay or priate communication channel or network for transmission,
temporal overhead. In [4], the averaging size (number of FFTs) and allocate best frequency to transmit in a free band of
is adapted in order to increase the efficiency in a cooperative the spectrum. The system waveform can also be adapted to
sensing environment. Primary user’s signal is usually spread compensate for channel fading, and null any interfering signal.
over a group of FFT output samples as the bandwidth of OFDM offers a great flexibility in this regard as the number
primary user is expected to be larger than the considered of parameters for adaptation is quite large [6].
bandwidth divided by the FFT size. Using this fact, the FFT
output is filtered for noise averaging in order to obtain a better 2 See Section IV-E for more details and for more advanced algorithms.

An OFDM-based system can adaptively change the mod- E. Interoperability

ulation order, coding, and transmit power of each individual Interoperability is defined as the ability of two or more
subcarrier based on user needs or the channel quality [7]. This systems or components to exchange information and to use the
adaptive allocation can be optimized to achieve various goals information that has been exchanged [12]. Since CR systems
such as increasing the system throughput, reducing bit error may have to deal with LUs as well as other cognitive users,
rate (BER), limiting interference to LUs, increasing coverage, the ability to detect and encode existing users’ signals can
or to prolong unit battery life. In multiuser OFDM systems, expedite the adoption and improve the performance of CR
subcarriers allocation to users can be done adaptively as well systems. Furthermore, some recent unfortunate disasters man-
to achieve the same goals [8]. ifested the importance of interoperability in terms of wireless
One of the attractive features of OFDM for broadband communications for the first responders. CR has the potential
communications is its ability to operate using simple one tap to improve the disaster relief operations by developing the
equalizers, in the frequency domain. To maintain this feature, coordination among first responders [13].
the subcarrier spacing in set to be less than the channel To achieve interoperability, OFDM is one of the best
coherence bandwidth. In addition, to avoid ISI, the system signaling candidates. OFDM signaling has been successfully
appends a CP to each symbol with a duration longer than the used in various technologies including IEEE 802.11a and IEEE
channel maximum delay spread. Based on estimated channel 802.11g Wireless LAN standards, digital audio broadcast-
parameters, an OFDM-based CR system can adaptively change ing (DAB), digital video broadcasting (DVB), and WiMAX.
the length of the CP to maintain an ISI-free signal while OFDM has been used in both short range and long range
maximizing the system throughput [9]. communication systems. Hence, a CR system employing
Similarly, OFDM system can adaptively change the sub- OFDM can communicate with systems using other OFDM-
carrier spacing to reduce inter-carrier interference (ICI) or based technologies with much ease. Only the knowledge of
peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) [9], the data subcarrier signal parameters of intended users is needed (see Table I).
interleaving to reduce BER [10], or even the used pilot However, for such task to be successful, the system needs
patterns [11]. to know all standard-related information required to decode
The adaptivity in OFDM systems can be performed either the signal, such as the data and pilot mapping to the fre-
at algorithm level or at parameter level. In classical wireless quency subcarriers, frame structure, and the coding type and
systems, usually algorithm parameters, e.g. coding rate, have rate. More importantly, the RF circuitry of the CR system
been adapted in order to optimize the transmission. However, needs to be flexible enough to accommodate different signal
in cognitive OFDM systems, algorithm type, e.g. channel bandwidths and center frequencies. As a result, CR should be
coding type, can also be adapted in order to achieve interop- built around a software-defined radio architecture to provide
erability with other systems and/or to further optimize system required flexibility to the system.
performance. To achieve such adaptivity, a fully configurable
hardware platform would be needed. IV. C HALLENGES TO C OGNITIVE OFDM S YSTEMS
D. Multiple Accessing and Spectral Allocation As an intelligent system with features such as awareness,
adaptivity and learning, CR represents the future of wireless
The resources available to a cognitive system have to be
systems with the promise of offering solutions to various
shared among users. Several techniques can be used to achieve
communication problems. However, with this new technology,
such a task. OFDM supports well-known multiple accessing
new challenges appear, raising interesting research topics.
techniques such as time division multiple access (TDMA),
These challenges can be grouped into three categories as
frequency division multiple accessing (FDMA) and carrier
illustrated in Fig. 3. The first category includes the challenges
sense multiple accessing (CSMA). Moreover, code division
that are unique to classical OFDM systems such as PAPR,
multiple access (CDMA) can be used together with OFDM,
and sensitivity to frequency offset and phase noise. The second
in which case the transmission is known as multi-carrier code
category includes problems faced by all CRs such as spectrum
division multiple access (MC-CDMA) or multicarrier direct
sensing, cross layer adaptation, and interference avoidance.
spread code division multiple access (DS-CDMA).
Our main focus in this article is on the third category:
orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), a
challenges that arise when OFDM technique is employed by
special case of FDMA, has gained significant attention recently
CR systems. In the following, we discuss major challenges
with its usage in fixed and mobile Worldwide Interoperability
to a practical system implementation as well as some of the
for Microwave Access (WiMAX). In OFDMA, subcarriers are
proposed approaches for solving these challenges.
grouped into sets each of which is assigned to a different user.
Interleaved, randomized, or clustered subcarrier assignment
schemes can be used. Therefore, OFDMA offers very flexible A. Multiband OFDM System Design
multiple accessing and spectral allocation capability for CR So far we have considered the more conventional single
without any extra hardware complexity. The allocation of band systems. In single band CR-OFDM systems, the available
subcarriers can be tailored according to the spectrum avail- portion of the spectrum is occupied by a single OFDM signal.
ability. The flexibility and support of OFDM systems for If LU exist within the used band, the CR system shapes
various multiple accessing techniques enable interoperability the OFDM signal as to avoid interference to those users
and accelerate the adoption of CR in future wireless systems. as shown in Fig. 2. For systems utilizing wide bands of

†‡ˆ‰ Š’“”“•Ž broadband transmit/receive switch at the antenna, desensitiza-

Š‹ŒŽŽ‘ –Œ—“’ tion due to adjacent LU interferers, and fast band hopping to
Š‹ŒŽŽ‘ avoid interference to occupied bands [17]. Frequency synthe-
Š’“”“•Ž £¯°¦­¨±² sizers that can operate in seven bands [18, 19], nine bands [16],
žŸž ˜Œ—“’™†‡ˆ‰ ³°Ÿ¨©¥³ª¥´ ¤ ¨
 ¡ ¢ ³³ µ¬ ° and even 12 bands [17] have been presented recently.
£¤¥¦§¨©¥ª«¬­ª©¥ Š‹š›Žœ““œ ¬ž¥­¶¬¯­¨· ¬¨­ª©¥¥¦
° °° ° If single-band transmission is employed, there might be
®®® ŒŽŽ‘ ¬¸©ª¶¬¥¦° many subcarriers that are deactivated. In such a case, the
®®® efficiency of FFT algorithms can be increased and the ex-
ecution time can be decreased by removing operations on
input values which are zero; a process known as pruning.
Designing effective pruning algorithms specific to CR-OFDM
is an important subject for achieving higher performance [20].
Fig. 3. Research challenges in CR and OFDM.
B. Location Awareness
Geolocation information can be used to enable location-
the spectrum, multi-band signaling approach –where the total
based services, optimize the network traffic, and adapt the
bandwidth is divided into smaller bands– can prove to be
transceiver to the environment. Applications utilizing location
more advantageous over using single band signaling. This
information can be grouped into four categories; location-
appears to be more significant if the detected free parts of
based services, network optimization, transceiver algorithm
the spectrum are scattered over a relatively wide band. While
development and optimization, and environment character-
using a single band simplifies the system design, processing
ization. Although some of the existing wireless networks
a wide band signal requires building highly complex RF
have a miniature utilization of location information, CR is
circuitry for signal transmission/reception. High speed analog
expected to have a more comprehensive location information
to digital converters (ADC) are required to sample and digitize
utilization [21, 22].
the wideband signal. In addition, higher complexity channel
OFDM signaling can be used to obtain the geolocation
equalizers are also needed to capture sufficient multipath signal
information in CRs [23] without the need for any external
energy for further processing. On the other hand, multi-band
positioning systems. Pilot sequences (preambles), which are
signaling relaxes the requirements on system hardware as
commonly used in OFDM systems for synchronization, can
smaller portions of the spectrum are processed separately.
be used for acquisition and tracking of units’ locations. In
Dividing the spectrum into smaller bands allows for better
the literature, both time and frequency domain techniques
spectrum allocation as well.
are proposed to estimate the time of arrival (TOA) using
For OFDM-based CR, the question becomes when to use
received OFDM signal. Existing wireless local area network
multi-band and when to use single band. Given a certain
(WLAN) systems are being studied for indoor positioning
scanned spectrum shape, choosing the number of bands de-
applications while MB-OFDM based UWB is proposed for
pends on various parameters. Required throughput, hardware
high precision applications. Such positioning capabilities help
limitations, computational complexity, number of spectrum
OFDM to fulfill another requirement of CR.
holes and their bandwidth, and interference level are examples
of what could affect a cognitive system choice.
It is worth mentioning that multi-band OFDM (MB-OFDM) C. Signaling the Transmission Parameters
is employed in ultra wide band (UWB) systems. Instead of In a CR system, communication units sense the surrounding
using a single band UWB signal, the spectrum is divided into environment and gather up information that can be used to im-
sub-bands (with approximately 500 MHz bandwidth each) and prove the communication link. Based on gathered information,
OFDM signals are used to transmit data over each band [14]. the system selects transmission parameters such as LU bands,
However, while UWB is one of the applications of MB- spectral mask, operating frequency, coding, and modulation.
OFDM, it is only limited to a specific scenario where all While some of these parameters can be detected blindly by
sub-bands have almost equal size, and OFDM signals used intended receivers, other parameters need to be known prior
in sub-bands are identical in other parameters such as CP size to establishing a communication link. Distributing information
and subcarrier spacing. among communication units rather than using local sensing
From a practical point of view, designing a cost effective reduces the complexity and improves the performance of the
multi-band transceiver with high performance has been studied system. Thus, it is crucial for the success of CR to successfully
in the literature [15–19]. On most proposed transceivers, direct distribute such information to other cognitive units.
conversion architecture is used to eliminate the need for image One approach is to dedicate a communication channel to
rejection filters, and relax the bandwidth requirements for the exchange measured information and transmission parameters
baseband filters and converters [15, 16]. The challenges that among cognitive units. However, this requires that a channel
face the implementation of a broadband multi-band OFDM be predefined (or licensed) for that purpose. As a result, the
system includes the need for wide range frequency synthe- ability of cognitive units to adaptively operate within any
sizers, broadband circuits and matching, gain switch in the given unlicensed band becomes dependent on the availability
low noise amplifier (LNA) without degrading the input match, of such channel. Moreover, as the number of units in the

same cell increases, the amount of information that needs to neighboring subcarriers. However, the obvious disadvantage
be distributed increases as well. This can result in a huge of this method is again the reduction of spectral efficiency.
overhead that the dedicated channel can not handle. A method that reduces interference to spectrum holes
Other approaches solve the distribution problem by either while keeping high spectrum efficiency is proposed in [27]
reducing the information overhead or by improving the per- and [28] and is referred to as active interference cancellation
formance of blind detectors. For example, in OFDM systems, and cancellation carriers, respectively. Instead of disabling
based on the scanned channel, waveform is adjusted by turning subcarriers adjacent to spectrum holes, a much smaller number
off some subcarriers in order to exploit the available spectrum of those adjacent subcarriers is used to reduce the interference
holes (see Fig. 2). The receivers, however, should be informed leaked to spectrum holes. The cancellation subcarriers are
about detected spectrum holes (or which subcarriers are deacti- pre-calculated to reduce subcarrier sidelobes inside spectrum
vated). The overhead is reduced by sending a vector containing holes. This technique achieves significant reduction of adjacent
disabled subcarriers rather than sending the spectrum sensing channel interference. The disadvantage of this technique is the
results. One method to further reduce the overhead is proposed increase in overall system complexity due to the calculation
in [24]. The activation/deactivation of subcarriers is performed of cancellation carrier values for each symbol. In addition, for
over a block of subcarriers instead of individual subcarriers. larger spectrum holes, more cancellation carriers are needed to
Hence, the signaling overhead can be reduced by a factor of the maintain the desired interference level. Analog or digital filters
block size. On the other hand, instead of sharing the spectrum can also be used to filter-out the unwanted spectral components
sensing information, tone-boosting can be used [25]. Once a of the OFDM signal prior to transmission. However, since
cognitive unit detects a LU signal within the band, it sends a the spectrum mask on a CR signal needs to be adaptive,
tone with maximum power but with a very short time duration the use of analog filters is not practical. On the other hand,
over the detected signal band. The purpose is to inform other digital filters introduce an increase in the system computational
users that a LU exists within this band. Thus, the probability complexity and processing delay. Other methods to reduce
of interference to LUs is reduced, which is one of the main OFDM interference to adjacent channels are presented in [29,
purposes of spectrum sensing. Meanwhile, the short duration 30].
of these tones causes no interference to LUs. Fig. 4 shows an example of a CR system which is using
an OFDM signal with FFT size of 256 subcarriers and cyclic
prefix of 8 samples. A LU signal spanning three subcarriers 25,
D. Synchronization
26, and 27 is detected. It is desired to minimize the interference
Synchronization is an important issue that needs to be to the LU. In case I, the CR system disables subcarriers 23
addressed in OFDM system design. With the introduction though 29. A spectrum hole with 15 dB depth is achieved.
of CR, conventional synchronization methods become insuffi- In case II, the OFDM symbols are windowed using a raised
cient. The NBI, which can interfere with the preamble, is one cosine window with a roll-off factor of 0.25 while keeping
of the problems [26]. Furthermore, the incomplete subcarrier subcarriers 23 through 29 disabled. The cyclic prefix is also
set might be an issue for preambles. Pilots as well may fall extended to 64 samples in order to preserve the orthogonality
into unused subcarriers. Moreover, if multiple accessing is em- of the signal. In this case, the interference power is reduced
ployed, subcarriers are assigned to different users. To keep the to 30 dB of the original signal power. Finally, in case III, the
orthogonality between subcarriers and to avoid interference, CP is kept to 8 samples, subcarriers 25 to 27 are disabled,
all users should be synchronized to the receiver. In [26], it and subcarriers 23, 24, 28, and 29 are used as cancellation
is shown that longer preambles are required in CR-OFDM subcarriers. A significant spectrum hole deeper than 70 dB is
systems as compared to conventional systems. In addition, new achieved in this case.
preamble structures are introduced and their performances for
time and frequency synchronization are investigated.
E. Mutual Interference As CR concept is attracting more interest everyday, recently
The sidelobes of modulated OFDM subcarriers are known developed standards are considering more cognitive features.
to be large. As a result, there is power leakage from OFDM Dynamic frequency selection (DFS), transmit power control
signals to adjacent channels. In addition, used subcarriers’ (TPC), and spectrum sensing are just a few examples of
power leaks to nulled subcarriers which causes interference, features that are included in some of the current standards.
known as mutual interference, to LUs. Various techniques are These standards can be considered as a step towards the
proposed in the literature to reduce this leakage and to enable future implementation of a CR. In this section, some example
co-existence of cognitive-OFDM systems with primary users. OFDM-based standards which utilize cognitive features are
One technique is to window the time domain OFDM symbols. introduced.
However, spectrum shape improvement comes at the cost of
longer OFDM symbol duration and thus reduces the spectrum
efficiency of the system. Another approach is to increase the A. IEEE 802.16
number of nulled subcarriers to achieve lower interference One of the technologies that is getting a fair amount of
levels to LU bands as most of the interference is caused by interest lately –in both academia and industry– is IEEE 802.16

B. IEEE 802.22
10 user band
IEEE 802.22 standard is known as CR standard because
of the amount of cognitive features that are employed. These
cognitive features include channel sensing, LUs detection,
−10 DFS, and TPC. Even though IEEE 802.22 standard is not
−20 finalized yet, the current draft proposal is based on OFDM
PSD (dB)

−30 transmission and it is anticipated that the final version will be

the same. The IEEE 802.22 standard is designed for a fixed
point-to-multipoint communication topology where the base
station (BS) acts as the master mandating all the operation
−60 parameters of users within the cell. And while the users
−70 Case I (slaves) can share sensing information with the BS through
Case II
−80 Case III distributed sensing, it is up to the BS to change a user transmit
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
power, modulation, coding or operating frequency.
Normalized frequency (subcarrier index) One of the most distinctive feature of IEEE 802.22 standard
is its sensing requirements which is based on two stages: fast
Fig. 4. PSD of cognitive system OFDM signal with a spectrum hole over and fine sensing. In the fast sensing stage, a coarse algorithm
LU band. is employed, e.g. energy detector. The fine sensing stage is
initiated based on the previous stage results. However, a more
detailed and powerful sensing methods are used in this stage.
(WiMAX). OFDMA PHY mode is probably the most interest- A BS can distribute sensing load among subscriber stations
ing mode supported by WiMAX. In this mode, users can be (SS). The results are returned to BS which uses these results
assigned different bandwidths, time durations, transmit power for managing transmissions.
levels, and modulation orders based on various parameters Another challenge in designing the IEEE 802.22 standard is
such as user carrier-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (CINR), the initialization of new users who desire to communicate with
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) or the available the BS. Unlike current wireless technologies, frequency and
bandwidth. Moreover, OFDMA PHY offers multiple FFT time duration of the initialization channel is not predefined.
sizes, CP sizes, and pilot allocation schemes. The FFT size In other words, initial users have to scan parts (if not all)
can be selected as 128, 256, 512, 1024 or 2048 depending of the TV bands to find the BS operating frequency and
on the transmission bandwidth3. Similarly, the CP length time. In addition, users should be able to differentiate between
can be set to 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 times the OFDM incumbent signals and the BS signal. This could prove to
symbol length. The CP size can be changed depending on the be very challenging especially if the BS is operating over a
environment characteristics. With all these adaptive features, combination of multiple frequency bands.
WiMAX has the ability to adapt to various channel conditions
and communication scenarios. C. IEEE 802.11
WiMAX standard is also rich in terms of advanced an-
The WLAN standard, IEEE 802.11a/g, is probably the most
tenna techniques as well. Available methods include adaptive
commonly known OFDM-based standard. The main standard
antenna systems (AAS), space time coding (STC), selected
is upgraded to have cognitive features with IEEE 802.11h and
mapping (SM), collaborative SM, antenna selection, antenna
IEEE 802.11k standards. IEEE 802.11h is designed to allow
grouping, MIMO precoding, STC sub-packet combining, fre-
estimation of channel characteristics and DFS. In addition,
quency hopping diversity combining (FHDC), and adaptive
TPC is incorporated as well, providing the system with more
MIMO switch. The standard use of these techniques is not
control over signal range and interference level. The purpose
directly related to CR, but rather to increase the spectral
of the IEEE 802.11h standard is to allow WLAN systems to
efficiency and increase the overall throughput of the system.
share the 5-GHz spectrum with primary users (e.g. military
However, advanced antenna techniques could be used to
radar systems).
achieve some of the CR goals as well. For example, the
Note that the DFS proposed for the aforementioned stan-
CR transmitter can exploit location awareness to focus its
dards can be considered as channel switching or frequency
radiation only in the direction of intended receivers using
hopping technique. Thus, it can be applied to any transmission
adaptive beamforming [31, 32]. On the other hand, the CR
technology and is not exclusive to OFDM. However, it is
receiver can use the same technique to adaptively cancel the
also noteworthy to mention that many recent published articles
interference caused by unintended transmitters [33]. The goal
have proposed new methods to facilitate DFS use for OFDM
is to achieve coexistence of WiMAX devices in unlicensed
systems. OFDM subcarriers are split into subchannels that can
bands. Furthermore, methods for coexistence with primary
be disabled, enabled, or assigned to multiple users, according
users are also developed.
to sensing measurements. These recent studies can be divided
into two categories: addressing the reduction of interference
3 This is known as scalable OFDMA. Various FFT sizes are used to keep between different subchannels [28–30], and addressing the
the subcarrier spacing constant for different transmission bandwidths optimization of the subcahnnel allocation process [34, 35].

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VI. C ONCLUSION [18] J. Lee and D. Chiu, “A 7-band 3–8 GHz frequency synthesizer with 1
CR is an exciting and promising technology that offers ns band-switching time in 0.18 m CMOS technology,” in Proc. IEEE
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a solution to the spectrum crowding problem. On the other [19] A. Ismail and A. Abidi, “A 3.1 to 8.2 GHz direct conversion receiver
hand, OFDM technique is used in many wireless systems for MB-OFDM UWB communications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid State
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[20] R. Rajbanshi, A. M. Wyglinski, , and G. J. Minden, “An efficient
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